Om! Asmodeus - Tumblr Posts
Okay Asmo
Asmo, Asmo, Asmo
When Asmo was an Angel, this was the general view of him:

And Simeon says:

Imagine being raised with this image of yourself hanging above you.
Imagine living with this image of yourself for thousands of years.
Imagine being raised under the implication that the closest thing you have to a parental figure, keeps you close because you're beautiful. Under the implication that it was solely your beauty that made him praise you and keep you by his side.
Imagine how much that would have fucked you up.
Satan & Asmo are so fucking similar.
Satan believes his ability to provide knowledge is what makes his existence meaningful.
Asmo believes his beauty is what makes him important to Lucifer (and possibly to everyone)
And it's all so fucking sad.
This whole family is so fucked up I can't deal with this shit

Asmo is someone who desperately wants to be loved.
And he works hard for it in the only way he knows how. In the only was he was told would make him loveable. By making himself look attractive.
But there's a huge con to being as beautiful as Asmo is:

It's very telling that the people Asmo spends time with are always referred to as his "fans" and never his friends
He's put on a pedestal by everyone around him (hell he puts himself on a pedestal ) and he's always expected to look and behave in a very specific way and because of that it'll be rare that someone will be able to reach high enough to ever understand him
Not to mention that the fear of being "so beautiful that no one ever understands me" can easily be dismissed as being shallow by a lot of people.
Plus, these "Shadows" which are their inner fears seem brutally honest so,

when Asmo says he hates himself...
This also reminds me of the creators' first drafts/ideas about the characters. How they were supposed to have more demonic looking forms and how Asmo was supposed to hate his.
Because he made himself look good in the Celestial Realm because he was told that's why Lucifer brought him into and kept him in the family
But then they Fall and he looks like a demon. Like a monster.
And in Asmo's eyes, this means he could lose his family.
So as a demon, he goes above and beyond to make himself look good and I'm gonna fucking cry because with this context, Asmo's desperation during the S2 popularity contest is heartbreaking.
In Asmo's eyes, he was fighting against Lucifer himself to prove he deserves his place in his family
So with all of this context,
Levi calls Asmo "his adorable younger brother" and says he's going to find a way to turn him back to normal
Asmo realises that Levi sounds like his older brother and that he actually sounds cool
And that changes Asmo back to normal
Levi doesn't call Asmo "beautiful". He calls him adorable. And there's such a difference between the two.
You can hit none of the marks for conventional beauty; you could look like a very literal sewer troll but someone could still genuinely find you adorable. Your older brother could still see you as his adorable younger brother.
Being adorable doesn't even have to rely on your outer features. It could fully depend on your personality. Unlike when you call call someone "beautiful", by calling someone "adorable" you're being ambiguous about which aspect of them you're specifically referring to. Usually, you mean them as a whole.
Not to mention that Levi easily stated that Asmo was part of his family without associating it to Asmo's beauty
Anyway, I have a lot of feelings about this lesson :)
Miscommunication & Misunderstandings: Angst
Satan's Sense of Worth & his Quest for Knowledge
Satan's Hidden Feelings
Trauma and Recovery

A very experimental Asmo for you
Wanted to try doing a bigger piece with paint pens which was definitely a struggle. Dunno how happy I am with it but it was fun so I still wanted to share
SUMMARY: You and Solomon were doing a potion for class, but you messed up. In present, you're unconscious with the demon brothers surrounding you and yelling at Solomon as if it's his fault. Solomon came in use by telling them the effect of the potion: "The first person they see after waking up will be the person who they will cling on to the whole day."
WARNINGS: getting cursed ig..., suggestive themes in asmo
Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan- Pt.1
Why do I always decide to help that old sorcerer?...

Satan is the first one to notice that you opened your eyes and looks like after opening your eyes the first demon you saw was Satan. Unlike his older brothers he immediately went to your side holding your hand, making you blush like crazy. In response to your blush and his actions, whines and complaints could be heard from his brothers. He shrugged them off, making sure of your well-being. You suddenly cling on to him, making his smug facade drop aka making him blush. He picks you up bridal style in front of his brothers and walks through them, leaving his brothers' jaw dropped.
"My kitten, I wonder how a human like you can be better than every romance novel ever written~"
Smug demon alert
Oh, so you think you will get to pamper him and all that? Well, you're wrong. This man won't let you leave his sight for a second.
Will continuously pet your head like a kitten, intertwine your fingers with his, comb your hair with his fingers and if you decide to pamper him, he will slightly chuckle and kiss you. not like you're complaining.
Offers to read your favourite novels with you.
If you really want to make him blush wear cat ears and meow/purr, he'll be on his knees.
Next day, you'll wake up to you laying your head on his chest and being surrounded by cats and books.
Asmo is already by your side holding your hand before you opened your eyes. Hence, it was not a surprise when you saw him first and cling onto him. Like mammon, he boasted about how you would obviously see him first but unlike mammon, his words were not a tsundere act. Instead of picking you up he holds your hand and leads you to his room, shooing mammon's whines in revolt.
"I have you all to myself~ Oh, how wonderful~"
Smug demon alert 2.0
Will most definitely plan a whole spa day with you.
He, also, like a certain big brother of his does not let you pamper him.
He gives you kisses all over making sure each one leaves a lip stain.
He also makes sure you do nothing but relax. This demon is the king of care and will make you know that.
During your spa session makes sure you're holding hands with him.
flirts with you the whole time.
He also takes you out for drinks afterwards. Of course you don't get drunk, but he does.
The next day, you come out limping of his room with a so called burn on your neck.
He was stress eating a burger when you awoke but the hearts in your eyes didn't care about that. His eyes finally fell on you when you almost stumbled standing up. He was about to help you before you wrapped your arms around his neck, hanging on him. He dropped his burger' blushing. How could he not? You looked so small and adorable compared to him. Trust me, if he could, he would have gobbled you up by now. He picks you up like a child letting your legs wrap around his waist. Carrying you to his room while allowing Belphie to follow.
"MC, Can I taste you please?"
Will kiss you just to taste your skin (with permission of course)
Will also take you to an all you can eat buffet.
If you decide to stay at home and pamper him, he will turn into an adorable blushing demon in no time.
Offer to cook him food, he is over the moon. the fact that I am writing this but have absolutely no cooking abilities.
will offer you a cuddle session with Belphie. If you refuse Belphie will become all pouty, but who cares about that.
next day, Beel will be quite clingy of you.
Belphie was the least bothered and was happily standing sleeping. He groaned when his precious sleep was interrupted by having someone's arms wrap around his neck from the side. He opened his eyes about to yell at the person before he saw you, clinging on to him with such an adorable close-eyed smile on your face. He immediately blushes. His sin washes away as adrenaline rushes through his body, offering you to climb on his back and takes you to his room.
"I, Belphegor, the avatar of sloth declares you as the best pillow in all the three realms."
cuddles you to death. again
if you decide to lay his head on your lap thighs he will never let you go.
he is not used to get so much affection from you because of you know what, but right now he is back in the celestial realm.
run your hands through his hair. Please.
Whisper sweet nothings in his ear and he will lock you and him both in the attic.
next day, you wake up to Belphie's tail wrapped around your thigh while he is still asleep.
Now, for the bonus you all have been waiting for:
Solomon was desperately trying to get the brothers (specifically lucifer, mammon) off his back. Trying to convince them he did not do it purposefully. Hence, he was thrown off guard when he felt a sudden weight on his left arm. The brothers' and his jaw dropped when they saw you clinging to Solomon's arm. A decently pink blush found its way to his cheeks as he curses himself for not considering this as a possibility. Somehow convincing the brothers, he took you back to purgatory hall. You held his hand through the way resulting the sorcerer to attain butterflies in his stomach.
"If I could, I would keep you all to myself, away from those demons and angels"
fortunately, the angels were not at home.
Please MC, stop pampering him like this, stop running your hands through his hair, stop giving his forehead kisses from time to time and please stop flattering him. He is too old for this he'll die.
will offer to cook for you but the potion is not strong enough for you to march yourself towards death.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed your daily dose of rick roll yesterday. Please ask me to write anything, i have limited ideas.


I headcanon that all the brothers have their last name as Morningstar, cause ya know, Lucifer Morningstar.
SO! How cute would it be if we changed our last name to Morningstar?
One day we secretly decided to legally change our last name as a suprise.
I think it'd be hilarious to just not tell them and they find out during roll call or something. The faces of utter shock as we raise our hand and say here. 🤭
They definitely wouldn't be able to function for the rest of the day

Drawing for @7demonhoes
I-I went too crazy with this one, at firts it was really hard to come up with a concept for it, then it just, the sketch turned out amazing, and immediately felt inspired to make this a finished and polished piece, damn, I even used photoshop for it.
Really, thank you for requesting, this is probably one of the drawings i’m most proud of.
So I was talking to my friend the other day and we agreed on this little headcanon that Asmodeus would never kink-shame anyone. But today I was playing NB and…😟 he said it.

I love him😭❤️

As an Asmo fan I no longer play this game since he barely gets attention, but I still love him a lot and felt like doodling lol
School Play
There’s another school play in which you act as the main lead because Simeon thought you’d be perfect for the role, there’s no need to cast anyone else (much to Asmo’s dismay). He’s seen your performances before, and you’re one of the easiest actors to work with compared to the brothers that constantly got their lines wrong during rehearsals. Simeon can get frustrated, and it seems that the brothers feel the same way, if not terrified of the angel’s sudden change in attitude as soon as he plays the director. You’re just relieved he’s not that way towards you.
Of course, who wouldn’t want to see a play written by Christopher Peugeot himself. The theme was a thrilling love story wherein the hero would have to go through a long journey to rescue the one they love, which was you. They would meet so many characters that would either support the hero or become an obstacle on his way to defeat the cruel lord that locked you up.
You’re the main love interest, and you sat on the side watching as everyone else in the room debated and fought each other on why they should have the main lead role, why they should be the hero who would rescue you. Seeing as how the atmosphere in the room is starting to have murderous intent, Simeon finally thought of a solution that would be fair to everyone. Draw lots.
That’s how you ended up with Solomon as your hero, and Barbatos acting as the main villain and the rest playing a support role. They either help Solomon with the journey or act as one of Barbatos’ minions to try to stop him from his advances. Everyone could only blame their luck, though to say that Solomon was happy about his part is an understatement. Meanwhile, Barbatos does adore the parts where he keeps you all to himself, however he does not enjoy the scene where he had to terrorize a town since Diavolo’s character, a commoner (which he loves to play), is one of the victims that the hero finds which eventually sets the tone of the play to move forward. It takes a lot for Barbatos not to run to his master’s side while he was acting out his death.
Solomon is always ready to rehearse his scenes with you, and when it’s about lines talking about you, Simeon is impressed at how quickly he can memorize them. But then again, if they’re all about how much he adores you then it’s not difficult to remember at all. Lucifer and the others hate playing supporting characters where they have to hear about how much Solomon loves you. It’s bad enough they had to play the role of helping him, but there are several minutes of dialogue with his character telling them how important you are to him and how he needs to find you quickly! It took several practice rehearsals for Mammon to say his lines without sounding so forced or annoyed at him when his role is to literally help Solomon through the journey.
Levi is quite happy with his role as the costume designer because there’s no way his envy wouldn’t flare up if he had to stand there and listen to that. That would’ve flooded the stage if he lost all control, so he decides to use headphones and blast music when it’s Solomon’s scene and only take it off once it’s you.
Satan would play the role of the narrator, and while he normally enjoys the part he got, it’s quite irritating that he has to tell the love story between you two, even if it’s merely a work of fiction. His claws threatened to tear holes into the script, but he kept himself calm and collected. They decided to put a leather cover binding to avoid that happening, and Satan actually likes how his own personal script looks like a book now.
Lucifer is questioning why Simeon would write such a piece, given how most lines are so sickening and romantic. The angel wanted to tell a tale of lovers that could overcome everything, though he omits the fact that he really did have you in mind when he was writing this. Maybe he projected a little too much of his feelings, but the play still had more elements regardless that a lot of the audience would be able to enjoy. The action, the drama, and the tension that could keep everyone at the edge of their seats.
What Simeon did not expect is for the brother’s self control to snap. Maybe he should’ve thought about that when he wrote down that kiss scene. It’s a page he kept between you and Solomon, as he knew that rehearsals would’ve been a disaster if they knew how the story would actually end. Of course he did ask for your permission, if this is something you’re comfortable with and he would rewrite the part if he needed. You don’t mind, and you understand why this was kept private.
So when the day of the play came, everything was going smoothly. At least according to Simeon’s high standards.
Solomon and Barbatos really do seem to play the perfect role. A good villain doesn't need to yell, it comes with the composure they bring in the story that sometimes people wonder if Barbatos is really acting. The fight scenes were also phenomenal whenever Solomon would use some sort of imagery magic to make it more realistic, sparkes and effects flying in the air as they fought until Barbatos eventually fled, claiming defeat but he will be back for you one day.
What the brothers thought was a successful play became something they dreaded when you and Solomon continued the scene. These were lines they’ve never heard before, and it doesn’t take a genius to guess where this was heading. Satan is furiously flipping through the script trying to see where this was coming from, but this part was hidden from the Avatars on purpose.
“Oh how I longed to hold you like this in my arms.” Solomon says as he pulls you in an embrace that lingered longer than the brothers would like while they watched from backstage.
“Did you truly miss me that much?” You say, meant to be a half tease to the hero as you returned the hug. It’s a romantic reunion that the audience has been waiting for.
“More than you could ever think.” Solomon sounds so convincing. He says his lines as if you two were truly apart for so long, that there’s disbelief in his voice like this was all a dream and he would wake up to find that his journey is not over, that you were still locked away. But he has you in his arms, and that’s all he needs to ground himself. “Each time I see the crescent moon, I’m reminded of the smile that graced your lips. It pains me whenever I turn to my side and realize that you’re weren’t with me.”
Solomon brushes the hair away from your face before cupping your cheek, looking at you so lovingly that you feel your heart skip a beat, almost forgetting that you’re acting out a scene. But to the sorcerer, he doesn’t need to act. “Tell me, will you grace me with those lips?” He asks, and that’s the cue for you to slowly lean forward to seal the deal.
Both if you freeze before turning back to see Mammon pointing the sword prop at Solomon. The sorcerer is confused, and perhaps a little irritated that his moment with you was ruined. It would’ve been a perfect way to end the play. “What are you doing?” Solomon asks with furrowed brows.
“That’s my line! Get ya grimy hands off em!” Mammon growled, taking a few steps forward.
“You’re not even supposed to be part of this narrative.” Solomon reminds the demon, warning him for ruining the scene.
“You claim that as so,” Satan says as he appears by his brother’s side in a puff of green flames, looking quite pissed. “How dare you rewrite the ending to your liking, and then use the Narrative as your shield. You should be ashamed of yourself, filthy thief.” the demon hissed as he threw the script he fashioned into a book across the stage. The brothers fully believed they were deceived with the script, and that Solomon had something to do with it.
The audience are now all captivated at the scene unfolding before their eyes as they watched the Narrator throw the book across. Perhaps the book told the whole scene, and that Solomon actually rewrote the ending according to his will since they assumed that script was an actual prop to keep the story going. “Was the hero actually manipulating the whole scene?” “What a crazy twist!” “Wait, so who's the real lover?” “Were they tricked to think that Solomon was the real love interest?!”. Whispers rang in the air as they were all made to believe this was still part of the play
That might be the only way for them to salvage what could’ve been a successful performance: to keep acting. Solomon reluctantly lets go of you before standing up to face the two demons. “I can’t believe you all would cause a scene, after all we’ve been through. After all they’ve been through.” Solomon says as he gestures to you, who is just as confused as the crowd.
“Ah, so you acknowledge our efforts and yet you get to keep them for yourself?” Belphie steps in on the other side of the stage, with Beel following behind him. “Kinda greedy isn’t it? Even greedier than him.” Belphie says while pointing at Mammon. That somehow got the audience to laugh.
“That’s pretty selfish too, and that’s coming from me!” Asmo finally chimes in, holding onto his tulle costume while he stomps into the stage. He wouldn’t let his brothers steal all the spotlight, and there was also no way he was going to let Solomon just kiss you like that on the stage. If it were him instead, you both would be the talk of the week! “Honestly dear, that’s quite a big low. Even for someone like you.”
Simeon is just thankful that Lucifer and Levi didn’t even chime in on this monstrous mess of a show, he has their pride and anxiety (respectively) to thank for. Despite the sudden improv show, it seems that it captured the audience’s attention… just not in the way that he hoped.
Solomon is now putting you behind him with a magic spell flaring by the palm of his hand. Nothing harmful, just something that’s more flashy than anything. The other demons are closing in on you both, trying to make up lines on why you should choose them. Of course, a fight breaks out and everyone in the audience cheered for whoever they were rooting for to win while you stayed behind and watched the chaos unfold.
It took one wrong spell after another for the boys to lay on the ground, groaning after Satan and Solomon’s stun lock spell collided into something bigger that it affected everyone in the stage except you since you stayed behind. You wondered what you could say or do to salvage this as the audience is watching intently on what happens next.
Thankfully, Lucifer finally steps on the stage, calm and collected as ever while he tries to avoid the groaning actors. He played as one of the Barbatos’ henchmen that Solomon defeated, so seeing his reappearance was definitely a shock to the crowd. You prayed that Lucifer has a plan on getting you out of this mess without ruining the play you all worked so hard for. Luckily, Simeon told him a few lines that could salvage the play and save you from the embarrassment.
He grabs your hand and kisses the back of it, a small smirk appearing on his face before he continues. “I’m here to collect you, under my master’s orders. It seems that he was right, that none of these heroes were ever deserving of your heart.” Lucifer says while he stares at his idiotic brothers with discontent, managing to stay in character just like you hoped. “Luckily, we don’t need to rely on cheap tricks and underhanded tactics.”
Solomon groans, rubbing his eyes profusely but his vision won’t focus yet due to the spell. “Don’t listen to them…” He says, desperately trying to reach out to you. Lucifer only lets out a low chuckle as he watches how pathetic the hero has become.
“Come with us, and we’ll be sure to prove them wrong.” His line is full of confidence with a slight mischief, and the crowd cheers as the lights go dark and the curtains drop, signaling the end of the play.
What should’ve ended in a happy love story became some sort of twist. People now assume the hero might’ve manipulated the scene which they find amusing if the good guy of the story was not who they pictured to be, and the villains may actually have a shot of winning your heart. It’s the talk of the school, and people are praising Simeon for writing such a crazy plot twist, which he finds a little frustrating since it’s the only part he didn’t actually plan. He’s not sure if he wants to thank the brother’s recklessness or not.
Even after Simeon explained the hidden parts that were reserved just for you and Solomon since he expected something like this could happen at the rehearsals, he never really anticipated that they would jump in the scene like that on the actual performance itself. Now he has to write another play in the future as many expressed their wish to see what happens between you and the dark lord Barbatos.
Needless to say, many of the brothers were strung upside down by their feet after the show.

Asmo version someone requested!

Asmo version someone requested!
Oh. My. God. This is one of the most amazing Obey Me stories that I have ever read!!! It includes ALL of the brothers, they all get to kiss her, and they are just so adorable yet still in character for them!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
Kissing Booth
The school festival is meant to be fun. It gives the students a chance to set up booths, and raise money for a good cause–like classroom funds, or charity donations.
Mammon, however, sets a booth up to make money for himself. A kissing booth, to be specific. He assumes that every demon within a two mile radius will be lined up, ready to empty their wallets in order to get a kiss from The Great Mammon, but…that’s not what happens.
No, half way through the festival, less than a dozen people have paid Mammon for a kiss. A few other demons had stopped, asking what the money would be put towards, and when he had answered “my wallet” they’d promptly walked away.
Honestly, what a fool.
Unfortunately, Bean still loves him, despite his idiotic ideas.
Sighing, she places a $5 in front of the demon–catching his attention. He lifts his head from where it’d been buried in his arms–dejected at his lack of customers–and his blue eyes light up when he sees Bean standing there.
When he notes the bill placed on the table, a brilliant smile tugs at his lips.
“See! I knew ya couldn’t resist kissing The Great Mammon!”
His comment has Bean rolling her eyes, and she reaches forward to snatch her money back. The movement flusters Mammon, who quickly jumps to his feet.
“H-Hey, wait!” he slaps his hand down on top of hers, cheeks heating up sheepishly as he looks at her. “C’mon, don’t be like that…”
She smiles a little, breathing a laugh.
“Take your kiss then, before I seriously consider getting a refund.”
“I’m pretty sure you’re the one that’s supposed’ta be kissing me,” he retorts. A pouty look appears on his face, and Bean is tempted to sigh. However, rather than continue to drag this on, she leans in and presses her lips to his. Solid, soft contact.
After a few seconds, she moves to pull back, but Mammon quickly reaches out and grabs her–one hand curling around her waist, while the other finds the back of her head. She makes a quiet sound of surprise as he tugs her into another kiss–and then another, and another after that.
He only stops when someone nearby whistles, making him aware of the intimacy of his current actions.
When he pulls back, Bean’s face has turned a pleasant shade of pink. Satisfaction beats steadily in his chest.
“I’d say that’s another $15 dollars right there. It’s actually probably more like $50, but I’ll give ya a discount since I’m a nice guy like that.”
He grins cheekily, laughing when Bean reaches out and punches him in the arm.
“You can’t extort customers for money by deciding to kiss them more than what they paid for!”
“Fine, fine~,” he relinquishes, grumbling. “I suppose I’ll give ya the extra kisses for free since it’s obvious ya like me.”
“Wow, how kind of you,” she responds, rolling her eyes a little, but she can’t help the smile that tugs at her lips.
“Oh, and speaking of kisses–”
Bean blinks as Mammon grabs her by her shoulders, directing her around the side of the table.
“–I need ya to work the booth for a few minutes for me. I gotta go do somethin’ real quick.”
Keep reading
What if he can out fly or out run Diavolo???? 👀👀
Heacanons I have for Mammon #1:
It's canon in the story that Mammon is fast. Incredibly so. Perhaps one of the fastest in all the three realms if the comment about him being able to outrun Lucifer and Beel are anything to go by.
I believe he is ridiculously fast. He's the second strongest of his brothers but he's built rather sleek in comparison. He's a crazy fast sprinter for sure, if he doesn't want you to catch him, you won't!
My headcanon is he's even faster when he's flying, and I truly believe that in a good day, if he actually tries, he totally can whip through the air so fast he breaks the sound barrier. He can't do it a lot or for a long time, maybe just a second or two, but it's extremely impressive to watch him zipping through the air like a shot and suddenly BANG!! And he's out of sight.
Head-cannon that the scorpion on asmo’s demon form is very much real.
Say you’re his enemy, all this fucker has to do is just hug you or some shit. And the scorpion? Yeah it just moves its way through you to your heart and just uses the stinger. And if you feel it moving - no ya didn’t. It’s a perfect decoy - like, nobody’s gonna know that thing is alive. They’re just gonna think that he’s got some sort of obsession with scorpions so he decided to get a decor of one on his demon form
This guy also prolly has some type of venom that can affect the air around him. He probably can also hypnotise people using his charm. Definitely craves for some blood lust from time to time. Can also transfer his venom to you by sinking his teeth right on a blood vessel almost always does this by sinking the teeth in your neck
Off topic but he looks like the kinda guy who would read all of twilight + other vampire-type movies, then ends up with having an unhealthy obsession with it.

⚠️•⟨WARNING⟩•⚠️ 15+ MC has Body dysmorphia, F!MC ⟨ Headcanons⟩

It pains Lucifer to no end to know that his loved one is suffering. He frowns every time he sees you checking yourself out in the mirror and clearly judging yourself, nitpicking at flaws that he cannot even see. you may not say anything but he can practically hear your thoughts as he hugs you from behind.
Lucifer will offer to get you treatment like therapy so your image of yourself has a chance to improve even one teeny tiny little bit, he will do absolutely anything that he can to help you.
Lucifer will listen to anything and everything you have to say, you can vent for hours to him, he is your safe space and you know he will never judge you, and you can always trust him.
You're special to him, he will hold you when you isolate yourself from others as dark thoughts occupy your mind. He will remind you of what he loves about you and make small talk with you, whispering sweet little nothings with the most gentle and affectionate look on his face. He will place your hand on the pact mark on his chest to let you feel all of the admiration and love he has for you.
"MC, you know I can't lie.
I will always hold you tight whenever you're feeling low, And even if you do not see it yourself I love you for you. to me you are beautiful, I love you dearly and I love all of the flaws you hate. will never leave you no matter what."
Lucifer will always love and support you no matter what as you deal with this together.
Levi will look into your disorder and do as much research as he can.
Did one of his figurines with what you wished was your body make you feel self-conscious just now? He'll insult his figurine and remark on how much better looking than it you are. and how you're a better person too.
Despite all his research Levi isn't sure what he can do... his mind always goes blank. when he feels self-deprecating thoughts occupying your mind through the pact mark.
For now, he tries his best to learn what triggers your compulsive behaviors. (Oh, and the figurine from earlier has been put away.)
Levi will begin to draw characters with your body type and your features as a way to encourage you that if these characters are all beautiful then you are beautiful too.
His poor little heart cannot handle it when your brain is overrun by negative thoughts about yourself. he will slump against your side and wrap his tail around you, Hoping to make you open up to him about your feelings and thoughts is difficult, but he's willing to wait forever if he has to. he'll open up about his insecurities and how his envy feels like it's suffocating him at times.
Levi will do his best to explain his feelings and tell you how and why he loves you, faults and all. You love him too no matter what right? yes. and he loves you too, your flaws and everything you have.
Asmo feels awful when he sees you excessively exercise and try your hardest to change little things about yourself. or start covering yourself up even more. Asmo will tell you he understands wanting to change and how your feelings are valid, but he will also remind you that you have a distorted view of yourself because of your disorder. And, if you ever try to do anything that will damage you, he will stop you.
Asmo will always encourage you to talk to him about your feelings. he's here for you he will always support you. And he will try to accept your feelings! He will also encourage and compliment you a lot, after all, you are the most beautiful woman to him!
Asmo will get you any outfits that make you feel good, you are his dearest treasure so he will get you anything at all!
On days when you aren't feeling good, he will soothingly rub your back and try to have a conversation with you, even if he's the one doing all the talking. If Asmo has to be annoying in order to overrun all of those negative thoughts going on in your head at the moment then so be it. It's going to be worth it even if you get annoyed and snap at him.
He's not sure what he can do to help you so he will ask you about it.
"After all the time we've spent together, I've finally realized my love for you, you won't be getting rid of me. I want to live with you forever and look into those pretty eyes of yours that I adore so much!
Look back into mine and never leave me, please?
My heart has been stolen by you! ♡"
"Asmo get out of my shower!"
Beel is like a puppy, he's always following after you, and he will offer you practical support. Can't get out of your room to pick up your schoolwork from RAD? Beel will get it for you.
He's always with you, so even if you're looking yourself up and down in the mirror he will make a positive remark about you. You never judge anyone the way you judge yourself, and you frequently analyze random little flaws about yourself, so, he's here to let you know that even if you don't love yourself, he loves you.
Even long after finding out about your disorder Beel often wonders what it's like to look at yourself from your eyes. in his eyes, you are picture perfect. And yet, you always nitpick such little things that he never notices. It's honestly saddening for him, you're his favorite person (Don't tell Belphie.), and yet you're struggling, it irritates him how he can't do anything to help. You see, he's trying his hardest to support you in whatever way he can. and, it may be a bit overwhelming for you, but even so, you're grateful for his support. He's always here for you which is very reassuring. Beel will take you on flights if he senses the tiniest negative change in your mood and you tell him what's wrong, after all, he doesn't have these wings on his back for nothing, he will use them to take you on adventures so the two of you can have fun and enjoy yourselves, RAD assignments be damned. he'll deal with Lucifer being angry later.
First and most important is you being happy because your happiness is his happiness.
This rlly falls into the issue with the sexualization of Twins, too.
Bro, idec know anymore at this point, I am tired of seeing sibling character x reader x sibling chatacter (for example: fred weasley x reader x George weasley, that's just an example) Even if the poly is just the two siblings sharing the other person, it's disgusting. No, NORMAL siblings would ever think of sharing someone. Most of the people who read this shit r probably just wierdos. I promise you ppl who have siblings would never agree to someone if they said, "Can I date you and your sibling?" And if you think differently, ur weird. The reason isn't just a sexual reason (that's just plain disgusting, no normal siblings want to have a threesone or whatever with someone else siblings r very repulsive in that with each other) It can also just be a romantic reason. Just being in a relationship with the same person as siblings is gross. The same thing goes for Obey Me, especially Beelzebub and Belphegor. There have been lessons where it literally mentions how whichever one of the Obey Me brothers wouldn't be okay with sharing you with another brother, but people so desperately want that to not be the case. Especially that one lesson where Belphie mentions in his sleep how he actually isn't okay with sharing MC with Beel, but people r always like, "Oh! If they talk this out, it could work!" Bro, no 😭, except that he doesn't want to, you can't have both of two r siblings. It's utterly disgusting. The times that Obey Me have moments where they're like, "We can share MC." Is all for the money frfr, there has been many lessons signaling that they actually aren't okay with that. The parts were they mention sharing has usually been in events (money grabbing 👀.) I am tired of reading Obey Me fanfic and then when I get to Beel it's like- "Beel & Belphie, why not both :)))" mf i don't want "both" I'm not a weirdo. And I'm only making this post because it's EXTREMELY NORMALIZED that it's literally impossible to ignore it. Not even fictionally, even in real life, ppl who r poly with siblings.. Nahh bruh, even if those siblings aren't dating each other, they got some weird incest shit going on, especially if they both have sex with you at the same time, mental hospital. Me and my siblings and I always mention how disgusting it is, the same thing with my friends who also have siblings. This isn't a matter of "Oh, their all consenting adults they can do whatever." I will gladly tell any p3dos, Zoophil3s, and inc3sts to |< Ý $ no questions asked if you think I'm being dramatic, please exit. If I see shit like this I'm literally just gonna either block the person or report them (which is so much work considering since it's so normalized is fucking everywhere), or literally just say shit. No actual siblings would do this, y'all.. You just really want both of them, and that's fine with other characters that r not siblings (for example if u wanna be poly with Diavolo and Lucifer go ahead), but when their siblings your fr putting a weirdass fantasy in ur head that they r okay with it n shit. And with actual Inc3st ships I've seen literally so many ppl say it's ok (most of them ended up being only children not a suprise), and at this point my stomach hurts and I feel literally sick. I just enjoy the sibling relationship, beel and belphie . Meanwhile, the comments r like, "Me when I want both," mf touch grass.
Anyways yeah I'm just irritated at this point cuz it's so normalized that it's just everywhere so I felt I needed to speak out abt it because it completely ruins the mood when I'm just tryna enjoy shit, and I'm not rlly good with words so sorry if this is layed out wierd or something. I can't be the only one who has siblings and is weirded out by this (obv not cuz I talk to ppl irl who mentions how weird it is). If you have siblings, please put yourself in a situation where someone wants both u and ur sibling at the same time.
You people are acting like those creepy people in real life who go up to twins and r like "Threesome?"💀💀💀
Im ready for the weirdos after me
I recently downloaded Obey Me! and now I’m obsessed with the game. So for that, I made these edits 😳👉👈

Damn, Trey’s shoulders really got me acting up–