vi-cross - !V_Vv!

17 posts

Vi-cross - !V_Vv! - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago


I haven't stopped thinking about this

Art? I guess??

(I had the idea of if Michael had his hair braided, he could wrap it around his neck like a scarf. I thought that sounded fun so I drew that)


Writing at the bottom says "hello ageain, Archivist. It seems you've made me your assistant."

"The eye isn't letting Micheal go and you made Micheal ME"

(Spelling mistakes are on purpose)

I've been referring to this as the "still at the archives au"

Might think of something better later (feel free to suggest any ideas!!)

Plus a little guy from my doodle page


Anyway, this au will probably get more thoughts and art fyi

Tma au in which even becoming the distortion doesn't get Michael out of his archival assistant job so now they just have this creature of pure insanity labeling files for them

(Yes, this was thought of while listening to that one blooper scene)

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5 months ago

Tma au in which even becoming the distortion doesn't get Michael out of his archival assistant job so now they just have this creature of pure insanity labeling files for them

(Yes, this was thought of while listening to that one blooper scene)

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6 months ago

The Sherlock gnomes movie (sequel to gnomeo & Juliet) is literally just Sherlock and Watson going through the most dramatic break up and then very quickly realizing that they still and always will love each other. then they get back together while subsequently ending things with Sherlock's long term homoerotic enemy

It's an entire movie relating Sherlock and Watson to Romeo and Juliet

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6 months ago

In the last two or so weeks, I finished both the Magnus archives and the BBC Sherlock show

I am so significantly less normal than I was last month

(Magnus archives, not protocol. No spoilers please)

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6 months ago

Me: starting to read the original Sherlock books bc silly autistic guy solving crime with his boyfriend in the mid-late 1800's (with full knowledge that John will get married to a lovely woman at some point)

Me starting book 3 (opens with: "I haven't seen Sherlock in quite some time due to my wedding and moving out"): THEY BROKE UP!? It's only book 3! At least Sherlock attended the wedding in the queerbait show! What do you mean they've lost contact????

(On the plus side: Irene is gonna show up in a second. Yippee)

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6 months ago
Kind Of A Rough Sketch, But I Liked The Reference And It Was Pretty Fun

Kind of a rough sketch, but I liked the reference and it was pretty fun

okay but someone draw Jesper glaring at Kaz like this

Okay But Someone Draw Jesper Glaring At Kaz Like This

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6 months ago

Sorry, but Mal is not bi. He's tumbled half the First Army girls, Zoya, etc but nowhere was there ever a hint he's bi. Nikolai on the other hand...

Ever heard of a headcanon?

Having fun, perhaps?

Ok- but in all seriousness, reader perception of a finished text really can't be argued. I saw how Mal talked about Nikolai and thought it was relatable from the angle of a heavily closeted bisexual while you saw it as a straight man being protective over his girlfriend. Literally everyone who read the book has an entirely different perspective on the text and because it's a finished work, everyone is right. That's the great part of reader interpretation! As long as the exact opposite isn't stated in text and it doesn't contradict the text, canon kinda is whatever everyone makes it


Let people have fun!

And yes, I agree about Nikolai

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6 months ago

Sometimes I'm having a good day and then I remember that "Tante Heleen" is not her actual name, it's just what she makes the menagerie girls call her


Because "Tante" means aunt in Kerch. So she's making the menagerie girls call her aunt Heleen

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7 months ago

Alina: saints Mal, why can't you believe that I'm seriously not into Nikolai??

Mal: because he's so charming and hot, how could you not be into him?

Alina: not everyone falls for him. I mean, are you into him?

Mal: ...

Alina: Mal

Mal: ...

Alina: are you into Nikolai?

Mal: he's hot ok!

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8 months ago

Please help us by sharing . Reblog the last post me on your page so that we can collect donations and get out of the war. You are our hope. I will be very grateful to you . Donate 10$ enough the change my life❤️🙏🏼🇵🇸

I'm not great at saying things in text so this is a short post, but yes, of course I'll help

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8 months ago

Hi! : )list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox of the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you!


1. My family

2. My friends

3. My special interests. Six of crows right now

4. My hobbies. I recently got into book binding and am have a ton of fun

5. Dressing how I do. If you don't know me irl, that might be a bit out of no where, but I tend to dress in ways that get people barking at me in hallways

My list is a bit basic, I know, but honestly I'm at a point right now where I'm happy and these things are why.

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8 months ago

I will never not be upset Wylan never sang in the show


Have you ever heard Jack Wolfe sing??


Jack Wolfe - I'm Alive Next to Normal (West End) – 7/12/24 Cast: Caissie Levy (Diana), Jamie Parker (Dan), Jack Wolfe (Gabe), Eleanor Wort

I know nothing about this musical, but I heard Jack Wolfe sing this one song and I decided this musical is great

Do I know what's going on? No

All I know is that I am in absolute awe at this guy's voice

I know the only time in cannon where Wylan did sing was when he sang the Fjerdan anthem and that's not during any of there scenes in the show, but like- the show's already canceled, I might as well lament about things that didn't actually matter in the first place

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9 months ago

Nikolai about Zoya at some point: I do kinda like it when she's mean to me. Hopefully that's more of a philosophical defect than a weird sexual thing

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11 months ago

We gather here today to be reminded yet again that shadow and bone has the perfect casting

vi-cross - !V_Vv!
vi-cross - !V_Vv!
vi-cross - !V_Vv!
vi-cross - !V_Vv!
vi-cross - !V_Vv!
vi-cross - !V_Vv!

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11 months ago

Thinking about how cool it would’ve been if the Soc spinoff used Wylan’s knowledge of Fjerdan to expand on his friendship with Matthias, like when Matthias didn’t know the Kerch word for snow goggles in the book and he didn’t want to ask Nina he just pointed to them and said “keep your eyes covered” instead, but we could have had him turn to Wylan and say:

“Lamb. How do you say snow goggles in Kerch?”

And then Wylan would say “snow goggles” in Kerch (/English for audience purposes) and then Matthias would tell everyone to put their snow goggles on and we would see both Nina and Jesper seething right up until their eyes were covered - especially because Nina would understand what Matthias had just said.

1 year ago

Why did they bring Milo?

I know it was to calm Jesper down n' stuff but like- what?? How on earth did the conductor know Jesper would need Milo? If it was Kaz, I'd probably accept it no questions asked because he *knows* Jesper, he always has some weird plan but no! The conductor, who does not really know Jesper, somehow knew!

Either I'm missing something or he just looked at Jesper and said, "hmm, that man needs a goat!"

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1 year ago

Inej, coming back from her fight with Dunyasha

Kaz, eyeing the blood on her trousers

Inej: don't worry, it's not mine

Kaz: good

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