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OMG, Asmo looks smoking hot. @nan-chi nailed him so perfectly😍😍😍😍😍😍
Hi!! Congratulations for that milestone!💖
My birth date is 1 and as an Asmo stan (the reason why I ended up following you) I'm going to request Asmo in a suit😶 Somehow Asmo and suit don't match in my head, but now I'm curious👀
Thank you and you're welcomed here! 💕 - fellow Asmo Stan Yay! -
Okay, that one was interesting because:
1. Asmo has fashionable taste
2. He likes to show skin xD
I can't imagine him wearing a normal suit too! So here's what I came up with! 🙊

Requests are closed now but here's the main post if you'd like to check the list : here

Drawing for @7demonhoes
I-I went too crazy with this one, at firts it was really hard to come up with a concept for it, then it just, the sketch turned out amazing, and immediately felt inspired to make this a finished and polished piece, damn, I even used photoshop for it.
Really, thank you for requesting, this is probably one of the drawings i’m most proud of.
So I was talking to my friend the other day and we agreed on this little headcanon that Asmodeus would never kink-shame anyone. But today I was playing NB and…😟 he said it.

I love him😭❤️

✨finally drew the lovely him in my style✨
we share the same bday month yay

also..happy birthday man♡
Tried to doodle Asmo for the first time lmao

Happy birthday boi 💋
This is so bad and rushed ik shut up I just had to lmao

You’re still a winner to me <3
I like how when I draw one (poorly made) sketch of asmo on my acc it blows up

the one and only obey me character that gives me serotonin—
the one I stan and his son being absolutely adorable.

we're already a week in but it still is a new year ✧ tipsy luci and catboy surprisingly getting along on new year's day
mah fam
(His) Nightmares - Dateables and Brothers
Lucifer suffers from nightmares, though you would never know it. He’s very good at managing to live on little sleep and still look put together after. He could (and does) blame his work and brothers and all of his other duties for how little he sleeps or how restless that sleep is but it’s not the complete truth. Lucifer regularly has nightmares about his fall from the celestial realm. He remembers the great battle, the betrayed faces of his fellow angels, Lilith’s injury, his fall down to the Devildom. All of it, feeling just as intense and real and unbearable as it did when it actually happened. He’s the kind of person that wakes up with a quiet gasp but nothing so noticeable as to ever wake anyone up. It’s a reaction that he’s trained himself to contain over the millennia. He doesn’t ever tell anyone about the nightmares but Simeon always seems to have a knack for knowing when he’s had a rough night because he’ll check in with Lucifer and bring him some kind of sweet snack that morning; he’ll smile guilelessly at Lucifer as he does it but the sadness in his eyes says something completely different.
Mammon’s nightmares tend to come when he’s had a particularly rough day with his brothers and, later on, with you. They happen when his self-deprecation follows him into his dreams. He’s always being yelled at and insulted and he can be crying, begging for forgiveness and kindness, trying to explain his side of the story but no one will ever listen. They mock his pain and tell him how pathetic and scummy he is. Hearing it from his brothers is hard enough but if you appear in the nightmare, he absolutely loses it. He can’t bear the idea of you thinking of him like that. When Mammon wakes, it’s with tears sliding down his face and he’s gasping for breath. He’s thrown off for the whole day and will actively avoid people because he’s afraid of bursting into tears if they say anything.
It isn’t common for Levi to have nightmares. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t get very much sleep thanks to his gaming lifestyle or maybe it’s because he tends to have such lovely dreams about Ruri-chan or maybe it’s because you’re actually snuggling him and how could anything bad happen when you’re there? When he does have nightmares, they’re typically something outrageous based on a game or anime that he’s seen lately, especially if they’re horror based. Levi is one of those people who would accidentally throw himself off the bed if he didn’t sleep in a tub and he wakes up with his arms waving in the air as if he’s acting out a fight scene or something. He can shake off his dreams pretty quickly and if he can’t, he’ll turn on a comfort anime to help.
Keep reading
Thank you so much actually, I found someone else’s layout a couple years back and used it to make a house in Minecraft but I hated how it turned out. So now I will be using this layout to make a better house
Nightbringer's HoL layout personally pisses me off, so I made a better one.

Ground Floor:
Garden and Patio
Entrance Hall (lower level)
Living and Dining Room (it's the same room!)
Music Room + Planetarium
Kitchen, now actually sharing a wall with the Guest Bedroom!
Laundry Room
Guest (MC) Bed&Bath
Common Room + Communal Bathroom
Library (lower level)
Lucifer's Secret Study
Stairs to the basement
Communal Study (Not fair that Luci gets a whole secret study all to himself and the other boys get NOTHING. So i fixed that)
A Broom Closet. Because why not
Garage (it's actually just Mammon's weird-ass loft)
2nd Floor:
Entrance Hall (up those big stairs)
The famous Hallway
The Attic Stairs
Satan's Bed&Bath
(I refuse to believe this lore of "ooo all the brothers share a bathroom except asmo" like do you really think 6 whole ass grown men would be capable of sharing One (1) bathroom and go to school in a timely manner)
Asmo's Bed&Bath&Giant Closet
Lucifer's Bed&Bath
Lilith's Mirage Room
Library walkways
A Lounge Room, leading to one of those weird wacky balconies inside the entrance hall
Another communal bathroom (7 people. 7 ENTIRE PEOPLE)
The Twins' Bed&Bath
An Interior Garden, cuz that sounds like something a rich person would have
Levi's Bed&Bath + Aquarium for Henry 2.0!
Mams' Bed&Bath + Weird garage loft
Storage Room
Home Cinema (rich people stuff)
Stairway to the Underground Tomb
Feel free to use it as reference! If you end up building it in anything, pls pls pls tag me I wanna see it

Merry Christmas and happy holidays! Here's all of the boys from Obey Me from the opening screen!

I put Belphie twice in the pictures because I couldn't choose which one was better: one with his eye open or one with his both his eyes closed because he just looks cute in both.
JSNEBRB (correct me if anything has been said about this in obey me😭 i havent played for some time so i might have forgot )
Im so jealous of ppl who can braid hair😿
"You mean to tell me, I whored myself out for attention and you give me nothing!?"
--Asmodeus to Solomon, probably.