Asterion - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Ok since i got started on WEBTOONS and webcomics or whatever u wanna call them, I think i should share some of my all-time favorites from that fuck-ass site:



Suitor Armor

Heir's Game


Castle Swimmer

The Beast of Hadingley Hill

Miracle Simulator

Brimstones and Roses


Marry My Husband

Jackson's Diary

To the Stars and Back

Not So Shoujo Love Story


literally all of A. Rasen's works

Some of these are finished and some of these are ongoing, but unfortunately a few (ahem, miracle simulator and marry my husband) cant be read in their entirety without spending money in the app. but otherwise yeah. comic

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11 months ago

how could you expose me like this? I'm devastated.

You did it to yourself asirloin fan

How Could You Expose Me Like This? I'm Devastated.

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Sons Of The Labyrinth Or The Things Our Fathers Do To Us
Sons Of The Labyrinth Or The Things Our Fathers Do To Us
Sons Of The Labyrinth Or The Things Our Fathers Do To Us
Sons Of The Labyrinth Or The Things Our Fathers Do To Us
Sons Of The Labyrinth Or The Things Our Fathers Do To Us

Sons Of The Labyrinth or The Things Our Fathers Do To Us

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6 months ago

Am I the only person who thinks that Asterion is misunderstood?

Asterion (the Minotaur) is supposed to be a dreadful monster, yet I cannot help but think that he was a victim all this time. And look, I'm not saying that he did nothing wrong or that he's an woobie since he killed people, but he was a victim as well.

His entire existence was supposed to be Poseidon's punishment towards Minos for not sacrificing a bull. He was cursed from the moment he was conceived. Then Minos decided to throw him into the labyrinth which is described as a ‘cage with convoluted flextions that disorders debouchment.’ Not only that he was perceived and treated as a monster for his appearance, but he was also isolated from humanity all this time. And I don't recall any part of this myth which states that he received any food besides those people who were anually sacrificed for him. Otherwise he would starve during the whole year. Yet people really do have the audicity to consider him a complete monstrosity. Has anyone considered that if those around you perceive you as a monster, treat you as a monster, throw you in a giant cage (in this case a labyrinth) as if you're a monster, and leave you no other option but to act like a monster, you'll ultimately become one? And look, I don't negate the probability that he might've been violent and blood-thristy from the moment he was born, but I'm more inclined to believe that he suffered a lot because of people's treatment towards him, and that him becoming brutal and aggressive was just a consequence of this sort of abuse. I almost pity him. Asterion is basically proof that cruelty gives birth to more cruelty. He's some sort of a child of identity crisis: rejected by his family, rejected by his step-father, rejected by society, and finally, forced to reject his own humanity. But everybody remembers him just as the creature Theseus victoriously killed.

The Media doesn’t help us in this regard either. In the original Greek Mythology he's described as having only the head of a bull, otherwise he was completely human. And yet this is how people are depicting him:

Am I The Only Person Who Thinks That Asterion Is Misunderstood?
Am I The Only Person Who Thinks That Asterion Is Misunderstood?
Am I The Only Person Who Thinks That Asterion Is Misunderstood?

Remember how people are portraying Medusa as a beautiful woman with a snake wig? It's a similar situation but reversed.

Furthermore, everybody reffers to him as "The Minotaur", and many people don't even know that he has an actual name. These aspects lead to this character being more and more dehumanized. And yes, I know that idealizing or romanticizing a character and excusing his bad actions is not the solution either, but that doesn’t mean that you cannot try to understand that said character.

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6 months ago

Medusa in Greek Mythology

Medusa In Greek Mythology

Medusa in the Media:

Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology

Asterion in Greek Mythology:

Medusa In Greek Mythology

Asterion in the Media:

Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology

They two receive opposite treatments.

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6 months ago

Man, that reminds me of how even when it comes to cartoon animals all the female ones have the exact same sexy alluring hourglass figure. I even saw a fish with big tits in a movie. Yes, you read that correctly. A fish. With tits!

Medusa in Greek Mythology

Medusa In Greek Mythology

Medusa in the Media:

Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology

Asterion in Greek Mythology:

Medusa In Greek Mythology

Asterion in the Media:

Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology

They two receive opposite treatments.

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6 months ago

Coincidentally enough, I actually wrote a whole post about Asterion a while ago. Glad I'm not the only person who believes that he deserved better.

Medusa in Greek Mythology

Medusa In Greek Mythology

Medusa in the Media:

Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology

Asterion in Greek Mythology:

Medusa In Greek Mythology

Asterion in the Media:

Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology
Medusa In Greek Mythology

They two receive opposite treatments.

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6 months ago

Minos when he saw baby Asterion for the very first time:

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5 months ago

When the artist doesn’t know the difference between Minotaur and Centaur:

When The Artist Doesnt Know The Difference Between Minotaur And Centaur:
When The Artist Doesnt Know The Difference Between Minotaur And Centaur:
When The Artist Doesnt Know The Difference Between Minotaur And Centaur:
When The Artist Doesnt Know The Difference Between Minotaur And Centaur:

Dude, even his face looks as if he regrets being painted like that.

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1 year ago

Baldurs Gate III gets relationships right

so one thing ive always hated about the relationships in rpgs is the much-meligned 'give them stuff until they sex with you' thing but also that they make navigating interpersonal relationships overall too simple. you first meet them, ask a laundry list of questions, that opens up quests with handy little markers on the map, and if you go to those locations they progress the plotline. its like they tell you their goals and tragic backstory right away, and then you give them what they want until they're your friend. what they want (unless their name is evil McBadrun) is a net good for the world, and you're rewarded for always supporting them. (the obvious exception being solas dont even go there)

but BGIII doesnt make it so easy for you. Shadowheart immediately gets her hackles up if you ask her too many questions too quickly. Asterion gets angry if you're too simpering about his tragic backstory. You pretty much know that Wyll is lying/wrong from the jump, but pointing it out will piss him off. Gale has a thirst for power that he never quite shakes, and you have to talk him down from making the same mistakes again.

So far every character quest ive done culminates in a moment where you have to save your companions from themselves. The shadowheart and gale plotlines are particularly tense, you feel like you're at a real crossroads in your friendship and choosing the words wrong will ruin things forever.

I was a EA player, and I remember articles about how everyone in the party is a bitch who spits at you when you're nice to them. Shadowheart and Asterion in particular were kinda advertised as the 'main waifus' and people got mad when those two dont just automatically want you to save them and be their friend. I could make a joke about 'gamers who cant have relationships be too complicated or else they'll fail the quests' here but you get the point.

While full release made them a lot less rude, the companions are still complicated people who you need to navigate your feelings with whilst also trying to do whats right. I'm really glad that a rpg like this exists, and i hope it marks a change for these kinda games in the future.

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8 months ago

How cruel to name a child for the stars and bury him beneath the ground.

To allow a child to grow and live in his own tomb.

You called him "monster" and damned him to that fate. A child who is hungry will eat, and you sent him his brethren.

The starry one, dreaming of the night sky, his father from the heavens above looking down on him beneath the earth.

A child interred, wandering alone in an endless maze.

The prince of the Labyrinth, destined to die by the hand of a hero. The last act needed to condemn him to his title "monster".

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8 months ago

"My Redeemer" by me

My reedemer

I stand before him now

My golden thread unraveled

The ends are frayed

He was just a boy

He may have had the head of a calf

A calf crying for his mother

But he was no monster

He had the body of a boy

A boy yearning for his mother

To be held by her

To have her nuzzle into the fur ontop of his head

To have her pull him by the golden ring in his nose when he was in trouble

To read him stories goodnight

To show him the stars he would never get to see

She named him Asterion

Her little star

The stars that shone twice as bright when he was born

He let out a cry that echoed through the walls of his prison

Prisoner of a domestic war because he was born

He didn't mean to find me

I didn't mean to find him

He was just looking for his mother

Who still looked for him in the lights of the night

I fall to my knees

He wobbles as he attempts to swing the axe

The axe bigger than his body

Maybe once he chops my head off

His mother will come back for him

Maybe, he hopes

Maybe, I hope

Every boy deserves to be loved by their mother

He didn't have the anger of a bull

Simply the misfortune

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7 years ago
Commissions For @sharkweekallyear And @azshara Of Their Draenei Characters; Asterion, Lord Of Blades
Commissions For @sharkweekallyear And @azshara Of Their Draenei Characters; Asterion, Lord Of Blades

Commissions for @sharkweekallyear and @azshara of their draenei characters; Asterion, Lord of Blades (left) and Jol’elli,  High Artificer of the Exodar (right).

Thank you for commissioning me!

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7 months ago

he is so precious i must reblog

The Bull Of Minos Wishes For A Kinder Myth Where He Can Be Free
The Bull Of Minos Wishes For A Kinder Myth Where He Can Be Free
The Bull Of Minos Wishes For A Kinder Myth Where He Can Be Free

The Bull of Minos wishes for a kinder myth where he can be free


Needle felt Minotaur, handmade by me.

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