Barty Crouch X Evan Rosier - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

5 months ago

Prompt - Spell 03/10/24 @rosekillermicrofic

Word count: 336

"Whatcha doin'?" Evan drawled out, curious and nosey as always as he leant over Barty's shoulder to catch a glimpse of the parchment he was feverishly scribbling on. He was writing like a mad man. The ink scribbled and smudged across the page incoherently. Barty tried to cover it with his arms before he blotted it leaving inky imprints of words over his pale skin and the page nothing more than a smudged mess, he balled the parchment up and threw it into a pile with countless others; balled or torn and some of them even burnt on the edges. Barty grimaced. "Piss off, Rosie," he grumbled through gritted teeth - he noticed his jaw was hurting. How long had he been clenching it? He didn't know, maybe since he'd started this endeavour. The last thing he needed right now was his boyfriends judgement. He attempted to shoo him off with a dismissive hand. It didn't work. Instead, the idiot plucked up the balled up parchment and cleared his throat in a stiffled laugh.

"Dear Fater. I, you're son, is writing to infirm you tat I will not be returning home this sumer" Evan burst into laughter while Barty could only hide in his hands, Evan nudged his hands away cupping his face tenderly "Merlin you can't spell" he muttered before holding the crinkled parchment up once more. "I also need to tell you that I am a humo homoseg gay. I don't care what you think, shove you're upinyon up you're arse. From Barty"

Evan put the letter down gently with a bemused expression, clearly getting a kick out of how terrible it was. Barty prepared himself for cruel words and taunting but instead he sat himself down on a chair beside Barty and plucked the quill from his fingers "you tell me what you want to say and I'll write it nicely for you love" he murmured as he dunked the quill into the ink well. And oh... oh Barty fell in love all over again.

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4 months ago

Prompt: leaves 10/10/2024 @rosekillermicrofic

Word count: 350

Evan was not unfamiliar to the future. He and his twin sister were both cursed with sight. Being able to see a glimpse of what the future held if it stayed on its current path. He'd wake up in a cold sweat, huffing and panting, and he'd just know something. Something he wasn't supposed to.

He was lucky. He didn't see visions like his sister did. She'd zone out and come around teary-eyed and horrified, having seen the horrors that the future held. Some disrupted sleep and an inkling of an idea, an instinct of what would happen. That was nothing compared to seeing.

Tonight was one of those nights, he was just drifting off tucked safely in Barty's arms and listening to him breathing steadily, he didn't even get to fall asleep properly before he had that disgusting feeling in the pit if his stomach. His heart rate increased. It was like some invisible force was squeezing his lungs and not letting him breathe properly.

Barty shifted in his sleep, and Evan jerked violently, the smallest motion making him jump in fear like a cornered animal. And there it was, that tiny whisper within him - the future itself muttering sweet nothings into his ear. Forming facts that felt like they had happened in the past but wouldn't happen until who knows when. Cynical nonsense that had to be dissected to be understood. Tears fell from Evan's eyes and pattered onto the pillow. He was so scared. Terrified.

Heart racing, hyperventilating and filled with so much adrenaline, he wanted to peel himself away from Barty and run. Run from his own body, his own thoughts.

"You alright, Rosbob?" Barty mumbled still half asleep and roused by Evan's panic. Barty pulled him closer and held him tighter.

"Fuck Bug" Evan breathed the words out tearfully "he leaves... he leaves and he doesn't come back" Evan could hardly process the idea. He just knew now. Knew that Regulus was gone, wasn't coming back to Hogwarts when easter holidays ended. He was going to leave, and they'd never see him again.

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6 months ago

request for a fic where reader is absolutely spoiled by her boys? (can be absolutely any pairing you like poly!marauders x reader, wolfstar, poly!moonwater x reader, Bartylus x reader…..literally anything)

the boys love to spoil her with gifts, breakfast in bed, shopping trips, outings etc, (not necessarily expensive, just doting), even if one of the boys is less inclined they're along for the ride, and perhaps somewhat exasperated by all the antics

…can you tell my love language is gift giving and receiving?

feel free to add more plot because the prompt is quite broad? but do whatever you want my love!

I trust you with my life <3

*tip-toes in* hiii there *side steps through the door* hellooo.... *awkwardly places this fic in front of you from your request back in March* thanks so much for your request (and patienceeee) - no but in all reality, I knew from the second I got this request that it had to be these two - I hope I did it justice!! xx

poly!rosekiller x fem!reader who they love to spoil [743 words]

CW: extravagant & expensive gift giving as a love language, reader tries to be mad at them about it (she fails, though)

“Not so fast!” You said instead of hello, fighting the snicker that threatened to undermine your severity as you watched Barty and Evan stop in their tracks like they’d been frozen on the spot. “What do you think you’re doing?”

The two boys shared a sideways glance before Evan slowly relaxed his stance. “Well-”

“You’re going to have to be more specific, Treasure.” Barty interrupted swiftly, giving off an air of faux nonchalance as he placed the shopping bags he had in his hands on the side of the bed and pressing a kiss to the side of your head. “What are we doing for dinner tonight? What are we doing about climate change? What are we doing with our lives? It’s too broad a question.” 

“Barty.” You scolded him. 

“Y/N.” He replied.

“Evan.” You tried instead.

“Yes, sugar?” He responded salaciously.

You closed your eyes and heaved a breath; they made it so difficult to be mad at them. “What did you two buy?”

Evan’s face spread into a cheshire cat smile. “Funny you should ask, darling.” And with a flourish, he and Barty unceremoniously dumped the bags out onto the bed leaving it covered in a menagerie of clothes, bags, perfumes, and what appeared to be boxes of jewellery. 

“But why?” You beseeched anxiously instead of saying thank you; feeling your face flush at the very loud and very expensive expression of appreciation now littering your bed. 

“Uhm, because we love you?” Barty answered as if that was somehow a trick question and he couldn’t believe it was actually that easy to answer.

“This is too much.” You responded.

“Says who?” Evan queried.


Barty snorted. “How’s it feel to be wrong, then?”


“I don’t understand what the problem is!” He continued, raising his hands helplessly. “We have a lot of money, we have great taste, and we have you; ergo…” He said, finishing his statement by gesturing vaguely at the pile of gifts they’d purchased. 

“Great taste indeed.” Evan agreed as he held a dress up against you. “This colour looks great on you.”

“Ev, there is hardly any fabric on this dress.” You argued, causing his face to pinch in thought.

“Hm, you’re right. Okay, we can return that one if you don’t like it.” He said before shoving the dress back into one of the various bags. 

You let your eyes trace the rest of the garments littering your bed wondering if you might be able to convince them to return the rest of it too.

“No, we cannot return it all. Don’t be rude, babydoll.” Evan reprimanded, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head and chidingly patting you on the arse.

“Do you like this one, Tres? I picked it because I thought it’d bring out your eyes.” Barty asked then, holding up an outfit with no shortage of excitement in his eyes that finally forced a smile from you. 

“It’s very nice, Bee; thank you.” You relented, running your fingers along the fabric up to the price tag, only to have it yanked from your grasp before you could see how much it cost.

“Perfect.” He said quickly, pulling the tag from the garment and shoving it into his pocket. “You can wear this one tonight; we have reservations at the new restaurant downtown at 8:30!”

Silence returned to the room once they both left and you let out a slow breath, shaking your head in fondness as you looked at the many gifts they’d splurged on for you. 

There wasn’t even any reason, which always somehow made it feel that much more special; they didn’t go out shopping because it was your birthday or a holiday; they simply went shopping because they were thinking of you, saw things you might like, and bought it just because they could. 

You were a lucky girl, and you’d go so far as to call yourself spoiled, which you were sure was exactly what Evan and Barty wanted you to be even if you made it quite difficult to do so. 

“Oh, and if you do wear that outfit Barty picked out tonight,” Evan added, sticking his head in the doorway, “there’s a matching Hermés bag to go with it, too.”

He didn’t even have a chance to see your mouth open in shock or hear your horrified “Evan!” before he was shutting the door behind him and taking off down the hall.

Spoiled indeed.

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8 months ago

soft - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 178 - NSFW (suggestive)

"Oi! That's mine!" Barty yelled indignantly, pouting at Evan as he took the last sweet from the pile they had between them on Evan's bed.

Regulus was gone with James for the evening and they had decided, as revenge for him leaving them, they would eat all the candy.

"Yeah?" Evan challenged, eyeing Barty with a smirk. "Come get it, then!"

But before he could move, Barty lunged forward, soft lips enveloping Evan's fingers and the candy he held between them, their eyes locking as the air turned thick.

He made the decision without thinking. Moving his fingers back a bit, he grinned salaciously as Barty began to suck, pupils growing larger, expression almost submissive. Heat coursed through Evan's body at the sight of Barty, on his knees, sucking on his fingers.

And before he could lose the nerve, Evan moved forward so he could whisper into Barty's ear. "Taste good, baby?" he muttered to the other boy, who only moaned a bit, pulling back and panting.

Fuck. Maybe it was good Regulus was gone for the night.

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8 months ago

soft - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 178 - NSFW (suggestive)

"Oi! That's mine!" Barty yelled indignantly, pouting at Evan as he took the last sweet from the pile they had between them on Evan's bed.

Regulus was gone with James for the evening and they had decided, as revenge for him leaving them, they would eat all the candy.

"Yeah?" Evan challenged, eyeing Barty with a smirk. "Come get it, then!"

But before he could move, Barty lunged forward, soft lips enveloping Evan's fingers and the candy he held between them, their eyes locking as the air turned thick.

He made the decision without thinking. Moving his fingers back a bit, he grinned salaciously as Barty began to suck, pupils growing larger, expression almost submissive. Heat coursed through Evan's body at the sight of Barty, on his knees, sucking on his fingers.

And before he could lose the nerve, Evan moved forward so he could whisper into Barty's ear. "Taste good, baby?" he muttered to the other boy, who only moaned a bit, pulling back and panting.

Fuck. Maybe it was good Regulus was gone for the night.

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8 months ago

soft - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 178 - NSFW (suggestive)

"Oi! That's mine!" Barty yelled indignantly, pouting at Evan as he took the last sweet from the pile they had between them on Evan's bed.

Regulus was gone with James for the evening and they had decided, as revenge for him leaving them, they would eat all the candy.

"Yeah?" Evan challenged, eyeing Barty with a smirk. "Come get it, then!"

But before he could move, Barty lunged forward, soft lips enveloping Evan's fingers and the candy he held between them, their eyes locking as the air turned thick.

He made the decision without thinking. Moving his fingers back a bit, he grinned salaciously as Barty began to suck, pupils growing larger, expression almost submissive. Heat coursed through Evan's body at the sight of Barty, on his knees, sucking on his fingers.

And before he could lose the nerve, Evan moved forward so he could whisper into Barty's ear. "Taste good, baby?" he muttered to the other boy, who only moaned a bit, pulling back and panting.

Fuck. Maybe it was good Regulus was gone for the night.

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4 months ago

barty (with evan trailing behind him with a look of regret on his face)

astromartiniii - sister 🫒

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5 months ago


(still love wolfstar though)

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5 months ago

(Note: this follows my previous post with Evan)

Once more, please hear me out:

Barty Crouch who hated the world

Barty Crouch who, despite his famous bravado, couldn't even look his father in the eye

Barty Crouch who preferred to be hated than loved, because that's all he ever knew

Barty Crouch who was terrified of losing himself to drugs yet who took them anyway, because they blurred everything

Barty Crouch whose heart skipped a beat the instant he saw that tall, blond and haughty looking boy from across the common room

Barty Crouch who became obsessed with that boy, to the point where he knew every detail of his life

Barty Crouch who would've burned the world down for a kiss

Barty Crouch who, when he finally receives that kiss, at a Halloween party, both of them drunk out of their minds, feels like someone's lit a brazier within him

Barty Crouch who begins to realize that this boy might be just as insane as him

Barty Crouch who falls in love with that boy a bit more every passing day, feeling love for the first time instead of hatred

Barty Crouch who died the day he learned that his love had been killed, becoming only a husk of his formal self, losing all that made him him, not to drugs, as he'd feared, but to heartbreak

Barty Crouch whose last thought as the dementor sucked his soul out was that he'd welcome death because it meant he'd see Evan Rosier again

"My love, my only one. I miss you so, so much. You left me all alone. I forgive you, love. Fuck. Maybe if I’d been there, I could’ve saved you. Too late. For both of us. I miss you so, so much. At least I’ll get to see you again. See you in hell, Evan."

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6 months ago

This is so beautiful

People who say that most of the Marauders fandom is made up, like it's a bad have another thing coming.

The whole point of our fandom is to separate us from the absolute BS of canon and JKR.

We are the ones who claimed the smallest part of Harry Potter and made it into something big and wonderful!

We are the ones who fixed plot-holes, improved representation and bought life to characters that were mentioned ONCE.

We made the most beautiful ship- Wolfstar along with Jily, Jegulus, Dorlene, Rosekiller and more!

We made a world where calling a non HP fan a muggle wasn't an insult.

We make the most elaborate pranks and have really good taste in music.

We are the ones that made the Golden Era seem like a spin off for the Marauders Era.

Our fandom knows pain and loss of a whole new level.

So yeah, what if half of it is made up? Not everything has to be canon for one to enjoy it. The Marauders are a testament to the creative minds and passion of all the HP lovers. It is art even if it's inspired by another piece of art. The Marauders fandom is a place untouched by jkr and we all know that if she ever decided to write anything about them it would just not live upto so many beautifully done fics, she really missed an opportunity with this. Therefore, it's safe and diverse which the author herself failed to achieve. Moreover, it's something that allowed people to reclaim their beloved fandom even when jkr ruined it for many. This fandom is OURS. Yes, we did not create the characters or the world but we made it BETTER.

Better ships, better representation, better world, better music, better characters and better everything!

I do not want to seem like I hate the original work, I don't and that's precisely the point. I love it, it's my childhood and the reason for my love for reading but at the same time, being mature and recognising the problems in the original series is essential no matter just how much it might break your heart. That's why I am thankful for The Marauders fandom, they gave me doorway to not abandon my love for Hogwarts and magic. In fact, I only fell deeper in love.

Thank you for reading my rant, you may proceed.

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