Asking For Help - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

i've been trying to submit this attack for a full day multiple times and all thT turned out was an error

I couldn't find anyone who I could ask for help on discord, on the site or on the AF Tumblr page, is there anything that could be done?

I don't know what to do anymore, what can I do? It was supposed to be cute like 😭

I've Been Trying To Submit This Attack For A Full Day Multiple Times And All ThT Turned Out Was An Error

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Abusive parents make sure their children always act like everything’s okay. That’s one of the first things you learn there: don’t let the neighbours hear you scream, don’t cry in public, don’t show your marks from being beaten to anyone, don’t talk about things that go on at home, show that you’re okay, don’t be a weakling, don’t let people get the ‘wrong’ idea. You learn that 'acting’ okay and making sure nothing is suspicious about your appearance comes way before your needs or your well being; keeping the family’s secrets is imposed on you before you even know what’s being asked of you.

There’s almost unspoken rule to not ask for help; in fact if you do, you’ll be punished, so asking for help will feel as the same thing as asking for pain and humiliation, something highly inadvisable to do. So on top like feeling that most of the abuse is your fault just because you never said anything or showed symptoms, you learn not to ask for help, ever. The mere thought is humiliating and like you’re making yourself weak and a target for bullying, even when it would be okay, even preferable for anyone else to ask for help in the same situation.

It’s not your fault if you can’t ask for help. If pretense of normalcy was ingrained into your mind since you were a kid, that’s not something you can fight. Trauma conditioning is powerful and it created a real barrier between you and anyone who could possibly help, just to keep you abused in secrecy, to make sure you’re keeping it secret, isolated and alone in it. This is not something you could have done to yourself, or chosen, it’s inflicted, and none of your responsibility.

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7 months ago

Calling Transformers Prime Lore Experts

I’m thinking of starting a fic of a TFP AU I created and have been hyperfixated on.

I want to stick to the Aligned Lore, somewhat, because the fic will be taking place on Cybertron - so I want to reference some of the canon cities.

I only really know about Iacon and Kaon, so I was wondering if anyone is able to give me a small list of the other cities on Cybertron in the Aligned Continuity? /nf

I don’t have access to the Aligned books or games, I have watched Prime and RiD2015, but the internet isn’t exactly the most reliable in terms of actually finding info on the extensive lore. A bit of help please?

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1 year ago

Pagination Error

Is anyone else having issues with their custom blog URLs not having pagination properly anymore? It's on basically all of my blogs on FireFox and on Edge.

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3 years ago

Hey, I am working on a new novel, although i don't have a title for it, at the moment its just placeholder titled: Werecreature story.

My main issue is that i have four or five written ways i get caught by the main bad guy, (Salvador), and i like them all almost equally. 

So what i am going to do is: I am going to post each one individually and number them, anyone can choose which one they like the most, or what they like. 

If they would like to write two or more versions into one even BETTER version, themselves, or have ideas on how to do so myself, pls tell me. 

The opening is always the same, or at least, the beginning of the whole “MC seeing something they shouldn't have”, meaning, that i like it. 

Please note, that if one does the idea of molding multiple into one, i don't like the idea of being caught, running off, getting caught, running off, multiple cycles. 

No weird cycles in succession. Not that the MC wont end up running off and trying to escape LATER, but not in quick succession of each other, as Salvador and his advisor Abraham would quickly learn MC’s tricks.

Also, these scenes WILL spoil most of the rest of the story, but because of this, it makes finding out the right version of the scene so much more important. And i am wracking my brain over which one to use, or how to fuse the ones i like together, without making it seem too weird and all over the place. 

Hence why i am asking for help.

Anyway, onto the overall plot of the story...

The MC and her parents are taking a vacation in a small town, could be also called a village due to the size, (I don't have a name for it yet), and they find out that there is some kind of  werecreature hunter societies. Both of which are believed to be rivals. [Spoiler] One is real, the other is not, for many reasons.

The MC’s parents believe that the werecreature hunter societies are just there to give the feeling of flare to the small town, but they end up being real, as during the night, AND rarely during the day, weird things have been happening and people end up being found dead, appeared to be ravaged by a weirdly large animal.

Some of which’ prints look oddly humanoid. 

The MC gets stopped by a fortune teller, who claims that there is a symbol on the MC’s forehead that says that she is going to be a prime attention grabber for the werecreatures, although she doesn't specify why. 

And then there is this man, Salvador, and his advisor, Abraham. 

They seem to be way too old for the present time, as in, they don't LOOK old, like 90′s or hundreds, but they don't seem to understand present day technologies, and act more... renisaunsicle. (Like their from the renaissance period). 

And not in the way that they’re trying to fit into the flare of the town, no... they genuinely act this way... they don't break character, although they still seem rather nice, but still. 

They seem to be the founders of one of the werecreature hunter societies, but something is just off about them. Like really off. The MC tries to trust them, but, really doesn't find it in her to really do so. 

And another odd thing. Sal seems to wear dentures, but, due to his age being far too young for losing all of his teeth, there seems to be something that he is hiding. 

But what could his dentures be hiding? (Do note that the scenes i am asking for help DOES answer this question).

Also, if there are any questions regarding the story, such as how werecreatures work, or the differences between these werecreatures and typical werewolves, which there are several, don't hesitate to ask me. 

I will be posting some drawings of them today, or tomorrow, depending on my schedule, so...

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6 months ago

My blog has always been just a space where I talk about whatever I want, even if it's my interests, hobbies, or real world problems.

With that being said, whether we're just lurkers, readers, consumers, writers, artists, creators or anything else, it's more important to help those in need (especially those in genocides) rather than going all "oh, but so many people are scamming us by pretending to be those in need :(". That's not your problem.

Maybe it's just me and how I was brought up, but I was brought up as someone who practices to give to the needy. That would mean that, if I see people around the market or a public space that does need money, and if I do have the funds, I would give. It doesn't matter to me if they're lying — I still earn my good deeds for giving. If those people had deceived me and took my money, not only would God repay their wrongdoings, they'd answer to me on the Day of Judgement.

I understand that this sounds 1) stupid, because why would you not check who you're giving to 2) irresponsible, because it involves money coming from my pockets and from people who believe what other people vouch for/reblog. But that's not the point — I do check. The thing is, checking and verifying someone is easy to do and doesn't require much for you to do other than look for reliable sources that would vouch for them. I think that verifying someone you WANT to help is your own responsibility + risk you're willing to take. The same way you'd give away all your money to your favourite creators in hopes that they'd use it for good or the charity that they say they're giving to. And it's not like I go "head empty no thoughts" and reblog every little post I come across, I do check and I hope that each one is legitimate, because that is the least I could do for them. I cannot donate online, but this is the least I can do and I think it's enough.

You threaten the lives of those who actually need help by spreading the word that "so many scammers are pretending to need to be evacuated from Gaza". You make people not want to help and turn a blind eye to the bloodshed that happens in real time. How is it that it's more important to you to prove "all these Gazan users are scammers" than helping people escape from genocide? Sick person.

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9 months ago

Does anybody know of songs that can be/are about an aroace person and their aroace-ness? Specifically being totally chill about it. Not a pride song, but more an 'I don't get it, but whatever floats your boat I guess' song. Kinda like the song Stupid With Love but just the part about being into math instead of love.

Songs that have an "oh, you have a partner? That's cool, I have a houseplant named Deborah" vibe If that makes sense at all

I wanna make a character playlist

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7 months ago

I like to add visual effects to my writing, but I know that some details can be difficult for people with disabilities like dyslexia or visual impairment. I want to keep my blog accessible to everyone, so I was wondering; how does glitchy text like T̵͇́h̵̤̏i̷̭͘s̴̠̔ (this) work with a screen reader? If it interferes too much, I want to find a work around, but I'm not opposed to not using them at all if need be.

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3 years ago

I want this on my mood board.

lilac-sunx - Of Greens and Eden

lilac-sunx - Of Greens and Eden

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3 years ago

POC's of Tumblr I need ur help!

I have two Characters I've made just as OC's and I don't know what to name them, both are POC's and I don't know enough about ethnic names to give them names that have good meanings without seeming ignorant of specific cultures.

So I figured I would ask the community itself. So if you could take the time to read/look though my characters and help that would be greatly appreciated!

~i have no idea how to do a drop down/reed more thing~

OC 1:



Was a tomboy as a kid

Has a greenish jacket but somehow OC 2 always ends up wearing it

Fluent in several methods of kicking ass

Has adopt OC 2 as their baby gay

Fav colours are Green Gold and Black

POC's Of Tumblr I Need Ur Help!
POC's Of Tumblr I Need Ur Help!
POC's Of Tumblr I Need Ur Help!
POC's Of Tumblr I Need Ur Help!

OC 2:



Has an anxiety disorder, always has

You could pour hot soup in their lap and they would feel the need to apologize to you, OC 1 would kick ur ass for it tho

Has a comfort stuffed animal that they bring everywhere

Fav colours are Blue Purple and White

POC's Of Tumblr I Need Ur Help!
POC's Of Tumblr I Need Ur Help!
POC's Of Tumblr I Need Ur Help!
POC's Of Tumblr I Need Ur Help!

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2 years ago

😅This is the best I have for the Island AU names

😆I finally have a reason to use the poll and finally give this AU an official name!✨

I'm a little excited now😊✨

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1 year ago
Navigating The Uncharted Territory: My Journey With Chronic Illness And UncertaintyShaina TranquilinoJanuary

Navigating the Uncharted Territory: My Journey with Chronic Illness and Uncertainty Shaina Tranquilino January 18, 2024 At the age of 18, my life took an unexpected turn, plunging me into a world of constant illness and uncertainty. The symptoms I endure are overwhelming - from debilitating nausea and stomach cramps to the frustrating inability to keep food down. Endless trips to the bathroom, sleepless nights plagued by insomnia, sudden hot flashes, sweating, and excruciating pain in sensitive areas have become my everyday reality. To make matters worse, my body seems to be betraying me with the absence of a menstrual cycle, persistent fatigue, weakness throughout, and inexplicable pain all over. Hair loss, mouth sores, rashes, and high blood pressure further compound my struggles. Seeking answers has been a long and arduous journey that has taken me through countless doctor's offices and hospitals. Specialists have subjected me to numerous tests - from blood work and urine samples to stool examinations, heart assessments, MRI scans, CT scans, ultrasounds, EKGs, endoscopies, colonoscopies - you name it. Yet frustratingly enough, every test comes back normal or inconclusive. It feels like an endless uphill battle where hope for a clear diagnosis seems elusive. The medical professionals suspect that I may be grappling with one or multiple autoimmune diseases or perhaps something incredibly rare. Sadly though, these conditions rarely present themselves on tests until they reach life-threatening levels – a disheartening fact that makes obtaining a definitive answer even more challenging. This uncertain future has pushed me to seize each day as if it were a precious gift because there is no telling how much longer I will be able to stand strong. In light of this unpredictability looming over my existence, I strive to serve others as best I can while I still have the strength. Every task completed becomes an accomplishment knowing that time is fleeting. Each day brings with it gratitude for being alive despite the unknown that lies ahead.

Today, I am humbly asking for your help. I am 30 years old, so it has been 12 years of dealing with this mysterious illness, and it is soon going to be 13 years for me. If you or someone you know has experienced similar symptoms, if you have any knowledge or expertise in rare diseases or autoimmune disorders, or if you simply have suggestions on where to turn next, I would be eternally grateful for your guidance. Perhaps there is a specialist, a research study, or an alternative therapy that could shed light on my situation.

I firmly believe that together we can find answers and solutions. By opening up this plea to the public, I hope to tap into the collective knowledge and compassion of our community. Your support, advice, and connections may hold the key to unravelling this medical mystery and restoring hope to my life.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read my story. Please feel free to reach out with any insights or recommendations you may have. Together, let us strive towards uncovering the truth and finding a path towards healing.

With deep gratitude, Shaina

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1 year ago

What do I do?

So at first my parents seem great

They are kind to guests and gave me extra snacks for my friend's

But I show signs of mental abuse. I don't think they know what there doing to me but. . .

i caN't be hUrting I'm tO0 y0unG to gets tiring, teaching me that church is mandatory is tiring, being told I have to be a church staff is tiring, having to hide mental illnesses is tiring, afraid to tell them I'm feeling suicidal is tiring, being afraid of being left with my thoughts causing me to hurt myself is tiring, being in constant pain is. . .

You get the point, what do I do? I don't want to be ungrateful, their better than other parents, I don't think there doing anything intentionally.

Please leave comments cause I need help and have nowhere to get it.

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1 year ago

Disabled Characters in my book

hi all, hope you’re ok <3

I have a character in my WIP who was once seeing but during the story he goes blind. I’m asking because I want to know how to properly write him without using any offensive language and actually representing blind folks properly. this is the same for my characters with dyslexia and autism. I do have autism but I really don’t feel like I’m educated enough. can anyone give me advice, tips or suggestions? It’d be much appreciated, thanks <3

TLDR: needing genuine advice on how to write physically/mentally disabled characters in my book

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1 year ago

I don't know what to draw my funny Alternate OC doing so I'mma ask you guys, what should Cecelia do today. As long as it isn't.. Um weird inappropriate stuff, She'd probably kill me for that, and I don't want her to send her father after me.

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10 months ago

I don't like posting this type of stuff but this is really important, I'm trying to help my mom reach this goal, our storage is due tomorrow and it holds all of our family memories and items, and we cannot afford to loose this, as well this can help us maybe get money for food and or rent. So please, if you can, please donate to my mother's ko-fi, or spread this around. I really don't want to loose my personal things, that and my place to live.

This is my mother's Tumblr:


Her ko-fi:

I Don't Like Posting This Type Of Stuff But This Is Really Important, I'm Trying To Help My Mom Reach

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4 months ago

chat how do I comfort the traumatized child soldier in my head

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