A New Hope - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

6 years ago

Things I don’t really see people talking about from Solo:

-They had Lando pronounce Han “Hān”

-and made it REALLY SUPER clear that parsecs were a unit of distance (but made doing the Kessel run in 12 parsecs still really impressive)

-just to cover some relatively minor plot holes from the original trilogy

-and I absolutely loved it.

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1 year ago

Today I present to you an absolutely non-delusional analysis I’ve made for over a year now. The song “Man on the Moon” by Alan Walker and Benjamin Ingrosso reminds me of Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader’s story in the events of the Original Trilogy. The more I listened to this song, the more I felt it was made for them so I will proceed to explain:

“What happens in dreams where we fly?”

It’s the first line in the song, and casually one of the first introductions that is given to us about Luke’s character. He feels stuck, head full of dreams about flying away from the desert lands of Tatooine into the wonders of the galaxy

“Never been as high as tonight”

The battle of Yavin. Not only is Luke high up in the sky, but it’s a high point in his life. It’s the start of his long journey on a crucial mission which he succeeds, but that comes with pressure

“Staring through a window in time for someone to show me what I’m like”

The forever iconic horizon scene. The horizon acts as a window in time through which Luke stares into nothing and everything, thinking about the future that could await him. He hopes to find answers to all the questions he has about his past but everything just seems to make him more confused

“He said hello, it’s like a mirror in the sky”

The vision in the cave. When Darth Vader’s helmet falls to the ground and explodes, Luke sees his own face inside. That’s the mirror of his fear, the reflection of what he could become

“Oh boy, we looking good tonight and I just don’t understand”

Luke’s first duel with Darth Vader on Bespin in which he decides to tell him the truth, the big revelation. He is his father and this stuns him as well as his emotions. At that moment Luke is vulnerable physically and emotionally: defenseless, one hand and his weapon missing, clinging onto a bar to keep himself from falling and fighting to deny what has just been told to him. Vader tries to use this vulnerability as a way of turning Luke, but he can’t understand his restraint as if saying “Imagine how great it would be if we could rule the galaxy together as father and son, I don’t understand why you won’t cave into temptation and join the dark side”

“I met the man on the moon”

Initially Luke thought that the Death Star was a moon. That makes Vader, the man on the Death Star, the man on the moon

“I met the man on the moon, he wore his hat to the side”

When Vader asks Luke to remove his helmet so he can look at him with his own eyes for the first and last time

“I met the man on the moon, he asked if I had a light”

This part is difficult to explain, but it’s in Vader’s last moments that he understands Luke “gave him light” (made him understand that there was still good in him) but it was too late

“He told us to hold it together, we’re falling apart”

When Vader tells Luke that he was right. “You were right, you were right about me. Tell your sister you were right” acts as a sort of reassurance and a way of letting him know that nothing was in vain. Yes, his death couldn’t be prevented, but now he would die as a good man. They are both falling apart in different senses: Vader is literally falling apart, falling into his inevitable death. Luke is emotionally falling apart, grieving for the death of the man he saved but couldn’t save at the same time

“Lost, all my tears have turned to dust”

The Ewok celebration is seemingly a time to celebrate freedom, the threats of the Empire are finally gone. Happiness arises while Luke tries to process what he just lived, he feels lost. The dust can represent the ashes of the fire in which his father is being burned

“Maybe somebody is calling us, the man on the moon”

This can represent two scenes:

The one where Luke is talking to Leia about how he must face Vader and try to turn him back to the light. His instinct is calling for him to go and attempt to save their father, the man on the moon

And the one where Luke sees the force ghosts of his former mentors and his father. His father out of his suit, not as Darth Vader anymore, but as Anakin Skywalker

English is not my first language so there might be some mistakes, but I needed to share this and finally get it out of my system

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10 months ago
Jedi Master Rhydon Kenobi Of The Jedi Order; Jedi General Of The Republic Clone Army. Jedi General Of
Jedi Master Rhydon Kenobi Of The Jedi Order; Jedi General Of The Republic Clone Army. Jedi General Of
Jedi Master Rhydon Kenobi Of The Jedi Order; Jedi General Of The Republic Clone Army. Jedi General Of
Jedi Master Rhydon Kenobi Of The Jedi Order; Jedi General Of The Republic Clone Army. Jedi General Of
Jedi Master Rhydon Kenobi Of The Jedi Order; Jedi General Of The Republic Clone Army. Jedi General Of
Jedi Master Rhydon Kenobi Of The Jedi Order; Jedi General Of The Republic Clone Army. Jedi General Of
Jedi Master Rhydon Kenobi Of The Jedi Order; Jedi General Of The Republic Clone Army. Jedi General Of
Jedi Master Rhydon Kenobi Of The Jedi Order; Jedi General Of The Republic Clone Army. Jedi General Of
Jedi Master Rhydon Kenobi Of The Jedi Order; Jedi General Of The Republic Clone Army. Jedi General Of
Jedi Master Rhydon Kenobi Of The Jedi Order; Jedi General Of The Republic Clone Army. Jedi General Of

Jedi Master Rhydon Kenobi of the Jedi Order; Jedi General of the Republic Clone Army. Jedi General of ARC Commander Zeus and the 101st Legion. Jedi commander of the 101st Fleet and Grand Admiral Whitney Thomas. Son of Obi-Wan and Siri Kenobi; Twin Brother of Katelyn Kenobi, and Eldest Brother of Miranda Kenobi. Stepson of Duchess Satine Kryze, Eldest Half-Brother of Elisa Kenobi and Anya Kryze. Husband of Zarina Kenobi Née Fett, Taylor Bosworth, and Sierra Sommers; Father of Thomas Kenobi, Sofia Kenobi, and Jango Kenobi; Father of Kimberly Kenobi and Orion Kenobi II; Father of Harry Kenobi, Gwen Kenobi, and Zoey Kenobi. The former apprentice of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Master of Zayla Secura and Thomas Kenobi. Known as The Protector.

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4 years ago
The Friends Obi-Wan Kenobi Made Throughout His Life Cover The Whole Spectrum. Haha Oh Obi-Wan.
The Friends Obi-Wan Kenobi Made Throughout His Life Cover The Whole Spectrum. Haha Oh Obi-Wan.

The friends Obi-Wan Kenobi made throughout his life cover the whole spectrum. Haha oh Obi-Wan.

Cant find the actual tumblr post, I either saw it first on instagram or here... probably instagram but here it is

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