Autoimmune - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

That disability pride post really helped me audbsidb

As someone who suffers from an autoimmune disease, my muscle immune system attacks itself but I look "normal" still as it hasn't progressed far and we are treating it so it doesn't progress.

Also as someone who possibly has ADHD, Brain stop being a pain. Stop commanding my immune system to self destruct and stop being a painnnnn

Ouch, that sounds like a painful thing to go through. I hope you've been able to have a decent life regardless, dear. I'm glad that it helped you!

I reblogged it to celebrate the month myself as an autistic person. Socializing has been the hardest part for me, especially when it comes to employment.

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IN NEED OF MUTUAL AID!! i am living with debilitating crohn’s disease, as well as having wisdom teeth , one of which has cracked in half. my insurance does not cover the extraction, and i am unable to even work my job as a customer service representative because talking causes so much pain. to get all my wisdom teeth removed would be $565, but to get the most problematic one removed would be $175. if anyone would be able to help, it would literally save me, as i can’t be out of work much longer.

cashapp: $Raughtweiller22

venmo: @ jakeraught

paypal: @ Raughtweiller622 (similar to cashapp but with a 6 in front of the 22).

any little bit helps, i genuinely cannot love with this pain any longer!!!

IN NEED OF MUTUAL AID!! I Am Living With Debilitating Crohns Disease, As Well As Having Wisdom Teeth

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2 years ago

There are two types of ppl with autoimmune diseases

The first types doesn't get sick............. at all or if they do get sick they simply don't feel it

The second type gets sick and stays sick for a while


Anyways yeah I'm getting sick again so yayyyy

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1 year ago
Image Description: A Man Looking Exited Next To A Panel That Reads, The Doctor Thinking Theyve Finally

Image Description: A man looking exited next to a panel that reads, “The doctor thinking they’ve finally found the root of my symptoms”. The same man appears in the next panel looking shocked and it reads “‘test results normal’”.

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1 year ago

Being chronically ill means lying and saying “I’m fine” when people ask how you are, because if you’re honest about how you actually feel & your symptoms, it makes people uncomfortable.

You end up comforting them, when you’re probably the one who needs comforting 💗

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1 year ago

I'm gonna start writing my symptoms down and the showing this price of paper to my doctor. Literally anytime I'm at the doctor i get really anxious I forget everything or am like 'this is not that important I'm not gonna mention it' except it is. I just can't explain my pain or symptoms to the doctor. Sometimes my mom or whoever is there w/ me will mention something I didn't mention cause I didn't think it's important and the thing is I know it's important I just can't explain for whatever reason.

So I just went and wrote them down AND HOLY SHIT ITS LITERALLY MORE THAN 2 Pages. I usually only mention half of this stuff but I'm sick and tired of feeling like this and not having an explanation why

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13 years ago

a frustrating turn of events

something terrible has happened. last week my arthritis flared up.

4 years ago I was given the diagnosis of undifferentiated spondyloarthropy, which basically meant that my rheumatologist knew the pain I was suffering with was due to one of the diseases in the spondylitis family but it was too early to tell exactly which one. spondylitis, which is autoimmune, can be bluntly defined as inflammation of the vertebra (spondylo = spine) but many other joints can be involved due to various other factors. I'm pretty sure right now my diagnosis is psoriatic arthritis.

my primary problem joint is my right elbow. other joints affected are my left wrist, the left side of my jaw (and possibly the right side), some part of my left ankle, and maybe a few toes. my back has never given me any problems. until last year. december 2009 I got the swine flu and had to go off my arthritis medicines for about a month (since I have an autoimmune disease I have to take immunosuppressants, which are not good to take when your body is trying to fight off an infection and/or virus). during the time off my meds I noticed that my arthritis was flaring up, which was understandable. but I noticed that my back was starting to hurt too. at first I just convinced myself that it was from staying in bed for a month. but now I can't make that excuse anymore.

this time around, my first flare up since the swine flu inflicted flare up, my back is also causing problems. when I noticed the increasing back pain I was experiencing I thought it might be due to the fact that I spend a lot of time hunched over my desk working in my studio. but the more I thought about this the more it didn't make sense. this is hardly the first time that I have been spending extended hours leaning over my work station. no, I'm pretty sure my spine is just the latest victim of this cruel disease. 

so what does that mean? for anybody who is still reading this long diatribe of dribble let me explain. it means that I am frustrated at my body for crapping out on me at such an important time. but the fact that I haven't simply crawled into my bed and refused to come out shows that I have grown a lot in the last 4 years. I am trying my damn hardest not to let myself get down. sure, I had a few bad days at the beginning of last week. I let myself get angry and sad, but then I got over it and tried to figure out what I was going to do next.

so I'm still working hard, trying to get my show together. but now I have to be more aware of my body and intentionally watch for warning signs. I work best in long hours, generally working until I am exhausted and all that. but now I can't do that anymore. I have to learn to be a sprinter, not a marathoner. well, maybe a half-marathoner.

for all you people reading this (are there any?), will you do me a favor? will you keep me in your thoughts and prayers during this next month?

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1 year ago
Navigating The Uncharted Territory: My Journey With Chronic Illness And UncertaintyShaina TranquilinoJanuary

Navigating the Uncharted Territory: My Journey with Chronic Illness and Uncertainty Shaina Tranquilino January 18, 2024 At the age of 18, my life took an unexpected turn, plunging me into a world of constant illness and uncertainty. The symptoms I endure are overwhelming - from debilitating nausea and stomach cramps to the frustrating inability to keep food down. Endless trips to the bathroom, sleepless nights plagued by insomnia, sudden hot flashes, sweating, and excruciating pain in sensitive areas have become my everyday reality. To make matters worse, my body seems to be betraying me with the absence of a menstrual cycle, persistent fatigue, weakness throughout, and inexplicable pain all over. Hair loss, mouth sores, rashes, and high blood pressure further compound my struggles. Seeking answers has been a long and arduous journey that has taken me through countless doctor's offices and hospitals. Specialists have subjected me to numerous tests - from blood work and urine samples to stool examinations, heart assessments, MRI scans, CT scans, ultrasounds, EKGs, endoscopies, colonoscopies - you name it. Yet frustratingly enough, every test comes back normal or inconclusive. It feels like an endless uphill battle where hope for a clear diagnosis seems elusive. The medical professionals suspect that I may be grappling with one or multiple autoimmune diseases or perhaps something incredibly rare. Sadly though, these conditions rarely present themselves on tests until they reach life-threatening levels – a disheartening fact that makes obtaining a definitive answer even more challenging. This uncertain future has pushed me to seize each day as if it were a precious gift because there is no telling how much longer I will be able to stand strong. In light of this unpredictability looming over my existence, I strive to serve others as best I can while I still have the strength. Every task completed becomes an accomplishment knowing that time is fleeting. Each day brings with it gratitude for being alive despite the unknown that lies ahead.

Today, I am humbly asking for your help. I am 30 years old, so it has been 12 years of dealing with this mysterious illness, and it is soon going to be 13 years for me. If you or someone you know has experienced similar symptoms, if you have any knowledge or expertise in rare diseases or autoimmune disorders, or if you simply have suggestions on where to turn next, I would be eternally grateful for your guidance. Perhaps there is a specialist, a research study, or an alternative therapy that could shed light on my situation.

I firmly believe that together we can find answers and solutions. By opening up this plea to the public, I hope to tap into the collective knowledge and compassion of our community. Your support, advice, and connections may hold the key to unravelling this medical mystery and restoring hope to my life.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my story. Please feel free to reach out with any insights or recommendations you may have. Together, let us strive towards uncovering the truth and finding a path towards healing.

With deep gratitude, Shaina

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1 year ago

I am not fighting an autoimmune disease.

An autoimmune disease is fighting ME and I am losing!

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