Joint Pain - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

can they invent a mobility aid that helps with the joint pain & also does NOT cause different joint pain in a different area from use

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10 months ago

Hello! So I've got a question

I have bad leg pain that I think is chronic and I have no things to help (like a cane) though I can get one if I need

Lately it's been real bad and my knee started giving out every now and then

So how do I fix that? Cause that didn't happen much before (the knee thing)

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Why is is so goddamn hard to get some fucking knee braces. I can barely fucking walk. Fuck the health system in this goddamn country.

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Okay so I’m heading back to school after spring break and my trip was AMAZING like seriously I loved it but wow I’m in so much pain now from everything we did. I had rest time and most days were laid back but damn even still. I made the mistake of bringing neither my crutches nor my braces with me because I thought they’d be a nuisance rather than helpful but I have definitely come to realize that any potential level of nuisance-ery is far less than the helpfullness of them. I hopefully won’t make that mistake again.

On another note screw the stairs you have to take up to a plane sometimes. Those are so wobbly and steep and long. And oh my my knees wanted to CRY.

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having to rotate like a sardine in bed because laying in one position for too long hurts

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11 months ago

Small vent I guess?

I have a ton of pain in my left ankle, like it gets so bad that I can't even walk sometimes and I have to wear a brace half the time. I am not even that old, why the hell does my ankle hate me?? I am so sorry for killing my blogs silly goofy mood.

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11 months ago

Update: I didn't have to wear my brace today, but I fucked up my ankle again so I have to wear it all tonight and tomorrow.😪

Small vent I guess?

I have a ton of pain in my left ankle, like it gets so bad that I can't even walk sometimes and I have to wear a brace half the time. I am not even that old, why the hell does my ankle hate me?? I am so sorry for killing my blogs silly goofy mood.

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5 months ago

I try to choose the second, but i just get the first + organ pain :,)

Choose your fighter:

Widespread joint and muscle pain because you're disabled and injure easily

Slightly less bad widespread muscle and joint pain but also very uncomfortable digestive/organ pain because you take pain killers too much

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5 years ago

Me: *tries to move*

My ankles: waitwaitwaitwait WAIT!


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5 years ago

Hi guys I’m in a bad mood because my ankles and knees hurt and I don’t! Know! Why!!!

And also I want different forms of OCD and anxiety to be represented more in media.

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5 years ago

So like, does anyone know/could anyone provide sources on if hEDS and JHS are the same syndrome with different names or if they are different?

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Doctor: what seems to be the problem

Me: 80% of the time one or more parts of my body hurt. Idk I was just thinking that's not normal or something

Doctor: that happens



Me: so..?

Doctor: medicine has a lot of grey areas

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13 years ago

a frustrating turn of events

something terrible has happened. last week my arthritis flared up.

4 years ago I was given the diagnosis of undifferentiated spondyloarthropy, which basically meant that my rheumatologist knew the pain I was suffering with was due to one of the diseases in the spondylitis family but it was too early to tell exactly which one. spondylitis, which is autoimmune, can be bluntly defined as inflammation of the vertebra (spondylo = spine) but many other joints can be involved due to various other factors. I'm pretty sure right now my diagnosis is psoriatic arthritis.

my primary problem joint is my right elbow. other joints affected are my left wrist, the left side of my jaw (and possibly the right side), some part of my left ankle, and maybe a few toes. my back has never given me any problems. until last year. december 2009 I got the swine flu and had to go off my arthritis medicines for about a month (since I have an autoimmune disease I have to take immunosuppressants, which are not good to take when your body is trying to fight off an infection and/or virus). during the time off my meds I noticed that my arthritis was flaring up, which was understandable. but I noticed that my back was starting to hurt too. at first I just convinced myself that it was from staying in bed for a month. but now I can't make that excuse anymore.

this time around, my first flare up since the swine flu inflicted flare up, my back is also causing problems. when I noticed the increasing back pain I was experiencing I thought it might be due to the fact that I spend a lot of time hunched over my desk working in my studio. but the more I thought about this the more it didn't make sense. this is hardly the first time that I have been spending extended hours leaning over my work station. no, I'm pretty sure my spine is just the latest victim of this cruel disease. 

so what does that mean? for anybody who is still reading this long diatribe of dribble let me explain. it means that I am frustrated at my body for crapping out on me at such an important time. but the fact that I haven't simply crawled into my bed and refused to come out shows that I have grown a lot in the last 4 years. I am trying my damn hardest not to let myself get down. sure, I had a few bad days at the beginning of last week. I let myself get angry and sad, but then I got over it and tried to figure out what I was going to do next.

so I'm still working hard, trying to get my show together. but now I have to be more aware of my body and intentionally watch for warning signs. I work best in long hours, generally working until I am exhausted and all that. but now I can't do that anymore. I have to learn to be a sprinter, not a marathoner. well, maybe a half-marathoner.

for all you people reading this (are there any?), will you do me a favor? will you keep me in your thoughts and prayers during this next month?

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4 years ago

I never use this blog for anything but lurking but I need a place to vent for a minute so here we go.

I’m very new to the chronic pain game, and it’s only been like 3 weeks of the current intensity, but I’m so darn tired of it already. I’ve upgraded from the low-level stiffness to flu-like dull aches in every joint to today’s new layer of stabbing pains in my hips, knees, hands, wrists, jaw, and lumbar. I had bloodwork done a few weeks ago and my ANA quant was positive so I’m meeting with a rheumatologist in a couple weeks. From everything I’ve web searched (main grains of salt taken), it might be rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. I have a family history of both so it’s not improbable.

I grew up in a household where my feelings and thoughts were constantly invalidated so I don’t have a lot of experience listening to my body. So I tend to underestimate my pain. But at the same time I worry that I’m hyperfixating on the pain and that that’s exaggerating my experience. *shrug*


Just had a burning pain sear through my knee that made me audibly say “ow” so I guess it’s not all in my head.

But like... how would I even rank my pain from 0 to 10? In my mind 10 is like...childbirth. And if I scale from there I can’t be experiencing more than a 4, right? And at the same time I feel like I might need crutches or a cane to help me get out of bed in the morning.


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The water exercise is going well. Sort of? Like it has been good for my mental health to get out of the house and into water... and it's been good to get my body moving and not have my joints scream, whole body overheat, fainting, etc.

However.... holding even the lightest water weights has been really hard on my hands. They cramp up so bad and I have to put them back like ½-¾ of the way through the session. Which sucks because other than my hands, it's a great workout!!

I can alternate how I hold/move them and work everything from my arms to my core to my legs. It's such a versatile way to keep active for me and yet my HANDS...... BETRAY ME...

I've yet to figure out a way to remedy this. But I'm still determined to go every day.

One of the days they cramped so bad I almost couldn't let go of them. That was a rough day. The next day I just used the tube so I didn't have to hold onto anything. It sucked because the tube is cumbersome and not as versatile. Suggestions very welcome 🫠

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All of my joints are inflamed right now. The worst being clustered in my lower back/hips, neck, knees, and from my wrists to my fingertips.

It's like they're all exploding in slow motion. But I'm feeling every bit of that slow-mo 10x intensity.

I just want to float in a watery abyss. Water is the only thing that usually alleviates/distracts me from this pain the most. But I don't currently have access to a large enough amount to float in. The aquatic center closed for the season already.

I'm so so tired. In so so much pain.

I'm on the couch barely able to move. My eldest is eating a snack watching little bear next to me. He's a sweet kid. Understands when I'm in pain and can't play much.

That's one of the heaviest things I grieve with chronic illness. My body breaking down so much. I wanted to be that mom that was outside all the time with her littles. Or even just being able to romp around inside with them. I manage to do that, if I'm lucky, once a week.

I'm always worried I'm failing them terribly interaction-wise. I try to give myself grace but it's hard....

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Back. Big ouch. Hips. Big ouch. All rest of joints in body especially hands. Big fucking ouch.

Big. Ouch.

Big ouch. Today.

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My back is fully fucked up right now. I had to wake my husband for evening duty. I managed to change our youngest before lying down as it locked up real bad. I hate cycles. My symptoms are always super inflamed joints and horrendous back pain. I won't be able to move for the next several hours. Stupid. I hate it.

I wanted to play a game with my eldest after he ate lunch but I couldn't even make lunch. Woke husband to take over bcuz I knew I was shutting down. (Yes we do lunch in the evening. Our schedule is roughly 12p-12a so what's normally dinner/supper for most folks is lunchtime/midday for our family.)

I'm about to pass out. But I'm extremely restless with irritation before that happens. I need a new body.

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