Netflix Trip By AJR Really Hit Different
Netflix Trip by AJR really hit different
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More Posts from Wellensittich01
You ever think about the power we’d have if you could somehow control the butterfly effect? I drop this muffin on the floor and kill the president in exactly 3 days and 2 seconds from now. You could do anything.
Shazam Headcannon:
The Vasquez family believe that to become superheros, they have to say The Word. But what if they still have their powers in their younger forms, just not in such an obvious way?
Victor and Rosa notice it first. There’s an aura around their kids that wasn’t there before. It’s like an energy; alive and powerful. They work together much better than before too, with more energy and more co-ordination. They complete their chores like individual parts of a well oiled machine. The couple put it down to them growing up.
Outside of the home, if a kid at school or a stranger bumps into one of the shazamily, 9/10 times they receive an electric shock for their trouble; A small bolt of static electricity passing from one body to another. It’s most noticeable in Billy, who’s shocks are particularly strong. They blame it on the soft hoodies and beanies he always wears.
Freddy, although still struggles, finds it just a little bit easier to get up the stairs than he used to. He can’t remember the last time his leg had a bad day.
Mary’s eyes don’t get as tired when she revises for tests, and new information sticks in her brain like she’s known it for years. By the end of the year her grades average out just a little bit higher than usual.
Darla wins first place at her sports day for the first time ever, beating the other kids in the sprint with ease. The coach comments to her guardians that he’s never seen a kid run like that, says she’s ‘truly a marvel.’
Pedro starts to lift a bit more weight than before when he goes to the gym, and his punches land more firmly on the bag. Sometimes, he comes home without even breaking a sweat.
Eugene’s computer and gaming tablet never needs charged anymore either. The battery life somehow lasts a lot longer than it used to.
The Vasquez kids think they’re only super when they suit up, but they have always been hero’s in their hearts. What if they just need some time to grow into their powers?
Despite never really being into the Star Wars fandom here I am scrolling Gifs of baby Yoda at 3am
The Area 51 tomorrow
TIL Nintendo’s Just Dance 2020 will be its last ever game for the WII and damn....I’m getting a bit teary eyed rn...