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"accepts marriage to gain power"
So you remember how this one guy sold his own sister to a brutal warlord as a bridal slave in exchange for an army, remarking,
"I'd let his whole khalasar fuck you if need be, sweet sister, all forty thousand men, and their horses too if that was what it took to get my army. Be grateful it is only Drogo. In time you may even learn to like him. Now dry your eyes. Illyrio is bringing him over, and he will not see you crying."
Welp, this apparently was Dany "accepting marriage to gain power." A post going around that discusses Dany passages in which antis twist, distort, and wildly misrepresent what happens, prompted the following to come to my mind as well. It seems to me that Sansa stans/Jonsas cannot deny GRRM is drawing connections between Dany and Jon as he tells their individual stories but they Jon is Sansa's parallel! Dany must be the Evil Queen and Prince Jon's foil! The thing is, for that to be, some creative "retelling" is required.

This was written by a Jonsa/Stansa/Stark stan.
I really am quite taken aback by the boldness to outright lie like this about plot points of any piece of readily available media in a public forum, much less on a forum for discussion of the book being distorted to the nth degree here. Talk about telling on yourself as a fibber...
So take a look at this passage again...
"I'd let his whole khalasar fuck you if need be, sweet sister, all forty thousand men, and their horses too if that was what it took to get my army. Be grateful it is only Drogo. In time you may even learn to like him. Now dry your eyes. Illyrio is bringing him over, and he will not see you crying."
Take a lil read of this from Dany's very first chapter of ASOIAF...
The old woman washed her long, silver-pale hair and gently combed out the snags, all in silence. The girl scrubbed her back and her feet and told her how lucky she was. "Drogo is so rich that even his slaves wear golden collars. A hundred thousand men ride in his khalasar, and his palace in Vaes Dothrak has two hundred rooms and doors of solid silver." There was more like that, so much more, what a handsome man the khal was, so tall and fierce, fearless in battle, the best rider ever to mount a horse, a demon archer. Daenerys said nothing. She had always assumed that she would wed Viserys when she came of age. For centuries the Targaryens had married brother to sister, since Aegon the Conqueror had taken his sisters to bride. The line must be kept pure, Viserys had told her a thousand times; theirs was the kingsblood, the golden blood of old Valyria, the blood of the dragon. Dragons did not mate with the beasts of the field, and Targaryens did not mingle their blood with that of lesser men. Yet now Viserys schemed to sell her to a stranger, a barbarian. When she was clean, the slaves helped her from the water and toweled her dry. The girl brushed her hair until it shone like molten silver, while the old woman anointed her with the spiceflower perfume of the Dothraki plains, a dab on each wrist, behind her ears, on the tips of her breasts, and one last one, cool on her lips, down there between her legs. They dressed her in the wisps that Magister Illyrio had sent up, and then the gown, a deep plum silk to bring out the violet in her eyes. The girl slid the gilded sandals onto her feet, while the old woman fixed the tiara in her hair, and slid golden bracelets crusted with amethysts around her wrists. Last of all came the collar, a heavy golden torc emblazoned with ancient Valyrian glyphs. "Now you look all a princess," the girl said breathlessly when they were done. Dany glanced at her image in the silvered looking glass that Illyrio had so thoughtfully provided. A princess, she thought, but she remembered what the girl had said, how Khal Drogo was so rich even his slaves wore golden collars. She felt a sudden chill, and gooseflesh pimpled her bare arms.
And read the Jonsa's claim again:

Yeah, it sure sounds like Daenerys grew up as a spoiled, entitled heir-apparent princess rather than a Targaryen in-exile and constantly on the run (since birth) from Robert Baratheon's assassins.
Jon is my favourite character and growing up with the stigma of bastardy would have some scars that would probably never heal, yet he had one thing Dany never had growing up -- a home where he could grow up with (relative) stability. Dany grew up homeless. In exile. Jon did have a home and in that home, he received an education and a childhood. In Jon's situation, I think it does get a bit complicated because that stability comes with the price of his true identity and the steep consequences of bastardy. It's likewise true that Jon's place in that home was never 100% secure -- it's all at the mercy of the Stark in charge.
However, as long as Ned was there, Jon was there, and having one place for that long to call home was something Dany never really had, with siblings who loved her as much as Robb and Arya and Bran and Rickon loved Jon, with an education and games in a place she could feel more or less safe... The closest experience Dany has to that is when she lives with Ser Willem Darry in the house with the red door where Dany remembers she had her own room. However, right after his death, Dany and Viserys are thrown out and must return to wandering, begging, and struggling as homeless children in exile (and on the run) again whereupon Viserys becomes increasingly more resentful and abusive of Dany due to these situations.
And we learn all of this -- about Dany being sold to Drogo, about how Dany and Viserys grew up, about the house with the red door -- in Dany's first chapter. It's hard to believe people who make such claims about Dany like in the above screenshot did an honest-to-god read of even the first couple of chapters for characters who aren't Sansa Stark if they're trying to claim Dany accepted marriage to Khal Drogo to gain power. And grew up as a princess who believed she was heir to everything?! They're not even vaguely remembering episodes of the show because this doesn't even apply to Show!Dany either????
And power. Antis really hate Dany having power and she gets accused of getting power "too easily". Dany needs to be giving all that power to Sansa honestly, who still has no leadership arc, no experience with real world matters, and is two years younger because Sansa apparently has "queen foreshadowing" and said that one line about making people love her (that means she'll be a good queen, you guys). However, I'm still not sure what is easy about anything Dany has done between AGOT-ADWD, including conquering some of the oldest cities in this universe without dragons and using forces under her own command at age 14-15? But that's probably easier than planning Super Feast in the Vale, sure. I'd like to return to the original spirit of the screencap: Jon and Dany. This poster dislikes Jonerys and was invested in the Pol!Jon. Since this individual is inviting us to compare Jon and Dany, I think there is a comparison to be made. I don't think it's "Dany the entitled heir vs. Jon the dutiful follower" (you know, Jon, the guy who had childhood dreams of growing up to be a glorious conqueror). Rather, I think it is in how both Jon and Dany initially view the wildlings and Dothraki (savage, barbarian) and then how those views change (understanding, empathy, connection, friends/family). It's not only Jon who had to live with his "enemy" and understand his "enemy" (the enemy who is not actually the enemy), Dany was literally sold to the enemy and forced into that position. She either had to accept this new role or die. That is how Dany survives, by adapting to this new life, reaching into her capacity to connect, and understand. This is a key feature of her book 1 story.
But whenever such stans are confronted with passages stating otherwise to their claims...

There needs to be a study into why people love to refer to the Targ’s as ‘white saviours’ as if almost every damn house/person in that world aren’t white or some variation of white 🙄
Dany is freeing slaves therefore to them she is a white saviour and that extends to her family. Never mind that the slavery in ASoIaF is more akin to that of the Roman Empire.
They just love to hate and do it illogically, which is what bothers me most.
Sansa got a crown and you guys have been bitter ever since. Sansa's decisions didn't make sense? She's the only ruler who cared about food for her people. She was a better queen than Jon about the North's independence. They wanted her instead of Jon. Stay bitter.

Keep reading

How delusional,dumb,and ignorant do you have to be believe this bs as a cop out to dismiss and downplay Daenerys' lack of privilege and family for most of her life,ntm victim blame her because your callous ass lacks empathy for the character☠️Daenerys literally lost everything (most of her family,her home,and what her family had that would've been hers) before she was even born as her mother died shortly after giving her (like Jon's mother,Lyanna),literally started life with nothing (all she would've had if Rhaegar didn't die,if Elia,Rhaenys,and Aegon,literally had nothing even begin with but her name and blood.So congratulations on implying you agree with these facts🤡🙃
And just because she never had the opportunity to know Rhaegar, the privilege to know all her siblings, since that was one of many she was robbed of even birth,it still count as loss especially when it's important full blood related members of the family such as her mother,Rhaella,who suffered all her life being abused by Mad King Aerys even before their father forced the sister and brother to marry for the Prince Who Was Promised prophecy.Viserys was almost just as cruel and abusive to Dany as Aerys was to Rhaella throughout their lives as just a brother,then her husband and king.I bet you would be agreeing with me if it was about Jon regarding Lyanna because it's always double standards with antis,since y'all are so full of shit.
Jon stans (but can't expect you to know since all nonas crackshippers are glorified self-insert sardine stans who projecting to fantasize about fucking Kit Harrington😂) of all people should know damn well how deep the void of a mother is (as Jon has serious mother issues thanks to being mistreated and looked down on due to his bastardy and Catelyn's abuse towards him as supposedly the product of Ned's infidelity),because Lyanna is more important to the narrative for some of the main characters,Jon and Arya,like Rhaegar is to Dany while Rhaella is not thanks to GRRM's intention with his writing in the books.Not to mention Dany looks up to Rhaegar and longs to know him even in death,which is why she's eager to learn about Rhaegar.So your reasoning is invalid regardless,and your first part about Viserys is downright blatant nonsensical lies🤦🏾♀️🤨
Daenerys did not "hElP" Khal Drogo to kill Viserys🙄There was literally nothing Dany could do to protect and save Viserys even though she told the Dothraki who witnessed Viserys assault her not to harm Viserys,and even tried to warn him against his misbehavior by giving him a taste for what's was to come if you continued,hence why Viserys was forced to walk on foot instead of riding on horseback as punishment for assaulting Dany.Not to mention GoT never shows Dany actually loved Viserys,still loves him,even misses him (since she remembers how well he treated her back then when he still loved her),but she would and could no longer help him (as she lacked agency and power even as Khal Drogo's wife as a girl who is actually just his child bride sex slave) after warning him about how his violent disrespect to the Dothraki and herself pregnant with Khal Drogo's son as his wife since Viserys forced her to marry the much bigger,much older,much scarier Khal Drogo so young as she was literally just a girl,just a child.
Let's just conveniently ignore book canon of how Viserys changed when he had sell the only thing left of their mother,Rhaella's crown,for food to survive as Dany was severely sick from starvation.Viserys snapped in that moment because he was very close to Rhaella,so he began being cruel,too harsh,verbally,emotionally,and physically abusive to Dany and had been terrorizing her ever since.Viserys would literally beat when "she woke the dragon",and it's obvious when he was even terrorizing her in her dragon dream in the books with the bruises on her naked body and her apparent fear,which is why the dream is symbolic of Dany being scared to wake her dragon.Dany's fear and her body language like she's trying to hide or escape from Viserys is also proof of this besides the memory pre-aSoIaF in one of her chapters Viserys beat Dany so hard all just because Dany spilled,clocked Viserys,and called out his double standards towards her concerning how she should've been born earlier.
As if it's somehow Dany's fault the Targaryens "fell from grace" due to Robert's Rebellion when she wasn't even born yet and just a baby when the Targaryen dynasty ended😭Viserys really had the audacity to shift the blame from the adults onto Dany and actually said if she would've been born earlier,Rhaegar would've had a much better option to marry instead,so Rhaegar would've have been so weak to be so enamored and lovesick with Lyanna he practically threw everything away to elope with her.That memory is manifested into a dragon dream as likely a trauma response similar to nightmares and PTSD of abuse victims.Since Dany was scared of him for years (which is a common response of abuse victims towards their abuser) as she reveals in her POV chapters Viserys hurt her,it can be inferred Viserys actually acted upon his threat towards Dany and the events of that dragon dream really happened before.
Let's just conveniently ignore Viserys consistently insulting and offending the Dothraki with his superiority complex,lashing out at a pregnant Dany and being violent towards her,provoking Khal Drogo by threatening to harm his wife and unborn child.Khal Drogo was literally protecting her from Viserys who posed a threat as he'd shown them all what he was capable with all his unprovoked,unwarranted hostility towards his own full blood related sister,his only family left.Not to mention in the books,Viserys planned to rape Dany before she married Khal Drogo and tried to enter her room at night,but Illyrio foresaw this and had guards stationed outside her door.Viserys felt entitled to Dany's maidenhead (virginity) which he perceived to be belong to him due to his Valyrian blood purity and supremacy and perceiving her as his property,because he believed Dany was supposed to be his bride and give him heirs as his only sister and other full blood Targaryen besides himself.
Oh the irony of Viserys' possessiveness of Dany when he sold his own sister,his only family to Khal Drogo in exchange for an army to take back his birthright,the Iron Throne.Tell me without telling me you never really read the books or even watched the show,most likely skipped Dany's chapters and scenes as antis tend to do,because y'all lack basic reading comprehension skills and are just too threatened by a character as iconic,compelling,great,and complex as Dany🤡
Even in the context of GoT,Viserys was still a cruel,abusive brother to Dany.Literally molested her,literally said he'd let all the Khal Drogo's men and their horses fuck her if that's what it would take to reclaim the Iron Throne,calls her degrading and derogatory slurs rooted in his racism and Valyrian blood supremacy such "Dothraki whore,Horse's slut" despite forcing her to marry the Khal for his own ends for the crown;Not to mention let's just conveniently forget Viserys really threatened to cut out Dany's unborn child when she was pregnant.After everything Viserys did to his own sister,even planned and tried to do to her,Viserys reaped what he sowed and honestly deserved what he got although I do have sympathy and pity for him considering how much his life changed for the worse due to Rhaegar's death and Robert Baratheon usurping.
But Viserys was wrong in punishing Dany for Rhaella's death,blaming and never forgiving her for Rhaella dying from childbirth.It's not her fault as she was literally just a baby fresh out of the womb.So it's valid and true Daenerys lost two brothers including her mother who GRRM rarely mentioned compared to Rhaegar and Aerys + GoT never even cared about to acknowledge Rhaella's existence considering it didn't suit their skewed narrative (but GRRM only used as a writing device often in fiction for characterization and character development to motivate Dany to become a true monarch who prioritizes her duty to the people over the self and devotes her life to protect and care for her people like a mother as the Mhysa/Mother of Dragons,the mother she never while being in the process of fulfilling the void of 'family','home',and "the childhood she had never known" by giving her people that symbolized by protection,security,and safety,because she can't bring back the dead or go back in time to save her family, and she can't even obtain the house with the red door,the lemon tree,and "the childhood she had never known" ) and great-great grand uncle Maester Aemon,who the GRRM didn't even have her meet unlike the likes of Jon who grew up with a father and siblings in a castle.

They’re both gone now.

SANSA LITERALLY HEARD THE WIND. (and what the hell is that with claiming Jon called out to Sansa before he died...?)

I mean, is pretty easy to use, right?