Armin Arlert X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Under The White Oak (Armin x Reader)

masterlist | ao3
Pairing: Armin x Reader
Summary: You grew up with Armin Arlert. Now, if your late twenties or early thirties, you return home and reminisce on your childhood with him.
“Armin is everywhere, you find. He’s in your bedroom, stacked up with the books from high school which are coated with a heavy layer of dust. He’s in your kitchen, where your mother has stashed away cartoon-themed dishes from your childhood in the farthest cupboard. How she finds the room for them, you’ll never know.”
Content Warnings: Modern countryside AU, bittersweet ending, angst, childhood friends to lovers to strangers, no bad feelings… only fond memories, light smut (very light + romantic), loss of virginity, fluff and angst, spoiler: armin and reader do not end up together (but it’s not in a bad way).
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: I hurt my feelings writing this but it also makes me feel a little warm inside somehow. I’m quite proud of it :))

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hi first time ask so please can i request armin and jean and arwen moodboards please <3?
Dating Armin Arlert <3

=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ : bbyboy material. the other two will follow soon!!
Oh God...! | Armin Arlert x F!Reader
Content: Mainly angst, but there's some fluff too. Not an established relationship between Armin and reader.
Warnings: Canon-typical violence, profanity.
Notes: I wrote this for my good friend. You know who you are lol. <3

Armin stood trembling by himself on the rooftop. Eren had just died, so had Mina, Thomas, Nack, and Milieus. Eren gave himself to protect Armin, and all he could do was fucking sit there...that's all he could fucking do.
He didn't know how long he was sitting there while his fellow cadets in the 104th were slaughtered around him, or how many other soldiers' lives were given because of his insolence. Armin beat himself up while continuing to do nothing.
Armin clutched his head as Eren's death replayed over and over and over in his head, while the screams of his squad taunted his ears. His vision became blurry with tears, his head pounding with an onset of a headache. Everything was spinning, Armin wanted to puke, or cry, or die. He couldn't tell.
He didn't hear a new squad come up, nor did he hear the shouts of his name. All he could hear were the screams of his squad members. It wasn't until he was shaken that he finally snapped out of it. His vision cleared and his headache rolled away, his nausea pushed down. When he looked up, he saw (Y/n) sitting there, worried sick.
"Armin! Oh, there you are! What happened? Where's Eren and the rest of the squad?"
Armin stumbled over his words. "(Y/n), I...I...I couldn't-"
"Isn't it obvious?" Ymir spoke, her arms crossed. "They were slaughtered. Nobodies seen them, and they're not around."
"Armin...Armin is that true?" (Y/n) looked back down at the blonde boy.
Armin couldn't respond. Ymir scowled.
"The only reason he escaped death was because he was too much of a coward, I bet."
"Ymir, shut up! You don't know that!"
"Oh sure, defend the coward!" Ymir shot back.
"I'm with (Y/n) on this one, shut up, Ymir!" Conny chimed in.
"Oh yeah?! You both wanna go?!" Ymir yelled, causing Armin to put his hands over his ears and hunch over into (Y/n) embrace.
"I will beat your ass and finally shut your mouth if you don't-" Conny was interrupted.
"Guys, guys, please! Enough! Everyone is tired and scared, but come on! We have to work together and get Armin somewhere safe!" Christa stepped in between Conny and Ymir.
Ymir and Conny quieted down and looked away from each other. Christa looked to (Y/n). "(Y/n), please take Armin and get out of here."
"I can't leave you three-"
"We'll be fine. Make sure Armin gets back safely, then rendezvous back with us." Christa gave her a small smile.
(Y/n) looked up at her from where she was kneeling, and nodded. "Come on, Armin. Let's go."
Armin clung to (Y/n) as she scooped him up into her arms. Using her ODM gear, she brought him further away from any titans, making sure they both were safe. Glancing back, (Y/n) could see Reiner's group struggling with a titan, probably a 10 meter. (Y/n) growled.
"Armin, wait here. I need to help Reiner's squad with-"
"No!" Armin screamed and grabbed onto her coat. "Don't leave! Please, please, please, (Y/n)! Don't leave...oh God...!"
"Hey, hey, Armin, it's okay." (Y/n) pat Armin's head and embraced him, hearing him sob into her chest. "There are no titans around, it'll takle me a few minutes, it'll be okay."
"No, n-no that's not why I..." Armin looked up, tears streaming down his face. "I don't want you to die...please...please don't go...!"
"Armin...if I don't help them, they might die."
Armin's sad face scrunched up even more in pain. "Then...then I'll go with you...! If you...if you get in trouble then I-I'll do what I didn't with Eren and save you..."
(Y/n) looked down at him hesitantly. "...okay, but if you're feeling like you're going to freak out, back off okay?"
Armin nodded vigorously. Both of them then used their ODM gear to get closer to Reiner's group. Armin stayed on the rooftop when Bertholdt slammed into the roof right next to him. (Y/n) shot out her anchors into the titan's shoulder, swung around and cut into the nape of the titan's neck and killed it.
Reiner's group landed safely on the roof with (Y/n). Armin immediately stepped halfway behind her.
"Thank you, (L/n). Why is Armin here?" Reiner commented.
"His squad..." (Y/n) glanced down at the small boy.
Reiner nodded. "Right."
"Come on, we need to keep moving. Thank you for the help, (Y/n)." Annie nodded to her in acknowledgement.
"No problem. Be safe out there." (Y/n) watched Reiner, Bertholdt and Annie ride away.
Armin was beginning to shift back to the state he was in earlier at the sight of the titan, and he tightly grabbed (Y/n)'s hand. Her attention was snapped back to him. "Hey, hey,'s okay."
Armin once again embraced her. "I know that was quick but...oh God...what if you were eaten just as quickly...?"
"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm alive. Everything is okay. Let's get you to safety."
Armin looked up at her, and nodded. His blue eyes filled with tears that she wiped away. Armin thought that she looked like an angel in all this chaos - an angel of death, maybe. As she scooped him up in her arms again and rode away on her ODM gear, he couldn't help but feel safer than he ever had been in her arms.
And for once today, when he closed his eyes, he finally didn't see the slaughter of his squadron.
My take on some modern AU pre-relationship headcanons with the AOT boys
Contents: Levi Ackerman, Eren Yaeger, Armin Arlert, Reiner Braun, and Erwin Smith
Warnings: Some cussing
Notes: This is based off of the college AU I've been seeing. I wrote this for comfort as I found out two days ago that I finally caught covid. I might add Zeke later. Art below is from the 'No Regrets' manga

Levi Ackerman
Levi would be the student who you rarely see outside of class
It'd be really hard to get his attention, really
He's so focused on his studies that he doesn't have time to be with friends, or really do anything outside of work, cleaning, and studying
I feel like the only way you'd catch his attention is if you were late and needed some notes
He'd reluctantly let you see his, wordlessly
After you mutter a small "thank you" and turn his notes back to him, he'd finally glance over you
He'd look for a little bit before muttering a small "yeah..." and look away
Look, you're gonna have to be the one to make the moves <3
Catch up to him after class and be like "Hey! Thanks again for letting me copy your notes. I was wondering if you'd like to study together?"
Being the loner he is, he's gonna shoot you down :(
But that's alright! "Can I buy you a coffee instead? Something to eat? Let me pay you back!"
After thinking it over, Levi would reluctantly agree
After getting him his mocha frappe from Starbucks (yeah he's like that shh) you'd finally give him your name
"Oh, I just realized, you probably don't even know my name. I'm (Y/n) (L/n) by the way" :)
"'s Levi Ackerman." He'd respond in monotone, taking the coffee from you
Before he could leave, you'd give him your number and tell him to call you later before heading off to your next class
After mulling it over in his head, and Hange finding out what'd happened and bugged him about it, he would call you later and begrudgingly invite you over to study
Of course you'd say yes <3
Eren Yaeger
We all know Eren is the popular frat boy
0 studying
0 note taking
I really don't like portraying him as some chad himbo with anger issues, but it's the only thing that makes sense
How he even got into university? Who knows
He gets Armin to help him with homework tho. He's at least nice to him
You'd think with his anger issues that he'd be a bully. In high school he definitely was. But in college? I feel like there was something in him that switched and suddenly he bullies the bullies
College Eren is much nicer overall than High School Eren, I think we can all agree
College Eren is much more ready to admit that he's not ready to be in a relationship with people and instead stays as friends or friends with benefits
Although, that doesn't mean that he doesn't get into relationships. it's just less often than it was in high school.
When he meets you, it's at a party. You were talking to Jean, his old high school rival, when he walked over to mess with his fratmate and introduce himself to you
"(Y/n), don't bother with him," Says Jean, glaring at Eren
"Oh so your name's (Y/n)? I'm Eren Yaeger"
"Oh yeah, the popular frat guy everyone talks about" You'd say
"Oh so you've heard of me?" Eren leans in, batting his eyes in a joking manner
He'll make you laugh, no matter your humor
Obviously would give you his number and offer to get you a drink. Whether or not you allow him to get you one is up to you
After the party, if you text him, he'll start messaging you back
Usually about nonsense. Getting to know each other, each others pasts, whatever
People obviously talk shit about him, but when they know you've become somewhat friendly towards him? OH, all eyes are on you
You'll hear a new rumor every week about him, and it gets to the point where you bring it up to him
If it gets so out of hand, he'll open up about how he was in high school. He doesn't like looking back on it.
It allows him to be vulnerable to you (he hates feeling vulnerable) and allows you both to get closer
(Y'all should I make a part two to this...?)
Armin Arlert
Lol my friend is an Armin simp. She's gonna love this one.
Armin 100% studies. He's more intense than Levi is about it
Always studying. Even when sick
Mikasa is the one dragging him to parties and outings to get his head out of the books
Armin likes getting out and being with friends and such, but he's at college to learn, not to party
So, when you capture his eye at a party, he doesn't really think much of it
Until he sees you again in class
He'll introduce himself then ask about the party he saw you at
You'll introduce yourself and begin talking
You'll exchange numbers, and to Mikasa's surprise, you manage to help him get out more
Whenever Armin has tension headaches from studying, he'll call you up and ask you to come over
You'll study together, or you'll bring him some food and medicine, make sure he takes care of his body, especially around midterms or finals
Poor boy gets those tension headaches all the time
One time while trying to feel better, Armin fell asleep in your lap
Mikasa walked in and immediately walked back out
Not before taking a picture to tease Armin with later
When he woke up, he'd be so flustered that he fell asleep on you in the first place, he wouldn't be able to form a complete sentence if he tried
If you're over when Eren comes to visit, Eren is gonna tease the fuck out of the two of you
To the point where Armin probably kicks him out, he's so embarrassed
Apologizing on Eren's behalf and being a flustered lil baby, you'll have to be the one to calm him down
You didn't hear this from me, but the only way to stop him from rambling is by grabbing his face and kissing him ;)
Reiner Braun
I AM ALSO SUCH A SIMP FOR THIS MAN HOLY SHIT i mean, not as much as i simp for Levi but STILL
Such an athletic junkie
He's into so many sports, its insane how he even has time to have any kind of relationship or party or even classes
But, he somehow makes time for all of it
He's a very outgoing and sweet guy
He's a mountain of a man though, so he's kind of intimidating
He'd notice you probably in class talking to either Annie or Bertholdt, so he'd come up and say hi to his friend and introduce himself to you
"Hey! Sorry to interrupt, but I needed to talk to Bertholdt about something- uh- I'm Reiner Braun by the way."
"You're good. I'm (Y/n) (L/n)."
He'd 100% get your number from Bertholdt or Annie, and would immediately start texting you
Yeah he seems intimidating, but it's only because of how bulky he is. In reality, he's such a sweetheart
I may be projecting here, but how could you not fall in love with this man??
He doesn't even need to be with you to hold your hand to help you across the street, scare off creeps at a party, etc.
He's naturally the big brother type - again, how could you not fall in love with this man???
He feels his chest explode with love and affection whenever he sees you in his bleachers, especially if you're front row
It's a little tradition of yours to make little waves to each other, and whenever he's off the field he'll come up and talk to you for a little bit
That's how he found out he had feelings for you <3
Erwin Smith
Okay. I know they're all supposed to be students or whatever but THINK OF ERWIN AS YOUR PROFESSOR I-
No. no. I need to stick to students...
Okay. Erwin as a student is like a mixture of Levi and Armin
Erwin (WITH HIS THICC THIGHS MMMMM) doesn't exactly have time for friends and outings, but he has a select few who followed him from high school. Levi, Miche, and Hange to name a few
You will almost never find him at a party unless it's right after midterms or at the beginning of the semester when there's a lighter workload
He wont even get tipsy, he'll have maybe one or two drinks while talking to some people then leave
He first noticed you most likely when Hange posted about you on social media. You were in their science class and y'all had done some chaotic shit
You were looking through the likes on the post (just cause you were bored) and saw Erwin's profile
You'd seen him around but never knew his name
So, you hit up Hange and asked how they knew this guy
Next thing you knew, you were meeting Hange, Levi, Miche and Erwin for lunch at a local cafe
Levi was a mutual friend of yours and Hange's, but this was your first time meeting Miche and Erwin
Erwin was the last one to show up, but damn if he didn't capture your attention
Those striking blue eyes and the neatly combed blonde hair, the tall and absolutely fucking ripped stature...mmmmm
Erwin sat across from you, introducing himself and commenting about the post he'd seen of you and Hange
The five of you talked about College and exams and whatnot, before Hange came up with the idea of a groupchat, nudging you as they did so
Levi was the only one a little reluctant but it was made anyway
Soon enough, you'd messaged Erwin privately to ask about a certain topic of study, and eventually it flowed into natural conversation <3
Please send in AOT asks. Heres my masterlist so you can see who I write for! Thanks!

Oh Eren cheats a lot.
He always promises that all of those girls don’t matter to him but deep down you know you deserve better than that, wich is why you decide to hit up his best friend and roommate Armin.
He’s so sweet and carring, exactly what you need right now.
"Y/n I-I don’t think this is a good idea…"
He speaks softly, trying not to sound harsh since you seem so vulnerable.
"Please Min…" you pout him while sliding your hands down his back. "You wouldn’t want to make me sad, would you?" You’re innocent eyes look up at him trough your lashes.
"what? No of course not!" He would never hurt you on purpose! You’re such a cute girl just looking for love and attention. Eren wouldn’t want him to ignore your needs right? So it can’t be that wrong that he slides his fingers down your panties, playing with you’re clit while leaving wet kisses all over your neck.
"You’re a really special girl right y/n?" He looks at you expectant. You nod slowly while whining at his fingers entering you’re tight and already clenching hole. "Exactly, and special girls deserve a special treatment right?" He asks, voice so kind and gentle it feels like a Melodie in your ears.
"y-yes." You mumble quietly in response, focusing on the pleasure that his fingers make you feel.
"That’s right, I’ll give you your princess treatment if he’s not smart enough to do so."
He gives you a warm smile while he speeds up his movements, leaving you trembling in his lap. "Min, c-can I please cum?" You whisper with tears gathering at the corners of your eyes. You’re still used to asking for everything since Eren would brutally punish you if you didn’t.
"Of course my love, but promise me that from now on you’ll come to me for things like this yeah?" He asks. He wants to take care of you, and he wants you to prioritize him. "Say you’re mine and I’ll make you always feel good when you’re sad, just like right now." His other hand makes it’s way up to your chest, where he roughly pinches your nipple before twisting it lightly.
"I promise I’ll be yours Min." You whine desperately while feeling your orgasm building up. "That’s my pretty girl." He teasingly smiles at you as he feels you tightening up while coming on his fingers.
From now on things changed, whenever Eren left you alone in his room, crying cause he’s probably out flirting with other girls, you didn’t have to waste your time being sad.
You just walk over to Armin’s room, where he welcomes you with open arms a cock to pacify you. Armin really is the sweetest <3

Whoever sent this ask just know I love u, I was so exited to write this!!! 🫶🏾💗
Jean version (3k+)

Agora Hills

Featuring - Armin Arlert x Fem!Reader
Warnings - Virginity Loss, Slight Sub!Armin, Mild degradation, Teasing, Unprotected Sex, Handjobs, Overstim (M!Receiving)
Rating - Explicit
Song Choice - Agora Hills (Doja Cat)
A/N - I REALLY got lost in the sauce for this one so it’s definitely on the longer side of my Kinktober works, but I would love to turn this into a full fic after Kinktober <3

“I..I think I’m finally ready, Y/N.”
His words were barely above a mere mumble as he uttered them against your lips between soft, breathy pants.
You thought your ears deceived you, pulling away from the deep kiss you two shared just to make sure you heard him right.
“Are you really sure you’re ready, Baby?” your eyes never leaving his, scanning them through his slightly fogged lenses for any hint of hesitance.
“I think so..” his voice riddled with a slight nervousness as he spoke, cheeks tinted a rosy pink that softly spread across the bridge of his nose.
You could tell he was more nervous about your reaction to his words than the action behind them—you were his girlfriend of four, soon to be five, months and undeniably one of the closest people to him, next to his close-knit friend group.
Before you, the poor boy hadn’t had as much as his first kiss, despite him being a sophomore in college he had little to no experience; thankfully, you didn’t mind as much as he imagined you would, you surely didn’t tease him about it like his friends did.
You taught him how to properly kiss a few months back, which was quicker than you both thought it would be. You knew Armin still had his virginity, and you didn’t mind waiting until he was ready to lose it—you just weren’t expecting to hear it now.
Armin layed against the bed and in nothing but his boxers; you had comfortably nestled yourself between his legs, wearing nothing but your panties and bra—one of your hands resting on the side of his abdomen as the other gently strokes over his concealed, hardened member.
No one has ever touched him the way you did, Armin felt like a degenerate getting this bothered by a touch as gentle as yours—soaking pre-cum into his boxers as he lets out quiet whines and sighs from your touch.
You knew Armin’s size was above average, you’ve felt it nudge against your clothed cunt countless times whenever you straddled his lap while making out, each time shocking you more than the last.
Your eyes met his glossed over ones as you pawed at his boxers; his face flushed and riddled with desperation, ocean blue eyes locked on you and your hand as it teased him through his boxers.
“You sure you’re ready for this, Love? We can wait as long as you want, there’s no rush-”
“No..fuck, I-I want this..I want you..” his voice already laced with that adorably needy tone you would die for.
You loved seeing him pathetically flustered like this, your lips contorted into a faint smirk as you chose your next words.
“You want me to do what exactly? C’mon, use your words, Armin.” One of your hands going from pawing at his clothed cock to trailing up to ghost over the side of his lower abdomen.
Armin let out a weak whimper at the absence of your hand over his member; the tone of your voice was innocent, but he couldn’t help but twitch in his boxers at the sound of you calling his name with such lustful intent.
“Please, Y/N..Gods, please ruin me.” He stammered out, blue eyes struggling to keep in contact with yours as he further tangled his hands into the sheets.
Your hand trailed back down to his boxers, toying with the elastic of the waistband.
“See that wasn’t so hard was it, hm?”
The room was filled with the sloppy sound of your hand hastily pumping Armin’s drooling cock, alternating from quick strokes to agonizingly slow ones just to feel him writhe beneath you.
“God, Armin, you can’t possibly be this pathetic.” You’ve never been the type to tease your poor boyfriend, but now you couldn’t help it—especially when he’s ruined your hand at least 3 times in the span of 5 minutes.
You slowed down your rhythmic strokes as you propped yourself on your knees and lined his head to your entrance; slowly sinking yourself down onto his member with a stifled moan.
Armin couldn’t help but hiss through gritted teeth as you steadily took him into your needy cunt; you were just so tight, your soaked warmth squeezing his overly sensitive cock back in with every teasingly slow motion of your hips.
Your hands resting on his chest as you guided yourself along his length, eyes promptly fluttering shut whenever his tip easily drug along that certain spongy spot.
He hesitantly placed his shaky hands on your hips as he helped you, mind hazing itself over as he felt that familiar coil in his lower stomach tightening at the feeling of your needy cunt around him.
Armin hit the spot that made you easily go cross-eyed with every tender thrust, high-pitched moans pouring from your lips as you grew closer to your own upcoming orgasm.
Your clouded half-lidded eyes meeting your boyfriend once more; blonde bangs gently sticking to his forehead as his blown out ocean eyes locked onto where your greedy cunt and his aching cock met.
You could feel your high come to a climax as you rode your boyfriend, nails digging into his chest as you cried out mewls and curses of his name as you came, your slick coating his shaft as your cunt clasped around him.
Armin’s own high soon coming to a peak as your warmth tightly took him into deeper as it coated him in your slick, tears peppering on the outer corners of his eyes as he came, babbling apologies of how he should’ve warned you or pulled out before cumming.
Soon shutting up as you leaned in, meeting his lips to yours and swallowing the gasp he let out as you gave him a few short kisses before soothing and praising him for his amazing work tonight.

Other Kinktober 24’ Works
EMA with fem! chubby s/o hcs
My first hcs for the shinganshina trio! I just wanna say all bodies are beautiful and to embrace and love your body <3

• You first met Eren back when you were trainees in the 104th
• One of the first things Eren noticed about you was your passionate and hard working nature
• When Eren started talking to you and getting to know you he realized how pretty you were
• Eren didn't want to tell you he developed a crush on you until Armin and Mikasa noticed and practically forced him
• "(Y/n), I like you as more than a friend. Can you be my girlfriend?"
• Dating Eren was interesting and you genuinely felt like he loved you for who you were
• There were times you had a bad day and felt insecure about yourself but Eren being the angry boy he is lifted you back
• "Eren, don't I feel like too much?"
• "Baby, what are you talking about?! You don't see how stunning you are."
• Will get into a fight for you and protect you no matter what
• Eren is not one of my favorites but this made me 🥺

• You and Mikasa became close friends after you saw her training and wanted help from her
• You two first became friends but it eventually turned into a bond closer than friends
• When you guys started dating Mikasa always made sure you were taking care of yourself
• She loves hugging and cuddling you in private cause you're so soft
• She'll get a bit flustered with pda it's not her thing really
• When she thinks you're pushing yourself too hard she makes sure to reassure you that you're doing great
• If anyone came for your weight and said something she would give them the scariest glare
• Protective girlfriend 🥺
• She makes sure you eat plenty and sometimes feeds you a bit
• I'm so gay for Mikasa ahhhh

• You became friends with Armin when you were kids
• You along with Eren and Mikasa always stood up for him
• Armin and you felt closer to each other because you both always shared a deep fascination with the outside world
• All these years you just became closer until you eventually developed feelings and Armin shyly confessed
• "I l-like you (Y/n). As more than a friend."
• "I like you too Armin."
• Armin was such a sweetheart to you and always treated you so well
• Reading together late at night by the fireplace
• Pecks on the cheek
• Mikasa and Eren feel so happy for you two and approve of how much you make Armin happy
• Armin thinks you're so cute and he loves your body
• When you get insecure about your body he always manages to make you feel better
• "(Y/n), you're beautiful. Don't think otherwise. I love you."
• Armin, the most supportive and smartest boyfriend you'll ever have
Eren, Armin, and Levi's s/o finding out they asked them out for a dare
You guys seem to enjoy pure angst so here's some more angsty stuff! This is in a modern college au! If you want a part 2 just comment <3

You laughed as you sat next to Eren on the bleachers of the football field. His arm was around you as he was telling you a funny story about a random fight he and Jean had. "So then I just called him a mama's boy and he just turned red and told me to screw off." Your cheeks were hurting from smiling and laughing with your boyfriend as he told you all kinds of funny stories he had. As the two of you were chatting, his two best friends Armin and Mikasa waved to you both as they walked up to the two of you. All of a sudden, your cell phone rang and you realized that it was an important call you had to pick up. You pecked Eren on the cheek and he let you go knowing the call was important. You walked over to a secluded area where it was quiet so you could talk on the phone. The call took only about 15 minutes of your time so you smiled as you hung up knowing you'd get to spend some more time with your boyfriend before the football game starts. As you walked up the stairs to the bleachers you overheard a weird conversation Eren was having with Armin and Mikasa. "You got to tell them eventually Eren.." Armin said. Your boyfriend looked down at his feet and signed in clear disappointment. "I know Armin. I just don't know how to tell them.." You were so confused at what they were even talking about. Were they talking about you? You listened more carefully. "How about hey (Y/n), the only reason I first asked you out was because someone dared me to?" Mikasa exclaimed. Your heart clenched at what you just heard. You put your hand over your heart as the tears threatened to fall out of your eyes. The trio looked up to see you and Eren's face automatically went as pale as a ghost. "Baby, wait..." You ran by the sight of him and didn't even turn back when you heard him calling your name. Eren didn't know what to do so he just stood in the same spot. Frozen in terror. He looked at Armin and Mikasa as they just nodded their head to him. Eren understood as he ran after you. His worst nightmare has come true.

You and Armin were having a study date in the library as you prepared for your next exams. You've been struggling with some of the material lately so you've been grateful that you had someone like Armin to help you. To be honest, you never would of thought to be dating someone like Armin who was intelligent and out of your league. He was someone you just greatly admired from afar. To be dating him was a treasure. He came up to you at a random frat party and the two of you hit it off right away on the first date. That wasn't the full truth though. He didn't include the part where his friend Jean dared him to ask someone out because all of his friends made fun of him for being the only one who hasn't dated anyone. Armin's wanted to tell you multiple times but his fear of you leaving him has always come back in his mind. So he kept quiet about it. Armin wanted to tell you. But he just wasn't sure how to go about it. "Armin, is anything wrong? You've been staring at the same page for the past few minutes." Armin broke out of the trance as he jerked up to look at you. Armin then decided that day that he needed to come clean to you. "Yeah, I'm okay. But after we're done we need to talk. Is that alright with you?" You felt the nerves start to crawl through your body as you nodded your head. As you both finished studying, you walked out of the library back to the dorms. As Armin dropped you off back to your dorm room he chose to finally face his fears. "(Y/n), there's something I need to tell you. I haven't been completely honest with you." You looked puzzled at your boyfriend's words before he let out a deep breath fearing the worst. "I only asked you out the night we met because Jean dared me to." Armin looked down ashamed before his eyes went on you to see your face full of heartbreak. "I swear after the first date we had I fell in love with you! I don't even know why I took the dare!" You shook off Armin's grasp on you before saying, "Was this all just a sick joke to you? After everything we've been through you lied to me all this time?" Armin shook his head before a couple of tears welled up in his eyes. "No (Y/n)! It was all never a lie! Please..." You ignored your boyfriend before stomping into your dorm room and slamming the door shut. The tears Armin was attempting to hold in fell down. He hated himself more than anything right now.

Levi never thought that he would have been swooned by you from the first date. In his attempt to keep Hanji from annoying him further he took a dare from them to ask the next person that walked through the door out. He only took it with a promise that Hanji would stop talking about their disgusting lab experiments with him for a whole month. It's been a whole year since that experience and he never told you anything about the dare despite telling himself that he would tell you the truth. Erwin would ask him about it from time to time but when Levi gave him a short response that he didn't he knew that his friend was just terrified to tell you. The secret that he kept from you didn't last any longer when his friends dragged him to a bar with you and Hanji got drunk and slipped the truth. Levi's eyes widened a bit not only with shock but with a bit of anger from Hanji slipping what he wanted to tell you. But he knew that you had to find out eventually. Just not like this. "(Y/n). Shit. I wanted to tell you." You gave the man a scoff as you walked out of the bar without a care in the world. You felt betrayed by the man you loved. As you speed walked outside Levi walked after you since his speed was as fast as a stallion. "(Y/n), it was just a dare. I never even cared about it afterwards. I swear on my life I was never faking all of this." Your vision became blurry from the tears before you said, "What's there to say Levi? You lied to me this whole time. I can't believe I actually thought this was love at first sight. You betrayed me and hurt me. How do I even know this wasn't all just a joke for your sick dare?" Levi calmly grabbed your shoulder feeling a bit guilty after you flinched. "I wouldn't have been dating you this long if it was for the damn dare (Y/n). I never even cared about it anymore after we went out on a date. Hanji kept annoying my ass afterwards you can ask them." You didn't even know how to respond as you silently walked away. "Just... get out of my sight. Cold hearted bastard." Levi let you go off into the night knowing what he's done. His face remained the same but his heart became shattered and frozen.
Eren, Armin, and Levi's s/o finding out they asked them out for a dare part 2
The anticipated part 2! I know plenty of people wanted a part 2 so here you go <3 I might make an angsty version but we'll see

Eren chased after you in the general direction he believed you went. This lead all the way outside to the football field where he hoped he'd catch up to you in time. But it was already too late. He didn't catch a sight of you anywhere and you must have already gotten farther than him. Eren grabbed his own hair in frustration and he felt nothing but hatred for himself. How could he have not told you about the dare? Eren wasn't thinking straight at the time because everyone of his friends including him was drunk. He randomly asked you out not believing he was already going to fall in love with you. But now that you found out, he feels like such a monster. Eren couldn't go looking for you right then and there because he had to play a game for the football team. As Eren grunted at himself in self pity, he heard a notification sound going off in his phone. Eren grabbed the phone from his pocket to see a sudden text from Armin. His emerald eyes widened at what he read. "I know where (Y/n) might be. When she's upset about something she usually goes to the park not too far from here. I sent you where it should be. I also let the team know you'll miss this game. Good luck. :)" Eren rejoiced at what Armin texted him only feeling a sense of gratitude for his best friend. Eren got into his own car and started driving to the park where you hopefully were. As soon as he parked in the parking lot, he slammed the door and jogged a bit hoping he'd find you. Eren was searching for at least 15 minutes before he suddenly saw your figure walking on a sidewalk with your arms huddled. Eren didn't care if he was in public so he shouted, "(Y/n)!!!" Eren ran up to you before you could go away again and he immediately put you into his arms. You didn't attempt to push him away but you weren't hugging him back either. "I'm so sorry baby. I'm sorry. I never wanted it to be like this." You didn't respond as he let go of the hug and held onto you where he looked you in the eyes. "I never should have took the dare. It was a big mistake. But I don't ever regret falling for you. I love you so damn much and I never lied to you about my feelings. Please, (Y/n). Believe me. Be angry at me but please don't leave me." Your face was wrecked with tears as you gave him a sincere look. "I could never hate you Eren. But it didn't give you an excuse to do what you did. I just need time right now to forgive you." Eren's eyes lit up with hope you haven't seen in a long time. He would give you the time you needed.

As soon as you slammed the door shut all you saw was blur. The water came flooding down and all you felt inside your chest was pain. How could Armin do such a thing? He was the sweetest guy you ever knew and now he goes on to keep a lie from you. You didn't know what more to put in your head so you decided to just let yourself fall on your bed and go to sleep. When you woke up and got ready for school the next day, you decided to completely avoid Armin every time you saw him on campus. Without a glance, you would ignore him and walk away. Some of those times he'd try to talk to you but you just couldn't get yourself to say a word to him. His friends would try talking to you as well but it just got harder to talk to them too knowing they'd just bring up Armin. You were in too much pain to even deal with him. This lasted for a week and you weren't looking or feeling any better emotionally. You never really bothered to brush your hair, your eye bags were prominent, and you weren't eating as much as you should be. Your childish game came to an end when two of Armin's friends confronted you head on. There was no escape now. "(Y/n), you avoiding Armin on purpose needs to end now. Eren and I are done seeing you both like this." Mikasa said sternly. You looked down at your feet knowing that what she said was right. But you weren't sure. "How do you think I feel knowing that Armin took a dare just to ask me out? He didn't tell me anything." You said with a frustrated look. Eren opened his mouth and said, "I know Armin took a dare (Y/n) but he loved you all this time. Everything besides how you two met was never fake to him. Remember that." Mikasa nodded her head when you looked up at the two. "Armin hasn't been okay either ever since you found out. He loves you (Y/n). At least check up on him." You were stubborn but you weren't a mean person. So you agreed and followed them to his dorm room. As you made it to his room, they both leaved to let you two sort this out. You lightly knocked and as soon as you did the door came open. Armin looked like a saddened mess. "(Y/n)... I'm so sorry for what I've done! I hurt you and I lied to you. I should have told you the truth but all I did was make it worse. If you want to break up I understand. You don't deserve a terrible boyfriend like me..." You kissed him on the lips as it kept him quiet and he kissed back. "Armin. I don't want to leave you. I know you lied to me in the beginning. But I know that we've been through so much that felt real... I forgive you but you better promise no more lies." Armin smiled in gratitude and put his forehead on yours. "No more lies."

You walked away from the bar as far as possible. You had no idea where you were going but you just wanted to get away from the man who hurt you the most. It was a busy night in the town you lived in so there were a lot of people walking around town checking out the shops and such. As you walked with your arms around yourself, you saw a nice looking cafe that had the door open. Your feet were feeling extremely exhausted so you chose to walk inside and grab a seat in one of the booths available. You walked to the counter and ordered a plain coffee before sitting down in an empty booth. The seating area had many kinds of people that were sitting down and chatting. The sight of a loving couple only made you feel something disheartening inside your chest. It reminded you of one of your favorite dates you went on with Levi. He took you to a beautiful cafe for your anniversary and he even gave you a beautiful ring to let you know how much he loves you. Levi never used his words to express his love for you but his actions said it all. Has Levi ever not proven himself after all this time that he's never loved you? Sure, he lied to you about how he asked you out but was everything you been through ever a lie? When he told you everything about his sad past? Was his rare smile towards you fake? You thought to yourself before you grabbed your coffee and made up your mind. You got your phone out and immediately dialed Levi's number to call him. Once the phone rang, you heard a deep voice on the other line. "(Y/n)?" You let out a sigh before you started. "Can you.. find me please? I'm at this cafe not too far from here." You heard Levi agree on the other line as he gave you a goodbye and hung up. Your body grew with only an anxious feeling as you waited for Levi to arrive at the coffee shop. What were you going to say to him? Would he even want to talk? The indecisive thoughts came to a halt when you saw the raven haired man walk into the establishment. His eyes softened when they laid onto you and he calmly walked some steps towards your booth. "Hey." He said. "Hey." The silence that came upon the two of you was kinda awkward as you didn't know what to say. After a couple of minutes a sound rang in the air and Levi finally spoke up. "I'm sorry." You softened your gaze as you put your hand on top of his. "I know you are Levi. I should apologize for acting the way I did." Levi shook his head before saying, "You shouldn't apologize for acting like that. You had every reason to (Y/n)." You clutched his hand as you said, "You shouldn't have done what you did. But I know you love me. We'll work this out." Your boyfriend grabbed your hand to lightly kiss it as he said something you haven't heard in a long time. "I love you." You smiled with your cheeks and your inside feeling warm. "I love you too Levi Ackerman."
Eren, Armin, and Levi Reaction: They Call You Clingy
This isn't my best but that's okay :))

Eren was busy working on his titan experiments all day and he hasn't gotten any better. He's been trying to be able to harden his titan body all day but nothing seemed to be working at all. The captain didn't really look too pleased either so he was having a really difficult time. "Hey Eren!" He heard you call out to him in the distance. You ran to him with a gorgeous smile on your face. Normally, you would always brighten his day when you showed up but his tiredness and stress got the better of him today. He just wanted to be left alone to work on his titan ability and he didn't need you here bothering him. "Why are you here (Y/n)?" Eren said in a cold tone of voice. Your face fell because of his tone so you just laughed to yourself awkwardly in hopes it'll help. "Um, cause I always see you after your experiments? I just wanted to see if you were doing okay and tend to your wounds." Eren rolled his eyes and turned away from you. "Well I don't need you here how about you go away (Y/n)." You tried touched his arm and said, "But Eren-" Eren launched his arm away and snapped. "God (Y/n)! I don't need another Mikasa on my hand and foot! You're so damn clingy and annoying! Just leave me alone!" You simply froze in the same place as you nodded your head and said, "Fine. Take care of your own damn wounds then." You walked away back into headquarters with your head down. If he wanted to be left alone, you would do as he asked.

You've been really worried about Armin lately. He's had a lot on his shoulders ever since Erwin died and he's been really letting the stress get to him. Armin hasn't been taking any breaks either so it's been really worrying you if he's actually been taking care of his health or not. You then decided. You'd talk him out of working on plans and strategies for at least one night so he could get some good rest and eat properly. You walked to the library where Armin was working and proceeded to go up to him while he was sitting at the table working out strategies. "Hey Armin, been working all night?" Trying to get his attention you say. Armin didn't even peek a glance at you. "Mhm." He said quietly you almost didn't hear. You weren't just gonna give up though. "Maybe you should take some time off from working yes? You should go and get some rest you really need it." You tried to plead. Armin didn't obviously follow through cause he was still writing some things down. "(Y/n) I'm fine. Just to go to bed." You tried to beg again. "Not unless you go to bed with me. Can you please just stop strategizing for once?" Armin's fist clenched and he hit it against the table making your whole body flinch in shock. "No (Y/n)! What makes you think I'm gonna stop working?! Who else is gonna do this?! Now stop being clingy and just go to sleep!" Your eyes widened in shock at this. Armin has never yelled at you at all in your relationship. But if he wanted to keep working you'd leave him be. He's never called you clingy either which hit a weak spot since Armin knew about your previous relationships where your exes called you clingy. You went to bed that night crying yourself to sleep.

Levi was at it almost all day and he's had enough of it. His squad has been training this entire day and they haven't even improved in the slightest. He understood they were still technically kids but it still stressed him out a bit. When the training was finally over he just needed a cup of hot tea and some alone time to unwind. Before Levi made it to the kitchen though, you were already standing near the entrance with a smile on your face. You must have been waiting for him. As cute as you are he wasn't in the mood today to deal with your antics so he just coldly pushed you aside to get inside. "Levi? What's the matter? You look pretty upset." You were walking beside him trying to talk but his headache didn't really want to deal with anyone talking today. So he just didn't respond and looked away from you with a tongue click. "Levi, just talk to me you don't have to ignore me." You said calmly and confused with his behavior. You grabbed his shoulder to stop him as he was still walking away. "Levi tell me-" Levi turned around with a fearful glare."Damn it (Y/n) I don't need you right now talking my ear off. If you weren't so damn clingy less people would find you annoying." Jab. That was a huge jab for you. Levi simply walked away from you in the same direction he was going to the kitchen. You knew he had a stressful day but that wasn't a damn good excuse for what he said to you. You slid your body to the floor not knowing what to do except think about if your relationship is worth it.
did i cross the line ?
pairing: armin arlert x f!reader ( attack on titan ) word count: 1K+ warnings: 18+ for overall context; au - modern universe, slight dubcon due to intoxication, alcohol, college party, eren yeager being a shit, implied slow burn friends to lovers, ✨ tension author's note: i was drinking wine and wrote this up in 30 min?

You don't know how you ended up here -- tucked away in a closet of a fraternity house you want no part of, barely finding your breath as trembling hands hold either side of your face like you're something precious; something that can break.
You smell the distinct scent of cheap beer and a mirage of other liquors mixing with your own minty tooth paste. Your head is spinning, but you're sober.
Sometime between getting the panicked text from Armin ( i don't know why i'm getting dragged to this thing ) and seeing Eren's first private Instagram story ( look at @/aarlert getting insane! ) you had packed up your bag and save your friend from total embarrassment.
If this is Eren's doing, then he's been begging to drag Armin to Titan Frat for months now -- some bullshit excuse of wanting to prove that Armin can be fun, but you've always thought Armin was fun.
He's your favorite person; your best friend since the start of university. He's funny. He's compassionate.
He's much too hard on himself, constantly worrying, but you like to think you both cancel out one another's anxieties.
His roommate, Eren Yeager, liked to joke that he was in love with you. You didn't quite believe it -- couldn't, not when you have your own deep-seated crush in the back of your mind.
So somehow between making your way into this chaotic house where people dance, drink, and fuck the way through the hallways like they're on a world-ending marathon, you find him: his yellow-blonde hair is a dead giveaway, wipsy and faded at the nape of his neck. He's holding a red cup looking wildly out of place in this sea of extroverts wearing a faded flannel and band tee. You noticed he left his glasses at home, so you can only imagine how poor his eyesight is.
"Armin!" you shout over the music, and he turns on instinct. His eyes find yours, narrowing then widening. The relief passes like a crashing wave, as if you're the soothing balm to his nerves.
"What -- What are you doing here?" he yelps, abandoning his red cup to a table full of forgotten cups. His hands reach for your face, rendering you speechless.
Armin doesn't even like to bump shoulders, much less touch you. He's staunchly unaffectionate physically with a gift of gab -- he'll tell you how much he adores you, how important you are to him, but he's not the touchy-feely friend.
Still, you're stunned when his fingers run along your cheeks, cupping your face.
"I saw Eren's story," you say over the music, trying to lean closer.
His brows knit. "What?"
"I saw Eren's story!"
"I can't really hear -- hold on!"
Dropping his hands from his face, he quickly searches your sides -- there -- and grabs your hand. Again, the sudden proximity of him is knocking off your axis.
He navigates the hallways like he knows where he's going, cautious to protect you from touching the couples making out against walls, totally oblivious to the world around them. He covers your elbow, your shoulder, as if he's your own personal bubble.
Always so goddamn careful with you.
He tugs on a bedroom door. Locked.
Armin groans, before trying another more slender door.
It's a closet, empty and seemingly refurbished. His gentle blue eyes, stormy from consuming liquor, look to you.
"Is this okay?"
"To what, talk in?"
"Yeah," he exhales, his pale cheeks peppered with a pink hue. "Pretty sure all the other rooms are occupied."
Huffing a sigh, you slip into the closet and turn. "Armin, you practically smell like a liquor cabinet."
"I know," he sheepishly confesses, closing the door behind him. He's only slightly taller than you, but not by much. "Eren, he..."
He's pushy, is what you imagine he wants to say.
Constantly badgering poor Armin to conform to things he isn't interested in just so he has a buddy to pledge with for rush season this year.
"Are you okay?" you softly ask, and Armin lets out a tiny huff of a laugh.
"Of course I'm fine," he mumbles. "You're here now."
Even in the small light of this closet you see his eyes widen, realizing he said it out loud. You try not to laugh, lips pursed together to avoid it, but he laughs for you.
"Shit," he exhales. "Okay. I stand by what I said."
"God, yeah, are you kidding?" Armin asks with a cute scrunch of his nose. "You make everything a thousand times better."
You lean against the wall, laughing softly with him. "Well, I appreciate that. Are you sure you're okay? On a scale of one to ten--"
"You don't have to take care of me," he reassures, moving closer to him. "You always take care of me. I-- I should be taking care of you."
Blinking twice, you look up at him, but he's busy staring at your lips.
"What's going on in that empty head of yours?"
"A lot, actually, if you can believe it," he admits. "So... so much, but I can't..."
Armin's always had difficulty verbalizing what he wants. What he's thinking. You've always been so patient, allowing him to unravel the ball of yarn in his head until the red string straightens itself out.
His hands slide up to your face again, as if magnetic. You make the smallest noise of surprise, but it isn't unwanted.
"I kept seeing all of those people," he murmurs, leaning in closer. His breath tickles your face. "Kissing, touching, in the halls of this damn place... all I wanted to do was to text you."
His thumb runs along your cheek like he's craving to know you, memorize you, the way he's memorized every note in your shared classes.
You make no sudden movement, as if the trance will somehow awaken Armin from this new warpath he's carved for himself. "Why didn't you?"
"Because I can't really see the buttons right now," he admits with a tiny, embarrassed laugh. "But you still came for me, like you knew I wanted you."
That's a loaded double entendre.
Your eyes round, watching as he leans closer.
He doesn't answer right away.
Instead, Armin drops one of his hands to run a gentle finger up your arm -- it's subtle, the manicured edge of his fingernail running deliciously against your skin.
Like he's afraid to touch.
He's always so afraid.
But so are you.
"The things I wish I could do," he exhales, his nose ever so lightly brushing against yours. "Things I could do -- if you'd let me."

always thinking about riding armin. <3
tw: penetrative sex, creampie, exhabitionism.

it was only supposed to be a nice date, wholesome even. a bike ride into a more secluded part of the forest to have a picnic together for some much needed quality time. and it was just that, for a little while anyway.
but now your blouse is pulled up to expose your tits to the warm, spring breeze. and your skirt's bunched up at your waist, giving armin the perfect view of his weeping cock sliding in and out of your sopping wet cunt.
he's laying on the red plaid blanket you brought with you. his shirt unbuttoned, giving you a perfect view of the pink and purple love bites you left behind earlier that start at his collarbones and end just above the base of his cock. he was so shy at first, half-heartedly resisting you as your made your decent down his body.
"c'mon baby, someone might see us."
its almost funny how only minutes ago he was worried about voyeuristic eyes, and now he's writhing underneath you. an abundance of moans and whines erupting from his parted lips. hes so far gone now, so totally and completely fucked out of his mind that he couldn't care less.
his hands have an almost bruising force behind them as he grips onto your waist to help give you momentum as you bounce over and over again. his voice cracks as he moans your name, and it only makes you slam your hips down harder.
the coil inside you is winding tighter and tighter the longer you ride him, and you can tell armin isn't far behind. his whole body is flushed, tears are welling up in his eyes, and he can't stop bucking his hips up to meet yours.
you pry his hands off you, intertwining your fingers with his as you slam yourself down one last time. you grind down onto him, and you both let out high pitched groans. he's just so deep. and the feeling of your puffy clit rubbing against the toned muscle of his lower abdomen has you seeing stars. youre only brought back when you hear armin cry out to you.
"fuck baby, 's so good. love you s'much.. keep fucking me, please. please, fuck me."
and why would you ever say no to him when he asked so nicely?
you grind on him at a fervent speed, throwing your head back when you feel his tip nudge against the spot that makes you feel like you're melting. you squeeze his hands in an attempt to ground yourself, but hearing him whimper out how pretty you look on top of him has the coil finally snapping.
armin loses himself in the way your cunt somehow sucks him in even deeper, fluttering and clenching around him as you fall onto his chest. he wraps one arm around you, while he entagles this other hand into your hair. he thrusts up into you, prolonging your release as he finds his.
your eyes are squeezed shut, and all you can hear over the filthy sounds of skin slapping skin and your own moans is his choked out whine.
"m'cumming! fuck baby, m'cumming!"
it's then that you feel him throbbing inside you as he shoots ropes of white into your pretty little cunt. you stay on top of him for a while before you slid off to lay down on the blanket as you try to catch your breath. when you turn to check on armin, you find that he's already looking at you like he's in a daze.
you both let out breathy laughs as you readjust your clothes and scoot closer to one another until your head is on his chest and his arm is around your body. you lay in a comfortable silence for a while, drawing absent-minded shapes on each other with your fingertips until he finally speaks up.
"that was really risky."
"i think you like it risky."
he laughs as he tilts your chin up so that you're looking at him. he kisses you gently at first, but he's quick to deepen it. he keeps his lips on yours as he climbs on top of you, caging you in his arms and slotting his knee between your legs until he brushes against your still sensitive cunt. you gasp, and he chuckles as he nudges you again.
"yeah, i think you're right."

hey, what's your major again?
summary: my credible expert opinion on what the aot characters would study in university. what are my qualifications? the dozens of hours i’ve spent staring at my school’s program bulletin trying to figure out what i’m majoring in
genre | includes: headcanons, sfw, minor language, uninformed percy jackson reference (pls don't hate me if im wrong)
characters: eren jaeger, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, sasha braus, jean kirschtein, connie springer, historia reiss, ymir, reiner braun, annie leonhardt
author’s note: had this in my drafts for months now. i just need to post it so it stops haunting me. might do the rest of the marleyans and vets in the future! lmk your thoughts, my only tumblr notifications are from p*rn bots, so i'd love to hear from real people lol. enjoy <3

eren: sociology and public policy, 4+1 program for a social work masters
there’s only so many times you can hear “you’re gonna be a doctor just like your dad” before you start to believe it. that’s why eren started out with biology on the premed track. the thing is, he really didn’t care for it. eren is really passionate about lessening equity gaps and is a firm believer in “if you want something done right, do it yourself”. this is why i see him making the switch to a double major in public policy and sociology. he wants to know about how society got to the point of perpetuating disparities so that he can fix them. but he also knows that the government fucking sucks and thinks its naive to expect policy change to be the only method of change. and like the maniac he is, eren is enrolled in a 4+1 program so he can get his master’s in social work when he’s done with his undergrad. he’s determined to graduate with both degrees in just 4 years though. rip his summers.
armin: international relations and military ethics, minor in communications or smth
everyone always says armin would study marine biology or oceanographic studies, but i honestly think that it’s a passion that he pursues on the side. he takes marine bio courses for his breadth requirements, but knows he’d end up hating the ocean if he spent the rest of his life studying it. he also strikes me as someone who would rather run buck naked into traffic than sit through multiple semesters of organic chemistry. armin was always a good public speaker, though, despite being a bit insecure. that’s why his speech and debate teacher during sophomore year of high school recommended model united nations to him. he was hooked after his first conference and now genuinely sees the path of international diplomacy as his calling. that’s why he’s majoring in international relations. his concentration in military ethics is something he tacks on in his junior year after taking some courses and publishing research with dr. erwin smith. he probably minors in communications because he can.
mikasa: forensic science
mikasa had no idea what she wanted to do when she started uni. she’s good at nearly everything. like never gotten a B in her life and is the student who the curve is based off of. but excelling in every environment you’re put in often means you don’t know what you’re best at. she knew deep down that she wanted to do something justice related like her childhood best friends did, but she’s no public speaker and has no interest in political reform. she was, however, emo in high school and heard a fair share of undertaker jokes at her expense. it wouldn’t hurt to look into right? as cool as the title sounds, morticians don’t make enough money for the job they have. fortunately enough, forensic pathologists do and mikasa looks good in a lab coat. she would never admit it to spare armin and eren’s feelings, but when they, as children, recreated the crime-solving shows mrs. jaeger always had on, mikasa always wanted to be the brains. so criminology and forensic science it is. (side note: she definitely joins the military and they pay for her education)
jean: structural engineering and industrial design with a minor in studio art
more than anything, jean wants to provide for his mom and knows he can’t guarantee a retirement of luxury for her as the freelance artist he wishes he could be. he’s decent at math when he tries and doesn’t hate physics, so he decided he’d give structural engineering a try for at least a semester or two. he wasn’t expecting to get much from it, to be honest. he had a plethora of backup plans waiting for his supposedly inevitable distaste for engineering, but he found that he didn’t hate it at all. someone once told jean that he had the makings of a great leader and he didn’t believe them until he started taking the lead on design projects and producing incredible results. his only qualm is that he just doesn’t get to be as creative as he wanted to be. that was easily rectified by an additional major in industrial design and a minor in studio art. he’s unbelievably busy, busier than he anticipated when he started his post-secondary journey, but he’s content and there’s nothing some extra coffee can’t solve.
sasha: environmental science and sustainability
sasha spent her childhood ankle-deep in mud and fighting her way through forest thickets without a compass. an upbringing like that doesn’t leave your spirit, no matter how far into the city you go for school. so sasha’s always been passively passionate about the environment. that passiveness became significantly more prominent when part of the woods she grew up in was cleared out to build an industrial complex. it was then that she started researching and writing petitions about preserving wildlife and making environmentally conscious decisions. her work actually got her the scholarship she’s on (because god knows it wasn’t her grades). and she genuinely loves what she does, so why wouldn’t she keep learning about it? the environmental science and sustainability program at the school is small, but tight-knit and known for churning out changemakers. sasha knows she’ll be one of them one day. just hide your plastic straws from her, okay?
connie: computer science and chinese
stick with me here okay? everyone expects connie to be a douchebag marketing major whose hardest assignments are graphing functions and making posters on photoshop, but he’s a lot more invested in his education than he looks. don’t get me wrong, connie has always struggled academically, but that’s because so much of early education is pre-determined. he performed way better when he could choose what courses he took. it’s kind of like percy jackson being dyslexic in english because he was wired to read in greek. connie can’t keep his eyes on a history textbook for shit, but will gladly sit in front of the c++ code on his pc for hours. he doesn’t even get mad when he realizes that he was missing a semicolon. connie loves how versatile of a future he could have with a compsci degree, because, let’s be real, he could never survive in a typical office environment. definitely takes a bunch of chinese classes and doesn’t realize that he has enough credits for it to be a minor until his second to last semester.
historia: political science with a minor in international relations and child development
historia is a lot like eren in the sense that she knows her time is best spent doing hands-on work in the fields she cares about. she realizes this sometime after reconnecting with her estranged father and volunteering at the orphanage she grew up in. but now that she’s publicly associated with a powerful political figure, historia doesn’t get to do what she wants, only what is expected of her. that’s how she ends up on the pre-law political science and public policy route. the nickname “ms. president” that connie and sasha give her only further reminds her that she’s heading down a path she never wanted for herself. after lots of encouragement from ymir, historia decided to take child development courses on the side. even if she doesn’t take on the full minor, she’s taking some classes she cares about. maybe she’ll find use for it someday. at the very least, it’s her first step in becoming the most selfish girl in the world.
ymir: data science and business management
ymir is smart. much smarter than she presents herself to be, almost as a form of protection. nobody expects much of someone who is aloof, so it makes it easy to slip through the cracks to remain safe and comfortable in the shadows. business management is notoriously low commitment and easy to skate by with. guaranteed internships, post-graduate employment, and so on. To anyone who doesn’t know ymir well, it’s perfect. but they have her mistaken, ymir will do as little as possible to go as far as possible. sure, she can live comfortably with a business degree, but it could be better with a little bit of data science in her arsenal. she’s intelligent enough to pick up on it, and determined enough to make it her bitch. yeah, academia is a money-sucking pipeline into the capitalist hellscape, she doesn’t believe in it yada yada, but at the end of the day, ymir’s gonna get the bag. so what if she’s gotta sleep through some stats classes to get it?
reiner: behavioral economics
reiner’s mother had convinced him his whole life that getting a high paying job would fix their lives and bring his father back. believing “perfect grades lead to a perfect life” made high school tough for reiner; gifted kid burnout is no joke. it really messed him up. he wasn’t sure if he could withstand the pressures of university, but here he is. reiner was never allowed a therapist, so he figured pursuing psychology would, at the very least, give him some answers and be a good pathway to a medical degree. he loved getting to understand how people work and why they act the way they do, but something was missing. he found out what it was when a guest lecturer spoke in his economics class. he knew making the switch would be risky, it’s a new field and his current career options are really only research, academia, or government, but the interdisciplinary study of behavioral economics is calling reiner’s name.
annie: biomedical engineering and kinesiology
annie’s entire life revolved around her father, including the injury he was never able to heal from. the one she gave him. he’s claimed to be over it, she’s forgiven, but annie will never feel like she’s earned that forgiveness until she gets rid of the problem entirely. how is she going to do that exactly? with biomedical engineering. she has years of hell in front of her, especially with her concentration on biomechanics, but she doesn’t care. annie will throw herself into her work to get the results she wants. she takes the highest amount of credits possible every semester so she can graduate early. you’ll most likely find her chained to a study cubicle at the library at all hours of the day and running on 2 hours of sleep, but it doesn’t faze her. she tacks on a minor in kinesiology because it makes sense and she had most of the credits for it anyway. and as if it couldn’t get worse, she probably TAs for a thermodynamics course or something crazy like that.

© mamasbakeria 2023. do not repost, translate (without permission), or modify
first date + kiss w/ the aot boys
modern! headcanons my brain requested while trying to fall asleep w/ little college major details i wanted to include hehe, also all these boys are extreme simps so, lol
includes: armin, connie, eren, jean, levi, and reiner
(a/n): pls don’t clown me on connie’s manga panel, could not find a good one for the life of me (◡﹏◡✿)

Armin would definitely be a man of culture, he’d most likely be an anthropology major with some kind of STEM minor! I can totally see him just loving the idea of language development and social issues like gentrification. He just loves educate and involve himself with anything surrounding human behavior and culture.
After some weeks in the same sociology lecture you two share, he would ask you out on a date and for sure be super nervous.
“Hey (Y/N)! Wait up!” he’d say while trying to collect his items, and himself to be honest. “I was thinking, maybe, we could go on a coffee date? Maybe enjoy some evening music this weekend? Only if you want to, obviously!”
“Now why wouldn’t I want to go on a date with you Armin?”
After his shocked expression he invites you to meet up with him at a local coffee shop near the university you two attend. The small shop would be super cozy, fairy lights dangling from one side to the other with dim lighting. There’s plenty of filled bookshelves along with loud sounds of expresso machines but it just has good vibes.
“I usually come here to read and people-watch, I’ve never brought anyone here before,” he’d confess while sitting you down near a window to look at the city street.
“How come?”
“Like to keep this place a secret,” and you can’t help but swoon that he lets you in his little secret.
After the coffee is done with and the macaroons on the table are non-existent, he takes you to a jazz lounge nearby. You two sit near the bar at a small table that was far enough for you two to chatter but close enough to watch the band play. He recounts the time he stumbled in one day because he thought he was at the bar his friends were at but to his surprise, he was greeted with a sly saxophone. He tells you how ever since that day, he has been in love with jazz music.
When the bread pudding is gone along with some white wine, you two decide it’s late. He’s gathering his things and slings his jacket over his shoulder as you two are heading out but the band starts playing their own rendition of ‘These Foolish Things (Remind Me of You)’ and he just has to stop and watch the woman on stage sing.
You can feel yourself have a butterfly brawl in your stomach at just watching how beautiful he looked in the red mood lighting as he sways slowly. He would turn to you and wrap his arm around you.
“This was the song that made me come back the next weekend,” he confesses.
And the mood just feels right! So he leans down to give you a nice kiss, and you two just walk out as soon as the singer finishes her song, hand-in-hand.
Keep reading
grief and heartache
pairing: Armin Arlert x Reader
Warnings: pregnancy, cheating. small font only for the disclaimers!
WC: 993
(A/N: did y'all ask for Armin angst? no? that's crazy.)

The waiting room is bland and minimally decorated, but just colorful enough to keep your interest. There’s a TV playing the news, and the receptionist has been answering several calls back to back. Lots of people must be expecting around this time, you muse.
Armin hasn’t responded to any of your recent messages. You asked him to come with you to your doctor’s appointment, but he brushed you off with a simple “busy rn, but I will next time.” You didn’t think much of it. Coming up on both of your final years in college has been extremely busy, and you’ve only been able to see him infrequently. Mostly in your dorm, only a few quickies before you two went days again without speaking.
There isn’t a label on your relationship with Armin. You think of it as a friends-with-benefits deal, since otherwise you’d officially be his first girlfriend. Armin has always been shy, so the idea of commitment is likely the last thing on his mind.
You shift uncomfortably in your seat. The couple that came in before you are called in next, and your heart hammers in your chest.
He doesn’t know that you’re pregnant, and you’ve been too afraid to confront that fact yourself, either. You tried to dismiss your symptoms as anxiety coming up due to finals and your daunting capstone paper, but as days melded into weeks and after several positive pregnancy tests later, you worked up the courage to book your first appointment. You only hope you can also work up the courage to tell Armin.
What will he think? How will he react? Armin overthinks things at the best of times; what if this distracts him from his work? Should you wait until finals are over?
You hear a door open down the hall. A doctor is wishing someone well, presumably as they prepare to leave, and you take a deep breath. You can worry about Armin later. Right now, you have to figure out how you’re going to manage a pregnancy with—
You hear a familiar woman’s voice call your name, and immediately your head shoots up.
She waves at you, a bit awkwardly, as she shuffles on her feet. You haven’t seen her in a while, and immediately your eyes are drawn to the sizable bump on her belly and your jaw drops. Annie’s pregnant too? How? Since when?
You wouldn’t say the two of you were the closest of friends, but throughout your freshman year Annie has been your study partner before your courses diverged. You saw her around campus occasionally and would text on and off, but that was about it.
You want to ask so many questions. How far along is she? Is she with Bertholdt still? How was she feeling?
All of your questions die in your throat when you see Armin round the corner shortly afterwards, followed by the doctor, and loop an arm around her waist. When you two make eye contact, you watch panic spread across his face before it quickly morphs into an icy glare. Behind Annie, he gives a quick, but telling, shake of his head.
Keep your fucking mouth shut.
Busy. He was “busy”. You think about all the times Armin blew you off under the guise of being “busy”. You think about how, in hindsight, you guys only met up for brief, half-assed “dates” and a hookup. You think about how adamant he was about just hanging out with you, about not wanting to introduce you to his friends. He fed you the excuse of them being “loud” and dropped it.
(You find out later it’s because his friends don’t like you. You, the “crazy clingy girl” that’s been harassing poor little Armin and incessantly bothering him after you two briefly met in just one class. You, the girl that’s been trying to coerce him into a relationship despite his numerous rejections of you. You, the girl that’s been trying to get close to his friends just to keep tabs on Armin as a way of tracking his every movement.
You met Eren once by accident. You politely greeted him while passing by at the grocery store. If looks could kill, the glare he leveled at you would’ve turned you into ash.)
Annie looks uncomfortable, giving you a wary stare as the doctor takes ages to say goodbye and finally lets them go.
Your stomach is turning inside out. Your eyes are burning, and you feel like you can’t breathe. You’re acutely aware of their presence as they leave the doctor’s office.
(Do they know about all the times Armin’s told you he loved you? Do they know that you were his first sexual partner, that you showed him the proper way to put on a condom—not that it does you any favors now. Do they know about all the times you’ve had him at your dorm after he was dragged to a long night out with his friends?)
Your mother used to say processing grief and heartbreak had the same steps. You’re sure, in a day or so, you’ll be teeming with rage. You’re sure the image of Armin fucking Arlert, of all people, will make you see red. You’re sure that the thought of that scrawny fucking nerd making you look like a fucking idiot will make you want to destroy a building.
But right now, you’re crumbling. You can’t see two feet in front of you through the fat tears flooding your eyes right now. You can’t hear past your heartbeat hammering in your chest. If you stand up now, you don’t think your legs will be able to support you.
You finally hear the receptionist, loud and a bit impatient, call your name again. “Excuse me? The doctor is ready to see you!”
The room must be ready. The same one Armin and Annie walked out of. Together. A couple.
You stand.
Your legs give out.
You wail.

Underneath the cut there are 116 not sfw videos for aot characters. The characters are: porco, jean, eren, armin, bertholdt, reiner, connie, floch, levi, yelena, mikasa, & pieck. All links lead to twitter.
Keep reading

━━━ eren j. x f!reader x armin a. ➝ chapter one
“we can’t choose who we fall in love with but we can choose how to end it.”
in which, you and eren have history that dates back to high school. as adults, you’ve gone your separate ways but have come back together through a reunion. with him back in your life, it’s hard to ignore the feelings you used to have for him as they come rushing back in. in addition, armin can’t seem to get you off of his mind and will do anything to prove to you that he’s the better man for you; even when he’s got a pregnant fiancé waiting for him at home. too bad for him, eren’s never lost a fight and he’s too greedy to share.

genre ➝ modern au, toxic!eren, dilf!armin, romance, fluff, lots of angst, infidelity, hurt/comfort, violence, explicit smut
tags/warnings ➝ sexual content, unprotected sex, f. receiving (oral sex), rough sex, biting/scratching, mean dom eren, toxic relationship, manipulation, possessiveness, hate sex, phone sex, mutual masturbation, an overly flirty armin even though he’s engaged & other tags i can’t rmr at the moment hehe
wc ➝ 18.6k
a/n: sooo, this series is a repost and has finally made its long awaited comeback, hehe. for those that are familiar with this fic, you’ll notice that i did indeed shove the first two chapters already written into one so that’s why the word count is so much! i will be posting the next chapter once it’s been revised and edited over by me and my bestie @chelamedina <3 enjoy and reblogs are very appreciated!

"Eren? Eren who?"
"What? You don't remember? The really shy guy with the glasses? He used to sit behind you in 4th period. Oh my god, he was obsessed with you. You really don't remember?"
"I...wait. Hold on...That's Eren?"
"Yep. Not so weird and nerdy now, huh?"
"Not at all."
As you leaned against the back wall of the overcrowded room nursing your glass of wine, your eyes never left the one man that made coming to the reunion worth it.
No more glasses. No more braces. No more baggy clothes that looked like they went two weeks unwashed. No more short hair that always made him look several years younger than he actually was. No more of the sixteen year old boy that you used to know.
Eren Jaeger, now 23, and hotter than all of the guys that tried coming up to talk to you ever since you stepped foot into the party.
Suddenly, a distant memory came to mind and took you away momentarily.
— flashback.
Your hands are shaky. You don't know where to put them as you're positioned right over his face, feeling his tongue lap across your desperate cunt. You're unfocused and you can practically hear your blood pounding in your ears as you settle your fingers into his hair and moan out, earning a groan from the male underneath you.
"Fuck, don't you sound pretty?"
He eats at you, hungry to bring you to the brink so he can feel your thighs shake at either side of him, just barely catching your cry as you release right on his tongue. To know that he's the one that's making you feel good. To know that he's the only one that's allowed to touch you so intimately and have his name roll off of your tongue as you clench onto nothing, trying to not topple over as electricity travels throughout your body, bringing you over the edge.
You cry out his name and finally find purchase in putting your hands in his hair, rocking your hips to ride out your orgasm.
It's only moments after that you're switched underneath him, toned arms hooked at the undersides of your legs, keeping them at his waistline as he fucks into you like it's your last day on earth. It feels like it. Feels as though he's going to lose you. That you'll slip right out of his grasp and never see you again. It's why he has to have you now. To show you why you're better off staying with him. That you can't possibly do better than him.
You whine and pull him down, pressing yourself close enough to melt into him. To tie your bodies and souls together.
He nips and bites at your jawline, moving down to your neck, suckling hard enough to leave a bruise. A mark of his own. One that's viewable to the public eye, announcing that you belong to someone and aren't meant to be touched or even looked at by anyone else.
He's insecure. He's even scared that you will find someone better than him and it eats away at him everyday. Every moment, every second that you're apart because he feels that if he doesnt have eyes on you every waking moment, he'll lose you. He'll do anything to keep you.
Your nails push into the skin of his back, intending to create marks deep enough to last days afterwards. It's not a territorial act, more in the realm of hating who he is. You can't stand the way he looks at you. The way he watches you. It feels as though he's waiting for you to crack. To make a mistake and prove him right that all humans are flawed. All but him. He's perfect and at some point, you began believing that as well. A god living amongst humans, using them like pawns to some sick twisted game he’s created.
You want to leave him. Find better, because there's better out there but you can't. You're in love with him and that's the most dangerous feeling of all.
"I love you," he expresses in a low voice, dark eyes focusing on the way your breath hitches in hearing his confession. It's your first time hearing him say it, and you aren't sure what to say back. You love him but you also know that the moment those three words leave your mouth...that's the day you’ll see how trapped you really are. He's told you that you aren't confined to him, but it's a lie. You can't leave him and he knows it. It's why a confident smirk splits across his face and a hand of his finds its way around your soft throat. He leans up, still moving his hips, looking down at you through dark lashes. "Too afraid to say it back? That's alright. Your silence speaks for itself, you know."
Raw anger courses through your veins as you claw at his back, feeling your walls constrict around him in shame. He's rough and disregarding in the way he slaps you across the cheek, cooing as fresh tears fall down your face. He tells you how pretty you look when you're staring up at him in hate. How much he adores watching you break over and over at the realization that this is your life. Doomed to love a man that's irrevocably insane.
"I hate you so much," you sputter out and feel one of your hands pull away from his back and lock above you. He holds your wrist in an iron grip, head tilting in mild wonder.
"Hate is a strong word when you're crying and babbling about how good I fuck you." His nose skims across the center of your throat before trailing up over your lips and pressing against yours. You can't escape his scent; through the sweat is a faint hint of earthly melange, tonka bean and jasmine. He isn't a cologne sort of guy so he burns through a few candles a day and smells like them without fail. Vanilla also wafts past your nose, caressing your senses like hot rocks on an aching back. It's soothing and it almost makes you forget where you're at.
You blink and are forced back into reality, noticing the frown on your boyfriends' face.
"Where did you go?" He asks you and you think of what to say. The truth?
"I...I was thinking about the candles you like so much. Did you light some today?"
His scoff at your obvious question makes you flinch and think about turning your head to the side, away from his judgemental gaze. What keeps you is that smile... You know that smile.
The day that you met, he was timid. A shy one that caught your eye by the way he made you feel with numerous compliments and shy kisses. The gentleman that walked you home to make sure you made it back safely.
You like looking back on that day. Eren was so nervous, and he made plenty of mistakes to show for it. It was the most you'd ever laughed. After a while, he got comfortable. There were no more surprise dates or spontaneous sex behind a ride at the amusement park. The inquiries about you and your life stopped and you began to feel insignificant in his eyes. Beginning to believe that he's grown bored of you and seeks someone more exciting; refreshing.
It's scary to know that you're being replaced. That you're no longer enough. It has you wondering what you are kept around for if not because you're wanted and loved. Is it because of what you give him, even when you hardly feel like it? Has giving into him each time become boring for him?
You consider yourself to be a people pleaser. Someone that loves to give and doesn't ever expect anything back. It's a double edged sword. Overtime, it hurts to always give and never receive. Especially in a relationship. You love Eren, but loving him has become too painful to bear. There needs to be a breaking point for you...and you're almost positive you've reached it.
"Of course I did," he answers, pecking your lips as he moves his hand from your throat to rest against the cheek he'd previously hit. "I'm sorry, by the way." You release a breath you didn't know you've been holding in. "I don't like being mean, but sometimes the things you say really get under my skin. You know this and still do it. Why?" He questions and there's a sense of deja vu in the air.
Eren is manipulative in every sense of the word. He turns situations around from himself to you, making it seem as though you're the cause. He's always the victim and it's unnerving how well he plays this role of his. Nothing is ever his fault because he's perfect and you're flawed to the soul. Even so, you put up with it all and love him the same because he's all you've ever known. First boyfriend who managed to take all of your other firsts. How can you let go of someone you've known for so long?
He's so imperfect that he's begun appearing absolutely perfect in your eyes. He feeds you many lies, obvious ones, that you end up turning into nothing but truths because he’d never lie to you. He loves you. More than anyone. The love of his life and lying to someone like that—it isn't love.
"I'm sorry," you quickly say. It's meant to disperse the conflict that's sure to come from a topic like this so you're happy to nip it in the bud and move on. It pleases him enough so he peppers your face in gentle kisses, causing you to quickly forget all of the things that's truly wrong with him. Wrong with you, even.
He touches you like you're made of glass now, but the feeling remains at the back of your mind as you fall into a deep black mass of nothingness, too afraid to stay at the surface because that's where Eren is and you want to be as far away from him as humanly possible.
He groans and asks you if you're close. You don't verbally answer but your body takes care of that for you as you fight to hold onto him with your free hand, pulling him even closer than he already is. He's mumbling nonsense in your ear about loving you until the end of time. That you're the only one for him. That he'll never let you go and all of that acts as chains that continue to weigh you down further...and further... Until there isn't any light at the end of the tunnel. When you reach the end, it's black. There's nothing but more false promises that you happily take because you're now positive that you can't get any better than him.
That Eren is all you need.
"Fuck," he groans into your neck, almost biting into your shoulder as you wince, blinking away wave of frustrated tears, trying to egg on your orgasm so that it'll all be over and done with. "Gonna let me breed this tight cunt of yours? Imma fill you up, baby. Get you nice and full. Would you like that?" He's abusing your poor cunt, rendering you almost speechless as you feel yourself tip over the edge just as you go to make a response.
You cum before him and it angers him because you fall limp, and it does almost nothing for him. The moment you realize this, it’s too late.
"Eren, I-"
"Shut up."
You're flipped onto your stomach and feel his hands roughly pull you up into the air, angling you just right. You open your mouth to speak but you’re quickly cut off by a hand clamping over your mouth and feeling his cock sink back inside of you without warning. He's fucking into you with shared hate, telling you that you're useless and warns you not to cum again. Not before he does and it makes you cry. You know that crying only excites him more but you can't help it. Life is unfair. So unfair. You only desire for him to love you like he did in the beginning of your relationship. Wondering how things came to be like this.
Where is the guy that you used to know?
When he cums, he paints your aching walls with white, gripping onto your waist leaving pretty bruises for you to cry more about later. Your entire body hurts when he pulls out and presses you into the sheets. You're panting and he's releasing the rest of himself along your back, mumbling something that you can't quite make out. Your mind feels too foggy to understand anything but you catch the last of what's being said to you, heart wrenching painfully inside of your chest.
"—be back later, kay?"
In truth, you don't want him to come back. You often wish that he'd get into a tragic accident and never make it back home. Or, he decides to stay with the girl he's been fucking behind your back, letting you go completely. Once and for all. You wish for a lot of things but they never seem to come true.
You're doomed to an ugly reality with no means to escape.
You pity the girl that lies on the bed, alone in a room that feels like it's getting closer and closer. Feels sorry for the girl that is overshadowed by another, never meant to be as important as her. You also pity the girl that Eren has his eyes set on. She's been subjected to a life of pain, shame and utter misery but doesn't even know it yet.
You laugh to yourself. Laugh until your sides begin to hurt and the pain near your heart sticks in its final pin.
"I hate this. I hate him so fucking much."
— present.
Bright white teeth flashed underneath the gleaming lights above, clearly laughing over something his friend and date were talking about.
The situation-ship with him had been so toxic, there was nothing you wanted more than to continue ignoring his entire existence. It worked since you graduated and moved away. There was no reason you needed to talk to him again.
That was the moment you'd realized that Armin had changed as well. His glasses were also gone and looked a bit taller. His ears were pierced and there looked to be a shiny new ring on his finger—
"Holy shit, is he getting married?!" You half whispered to yourself, eyes almost popping out of your head. You squinted to see it better and it was unmistakable. The lights in the room reflected off of the silver band wrapped around his ring finger, proving to be true.
"Who?" Sasha squeezed past a couple to get to you, looking around the room once she was by your side again. "Who's getting married?"
"Armin. Remember? The guy that was friends with Eren back in high school," you answered, unable to stop staring at them. Married? It had only been five years. How did someone marry in that short amount of time?
She gasped, looking between you and the blond across the room. "Are you shitting me? That's Armin? Wow," she finished off her glass, shaking her head. "He looks...different."
"Yeah. They both do."
It was strange seeing people from high school and finding out how they grew up years after graduating and leaving. Eren and Armin used to keep to themselves. Were practically loners that talked about star wars and video games. When Eren was brought up in a conversation earlier, you'd acted as if you didn't know who Sasha was referring to. There was no reason to even speak to either of them. Especially Eren. As far as you knew, he was just another person in the room.
"I need me a man," you breathed, taking a sip from your glass. Sasha giggled, placing hers on an empty tray that a waiter was holding, walking past the two of you.
"No you don't. Not just because you see a bunch of these people coupled up." She wrapped her arm around yours, locking it there. She smiled. "We'll get boyfriends. Eventually… In the meantime, I say, let's do a little mingling so we won't give everyone the impression that we don't like them."
You frowned a little. "Yeah but I don't like half of them. Some were real assholes back then."
Sasha sighed before pulling up a fake smile. "Okay. Let's just pretend we forgot, hm?" And just like that, you were pulled off into the crowd you tried your best to stay away from and were forced to say hello, and fall down memory lane with half of the room. Most were boring conversations. Majority of the people you talked to only wanted to boast about their successful businesses and great set of kids they had or were on the way. It was all insanely nauseating, you couldn't think of a lousier way to spend your night.
When it was time to tell stories from high school, you decided that it was time to go and get some air. There was no way you were going to stay and listen to made up stories that didn't even happen. Fabricated and beefed up to sound a little more interesting (and start unnecessary conflict).
None of that was your sort of scene so you chose to stand out by the balcony, letting the cool night air poke and prod at the rising goosebumps along your arms and legs.
With a satisfied sigh, you leaned against the stone railing that held you back from soaring to your death down below into a street that was filled with the usual click clack and chatter of the nightlife.
You'd lost Sasha in the crowd inside before Jean had grabbed the microphone and began spouting off stories you were more than positive no one in the room but him even remembered. She insisted on talking with someone and you tried to keep eyes on her but there were just so many people, it was impossible.
However, having a moment alone didn't seem like a bad thing. It was nice.
"It's peaceful out here, isn't it?" A soft spoken voice said as the owner of it moved forward to stand next to you, but far enough to give you proper space. You were tempted to look but didn't in case it ended up being someone you remembered. A confrontation you clearly wanted to steer clear from considering you'd left the party to stand out under the moonlight, alone.
Or, so you thought.
"I'm not much for parties. I can only assume you feel the same if you're out here, away from everyone."
Why was he talking to you? Did he know you?
You took a small peek at him and thankfully he was looking out into the city. The moonlight was bright enough to illuminate his features, giving you the opportunity to recognize him immediately.
It was Armin and god did he look unreal up close.
Blue eyes that managed to look more prominent under the natural light and blond hair that never looked anything more than perfection splayed around his face.
With a pointed nose and soft, plush found yourself accidentally staring.
He turned his head towards you with a soft smile, having felt your stare. "You haven't changed a bit."
Blink. "Huh? You...remember me?"
His laugh made your chest do something strange but you ignored it.
"Yeah! Of course, how could I not?" His eyes drifted back forward, little crinkles created next to the corners of his lashes. "You were all that Eren talked about when we were younger. He was at all of your games so by being his friend, I was there too. Plus," he winked, still smiling. "-how can I forget one of the prettiest girls in school that everyone had a crush on."
A rush of heat fought to run across your face but you held it back, biting into your lip instead.
High school was...not one of your best times, to be honest. Sure, you were slightly popular but that was by association.
Mikasa, Annie and Ymir stole the entire school's attention from the moment they walked onto the school grounds. They were transfers and everyone drooled over their presence like it was their first time seeing girls. It didn't bother you because you had Sasha. She didn't want to be a part of their clique and that saved spending three years eating in one of the stalls of the girls' bathroom by yourself.
Sophomore year was when you'd joined the varsity tennis team. You were in a few clubs but nothing major. Tennis was your favorite sport and you were good at it.
Apparently, the clique had ended up joining as well and that was how you got close to them. Sasha was on the team too, after some serious begging, and things felt normal for a while.
Mikasa soon started dating Jean, the captain of the school's soccer team and the locker room talks between you and her got longer and longer until she considered you one of her best friends. You were different though. After declining being a part of her little group, she still wanted to have you around so you were her best friend...without the other two knowing.
After learning how possessive Ymir was over her friend, you did your best to dodge Mikasa but she was hard to push away. She kept asking you why you didn't want to hang out anymore and it was hard to explain to her the reason without worrying about the strain that was going to be put on her friendship with Ymir.
It took a while before you cracked and told her about your run in with Ymir and it went better than expected. She laughed it off and said that Ymir tended to get that way with new people. She needed to get used to you being around. That it was going to be fine.
You believed her...until your racket started to go missing from your locker. Then it moved on to finding the grip all torn up.
There was a lot of sabotaging and it wasn't like you could've gone to the coach about it because she was only going to demand a name and you couldn't tell her who you knew it was. So, you dealt with it.
Not long after that did you find out that Ymir had a crush on Mikasa and then it all ended up making a little sense. Her behavior was finally answered for and you'd known it all along. Though, you didn't use the information to your advantage. It was just relieving to understand where Ymir was coming from.
Junior year was when the distance started.
Less texting, less calling. Little to no contact when at school and tennis practice was agonizing because Mikasa stuck with Ymir the entire time. It was like she had forgotten who you were over the summer break and it felt a lot more painful than it was probably supposed to. It was only one year that you'd gotten to know her. Why had it hurt so bad if it was only just a year together?
Senior year came around quickly and it was all about making sure you picked the right college to go to. There was talk about where Mikasa had gotten accepted into and it ended up being the exact same university that you were thinking about applying at. After some thought, you decided to change colleges and let Sasha pick the one you two were going to try and get into together.
Everything ended up working out but your friendship with Mikasa was close to nonexistent.
Now, as you stood outside of the party (practically hiding from her), none of the experience at once being one of her closest friends felt real.
It'd almost felt like a dream.
When you tried to remember Armin and Eren, the memories were either too hazy or pushed to the back of your mind for specific reasons.
Armin, the boy with large circle glasses and Eren, the guy that couldn't stop talking about star wars and tended to play minecraft in photography class. There were a few instances where you remembered catching him pointing a camera at you but had quickly averted to snapshotting a squirrel in a tree with a very red face. Or when you two had been partners for two seconds. It was only after saying one word to him that he ended up speaking with the teacher again, begging to switch partners for the photography project.
You two stayed partners and that was how you became friends with benefits. It hadn't taken very long for him to ask you out shortly after he realized that he wanted you to be more than sex for him and you agreed.
It was good...for a while. Then it just got bad.
Eren couldn't understand why you went to so many parties despite knowing it wasn't his scene but you couldn't understand why he cared so much when there was no reason to be so worried about you. It was a party. You always went with Mikasa and Sasha so it wasn't as if you were going to them alone and hooking up with random people.
It was just the difference between two people.
But he got attached and possessive over you.
Stole you from classes so often that it started to affect your grades.
If he wasn't kissing along your body, forcing you to say things you didn't mean while several inches deep in you taking advantage of your hazed state–he was manipulating you into doing whatever else he wanted you to do.
Anything to keep you near.
Anything to keep every other guy in school far away from you. The marks and bruises certainly did that for him.
There wasn't much to hold onto when it came to remembering the two; more specifically Eren. Both stayed to themselves after you and him broke him and when everyone graduated, you never heard or saw them again.
That was why seeing Eren after all of those years again was a little startling and unsettling. Especially considering how different he not only dressed now but how grown up he looked.
"So, married huh?"
Armin blew out a breath, opening his eyes to focus on the way the clouds moved throughout the sky. "Yeah. Crazy, right?" He chuckled. "Truthfully, I didn't see myself getting married until my late 20s I am."
Telling by the tone of his voice, it hadn't sounded like someone excited about spending the rest of their life with someone. It made you frown a little, wondering if he had been the one proposed to instead.
"I'm 23. I'm not sure I'm actually ready for marriage."
You studied his face and knew that he was being honest. What were you supposed to say? Or were you meant to just listen?
"I love Annie. I do." He poured his body weight into his dominant arm, using the other to run a hand through his hair with a sigh, ruining the perfect style that it was just in. "I'm just starting to think that this marriage thing is happening a little fast. Sure, we've got a baby on the way, but who said we had to be married before the baby came," he looked at you, amused by the shock on your face. "Oh. It doesn't look like you were informed." He giggled. "Yeah. I'm going to be a dad soon."
"Wha- When did this happen? Wait," you shook your head, trying to process the new information. "A baby?"
His face stretched into a beautiful smile, head tilted as he stared at you. "Yeah, a baby. This party is sort of surrounded by the news, actually." His face fell a little. "It's kind of why I'm hiding out here with you. Between all of the questions concerning us and the baby and talking about our engagement and the wedding...I just needed some air."
You fixed your lips into the form of a pout as you gave it some thought before opening your mouth again.
"You know...there's still time to run."
His laugh was genuine and filled the air quickly. You couldn't even bite back the smile that fought its way across your face.
"Yeah. Running. I could, but I love her. I could never leave her like that."
"Mm. Well, I don't have any experience with marriage or babies but I can tell you that it'll all work itself out. It's valid that you feel this way because it's going to be your first child and your first marriage. It seems like things are moving really fast but...I'm getting the feeling that you'll be able to handle it. If not," you shrugged, smiling. "I'm here if you want to talk. Or I can talk with both of you some time if things get too stressful."
Armin watched you look out into the night sky, eyes sliding down to your all-black attire, finding you seemingly perfect. He knew that you had talked about going into psychology in high school, but he wondered how it all worked out for you in the end.
"Thank you. I mean it. Uh...just out of curiosity, what do you do? If you don't mind me asking."
You smiled and hummed, fiddling with the jewelry around your fingers. "I'm a psychotherapist. I work with people of all ages, tackling their concerns and lending an ear, and giving a little insight on them." You looked at him. "So you were right. I haven't changed much at all."
He nodded. "The job fits you. You're good at this."
And it was back.
You felt your entire body warm up at his compliment. "I...try to do what I can and just hope it's enough."
Blue eyes met you with promise, smiling.
"Trust me. It is."
The talk between you and him lasted a little while longer until Sasha came out, looking for you. She'd also mentioned that Annie was inside searching for him as well so that was his queue to go back in.
"So," Sasha began and watched Armin walk back into the party. She wiggled her eyebrows, smirking. "Wanna tell me what that was about?"
You gave her a strange look and laughed, "You're kidding me, right?" Sasha didn't look like she was joking in the slightest. "Yeah, alright look. He's getting married, okay. I'm not a homewrecker."
Sasha put her hands up in defense, "Not saying you are but uh..." The smirk was back. "With a baby on the way and being 23, not sure he's all that happy so I'm just saying be a friend with a shoulder. Or...if you wanna offer up something else-"
"My god, you're impossible!" You exclaimed in embarrassment, heading back into the party and away from your maniac of a friend. Sasha laughed.
"I'm just sayin'!" as she followed you in.
The party lasted another hour before everyone had to go back home for either work in the morning, their kids or were just downright exhausted from mingling and drinking too much.
You'd manage to stay out of Mikasa's line of sight the entire time and could enjoy some of the party.
Sasha was riding home with her other close friend, Connie, so there was only you to take care of.
You weren't much of a drinker, so you were still very much sober and could drive yourself back home.
As you were walking towards the entrance, you stopped in your tracks and cursed under your breath. You knew you had forgotten something. Your purse was still laying on the back wall table.
With the determined mind of going back to get it and heading out before anyone you knew saw you, you spun on your heel and ran right into a hard body.
You blinked and opened your mouth to apologize when a voice interrupted you.
"Excuse you?" A feminine voice spoke, and you looked up to see who it was.
Did his voice get higher too?
"Wait..." The voice said, a bit cautious. You looked to the left and saw your worst nightmare. In the flesh. "I remember you." This wasn't happening.
You fixed up your best fake smile and widened your eyes to act as if you were surprised yet happy to see her. "Mikasa?" She smiled beautifully and was undeniably stunning up close.
In school, she'd always kept her hair fairly short but the Mikasa that stood in front of you now had grown it out down to her slender waist. It was half up, half down, paired with hairsticks that seemed to do well at keeping the half up portion out from her porcelain face. There was a soft apply of eyeliner and mascara but the bold red lipstick on her lips tied it all together. Everything about her was perfect. Even the long, black bodycon evening dress she had on looked to be molded against her body. Like you remembered, her ease into perfection didn't fail to push you back into that tiny box labeled 'insecurities'.
"Well you look gorgeous," she said, eyeing you down in wonder. "Though, you always did pull off the best suits." The way she said that, it sounded a little condescending but you chose to ignore it. "So," her arm tightened around Eren's, smiling sweetly at you. "I'm a little disappointed that we didn't get to chat tonight. I was looking for you." She giggled and patted his chest with her free hand. "I had Eren here do a little searching for me but," she shrugged. "No luck either. Maybe we could grab a coffee sometime and just catch up?" She then leaned towards you, hand cupped over her mouth and lowered into a whisper. "Then I can tell you all about how the hell I ended up dating this one."
Eren rolled his eyes, smirking. "As if we didn't make out a million times throughout high school. In the janitor's closet, no less."
Your brows twitched. What?
They were seeing each other while you and him were together?
Then what had been the point of being so possessive over you when he was messing around with someone else? Why had he done all of that to keep you when he–
Mikasa straightened up and laughed, hitting his arm. "Well leave something for me to tell my oldest friend about, will ya?"
He chuckled and nodded, looking at you.
For some reason, when his eyes made contact with yours, it was as if your body had tried to shut down. Your heart thumped hard against your chest and your breath hitched. There was something different from catching him across the room than seeing him up close. Much different.
He was taller and his features were sharper. Had his brows always been naturally dark? Jade eyes that pierced through you like they were trying to look into you and see the way he was affecting you. Beautiful viridescent eyes that tried searching yours but for what?
Mikasa looked good with him and he looked good with her. They were perfect for each other, which wasn't how you saw either of their futures panning out. To see them together, it was like two perfect puzzle pieces. It only pained you because it made you realize that the majority of your class had husbands, wives or boyfriends and girlfriends and then...
Well then, there was you.
Whoever said being single isn't all that bad—lied.
"Well, we should probably get going. It's getting late and we've got one more stop before going home." Mikasa grinned at you then at Eren who tore his gaze from you to her. "Are you still up for...?"
"Hell yeah," he said with a smirk. You couldn't help but notice the way his hand squeezed her waist and the look they shared.
You grimaced. Yeah, that was a conversation you definitely didn't want to stay in on.
"Alright, well!" You said with a big smile, pointing to your purse that was still on the table across the room. "Gonna go grab that and head out myself. It was really nice seeing you two again. You both look great by the way." Eren smiled at you. Mikasa quickly dove into her handbag and retrieved her phone.
"Wait, let's exchange numbers." She looked up from her cell and winked. "I was serious about that coffee, you know."
"Oh," you chuckled, having hoped she would have forgotten about that by now. "Yeah, absolutely!" You gave her your number and then they were off. The sigh that slipped past your lips was purely out of dread. There was a good chance that she was going to end up forgetting about that coffee and that was what you were going to hold onto for the next week or so, waiting for her to not contact you.

"Me and Eren have been together ever since. I really...I really love him and I love the way that he loves me. I can't ask for a better boyfriend."
"I'm so happy for you. Really, I am."
"Thank you. I hope that you'll find your perfect person too! They're out there somewhere. Just keep being patient."
"Yeah, hah. We'll see."
"Never know! Could be someone you've already met before."
"And how likely is that?"
"More than you'd know."

Several weeks later, Mikasa had in fact remembered but the coffee date turned out better than you were expecting.
You two caught up on quite a bit and she told you how she ended up dating Eren. They were seeing each other (behind your back) for a few months their senior year and then chose the same college. They went on to make things official their sophomore year.
The way she spoke about was clear that he was a completely different person than when he was with you, back in high school. Despite seeming different now, that didn't mean you were ready to be friends again. If you could hang out with Mikasa and never see him, it sounded perfect.
Knowing that they were dating didn't bother you in the slightest. Or at least, that was what you tried telling yourself.
After the date with Mikasa, you decided to go and visit Armin at his new bakery shop.
It was learned through Mikasa that he was stressed about what goods to display and you loved sweets so why not?
The door chimed as you pushed it open and was welcomed by the fresh smell of baked goods and the strong smell of vanilla with a hint of cinnamon.
"Wow," you breathed, looking at how beautiful the set up around the shop was. There looked to be some real work put into everything.
It had his touch, that was for sure.
"Hey!" Armin said as he rounded the corner, coming out of the kitchen. "What brings you here, pretty girl?"
With a kind smile, you walked up to the counter and stared at all of the baked goods that were in the displays. "A little birdie told me that you needed a taste tester and well," your skin flushed. "I was wondering if I happened to fit the job?"
His smile was bright and immediate, leaning up against the counter with his hands supporting his weight. "You're perfect for the job actually," and you were quickly bombarded with different samples to try.
"So...what do you think?" Armin asked, wiping his hand clean on his apron as he studied your face to catch you in a lie in case you tried to save his feelings from getting hurt.
You nodded, stuffing a cream covered thumb in your mouth with surprised eyes. "Mm! It's really good!"
He chuckled at the way you tried to talk around your thumb. "Yeah?" He moved a hand up to your face and your body went rigid. "Sorry, you've got some whipped cream on your nose. Mind if I...?" You looked at him, sure that your face looked strange, and shook your head as he continued. "Are you usually such a messy eater?" He asked with a laugh, swiping the cream off with his index finger.
"Uh, no. Not really, just," your eyes searched around until he held out what he figured you were looking for. With a shy smile, you took the napkin, cleaning off your other fingers. "The cake was really good. I just wasn't worried about keeping clean."
Armin was still a breath away, close enough to kiss you if he wanted to. Did you want him to?
No. Annie. Think about Annie. Remember? His very pregnant fiancé?
"That's quite alright," he leaned back against the counter, his elbow keeping him up while you were sitting on the counter next to him. You tried to act like you were busy with cleaning your hands but they were already clear of any cake residue. It hadn't felt awkward but you were notorious for creating it in random situations. "So...which one should I display? The cake or the cinnamon rolls?"
You hummed, looking in between the two with narrowed eyes. "Man, that's a tough one. Are you sure you have to choose?" You looked at him and he was staring at the two in thought.
"Yeah, I mean... All of my other displays are full and I don't want to replace any." He looked back at you with a pout. "It's hard to think about getting rid of any of my goods when everyone still likes them all. Including me."
It was between the delicious whipped cake or the buttery cinnamon rolls. It had to go with the season and cinnamon rolls felt reserved for autumn heading into winter. Cakes were all year around but Armin owned a bakery. It needed to be seasonal like the rest of his goods were. With that being said...
"Let's go with the cinnamon rolls." You smiled watching as his eyes lit up. Seemed like that had been his first choice from the start. He didn't want to say anything that would've tampered with your opinion. Thoughtful and smart. No wonder he was married with a baby on the way. "I think they would be perfect around the holidays."
"I love it! You read my mind," he sent you a wink before taking the cake towards the back to store for later.
As you waited for him to come back, you looked around the store and couldn't help but wonder if Armin had fixed up the place on his own or had some help with it.
Dark wooden tables around the shop with the chairs to match and dark flooring that looked close to black. The color scheme of the entire shop was a dark brown and it fit with the atmosphere. It was the first bakery shop you'd ever seen with dark colors. It didn't seem like it would've come as a shock that Armin had done it all by himself. Or the majority of it.
There were low hanging light fixtures all about the shop but only two stayed on, which were those that hung above you to illuminate the space you were still seated at. There was a large case filled with different foods and a smaller case near the register that had nothing but muffins, cookies, small slices of cake and danishes in it.
It was a cozy little shop. It was no wonder Mikasa always talked about Armin being in it instead of going out and doing things with her. She said his shop was like his second home. He baked when he was happy and he baked when he was sad.
"Nothing has ever caught and kept Armin's attention more than baking," Mikasa once told you with a faint smile. "Before meeting Annie, he declined a date with a pretty girl once just because he had catering to do. It could've waited or he could've invited her to his shop and just shown her how he did things there. It would've still been a date. Ah, she was such a sweet one too but he gets so immersed into baking that he isn't able to see anything else. Or anyone else, for that matter. Except Annie." She giggled, downing the last sip of water from her bottle. "But lately...I've been seeing something different." She eyed you down, thinking. "He's been a little...distracted and I haven't been able to understand why. Either way, he bakes for a completely different reason than what I'm sure most people think. He's got a past, like the rest of us, that he doesn't want to confront. Should probably book a session with you sometime, huh?"
It sounded as if she was speaking lightly back then but being with Armin and talking with him...could she have been telling some sort of truth?
"Hey, sorry for taking so long," he said as he came around the corner, cleaning his hands again. There was a clear tint of redness across his face but it was faint and you had to squint to make sure you saw it. "I...accidentally dropped the cake." Ah. He was embarrassed.
You smiled. "Mm. Let me guess, you don't drop cakes very often huh?"
Armin shook his head, "Nah, not really a cake dropper. It's not exactly something I excel at." He smiled back when you laughed, mesmerized by the way the corners of your lips tilted up. "This may sound sudden but you…have a really pretty smile."
You stared at him, barely blinking.
He was definitely flirting and you weren't sure how to respond.
"Oh," you slowly slid off of the counter, looking everywhere but back at him. "Thank you."
"You know," he suddenly reached out, slowly to not startle you. "I'm not sure if I was too obvious or not but," he picked something out of your hair, looking at you. "I like you and that may sound crazy because Annie's still in the picture, but I don't know. I just... I think I want to get to know you better. I do like what I've seen so far, personality wise. I’m obviously very physically attracted to you and want to kno-"
"Armin," you interrupted, gently pushing his hand away. "We... No. I can't let you do this. I'm sorry and I'm saying this because I respect you and Annie." The apologetic look on your face made him back up and lean against the opposite counter with a sigh. "I'm sorry."
"Fuck. No, I'm so sorry," he muttered, looking down in shame. "I've just been so stressed. Me and Annie...we aren't doing so good honestly." The laugh he let out was dry and meaningless. "We put on a front at that party." He sniffled, frowning down at the floor. "I know it's because she's pregnant but lately... Lately it's felt less like we're in a relationship and more like we're just friends having a baby, if that makes any sense."
With a frown, you nodded. "It makes perfect sense, Armin." You stepped forward and placed a hand on his shoulder. He looked at you through wet lashes and you let out a breath. "Just take it a day at a time and I want to suggest that you talk to her about how you feel. Sure she can't read your mind."
He searched through your eyes and found nothing but genuine concern. That calmed him down a bit but that wasn't enough to make him feel any less embarrassed about how he'd just acted towards you.
"Thank you. That means a lot. Again."
The both of you laughed as he got himself together and smiled. "Okay. I should get this place ready to officially open tomorrow and I'll let you get home before it gets too late."
You smiled back and patted his shoulder. "Don't work too late. Annie needs you."
He chuckled, shoving his hands in his apron. Blues shining under the fluorescent lights above. "Yes ma'am."
When you left, it was hard to convince yourself to forget about how good Armin smelled when he got that close to you. The way his voice lowered an octave and held your gaze better than anyone you'd ever met. How gentle he touched you and spoke to you. It only told you how lucky Annie was and how good of a person you were for choosing to not to be a complete home-wrecker just now.
Nothing needed to happen between you two. Friends was a safe bet. Though, if he couldn't handle things as they were now, then when the baby came he was going to be extremely stressed out. Maybe Mikasa had been onto something.
Maybe Armin needed to book a session with you soon.
Him and Annie.

When you got back home, you started with a fresh shower first before heading into the kitchen to warm up some leftovers.
With your damp hair up and your signature robe on, you floated throughout the kitchen. With your mind active in thinking about Armin and what you felt was going to help him the best, you couldn't eat at the table. So, you chose to sit at the bar and eat.
You lazily mixed up the spaghetti and pouted in thought. "Why do I get the feeling that just talking with him won't be enough to help?" You didn't want to get into his business with his relationship with Annie and preferred waiting on one of them to come to you, but you saw the way he struggled earlier. Armin was stressed out and confused. However, a talk with Annie felt like the best route. You assumed that after he spoke with her about how he was feeling, she would end up being understanding. Those things would end up working themselves out (hopefully for the better).
As soon as you were about to stuff a forkful of pasta into your mouth, that was when your phone buzzed. You were going to ignore it but it didn't stop.
"Who's calling this late?"
You flipped the device over to reveal an unknown number trying to face-time you.
Weird. No one you didn't know had your number and those that did were strictly told to not give it out to anyone that asked unless they asked you directly. Your friends, especially Sasha, understood that but then a thought hit you. You'd given your number to Mikasa recently. What if she had given it out? But to whom?
Out of pure curiosity, you decided to hit the 'accept' button but turned your camera off just in case it was someone you didn't know.
The other end was silent for a long while. It made you anxious and you were extremely close to hanging up when a low voice spoke up.
"Yo, are you busy or something?"
You blinked, staring at the device.
Then he laughed. "Is your camera off? What? Do you look like shit right now?"
With a sigh in annoyance, wondering why Mikasa had given him your number in the first place, you picked up the phone and turned the camera on. "What the hell do you want? Talk fast. I've got some itchy fingers ready to end this call any second now."
The brunette smirked and placed his arm behind his head. It looked like he was in bed.
'Ugh,' you thought to yourself. He was video calling you while in bed. Him. In bed. You. On the phone. With him.
As if to make matters worse, you saw your reflection in the front view of your phone and squeezed your eyes shut. He was right. You definitely looked like shit.
"Oou shit, you do look gross," he said, laughing again but harder this time.
You reopened your eyes and glared at him with a finger hovering over the 'end' button. "Talk fast, Eren. You're on very thin ice."
As much as you wished he looked equally gross, he didn't. Never could.
He was, in fact, in bed and because of that, he was only wearing sweats and his hair looked damp as well. Seemed like he had just showered too but didn't dry off well enough. His chest was littered with drops of water and it was almost as distracting as his annoying smirk.
It was as if he existed to torture you in the worst possible ways.
"Alright, alright." You noticed that he was chewing gum. As if he wasn't being intrusive enough. "Can you like...add me as a contact in your phone? Because the next time that I call, I don't really wanna wait 80 years for you to pick it up because you don't know who it is."
Your eyes narrowed. "You have one more minute before you're hearing the dial tone."
"Okay!" he exclaimed before pulling a pillow on his chest to hug. He pouted, "You're so bossy. Anyway, I just wanted to see what you were up to. Mikasa's still out and I got a little bored so I thought to just call you."
You sighed, tempted to pinch the bridge of your nose to remind yourself that this was actually happening. "You got bored. Is that really the only reason I'm being forced to talk to you right now?"
Eren picked at the black corded bracelet around his wrist, green eyes focused on the clasp that held it together. "Yeah?"
"Oh my god."
"You called," he said, looking back at the screen with a dumb smile on his face. Was this hell?
"Eren," you said in a warning tone and he groaned, putting the pillow over his face. Even with the cotton in between him and the speaker, it was still hard to ignore the chewing.
"Can't you just entertain a guy?" He asked through the pillow and you mumbled under your breath about a lot of ways you could entertain him when he shoved the pillow down slowly, revealing a devilish half smile. "You know what," he interrupted you. His eyes scoured what he was able to see, which (unfortunately) wasn't much. Although, your robe wasn't secured all the way. He got a good enough view of the top of your breasts and licked his lips. "Maybe you can give me a strip show." He got comfortable in bed, ditching the pillow completely and rested the phone on his chest with his other arm back behind his head. "Just something to pass the time."
You looked at him like he was genuinely insane. Then you nodded, "Yeah, ending the call now."
"Only chickens say no," he sang, teasingly.
"Then I'm a chicken," you snapped back.
Eren pouted again and it was hard to ignore him this time. "Not even a peek? Just a small one?"
In some alternate world, if you had done anything he said, it wasn't going to stop. He was going to want more. That was just how he was. Selfish, and greedy.
Has he really changed all that much from before? Was he still as manipulative as back then? What if instead of getting better, he'd gotten worse over the years? If that was the case, it was a wonder how Mikasa was able to deal with someone like that.
"Uhh, no." You closed your robe even more, frowning. "I don't do that and we're not even close. Not that if we were close, I'd show you anything. Plus, you already know what I look like underneath all of this. Or did you forget."
He jutted his lips out like he was really trying to remember and you set the phone back down, letting him enjoy the view of your ceiling. You heard him laugh through the speakers and was thankful that you had adjusted the view because you couldn't fight off a smile any longer.
Eren was still unbelievably annoying but just as attractive and able to get what he wanted just like before. It wasn't like you were ready to get naked in front of him again...or ever. It was just nice seeing and talking to him again.
Wow, did you really just think that?
It was late and you were losing your mind over what almost happened with Armin earlier.
Yeah. That was it. Had to be it.
"Okay, okay. I won't ask anymore," you heard him say and his voice had trailed off a little bit. It gave you a moment to take the bite you had missed out on when you answered the call earlier.
After a few more bites, you'd noticed how quiet the other line got and with furrowed brows and newfound curiosity, you leaned over to find the screen grayed out. His camera was off. Weird. He must've gone to the bathroom or something. Was it your queue to finally end the call and pretend that the whole conversation never happened?
You were about to hit the 'end' button when you heard a faint groan.
You squinted at the blank screen, having convinced yourself that if you looked hard enough, you were going to see something.
You weren't wrong.
His camera was still on, it was just the view of his ceiling too. The camera shook a little but it would've gone unnoticed if you weren't looking as hard as you were.
Then it was quickly picked up and you moved away from the screen, heart pounding from trying to be so nosy.
But what was that noise about?
"Sorry," Eren mumbled, trying to get comfy in his bed again. "I stubbed my toe before getting back in bed so if you heard that – sorry again."
You rolled your eyes, "Should've known."
"Hey so be honest with me," he shuffled around until he was on his side. As you ate, you watched him struggle to set his phone up against one of his pillows so that he was able to talk, hands free. "Are you still mad at me for how I acted in high school or...?" After you picked the phone back up, there was a weird look on your face and he laughed, covering his face, laying against the bed. "No! Okay I mean like..." he dropped his hands and turned his head to look at you. You gulped down the pasta and paid attention. You had a strange feeling he was about to say something serious for once and didn't want to blow him off. "After finding out, at the reunion, that I was also with Mikasa back then when I was supposed to be with just you."
It took a lot of tries before it actually registered in your head that he was genuinely worried about your feelings.
Maybe it was worth entertaining.
You pushed the bowl of pasta away before giving him a proper answer.
"Truthfully?" He nodded, and it was like he was holding his breath as he got ready to hear what he'd been wanting to know since he’d seen you again. "No. I'm not mad about that. Sure, it was a dick move but that was years ago, Eren. We've grown up a lot since then and I don't hold grudges that old."
He let out a long breath, proving you right. He had been nervous to hear what you were going to say and looked relieved to know that you weren't holding onto any resentment towards how he acted when he was younger.
How could you be upset or even hate him for what he did? It was so long ago and it shouldn't define who he grew up to be. Him and Mikasa looked steady and happy. They were sure to have their own problems, because what relationship didn't? However, it really did look like he wasn't making the same mistakes from back then.
Eren...Eren might've grown up. He wasn't that sixteen year old boy that you'd met, dated and left all those years ago.
The person that stared back at you through the screen was no boy. He was a man now, and it was almost hard to come to terms with because you'd always (secretly) wondered what he ended up being like after graduating.
Maybe a friendship was possible. If there were no real grudges held...what was stopping you?
You didn't hate him. Not really. It was more on the lines of it shouldn't have happened. That the relationship between the two of you back then shouldn't have happened and yet it was a memory that you couldn't erase.
"Good," he said, turning back over onto his side with his head resting against the palm of his hand, staring at the screen. His abdomen flexed with the movement along with the tendons in his arms. "Would probably cry if I found out that my favorite girl hated me."
You smiled a little, looking down. "You're so annoying, you know that?"
"Mmm, I do get that quite often actually so I'm pretty aware," he said through a cheesy grin, messing with his hair.
As you stared at him, using that moment where he was distracted, you couldn't deny the extreme growth he had gone through from high school to now.
From his voice, the length of his hair and how he acted. Moreover, his physique. Lean, athletic. Someone that looked like he worked out a few times a week but wasn't exactly a gym head. Just liked to stay toned. You wondered if he still liked to keep a stash of junk food by his bed like he used to or had he grown out of that as well.
Did he still play video games? What was his job? Mikasa hadn't told you much about him but since she'd given him your number, did that mean that she was open to you talking to him on a friendship level? She didn't seem like someone that was insecure enough to keep her boyfriend away from every girl on the planet but still...
"Probably should take a screenshot," he smirked. "Wouldn't wanna forget what I look like later on, huh?"
You groaned, putting your head down in embarrassment. "Shut. Up."
His annoying laugh flowed through the speakers again, and you smiled so hard that your cheeks began to hurt.
You'd almost forgotten what it was like talking to him again.
It was refreshing and addictive. To hear his voice, his laughter. Those were things that you didn't know you missed but were happy to have again.
After that conversation, to your surprise...there were more.
Eren called you almost every night and you found out it was because Mikasa had the most clients around the late evening, so he was stuck by himself. He told you that he usually would've called Armin or Jean, but both were busy with their girls to entertain him so you were now stuck with the job.
Of course, he'd suggested that the two of you meet up and just catch up in person but you told him that you weren't ready for that yet. That was when he knew that there were still some things from the past that you were holding onto, but claimed weren't grudges.
Were they?
More like things that you were still uneasy about. Things that you couldn’t just store away and pretend hadn’t happened. Nothing like holding a grudge, but just being cautious.
Either way, he understood so he kept his distance and enjoyed what he could get.
Which, unbeknownst to you...that was what he liked.
Not being able to physically see you but still have some sort of contact. To not know when (or if) he was going to be able to talk to you in person again.
Eren always did enjoy the chase.
There was not a phone call that you missed nor a text that you ignored, and it started to become a little too natural. Too easy.
When you got home one night, you ran yourself a bath first before eating dinner. It was like clock work...usually.
By this time, Eren would've called but there was nothing but radio silence.
It was strange.
You sat at the edge of the claw foot tub, brows pushed together as you reached a hand out to test the temperature of the water.
Idiotic. You couldn't help but feel dumb for getting so used to him being there when you forgot that Mikasa was very much in the picture. They were together. A couple. He wasn't supposed to be available for you to talk to whenever you wanted him to be. It didn't work like that and you shouldn't have thought that way.
If he couldn't call, it was normal. Maybe he was out with her. Like on a date or something. If so, it wasn't any of your business and there was always next time. Or a time after that and so on.
You sighed.
"I need to get my crap together."
Maybe a few tinder dates was what you needed sometime soon.
After the water was warm enough to your liking, you disrobed and slowly got in. Your phone was on top of the toilet lid, just at arms reach in case Sasha called you back about the spare key.
It was funny. She had lost it and got it replaced but...lost it again. So, she went back for another replacement and was supposed to be bringing it by to not lose it again. You'd suggested that she put it on a necklace chain, but not wear it as a necklace. Just have it somewhere she would remember but maybe in plain sight.
There was never a time she didn't lose something important.
As you fell into thought, Armin came up in your mind for the millionth time today.
He'd told you recently that things were better between him and Annie. They talked through some things and now their communication skills were a lot better than before. They were both making the necessary adjustments and putting forth the right amount of effort to keep the relationship above water.
You were happy for him.
For both of them.
"Jeez, am I really the only single one out of my friend group now?" You asked yourself as you slid your back down until the water rested just above your chin.
Sasha was starting to see someone and you were happy for her. You didn't know much about the guy other than he was going to school to become a chef. You smiled. She also ranted about him being quite tall and how much she loved that about him.
This was good for her. She deserved to be happy. She'd been single for a pretty long time too.
It was about time that she found someone.
With a sigh, you tilted your head up to look at the ceiling.
"Maybe one day."
Once you had started to notice that you were pruning up from the water, you quickly washed up and got out, drying yourself as you headed back into the room.
You tossed your cell on the bed and went into the closet to find something to throw on. Preferably a big t-shirt.
Your phone was ringing but the volume was set a bit low so you missed the first call. When you walked back into the room, you noticed the screen light up and went over to see who it was.
"Really?" You spoke low amongst yourself in surprise.
It was a shock but nevertheless, you didn't hesitate to pick it up.
"Heyy, sorry to bother you so late. Were you busy?"
You sat on the edge of the bed, smiling. "No, I just got out of the tub actually. Your timing couldn't have been better."
Armin laughed on the other end and pushed his glasses back up his nose, "Well it sounds like I missed the show."
Your skin flushed at him insinuating that he wanted to see you naked but quickly wrote it off as him attempting to be somewhat funny.
"Yeah," you used your ear and shoulder to clamp down on the cell as you slid on a pair of underwear. "You sure did. So, what's got you calling so late? Not that I'm complaining. It's always nice talking to you." It just wasn't normal for him to call during the nights. You didn't want to think about there being something wrong between him and Annie or even with the baby.
"No reason. I just wanted to see how you were doing," he tried to convince you, but his tone was off. There was something else and you weren't entirely sure that you were able to question it because maybe he didn't want to talk about it.
Either way, it was something you were going to have to let him bring up instead.
"Mm, how sweet of you. I've been great actually."
"Still talking to Eren?"
"Mhm! We haven't talked much today but I still do."
"Oh. Cool."
There it was.
Of course.
It made sense. Maybe Armin missed hanging out with his best friend and felt like you were the cause. If you were right, was it serious enough for him to bring it up? How was it not something that could've been settled between the both of them?
You smiled, turning over to lay flat on your stomach with your legs up and crossed. "Don't worry. I'm not trying to steal your best friend."
You heard a deep chuckle on the other end, "Steal him? It's nothing like that. I just missed talking to you, actually." You didn't even have time to scream into your pillow when he continued, "Feel like you enjoy talking to him more than you do with me."
His tone had been light but you could tell by the way he said it that he was actually a bit hurt over not getting the same amount of attention from you as Eren was getting.
"Well you know what, I'm going to start bugging you a lot more." You smiled, "-really shouldn't have said that now."
"Might come off as a shock but I would love that."
"As friends."
"Of course. Nothing more."
The call didn't last long. Not when Eren had been trying to call and text you. Armin understood, said goodnight and you hit Eren's name.
"Mm, what is this?" He asked you.
"I- What?"
"Hold on."
Confused, you laid there and waited until he was done doing whatever it was that he was making you wait for.
Then a facetime call was trying to come through.
Without hesitation, you answered it and saw that he was in the bathroom with wet hair.
Why was he always either getting out of the shower or about to take one when you video called?
"There's my pretty girl," he commented and you rolled your eyes, smiling. "Mm, and she smiles. Lovely."
"You're making it very hard to stay mad at you," you mumbled, picking at a stray thread that was coming out of your blanket. "You got all busy on me."
You watched as he applied shaving cream on his face and tried to set the phone up to where you were still able to see him. The angle wasn't bad at all. You were peering up from a low angle where he was leaned forward, close to the mirror. "Sorry baby, I was a bag boy all day for Mikasa. She bought a lot of stuff and I had to carry it all." He looked down at you with a cheesy grin before flexing his arms, making you laugh. "Totally worth it because that was my arm workout for the day, huh?"
"Bag boy. That's got a nice ring to it."
His face got a little red, going back to shaving. "Use it after today and you're dead."
"Okay, okay. Fine," you casually commented, finding the shaving asmr to be quite soothing.
The sound of him using the blade to remove the little hairs that were once there and brush the shaving cream away, it began to make you a little sleepy. Plus, you were freshly bathed and Eren wasn't helping you stay awake in the slightest.
You decided to venture off onto other apps in order to help you stay awake while still watching him shave. He was humming some tune to himself that provided good background noise once you decided to text some of your friends back.
It was odd how easy you two fell back into old habits. Like there hadn't been an entire five year gap in between the friendship. Or...situation-ship, rather.
Curiously enough, you couldn't help but wonder what Mikasa thought about the two of you having major contact again. It didn't seem like she was all that bothered since she had been the one to connect the two of you but you couldn't help but wonder if there was some other ulterior motive? Was it a test of some kind?
Couldn't put it past her. She'd done it once before with Historia. Only to make sure that she was her friend and not someone wanting to get close just to get juicy intel on her. Then spread it around school. Childish, true, but Mikasa wasn't dumb.
Turns out Historia was a genuine person and had no plans of spying on her for anything. She just wanted to be friends and that was how she claimed her place in the clique. Of course, that had all happened before you came along but Mikasa felt it was something you needed to know about.
Wasn't hard to tell that she told you that story simply because she didn't trust you fully. That was back then. Even after five years of no contact, was it wrong to have your doubts about her? When it came to her trust, it wasn't given out very easily.
It made you wonder.
Did you still have it?
"Aw, your camera's off again,” he whined.
You saw him pout and it annoyed you because he was cute when he got like that.
It was even better when you made him work to get what he wanted from you.
You clicked back into the screen and your face was back in view. He instantly smiled and grabbed a towel to clean up the excess cream.
"There she is."
"Oh my god, Eren, stop talking like that," you groaned, wanting to throw the phone across the room.
His laugh rang through the speakers, undoubtedly at your expense.
"You're still shy, huh?" He checked himself in the mirror before he picked up the device and began walking out of the bathroom with only a short towel draped around his neck and a towel hung low on his hips. You saw everything and wished you didn't because it made you frustrated. There weren't any real feelings for him anymore but did finding him stupidly attractive count?
You hoped not.
"I'm not shy," you flipped onto your back and held the phone out in front of you, in the air.
Eren had moved to the bedroom that was clear of his girlfriend, whom you only assumed was still at work. You smiled to yourself. Instead of texting and calling her, here he was. Facetiming you while shaving and walking around the apartment half naked. He was comfortable with you and you tried to not let that mean anything.
Key word.
"Liar," he sang and you flipped him off.
"Aw, c'mon," he plopped down on the edge of the bed. His arm was tired of holding the phone at eye level so he rested his hand against his thigh and again, you had a low angle view of him. He was looking down at you through dark lashes, eyes almost greener than they were in the bathroom. It was almost hard keeping eye contact but you didn't want him to tease you or come up with crazy (not so crazy) assumptions about it.
"You can be a little meanie, can't you."
It sounded rhetorical enough to not entertain him with an answer so you settled for a hum and he smiled, watching you rub at your eyes.
"Hey, I won't hold you up. I know you're tired. We can talk sometime late-"
"No." You quickly answered, frowning. "We're talking until I fall asleep. No objections. I..." you looked to the side, finally releasing the eye contact while you told him your feelings. You would have rather died then be honest about how you felt, but as a therapist – honesty was the best policy. No friendship could survive without proper communication. You understood that more than anyone. "I kind of missed you today." When you heard him speak, you looked back at him, holding up a finger. "And don't let that go to your obnoxiously big head, alright? I only meant that I enjoy our talks so...yeah. No big deal."
Eren couldn't help but find the entire situation funny. The way you expressed your feelings looked painful and it was like watching a car wreck but he always loved every minute of it. At least you were capable of telling him what was on your mind rather than not.
"Yeah, yeah. I won't," he replied with fake sincerity as he used the towel around his neck to dry the ends of his hair. "Okay, I'm gonna put some sweats on and get in bed. Are we..." a slow smirk rose to his face. "Are we really going to fall asleep on the phone together?"
"Oh my god, don't make it a big deal," you whined, sitting up in bed. You didn't have a bra on (because why sleep with something so constricting on?) and that gave Eren a wide and clear view of your nipples that were poking against your shirt from the friction. "You're so annoying. Go put pants on. I think it's weird you've got your dick out right now with me on the phone. Perv."
He laughed out loud and fell back on the bed, looking at you from the side. "I mean, it kinda sounds like you wanna see it..."
"No! I will end this call right now, don't play with me."
Another laugh erupted from the other end, and you watched him position the camera away from the closet but it was still in view of the body mirror that they had in their bedroom. In fact, if you remembered correctly...there were a few other mirrors in the room.
You wondered why someone would want to have more than one mirror in the room unless they were-
"Oh my god."
You wanted to go back to the ten seconds where you didn't put those pieces together and realize something you wished you hadn't.
Luckily, Eren hadn't heard you so that was a conversation you were thankful to skip.
While he was busy dressing, you reached to the side and dimmed your lamp so that it wasn't so bright. The thought of eating something was too far at the back of your mind. You were already so tired. You were just going to have to have a hearty breakfast in the morning to make up for the missed dinner.
Once you were settled into bed, comfortable underneath the sheets, you paid more attention to the screen and almost blinked yourself into another dimension.
There he stood. Barebacked in the reflection of the mirror, in front of his closet. Granted, all that you were able to see were his ass cheeks but that was already too much in and of itself.
He looked behind him, looking for the phone he'd set down on the bed and smirked at his own reflection, figuring out that was how you were able to see him.
"I mean, you don't have to look," he responded, sending you a wink that almost made you want to throw up yet cry at the same time because even through the mirror, he looked good.
"I've been skipping leg day for the past couple of days so sorry if they're not up to par," he commented, smirking to himself as he pulled out a pair of dark grey sweats. "Although, I'm getting the feeling that you don't really care. A view is a view right?"
He slipped on the pants and stretched with a yawn, walking back to the bed and snatching the phone up.
The look on your face almost made him want to laugh but he enjoyed teasing you so he gave in again. "What's that look for? Did you not like it?"
Your eyebrows were pushed together and there was a cute pout on your lips. Your facial expression looked as if you'd just smelled something extremely sour and didn't know how to feel about it.
He cracked and laughed, running a hand through his hair.
"Are we sleeping or what?" He asked you.
"...yeah. I guess."
“You guessss,” he teased, reaching over and turning off the only other light in the room and got into bed with a groan, licking his lips. You were still partially visible while he was shrouded in complete darkness. In all honesty, you were thankful that he was out of your line of sight.
You'd had enough of the visuals for one night.
"So..." Eren mumbled, finding comfort at being on top of the covers. "Do we just...fall asleep or-"
"Have you really never fallen asleep on the phone before?" You asked him, the corners of your lips twitching up, wanting to smile. It would've been nice to have something to tease him about in the future. He never had a problem doing it with you.
"Of course I have!" He shot back defensively, and you couldn't help but giggle. "I just don't do it very often so it's kind of awkward."
"Wow. I can't believe the great Eren Jaeger is actually scared of a little vulnerability. Is this...his kryptonite? Stay tuned to find out."
He snorted. "Make fun of me all you want, but I've gotten to be a pretty private person since high school."
"We don't have to stay on the phone together. I mean, we can sleep now actually. Like separately."
Eren brought over the same pillow he'd had earlier and hugged it the same way. "No, this is fine. I don't mind falling asleep next to you...even though I'm pretty positive you still snore like a 30 year old man with three jobs."
You laughed out loud and wished you could hit him with something but you couldn't so you settled for making as much noise from your end. He was saying something but you were too busy rubbing the end of your phone into the sheets.
"-okay, okay! I get it!" You heard him say and laughed, pulling the device away. It was followed by another long, tired yawn. "Well, I'm about to knock out. You'd better be sleeping too."
You smiled and nodded. "I'm extremely exhausted so it won't take me long." You turned off your lamp and you were also engulfed in darkness. He couldn't see you and you couldn't see him. It made things a little less weird. At least, for you.
The soft sound of your a/c whirring on provided the perfect background noise as you pulled a pillow close, setting your phone right next to it.
The shuffling sounds on his end had ceased and if you paid close enough attention, his breathing had evened out.
'He's still a fast sleeper I see,' you thought to yourself with a soft smile.
It wasn't as weird as you'd thought it was going to be. Sure, he was at his place and you were at your own, but it still felt like he was right next to you. He made low noises in his sleep but other than that, he was quiet and it was soothing.
Soon enough, you'd found yourself falling asleep to the sound of the air conditioning and his soft snoring.

When you opened your eyes again, it was still pitch black.
You didn't know the time but it was definitely late.
With half lidded eyes and a groggy vision, you picked up the cell that was still next to you and noticed that you'd been on the phone for six hours. It was two in the morning and it seemed like Eren was still fast asleep. The other end was a bit quiet but you figured that he had stopped snoring at some point in the night.
You were about to end the call when you heard a deep groan. It was a bit low but it was unmistakable.
That was Eren.
It sounded a bit similar to the sound he'd made earlier while being on call. It had come from him supposedly stubbing his toe but this didn't sound like it came from him hurting himself again. Plus, he was supposed to be in bed.
How would he stub his toe in bed?
You rubbed your eyes and quickly muted yourself as you sat up. The phone was still in your hand and you tried looking at every part of the screen to figure out what exactly was going on but it was so dark. You couldn't see anything.
You froze.
Was he...?
He was just mumbling in his sleep. That was it. Nothing else.
You almost wanted to turn the light on, because listening to him in the dark made it even weirder, when you heard him shift around. Quickly after, a small light was turned on and you heard a drawer open.
With the room illuminated, you saw a bit of the ceiling and what looked to be his arm covering some of the screen. Then the drawer closed and the sound of a cap being popped open made your stomach knot twice over.
What if you had been wrong? What if he was actually about to jerk one off with you still being on call? Then wasn't like he was forcing you to stay there. Maybe he'd forgotten that the call was still going on. That made you feel like a complete pervert. Whatever he was actually doing, six hours was enough. It was late and you needed to get a few more hours of sleep. It was a Saturday which meant no work but that didn't mean you needed to stay up all night. Not with Eren about to do god knows what with you listening on the other end.
"I should hang up," you whispered to yourself, the phone still in your hand. There were more noises on the other end as you stared at whatever view he was giving you. "I need to hang up."
Then, by some strange coincidence, he picked up the phone and stared at it with furrowed brows. It was like he was trying to figure out if it was still on or not when all he had to do was tap the screen to see that it was.
"Oh my god," you breathed, thinking you had been caught. That he could see you, through the dark, watching him.
Eren's green eyes searched all across the dark screen before smirking to himself.
"Guess she fell asleep. Probably won't mind."
You blinked as he set the phone, casually, against a pillow next to him so that you were able to see exactly what he was up to.
If only you had actually still been asleep right now.
He was propped up against the headboard, legs out in front of him and a hand against his abdomen that flexed repeatedly with each heavy breath he took. There was no regard towards being caught by you at all. There was a lazy smile on his face, staring down at the way he leaked across his stomach. You couldn't tear your eyes away from the sight. His pajama pants were pulled down mid-thigh but aside from that, he was completely bare. It was like he wanted to be caught. Wanted you to watch him get off, but for what? What was it going to lead to? Or was it possible that he actually believed that you were still asleep?
Eren smoothed his hand down the underside of his cock while his other hand spread across his chest, moving over a nipple. His lips were parted as he breathed out, not sparing one glance towards the phone. To you, who stared, noticing the way his thighs would twitch every time his thumb would accidentally trace over the head of his cock.
You needed to end the call. You needed to send him a text saying that you ended the call because it was late and you didn't want your phone to overheat with it staying on for more than six hours. Some sort of convincing lie to get you out of the current situation that you were in. There was no good excuse as to why you were watching him touch himself. He had a girlfriend. Mikasa was your friend and here you were – watching her boyfriend get off on facetime, voluntarily invading his privacy. A piece of privacy that he hadn't seemed real inclined on protecting if he wasn't able to tell that the call was still going.
Although, that still didn't justify your desire to continue watching him.
He began to give himself slow and relaxed strokes, abs tensing with each movement, "Fuck," he breathed, voice a bit raspy as he frowned and let his head fall back against the top of the short headboard.
There you were – sat up in bed, cross-legged with a heavy throb in between your legs that wouldn't go away no matter what you tried thinking about. A puppy? Didn't work. Maybe an elderly lady doing yoga...
You squinted for a moment then closed your eyes, thinking that shielding your eyes away from your screen was going to help. That moment away was when you'd heard Eren let out a low groan and swear under his breath again.
"Fuck me," you muttered in frustration, reopening your eyes.
Eren moved his hand easily along his cock, making sure to cover his head before stroking back down. His hips were threatening to move up but he seemed to hold himself back, sliding his other hand down to the bed, gripping into it.
His breathing was picking up and you were unable to pull your eyes away. Watching him, you noticed that he still had the small moles across his abs like before. Except now they were a little darker and there were even a few new ones that were splayed just under his chest. Skin smooth, except for the small patch of hair right at his pelvis.
With each lazy stroke, he made sure to tug at the cock head in long sweeps to keep himself on the edge. His hair was half up but a few strands laid across his damp forehead, sticking from the sweat. As you looked more closely, it was only then did you notice the tattoos.
"He's got tattoos?" you asked yourself with raised brows as your eyes traced over the one on his arm that wrapped around his wrist then to the one at the side of his neck that looked like a line of words that you weren't able to decipher. There was also one on his hip bone that looked to be a small bird in flight and a few smaller ones on his fingers that were on his left hand. How did you manage to miss them? Better question, when did he grow a love for ink? In high school, when you had asked him if he would ever get a tattoo, he made a face and said he could never.
He definitely grew up.
Suddenly, his head turned towards the camera. He was panting and staring at the screen like he was able to see you. Was he?
You pushed the phone out a bit from your face and looked around you to make sure that it was still jet black in the room. To your advantage, it was but that still didn't explain the strange look that was now on his face as he let his cock smack back against his abdomen.
With slight tension in his brows, he grabbed the phone with his other hand, staring and squinting at the screen. You were holding your breath as he tapped the screen. Jade eyes widened in surprise. Telling by the look of horror on his face, it was safe to say that he'd had no clue that the phone was actually still on.
"Dude, are you serious?" He said to himself in a low tone, almost wanting to laugh but actually seemed a little nervous, thinking you could've heard him or worse. Saw him.
You did. In fact, it was more than that. You'd been watching him, which should've made you feel bad but reasonably didn't.
You weren't buying it. All signs were pointing to him being genuinely confused and scared, but a part of you didn't believe that he was completely unaware the entire time.
"Hey..." he spoke, trying to see if you were going to answer back and answer the one question he had.
There was no reason to hide and lie. If anything, you two were going to laugh and never speak about the situation ever again.
So, you answered.
"Oh shit."

You and Eren sat in your beds, quiet on both ends. He felt a little embarrassed about you catching him but you were the reason behind the extremely awkward air. You didn't know what to say and neither did he, but he wanted to give it a try because awkward silence only made things weirder for him.
Your light was now on so he looked at you through the screen before clearing his throat.
"So...rate me?"
Your burst of laughter made him laugh and the tension filled air was suddenly gone.
You rolled your eyes, looking back at him with a smile. "I'll give you a 9."
He smirked, leaning against the headboard again. "A 9, huh? What's a guy gotta do to get a 10, babe?"
You dipped your head down from the camera, trying to pretend he didn't call you that. "Keep talking like that," you reconnected the eye contact, almost frowning. "-and you're getting debunked to a solid 3."
"Ah damn," he tilted his head, pouting. "I'll take the 9 then."
"Yeah, smart call."
"So..." he looked down to play with the strings to his pajama pants that were now put back on. "Will this make the friendship all weird or like..."
You thought about it for a moment before opening your mouth. "Not...really. I've seen you before. It was just a shock right after waking up." You watched as he took a peek back up at you through his lashes, grinning. You smiled and looked away, already annoyed. "Say it and you're done."
He laughed, "Alright, I won't! I just…Can I be honest about something?"
You nodded, clueless to what he was going to ask you.
"Did you...wake up to seeing me like that or were you watching the entire time?"
Your mind went semi blank. The urge to lie was almost stronger than wanting to tell the truth. One of them had to win and the wrong one did.
"I was watching the entire time."
"Oh?" the dark look in his eyes was almost as annoying as the shit eating grin that was on his face now. "What a perv. I had a feeling you weren't really asleep and came to find out that you weren't." He stretched out and rubbed a hand down his chest that was covered by a shirt, falling out of view.
You rolled your eyes. "And what was I supposed to do? Ignore you?"
"No. Ask if you could help."
Your mouth dropped open. "You can't be serious."
He shrugged, still smiling. "I am."
"No way," you moved out of bed and headed towards the bathroom. "Never in a million years."
"Sad. We could've bonded."
"You're crazy."
“Yeah, crazy over you," he said jokingly.
Eren laughed, watching you set the phone up on the counter and away from the toilet as you used the bathroom. "So I've upgraded to hearing you pee? Nice."
You frowned and smirked, turning the faucet on. Over the running water, you heard him whine something about "no fair" and it made you giggle as you finished up and flushed. He was able to see you wash your hands and got carried back into the room.
"I'm serious though," he muttered and it was so low that you almost missed it.
With a quirked brow, you sat down at the edge of the bed. "What do you mean?"
His eyes didn't leave yours as he continued, "Helping me."
Wasn't he joking? He couldn't have been actually serious about that. Could he? He was insane. He had a girlfriend and you two were just starting to be friends after spending so many years with zero contact. Plus, it wasn't like that left room to become fuck buddies or anything like that. Hello! Mikasa?
"I...what?" You were insanely confused and couldn't understand where he was expecting the conversation to go because you weren't going to help him in any sort of sexual sense so there was no need to stay on that subject.
Eren took a pillow from beside him and placed it off to the side, setting the phone against it. "You heard me. I want your help so I can finish."
It was a joke. It had to be.
You checked the time at the top of your phone and noticed it was pushing three in the morning. "Eren, I'm over the joke already. Besides, where's Mikasa? She's gotta be home by now, right?"
He nodded, ruffling his hair. "Yeah, but she decided to sleep in the guest room tonight." His eyes weren't very telling. "Around 11, she came home and we had a small argument. Nothing major. It'll blow over by the morning, as usual. Not worried about it." He let out a small yawn, pulling down at his pants to make room. Or was he...adjusting? "So...are you in or...?"
The question was left hanging in the air because there was no way you were going to help him finish off his relationship with Mikasa because you were sure that was what was going to happen if you did 'help him'.
She was going to find out. She always did.
"I won't get into your relationship but-"
"And every time you say that, you're always getting into stuff that has nothing to do with you."
You closed your mouth and looked down, a bit hurt. It wasn't like he was wrong but he didn't have to say it like that.
He saw the look on your face and sighed.
"I shouldn't have said it like that, I'm sorry."
Not like that was triggering or anything. Nope. Not at all.
"No you're right." You bit into your lip and wanted the topic to pass already.
"Uh..." he rubbed at his neck, wishing he hadn't said it like that. If anything, you were just trying to help. "How about I help you instead."
You blinked and looked back at him, confused. "Help me?"
"Yeah," a slow side smile spread across his pretty face. "You couldn't have watched me without getting turned on. It'll be a friend helping out another friend. Won't you let me help?"
Was he crazy? Had to be.
Literally insane.
There was no way you were going to agree to something like that. It was basically like cheating plus just because you found him attractive didn't mean you wanted to go behind your friend's back and help her boyfriend cheat on her.
She would never in a million years forgive you if she found out.
"Eren, no I-"
"Lay down."
His voice was low and authoritative. By the blank expression on his face, it was obvious that he was being entirely serious. He wanted to help you and maybe if it was just a one time thing, could it hurt? Mikasa wasn't going to find out if it was just this once. There were many people in friendships where this sort of thing happened. It wasn't odd or abnormal. Completely normal and if he was going to guide you through video chat without physically being there and touching you — it somehow made it a little easier to get into it.
So with that in mind, you did as you were told and laid down, keeping a leg bent so that it felt less awkward.
He hummed, "Set the phone up to where I can see as much of you as possible."
You did the same thing you saw him do and used a pillow as leverage, keeping the phone perked up against it. "Okay..."
"Now," he slid a hand down his chest to his abdomen, inhaling deeply. "Play with yourself. Start slow. Your tits are usually a good start." There was a smirk in his voice and when you looked at him, it wasn't a surprise that it was there. Right on his annoyingly attractive face.
"This is so weird," you mumbled to yourself, unable to find a moment in your life where you'd ever done anything like this before. It was very new to you. To facetime someone and...touch yourself in front of them.
It was almost a little exciting.
One of your hands skimmed over a nipple, just barely nicking it.
"Oh," you breathed, feeling a tingle swim through your chest.
Eren stared at you intensely, almost too mesmerized to blink in case he missed something.
"Again, pretty girl. Over and over until the pressure in between your legs gets to be too much. Then," he palmed himself lightly, letting his thumb rub over the head of his cock. "Then, I want to hear you beg."
Your skin was hot as you pinched and twisted at your nipples through your shirt, trying to not think about Eren watching everything that you were doing and finding zero shame in it. For you, it was incredibly embarrassing but in some weird liked it. You liked him guiding you and staring at you through the screen as you did so. There was no doubt in your mind that he was secretly touching himself to you and that thought made you close your legs because that gave your mind permission to think about him actually being in the same room as you.
Watching you from across the room but not touching you. Just telling you what to do.
"Eren," you moaned lowly, hoping he didn't hear it.
"Louder. Let me hear you."
Your thighs twitched as you pushed up your shirt and took your nipples back in between your fingers, imagining his mouth over them, swirling the hardened buds with his tongue and groaning about how perfect they were.
How perfect you were.
"Tell me what's on your mind. Be vocal for me. I need to know what you're thinking," he shamelessly pleaded, tugging his pants down low enough to let himself free. You heard his cock hit his abs with a faint smack and the urge to reach a hand down in between your legs almost won if you hadn't remembered what he said.
You had to beg to get permission.
You tossed your head towards the phone next to you and felt your face warm at what you were about to do. "Can I please touch myself now?"
He smirked almost instantly. "Not even going to fight it, huh?" You didn't say a word back. It was all in your eyes. "Pity. I expected more fight from you but then again," he positioned the camera in a similar position yours was in, and you saw the angry head of his cock covered with his arousal. You felt a whine bubble up in your throat at the sight. The thought of that inside of you right deep...pulsating against your walls, threatening to cum from how tight you'd be around him. "Watching me earlier must've been really painful for you, huh baby?"
"Oh my god," you groaned weakly, shoving a hand down and pushing your underwear aside to press a finger against your aching clit. If this truly was a one time thing then what either of you said and thought in the moment wasn't going to matter later. It probably wasn't even going to be brought up again. That was the only way you even allowed yourself to say what you wanted to say. "I wish you were here, Eren. Using your fingers and touching me the way I'm touching myself. So bad," you whispered but it wasn't low enough for him to miss. He'd heard it all.
He gave himself a few slow pumps before smiling to himself, "Soon."
His response had missed you. You were too focused on how good it felt to relieve some of the pressure that had built up from watching him earlier. It was so painful and you were too embarrassed and nervous. It would've been wrong but he ended up knowing that you were watching all along. So maybe it wouldn't have been so bad if you'd looked at it like he had purposely put on a show for you.
Wasn't like he hadn't insinuated that he knew.
A single finger dipped past your slippery folds, easily pushing into your tight hole, going at an easy pace before picking it up. Your other hand was preoccupied with cupping one of your breasts, fingers tweaking at the supple bud sending little shockwaves throughout your body.
Eren was captivated by you. It was nothing like fucking Mikasa or even guiding her into an orgasm. No. Something about the way you moaned and touched yourself for him — it was different. He would've been lying to himself if he didn't admit that he held some sort of desire for you. To see you. To touch you himself and make you cum from his cock alone. To have you begging him to fill you up like the good little whore that you were.
By the looks of it, it didn't seem like you changed much at all.
Just a lot more gullible and needier.
"Ah," he felt his balls tense up from the pressure. He wasn't going to last much longer but he couldn't let himself come before you. That was rude. You needed to be completely satisfied before he found it acceptable.
His eyes were back on you. Your fingers were in your mouth and he could've fallen into a coma at the lewd look on your face before you shoved them back into your pretty pussy.
God, he was going to lose his fucking mind over you.
"Are you close, baby?"
You nodded, "mhm," trying to keep eye contact with him, but it was hard when all you wanted to do was get lost in the feeling with your eyes closed. "M'so close, I won't be able to hold off. I'm sorry."
He could've groaned at the way you apologized for something you could hardly control.
What were you doing to him?
"It's okay, pretty," your thighs twitched at the pet name. "This is about you."
Your body felt tingly. Like it was getting ready to soar down while on a rollercoaster. There was a tight ball of tension at the lower part of your stomach and it was hard to fight off. You'd wanted to last longer, but it was impossible with the way Eren helped you along. He'd made it so hard to hold back. Even for just a second longer.
Your hips slowly rose off of the mattress and your toes curled, feeling the intensity and pleasure all hit you at once. Your release flooded across your fingers, sticking to them like glue. Your legs were a little shaky and you took a few moments to catch your breath.
In the heat of the moment, you'd torn your eyes away from him but when you looked back, you were thankful to not miss it.
The way his abs tensed before flexing and tightening, hearing his breath quicken. One of his legs was bent up but it didn't obstruct your view. His strokes were steady and precise, going over his head each time.
"Oh my god," he moaned, biting into the pillow next to him as he pushed his hips up, fucking into his hand. He was almost there, so unbelievably close, fuck he could feel it.
Then your next set of words sent him right over the edge.
"Come for me, Eren."
His vision blurred enough for him to close his eyes, feeling his thick and creamy release coat his lean upper body. His bun was hanging onto the thin elastic band, most of his hair splayed out on the pillow behind him.
He looked a mess but you found him to be severely captivating.
There was one thing that was bothering you but you chose to not think about it. At least for now.
His hand slowed until he stopped completely, slightly shaking. He brought his hand up to his line of vision, chuckled and dropped it back on his stomach, looking at you.
"You didn't have to do that."
You felt your skin warm. "No, but I kind of remember you asking me to help you and that was me. Helping."
He sent you a lazy smile before humming, sitting up. "Yeah. You're right," he grabbed the phone with his clean hand and slid out of bed. His green eyes were back on you, almost looking through you. "Thanks, pretty girl."
"Eren," you whined, throwing a pillow right over your face to hide the shame of liking the things he called you.
He laughed, making it to the bathroom.
"Cute. You should get some rest. We'll talk tomorrow."
You pushed the cotton aside, staring at him as he cleaned up. "Promise?"
He smiled with a nod. "Of course."
Hesitantly, you believed him but not fully.
Just in case.
"M'kay. Goodnight."
"Night," he sang before hitting the 'end' button.
The screen went back to your lockscreen and you set the device to the side before looking up at the ceiling.
"What the actual fuck am I going to do now?"
There was no going back. Eren cheated on Mikasa, with you no less. How were you supposed to hang out with her knowing that you'd had a mutual masturbation session with her boyfriend? There was also the possibility that she was going to find out but not through you. No. What if she and Eren got into an argument and out of anger, he mentioned you and him? It wasn't like he hadn't done something like that before.
You couldn't put anything past him so the only card you had left to play was denying whatever he could say about you. If not that, then there was always the truth.
That would mean losing Mikasa forever and you didn't want that to happen. Ever.
It was just best to put what just happened behind you. Behind both of you.
It would've been easy to do if it was only just this once.

➝ next chapter coming soon!
➝ before and after playlist!
end note: if you want to be tagged in future chapters for this fic, pls lmk!
➝ taglist:
@princess-jaeger @itsalicewickedmcgee @sinspookie

© all content belongs to temptedbysyn 2022. do not modify or translate without permission.
𝕱𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖘 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍 𝕭𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖋𝖎𝖙𝖘
(Armin Arlert x Reader)

𝕭𝖊𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖊: 𝐍𝐨𝐧𝐞

It all started with his friendly and charming smile when you both first met at the university. The way his heavenly oceanic eyes twinkle whenever he spoke about something he cherished. It started with the innocent bumps against your shoulder whenever he would say something that embarrassed you.
It started with the cute delicious pastries he would leave in front of your university dorm room because he knew they were your favorites. The expensive gifts he would offer you, gifts that you couldn't afford by yourself, because you were not earning much working a part-time job at a cafe.
It started with the shocking expressions you both had after knowing that you're attending the same church. It started with the way both of you would rather spend memorable and meaningful moments together than hanging out with your mutual friends.
It started with the innocent hold he had around your waist whenever you were walking together, the friendly hugs he would pull you into every 5 minutes, the reassuring kisses on your cheeks because you would always zone out of your conversations.

It started this way. So why are you now face buried deep into the pillow, ass scratched and slapped way too many times facing up, while Armin keeps thrusting himself violently inside of your wet cunt? How come you went from calling him 'Buddy' to 'Daddy'? How fast the night changes.
Your thoughts were interrupted by Armin's loud grunt he let out before releasing his hot seeds inside of you. His face distorted in pleasure which added to the growing desire for a 6th round. Armin opened his eyes which were deep blue this time, indicating that the beast inside of him isn't satisfied yet. He wiped the droplets of sweat on his forehead with the back of his palm and motioned for you to sit on his lap. You did so, lifting the cute little maid skirt your 'buddy' bought for you earlier.
Before Armin could take another breath, you plumped down on his hardened cock, making his eyes widen. You continued riding the soul out of him while he pushed his tongue inside your drooling mouth, loving the way your moans and prayers to him were slowly growing louder when he grabbed your ass and moved your lower body rapidly.
"Can other men...fuck...can they do that?" he said, long slender fingers piercing your hips. You were too fucked out of your mind to comprehend his words.
"Can they do that?Huh?" he said in a firm tone that gave you goosebumps. Oh, fuck how you loved DOminant and mean Armin.
"No...argh-h Daddy...Only you...Argh...Only you." you said placing your hands on his nape while pulling your tongue down his throat.
With one harsh slap on your ass, both you and Armin released. He pulled you to his chest and started kissing your forehead and caressing your hair. You felt yourself melting inside of his warm embrace.
"I know it is against the principle of our contract," he said," but I'm starting to fall for you." he laid his head on yours.
You knew that if any of you ended up catching feelings, your relationship as his sugar baby would be officially over. But at that very moment, you thought of nothing when you said,
"I always did, Armin."