Dean Thomas - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
oakensheilded - Fictional Character Enthusiast

honestly, the only ones I could find that weren't drawn

I stumbled across a Draco X Neville fanfic and kinda liked it so yeah

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2 years ago

and the malfoys. and the blacks.

probs all of harry's roomates too. oh and harry. amd tonks.

if the weasley family was real i'd have a crush on all of them lol

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1 year ago

bonnie wright now having a child wow most of the harry potter kids are parents now having children of their own the only former harry potter kids that i know of who don’t have children yet is emma watson who played hermione granger tom felton who played draco malfoy alfred enoch who played dean thomas matthew lewis who played neville longbottom harry melling who played dudley dursley evanna lynch who played luna lovegood but i have no idea if the phelps twins who played the weasley twins have kids i thought i read somewhere that they have children i know they are both married but i don’t know if they have kids or not i might be wrong or right either way all i can say is and i bet all you harry potter fans like myself must fell old now knowing the kids from harry potter are all grown up having kids starting a family of their own getting married🥲

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12 years ago
Dumbledores Army
Dumbledores Army
Dumbledores Army
Dumbledores Army

Dumbledore’s Army

(I followed this list to be extra sure and also checked every character on IMDB to see who played them. No one was ever cast for Terry Boot, Anthony Goldstein or Marietta Edgecombe okay? Also, Nigel and Colin are together because in my head Nigel is Dennis Creevey)

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3 years ago

SMILES AND DIMPLES — dean thomas


summary: y/n loves deans dimples

pairing: dean thomas x fem!hufflepuff!reader

warnings: none

type: fluff

y/n walked into the gryffindor common room, with the help of hermione of course. she spotted dean sat on the couch with seamus and neville. they seemed to be in deep conversation due to the fact that none of them had noticed y/n standing behind them.

"hello" the three jumped at the sound of her voice. all them whipping around to see the girl standing there.

"blimey y/n! you almost gave me a heart attack!" seamus exclaimed as he put a hand to his heart, the two other boys doing the same. y/n giggled instantly putting a smile on deans face. dean could listen to the sound of y/n's laughter all day and never get sick of it.

dean grabbed her hand pulling her twords him. y/n smiled as he pecked her lips beige sitting down in his lap. dean giggled at the girl before wrapping his arms around her waist.

y/n looked to dean seeing the indents of his dimples on his cheek. she smiled before lifting a finger and poking them. she watched dean laugh at the gesture before trying the reach his lips and kiss her fingers, but failing as he did so. they two blinked as a flash of light hit them.

the two looked over to she collin standing with his camera and seamus and neville laughing their arses off.

"what did he do?" y/n asked neville as she watched collin walk away.

"why do think it was me who did something?!" seamus exclaimed.

"because it usually is..." dean sighed rembering all the times seamus blew things up in the past.

"he paid collin 2 sickles to get you two on the front page" neville told them as he chuckled.

y/n leaned forward and smacked seamus on the side of the head watching dean and neville laugh as seamus half the side of his face.

a/n: hope you enjoyed! <3


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3 years ago

WHY DO YOU HATE ME? — dean thomas


summary: dean finally has enough of y/n and confronts her

pairing: dean thomas x fem!gryffindor!reader

warning: strong language, kissing

type: angst?, fluff at the end

dean say at the gryffindor table listening to the conversations around him. neville was going on and on about plants while seamus was trying to figure out a way to not blow things up.

"wow, dean thomas not talking for once, that's a first" y/n said as her and her friends past behind him. dean rolled his eyes and decided to ignore her remark before going back to his food. "no witty response? what cat got your tongue?" y/n and her friends laughed as they sat across from him.

"whatever, l/n" he scoffed before getting up and sitting on the other side of seamus and neville. he could hear y/n talking about him, he tried his best not to let it get to him, but he finally got to his breaking point.

he stood up and grabbed y/n from her place, pulling her out of great hall, ignoring all the stares he got.

"what the hell! let go of me!" y/n snapped as she tried to get out of his grasp. dean finally let her go as they entered the gryffindor common room, everyone was at dinner so he knew no one would be in their at this time.

"why do you hate me so much?" dean asked as they stood in the middle of the common room.

"really? that's what you dragged me here for?" y/n scoffed and went to walk twords the door but dean quickly stepped infront of her.

"no no no your gonna tell me why you hate me so much." dean told her as he continued to stand infront her.

"im not telling you shit." y/n snapped as she tried walking past him only to get pulled back. "fine, you wanna know why i really hate you? i hate you because you've had everything handed down to you on a silver- not wait golden plater since the day you stepped foot in the school! you have the perfect grades, the perfect friends, for fucks sake you have the most perfect fucking reputation! all the teachers love you! the fucking bartenders at the three broomsticks love you for christs sake! and in their eyes you can do no wroung, your perfect little dean thomas, the perfect boy next door!" y/n went on as she slowly walked twords dean making him go backwards. dean finally fell backwards onto the couch looking up at y/n standing infront of him.

y/n watched as dean opened and closed his mouth like a fish before she scoffed and started walking away. dean quickly scrambled up and grabbed her turning her around. y/n looked at dean their faces inches apart.

"im not the perfect boy next door, i don't have the perfect grades, not everyone loves me, y/n..." dean said before closing the gap between them, putting his lips on hers. he could feel her tense but slowly relaxe and start to mimic his actions.

y/n backed dean up till they fell onto one of the chairs of the common room. dean sitting, and y/n on his lap, legs on either sides of his hips.

"well shit." they heard a voice say before they quickly got off of eachother and turned to see neville, seamus, and the weasley twins standing at the doorway.

"i told you freddie boy!" george laughed as fred handed him a sickle. they both chuckled before walking up into the dormitories.

"i-im just gonna g-go." y/n said before hurrying up the stairs and into her dorm. she could hear the faint voices of seamus and neville asking dean what just happened, only to hear dean say 'i really don't know...' she laughed before belly flopping onto her bed and bringing her finger to her lips.


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2 years ago

if your requests are open, could you write another dean thomas x hufflepuff! reader? basically where everyone teases him for liking a hufflepuff or smth

tysm if you do end up writing it!

it might not be what you wanted but i was in a rush while writing, but i hope you enjoy <3


If Your Requests Are Open, Could You Write Another Dean Thomas X Hufflepuff! Reader? Basically Where

summary: in which dean thomas constantly gets teased for dating y/n l/n….who so happens to be a hufflepuff

pairing: dean thomas x hufflepuff!reader

warnings: none, just some fluffiness

type: fluff

“Awww, look at him Neville. He’s blushing! How cute” Seamus laughed as he continued to tease Dean. “Ok. But why a hufflepuff? Don’t get me wrong i love seeing you happy but why a hufflepuff?” Seamus chuckled.

“Well, Y/n makes me happy. And she just so happens to be a hufflepuff. What around with that?” Dean asked with a confused look painted on his face.

“Nothing.” Seamus said before leaning back in his chair. Dean shook his head before he continued to read his book.

“Dean!” Dean heard a voice exclaim as he looked up to see Y/n jogging towards him. Dean smiled as he got up and happily accepted the hug as Y/n wrapped her arms around his waist.

“What are you doing here?” Dean chuckled as Y/n pulled away.

“What? I can’t come see my wonderful boyfriend?” Y/n pouted making Deans heart melt at the sight.

“Alright…I know that look. What do you want?” Dean smiled as Y/n eyes lit up.

“Well y/f/n and her boyfriend are going on a date tomorrow and she asked me if me and you wanted to join them for a double date” Y/n smiled softly up at Dean. Y/n was never considered short, if anything she was tall for a teenager. Five foot seven to be exact, but do to Dean being six foot two she still had to look up at him.

“Sure” Dean smiled before leaning down and pecking the girls lips making her giggle and hide her face in his chest. The two heard Seamus and Neville making fake gagging noises making the two laugh.

“Keep you PDA for when your alone” Seamus faked a sick look on his face, before chuckling with Neville.

“Oh! Look at the time! I’m supposed to meet Luna in the library. I’m sorry Dean” Y/n sighed as she wrapped her arms around his waist but quickly pulling away.

“It’s fine darling, I’ll see you tomorrow” Dean said as he watched his girlfriend smile and walk away with a love struck smile on his face.

“Dude, she really does have you wrapped around her finger” Neville told Dean before him and Seamus got up and walked up to their dorm.

Dean rolled his eyes before following them up the stairs.


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2 years ago

JUST A BET | g. weasley

JUST A BET | G. Weasley

summary: in which fred made a bet with george but it winds up backfiring when george catches feelings

pairing: george weasley x poc!thomas!reader

warning: angst

IT WAS JUST SUPPOSED TO BE a bet, just a bet. But it all blew up in his face, literally. It all started when Fred had brought up the idea of George taking y/n thomas to the ball. George was against it at first, he didn’t want to ruin his good friendship with Dean, but after a little persuading from Fred he decided it would be a good idea.

“So Thomas…what do you say? Me, You, The Ball?” George had asked out of the blue when the two wound up walking to potions together.

“Not a chance Weasel” Y/n told George before catching up with Hermione. George had them decided this was going to be a lot harder then he had expected.

The second time he had asked her he had got a knee to the crotch, and became the laughing stock when he had walked into Great Hall with a limp.

The third time George got a slap to the face and once again became the laughing stock when he had walked into Charms with a red mark in the shape of a hand on his right cheek.

But the fourth time y/n rolled her eyes and walked away and George decided it would only take a few more askings.

“George did you know that stocking can get you up to five years in azkaban?” Y/n asked as she saw George standing by the Gryffindor Painting.

“Will you go to the ball with me?” George asked. Y/n sighed and rolled her eyes.

“If i go will you leave me alone?” Y/n asked and George nodded with a smirk. “Wipe that smug look off your face. After the ball you will leave me alone and thats that” Y/n grumbled before walking into the Common Room.

The night of the ball came quickly, Y/n had decided that if she was going to have to deal with the ball she might as well look good doing it.

She had picked out her nicest lace top, and a nice suit and pants to go with it. Y/n sighed as she looked at herself in the mirror, before walking out of her room and making her way to the Ball.

“Hermione? Hermione Granger is that you?” Y/n laughed in disbelief as she saw Hermione waiting out of sight of the people waiting for their dates.

“Y/n Oh my gosh! You look…Hot!” Y/n smirked and flipped her hair over her shoulder making the two laugh.

“Welp, I have an annoying carrot top to dance with. Wish me luck” Y/n sighed before making her way down the stairs watching everyone look at her shocked. She looked around before spotting the Ginger standing at the bottom of the stairs, watching her with a mesmerized look on his face. “Close your mouth, your gonna let flies in” Y/n said as she walked past him, hearing his foot steps eight behind her.

The two had danced and danced the whole night. Just as much as Y/n didn’t want to admit she was having a good time, actually a great time, and she had a handsome date as well.

A slow dancing song came on, and y/n watched as couples flooded the dance floor. George looked at y/n before holding out his hand. Y/n looked at him a grabbed his hand with a smile. “Just know, if i step on your feet into not my fault”

George chuckled before pulling the girl to the dance floor. George had his hands around her waist pulling her flush against her, while Y/n hasn’t me her arms around his neck racking her fingers through the his hair.

By the time the dance ended the two had may or may not have shared a kiss. George and Y/n looked at each other with nothing but love in their eyes. George looked over Y/n shoulder seeing Fred waving him over.

“I will be right back” Y/n nodded and walked over to Angelina. Y/n’s ears picked up on Fred and George’s conversation, she didn’t mean to but when her name popped up she didn’t have a choice.

“So how is plan take y/n the ball going?” Fred had asked making Y/n’s eyes brows furrowed in confusion. “Your really still going through with that bet?” Seamus chuckled making Y/n look over at them before walking twords the stairs. George followed her quickly confused, not knowing she had heard his conversation. Fred, Seamus, and Dean following. Fred and Seamus because of already knowing what had happened, and Dean wondering why his sister was leaving so early.

“Hey where—“ George was cut off by Y/n.

“Am i bet?” Y/n asked making George look at her wide eyed, giving Y/n all the answer she needed, but she wanted tonhear him say it.

“Was i bet! AM I A FUCKING BET!” Y/n yelled at him gaining the attention of people around them. As George stood there in scilence with his head down looking at his feet. Y/n scoffed and walked up the stairs. Before she was about to turn the corner she looked back at George making eyes contact with him. “And to think i was actually starting to catch feelings for a worthless scum like you” Y/n spat at him, feeling no regret when George’s eyes filled with tears and looke down, using his hands to wipe them. And with that, Y/n walked away.

Dean scoffed and pushed past George to catch up with his sister. “Dean wait—“ George started but was cut off by Deans fist connecting with his jaw, making his fall to his knees. Gasps and Wispers filled the air as Dean quickly ran after his sister. George looked up to see Hermione also running after them, Hermione looked down as she passed him a son shook her head with a disgusted look on her face.

George quickly got up and started to walk up the stairs, Fred following. “Come on man, your not honestly gonna tell me you like her?” George shook his head and walked away with tears flowing down his face not knowing y/n was in the same situation except with her head dug deep into Deans chest….

Should i do a Pt. 2? let me know.


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2 years ago

It's the first year back at Hogwarts after the War. Most students have returned to finish their education, some just forgot that they CAN leave Hogwarts.

The second years are the hardest to watch. They are only 12, still learning basic runes, and yet they can describe how to cast a crucio curse in detail.

They show their scars off like medals of courage to the older students. The Heros that fought in The Battle! Neville simply pulls them into a hug. Seamus avoids them like the plague, so that they don't see him crying. Every one of their scars is proof that he failed.

Ginny- she can't avoid them, not like Seamus, and she's never been the comforting one; that's Neville's job. But she can protect them. She doesn't promise them that He's never going to hurt them-she won't lie to them-but she will always be there when they need a sword or a shield by their side.

The new DA pro-...DADA professor, they still forget sometimes, doesn't know what to think. What can she possibly teach these children. She was naive to think that these soldiers, cause truly what else could they be called, would be able to hide their flinches or the way they shield the younger students from her, but all she can do is TRY to make them feel safe in a classroom again.

Looking at Mr.Finnigan, who can't bring himself to step inside her classroom half the time, she wonders if these halls will ever be home again. Can home and hell be the same place?

Dean doesn't remember.

When is his parents anniversary? Dad's favorite color is blue, or was it yellow? His youngest sister is either 7 or 8. He can't remember. He can draw Seamus from memory. Until he can't. Hogwarts is the first sketch in his sketchbook, but it was burned in the fireplace at Malfoy Manor. Maybe that's why it feels like he's drawing it for the first time.

Luna is floating. Drifting through empty hallways and crowded streets as if they were the same. Skipping class to sit in the cemetery until the sun sets. The professors never scold her. It's ironic how many people come to her to feel grounded when she can't even stomach breakfast most days. Harry, Dean, Neville, Ginny, Dennis, and so many others. Maybe everyone was right. She really is going crazy.

Blaise doesn't understand. Why Theo won't use his last name, Why Draco doesn'tuse his wand, Why Goyle doesn't talk above a whisper. Why that blonde Griffindor, Jasmine? No Lavender, broke down every time she saw the corner of the great hall.

He KNOWS what happened, but he'll never understand.

Filch Can't. Can't yell at them. Can't scold them. Can't look at them. Can't imagine them as the kids that they're supposed to be. Can't remember what those red haired devils looked like smiling.

43. 43 funerals. McGonagall watched as 43 of her students were put to rest. Most in a small cemetery in the forbidden forest. She doesn't cry. Not at Colin Creevy's not at Fred's, not at Remus' or Sirius'. It's been months and she still hasn't cried.

Until she sees Neville pull a first year away from the DADA professor. Ron carrying Hermione to the infirmary after forgetting to eat for days. Pansy shaking at the mere mention of her brothers. Albus always said to not pity the dead, and instead pity the living. She finally understands what he meant.

But the world keeps spinning, maybe a little too fast some days, classes continue, first years are sorted, quidditch is played, and scars fade.

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1 year ago

When I see you again (Fred Weasley x Reader)

When I See You Again (Fred Weasley X Reader)


female!reader, Gryffindor!reader

Summary: It takes place during the Second Wizarding War, months after Bill and Fleur's wedding. Reader is on the run after her family has been caught by the Snatchers. Loosely following cannon.

Pairing: Fred Weasley x reader (mentioned)

Characters: Dean Thomas, Fred Weasley (mentioned),George Weasley (mentioned), Ted Tonks (mentioned)

Warnings: war, mentions of death, angst, english is not my first language so there might be grammatical mistakes, capital letters, etc.

It was the break of dawn. You did not dare to travel during the day in case any Snatchers might be creeping around. However, travelling at night seemed even more terrifying considering that’s when dementors, inferi and other dark creatures were most active. You were on your own for months, travelling from place to place, never staying anywhere more than just a few days. You did not think it was wise to come back to the Godric’s Hollow, and all the safe houses provided by the Order seemed to be heavily protected by charms and spells, so you could not find any of them. You spent most of your time travelling through the countryside. Camping in the woods or hiding in abandoned muggle houses. The latter was a lot riskier since the streets were often infested with dementors. Muggles didn’t know what was going on since they couldn’t see them, but the terror they felt by their presence was enough to chase most of them away from their homes.

You were intentionally avoiding all magical places you could think of. You knew there was no place you could go to be completely safe, but there was no way you would not run into a Death Eater in the middle of the Diagon Alley or Hogsmeade. You didn’t even dare to try to go back to the Burrow. To be honest, you feared what you might find there if you did.

Your hiding tactic was going quite well, in fact, you had gotten quite skilled at protective spells and charms and were even getting better at transfiguring objects into something edible. However, being cut off from the rest of the wizarding world had its downgrades. There was no way for you to hear any news of your friends and family. You occasionally turned on this muggle invention called television, but since muggles weren’t really aware of what was actually going on, they weren’t broadcasting much useful information. A part of you was glad, at least you heard no familiar names amongst the ones of missing muggles. But sitting there, completely cut off from everything and everyone, was getting more and more exhausting, and quite frankly, you believed it would be a lot less terrifying to actually get caught by a Snatcher.  

After careful consideration, you decided to go back to your family’s vacation home. The last time you were there, the village was crawling with trolls and acromantulas, but that was months ago! Surely, it must have been cleared out by now! And if not… well you would cross that bridge when you get to it.

So, at the break of dawn, you gathered all of your most valuable things, your wand, a cloak and a couple of tin cans you found in one of the houses you were hiding in, and disapparated.

Two seconds later you felt yourself landing face down onto something sharp and cold. A painful groan escaped your lips as you felt your nose had just been hit by something that felt like a brick. You then realised you didn’t land face down, but instead, bumped right into a tall stone wall you assumed used to be a part of someone’s home. You lifted your wand and quietly whispered:


The pain stopped almost instantly only to be replaced by a shocking realisation the moment you turned around to see where you were.

You were exactly in the place you wanted to be, only the place looked nothing like it was supposed to. You were thankful for the absence of trolls and acromantulas, but the reason for their absence was that there was absolutely nothing around that they could possibly prey upon. There were no people, no roads, houses or plants… it was a wasteland. As you turned around trying to find any shape of something that used to be your old vacation home, a terrifying thought had crossed your mind. A thought you were trying so hard to push away for months.

Where… are they?

Tears began to fill your eyes and before you could stop you let out a desperate, heart aching sob. It felt like a punch to the gut. Your legs were no longer listening to you, and you collapsed to the ground.

“Please… please…! Where are they? Someone… anyone…?” you sobbed.

A part of you hoped that someone or something would show up and help you. A Patronus, a house elf, a bird…  at this point you would even greet a troll with open arms

But no one was coming to save you. There you were, all by yourself, in the middle of the rubble that used to be your family’s backyard. During the months of running and hiding you had not once felt as alone and hopeless as you did in that moment. You crumbled completely, thinking of all the people that meant anything to you. You parents, younger cousins still being forced to attend Hogwarts, friends you last saw during Bill and Fleur Weasley’s wedding. Oh, what you would give for just one familiar face showing up, picking you up the ground and embracing you, telling you everything was going to be okay. Telling you all of them were alive and well. That your parents escaped the Snatchers’ grip and were somewhere in a safe location. That your cousins were able to escape this now dreadful place that used to bring you so much joy during your school years. That your friends were somewhere out there, searching for you and wishing you were with them. But no one was coming, and by the looks of it, no one was going to.

You considered just staying there, in the middle of a wasteland. Crying yourself to sleep and hoping to die before you must wake to this dreadful reality.

However, after the tears have dried out, you managed to pluck up all the remaining strength and bravery that was left in your malnourished, sleep deprived body, and somehow, stand back up on your trembling feet. You took a deep breath and forced yourself to take a step forward. Then another one. By the third one you were on the verge of collapsing yet again, but then, something unexplainable happened. You blinked in confusion.

You realised you no longer knew where you were. You knew you were travelling somewhere, that there was a reason for you to be standing here, in the middle of nowhere, but you couldn’t for the life of you remember what it was. You looked around, hoping to gain some clarity, but it was useless. It was as if someone had just gone inside your head and altered your memories. A surge of panic went through your body. You turned back around and returned to the place you were standing two seconds ago. And then you remembered. You remembered everything you knew a moment ago. This was your vacation home. You came here to find someone. Anyone. How could you possibly forget that?

You took two steps forward again, and your mind went blank. Once again, you blinked in confusion and frustration.

What is happening?

You took two steps back again and remembered.

Two steps forward, forgot.

Two steps backward, remembered.  

Through the cloud of bewildering uncertainty caused by this development, another thought hit you like a train wreck. A thought that caused you to feel a spark of something you hadn’t felt in a really long time. A spark of something you never thought you’d feel again. Hope.

A shocked giggle escaped your lips.

It was a spell!

A cloaking spell! Someone was hiding right there in front of you, in your own house! That’s why you couldn’t remember anything when you walked forward. Someone was there, perhaps watching you at this very moment. Someone who didn’t want to be found. Which could only mean…

“Mum?”, you called out.


No one answered.

“Please, if anyone’s there, it’s me, Y/N! Your cloaking spell is very strong, I can’t see anything!”

You waited patiently for someone to answer, but no one did. You thought to yourself that perhaps it wasn’t such a great idea to be standing here screaming. What if it wasn’t one of your own? What if it was a trap? But you pushed those thoughts away. You were way too tired and desperate to be questioning this miracle that has presented itself.

So what if it was a trap? Nothing can be worse than this uncertainty! You sat down in the rubble and stared at the seemingly blank space in front of you, your eyes scanning every detail of it in hopes of seeing someone appear.

“Maybe they didn’t hear me?”, you thought to yourself.

But before you could do or say anything else, a muffled, but somehow familiar voice yells out something in your direction. You tried to stand up, but before you could do that, the same voice exclaimed,

“Petrificus Totalus!”

Your entire body stiffened up. You couldn’t move. Your eyes widened in terror as you heard footsteps approaching. Then, a figure appeared in front of you. You could see his face clearly.

It was the last person you expected to see there, and yet, despite the fact he had just petrified you, you were never so happy to see anyone in your entire life.

It was Dean Thomas.


Dean was just being careful; you couldn’t blame him for that. However, lying there petrified, without the ability to speak, was getting really frustrating. You thanked your lucky stars that it was a classmate and not a Death Eater standing in front of you, because now that you’ve thought of it, that could’ve easily been the case. You should’ve been more careful.

Dean circled around you like a vulture, his wand still up and pointed at you. He examined your face, the clothes you were wearing and your wand. He took the little bag you were carrying and emptied it. When he realised there was nothing in it except two portions of canned beans, he finally sighed in relief and whispered,

“Finite Incantatem!”

Your body relaxed.


Your mouth was dry and the words that came out of it sounded like a squeak, but you did not let that bother you. Not in this moment.

“Dean, it’s so good to see you…”

“Not so fast!”, he whispered and pointed his wand back at you, “First tell me who you are!”

“You don’t know who I am?”, you asked in confusion.

That was highly unlikely. Dean and you weren’t exactly the closest of friends, but you did know each other. You spent five years in the same common room, often chatting about muggle movies and music, not the mention all the times you spent helping him and Seamus Finnigan with their homework. Two years ago, you even attended the same secret club at Hogwarts called Dumbledore’s Army.

“No, I know who you are”, he said heavily, “I just want to see if you know it”.

You blinked.

He wants to be sure it’s not a trick.

“Oh… okay…”, you started, “My name is Y/N Y/LN. I was in the Gryffindor house at Hogwarts, two years above you. I… I used to watch you argue with Oliver Wood about soccer! Yes, you were saying it’s a more exciting sport than Quidditch… until he accidentally knocked over a candle and almost burnt down the entire Gryffindor tower”.

The memory of that made you chuckle. It felt like centuries ago! Even the corners of Dean’s lips flickered like he was holding back a smile.

“Yeah… do you remember what happened next?”, he asked, still not entirely convinced.  

“Yes… McGonagall rushed in and put out the fire… nobody wanted to tell her who did it and Fred and George blamed it on Peeves…”.

You cleared your throat. The mention of Fred and George Weasley felt like a stab in the heart. You rubbed your eyes before tears could come out, trying to make it seem like a nonchalant action, but Dean wasn’t fooled. However, this subtle burst of emotion at the mention of your two best friends seemed to convince him it was really you, and he finally lowered his wand.

He put his hand on your shoulder, and you threw yourself at him, pulling him into a hug. He was a bit startled by this action, but in the next moment he wrapped his arms around you and returned the embrace.

“Dean… what are you doing here?”, you asked after finally letting him go.

“I’m in hiding, of course”, he said.

“Yes… but what are you doing here?”, you pointed at the wasteland around you.

“Oh, right…”, he smiled apologetically and whispered, “The Unseen Village 32”.

For a moment you were standing there in confusion. Then, two very long seconds later, a large yellow building appeared right in front of you. Before you could stop yourself, you cried out in amazement. It was your family house, a bit rugged and damaged, but it was definitely still standing!

You were lost for words. Dean took you by the hand and led you through the front door. The inside of the house was almost completely preserved.

“It’s a Fidelius charm”, he explained, “I’m the secret keeper of this house, nobody can find it unless I tell them the location”.

“Fidelius?”, you raised your eyebrows, “Isn’t that like, really advanced magic?”

“Well, yes…”, he scratched the back of his head, looking almost embarrassed, “But I had some time to practice it. Ted Tonks taught me how to do it before he… you know”, a flicker of pain appeared in his eyes.

“Ted… Tonks? Nymphadora Tonks’ father?”.

You knew Nymphadora Tonks was a member of the Order of the Phoenix. Her family home was one of the safe houses the Order was using during the night Harry Potter was moved from Little Whinging.

Your home in the Godric’s Hollow was one of the safe locations as well. In fact, it was the house in which Arthur and Fred Weasley showed up. You could see their faces as clear as day. Arthur was bewildered, shaking, and rushing through your house, trying to get to the Potrkey as soon as possible. Fred was on the verge of tears.

 “What happened? What’s wrong?”, you kept asking.

The words that followed your question still haunted you to this very day,

“Someone’s been hit. We think it’s George”.

Dean’s voice pulled you back to the current moment.

“Anyway, this was the only house that was still standing after the acromantulas have cleared up… or so it seemed. You never know, there might be others out here, using protective spells and what not…”

“Right…”, you shook your head, trying to focus on his words, “Well, it’s a very powerful spell. Thank Merlin you came out, I would’ve driven myself insane trying to figure out why my mind is suddenly going blank”.

“Sorry for petrifying you, I had to be sure it wasn’t a trick”.

You nodded,

“I would’ve been offended if you hadn’t”, you said teasingly.

Dean chuckled.

“Well, I knew you were out there, they mentioned you the other day in the PotterWatch”.

You shook your head in confusion.

“In the what?”

Dean seemed just as confused as you.

“In the… PotterWatch. You have been listening to PotterWatch, right?”

“Dean, I have no idea what you’re talking about”, you said sincerely, “You’re the first person I’ve talked to since I ran away”.

“What… you’ve been on your own this entire time?”


“Well how did you… how did you make it?”, he was baffled.

You shrugged.

“Honestly… I don’t know. I’ve been avoiding crowded spaces and scavenging for food… I’ve gotten pretty good at protective charms as well”.

Dean looked almost impressed. You blushed.

“Blimey! That’s… I wouldn’t have lasted three days on my own”, he said.

“Aren’t you on your own now?”, you asked.

He smiled sadly.

“I was with Ted until recently…  Oh!”, he jumped up, startling you, “That reminds me!”

He looked around the room and rushed towards something that was sitting at the small coffee table next to the dusty red sofa on your right. It looked like a small, dirty box. He took the box in his hands and started tapping on it with his wand while mumbling something.

“Oh, I’m sure it was… Padfoot? No… Fawkes! No, hang on…”

After a few minutes of tapping and mumbling, he yelled out in excitement,

“Ah, there it is!”

You heard a couple of muffled voices coming from the box.

It’s a radio, you realised.

The voices were getting louder and clearer, until finally, you recognised who they belonged to.

“…to introduce our new correspondent, "Rodent"!

“I'm not being Rodent! I told you, I want to be "Rapier"!”

“Fred!”, you cried out and grabbed the radio from Dean’s hand.

You couldn’t believe it. It was Fred. And George! They were alive! They were fine! Oh, it felt so good to hear their voices! You felt a warm, excited feeling spreading through you, as if your heart finally started beating properly again.

“Oh alright, "Rapier"! Could you tell our listeners the various stories you've heard about the Chief Death Eater?”

“Yes I can. As our listeners will know, unless they've taken refuge at the bottom of a garden pond…”

This made you chuckle loudly, as tears were filling your eyes yet again. However, this time you didn’t try to stop them, and instead, you just let them silently slide down your cheeks.

“…You-Know-Who's strategy of remaining in the shadows is creating a nice climate of panic! Mind you, if all alleged sightings of him are genuine, there must be nineteen You-Know-Whos running around!”

You didn’t even pay attention to the words he was saying. They weren’t important. Who cares about You-Know-Who? Who cares about Death Eaters? Nothing was as important as the fact that you could hear Fred Weasley’s cheerful voice coming from this small, dusty box. You savoured every sound it made, clenching it firmly in your grip, like you were afraid the voice would disappear if you didn’t.

After a few minutes the broadcast had ended. You raised your eyes to meet Dean’s, almost as if you were silently begging him to bring the voice back. Dean was leaning on the doorway, clearly a bit uncomfortable, but wanting to let you have your moment with the radio. You felt a bit embarrassed. Finally, he cleared his throat and spoke gently,

“This was from a few weeks ago… I actually wanted to show you another one…”

He carefully took the radio from your hands and started tapping on it again, mumbling words that you realised were passwords to access the radio line.

“Ah, yes… this one”, he handed you the radio again.

You sat down at the red sofa and placed the little box near your right ear with the nervous excitement.

“Well, dear listeners, we have a very special announcement today that might lift up your spirits”, you heard George’s voice say.

“It has certainly lifted ours!”, Fred continued.

“We are very happy to inform you that a group of our favourite “Undesirables” and muggleborns has just been rescued from the Ministry and is currently transferred to a safe location”.

“The freed are alive and well and mostly unharmed”.

“Mostly unharmed? What does that mean, mostly unharmed, Rodent?”.

“Well, “Tentacula” …”


“It means that all off them have managed to keep all of the limbs they had before they were captured!”

“So, if someone was missing a leg before…?

“They didn’t grow it back, but they did most likely keep the other one!”

“What are the names of the freed, Rodent?”

“I told you, it’s “Rapier”!”

“Sorry, Rapier!”


You were clinging onto the radio for dear life while listening to the names Fred was listing. Your heart was racing. You heard lots of familiar names, some of them were your friends, your acquaintances, people you’ve only met once, people you studied with at the library at Hogwarts…

“And of course, last but not least…”

You clenched your jaw in anticipation. When Fred said the names of your parents, a quiet sob escaped your lips.

They are fine! They are fine! They are alive and they are safe! Everything is alright!

Fred’s voice suddenly deepened in uncharacteristic seriousness.

“However, even though Mrs. and Mr. Y/LN are safe and sound, their daughter Y/N is still presumed to be missing”.

“What would you say to Y/N if you knew she was listening?”, George’s voice asked.

“I’d tell her that her family is alive and well and desperate for news of her whereabouts. As are quite frankly, all of us here at the PotterWatch”.

“Well, there you have it, dear listeners! On that note we are ending this very special episode of PotterWatch!”

“Protect yourselves”.

“And each other!”

“And as always…”

“Support Harry Potter!”

You were still holding onto the radio a few minutes after the episode ended. Dean didn’t say anything, and you were grateful for that. You were still savouring the words you just heard. Fred and George’s voices. The names of your friends that were confirmed to be freed from the Ministry. The names of your family. You didn’t even realise you were shaking until Dean gently put his hand on your shoulder. You looked up at him in a surprise, as if you had completely forgotten that he was still there. He smiled at you softly as you put your hand onto his and squeezed it. There was only one thought on your mind. You looked straight into Dean’s eyes in a sudden burst of determination and said, in a quiet but clear voice,

“Dean… We have to find them”.

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2 years ago
@hogwartsonline: Characters Of Colour || Dean Thomas
@hogwartsonline: Characters Of Colour || Dean Thomas
@hogwartsonline: Characters Of Colour || Dean Thomas
@hogwartsonline: Characters Of Colour || Dean Thomas
@hogwartsonline: Characters Of Colour || Dean Thomas
@hogwartsonline: Characters Of Colour || Dean Thomas
@hogwartsonline: Characters Of Colour || Dean Thomas
@hogwartsonline: Characters Of Colour || Dean Thomas

@hogwartsonline: Characters of Colour || Dean Thomas

Dean: “Send him off, ref! Red card!” Ron: “What are you talking about, Dean?” Dean: “Red card! In football you get shown the red card and you’re out of the game!” Ron: “But this isn’t football, Dean.”

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6 years ago

Love, Simon is a deamus fanfiction.

We all know that becky albertalli is a potterhead so,,,,don't @ me

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6 years ago

Shout out to my mom (English teacher) whos currently reading love simon with her students and told them that there are rumors that the book is based on a harry potter fic just because I told her about this post....

Love, Simon is a deamus fanfiction.

We all know that becky albertalli is a potterhead so,,,,don’t @ me

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