Beginner Witchcraft - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

As a city-bound person who uses sea magick to ground and relax myself when I'm stressed, thank you. It's validating to see this kind of post.

Stuck in the City: Landlocked Sea Witches

Living on the coast or near the ocean is not an option for many people. Whether it be budgetary reasons, minors living with family, spoonie witches who need to live with caregivers, or being stuck in a landlocked state or country. Though because you have distance between you and the ocean, doesn’t mean you cannot connect to it still. Though your craft will likely not be as powerful at times as one who is practicing straight on the beach, never think that you cannot use the energies of the great oceans in your craft just because you are stuck somewhere else. With this masterpost I hope to help my fellow landlocked witches know how to connect and use sea magick.

Stuck In The City: Landlocked Sea Witches

Stop the Gatekeeping

First I would like to address a problem I have seen several times in this community (especially here on witchblr) about sea witchcraft. I have seen far too many people telling others they cannot use anything ocean related in their craft unless they are near or on the beach, and that if you wish to practice sea magick you “should just move to the coast”. This is an issue I already brought up in my little intro: for many that is just not possible.

Firstly, in several places living even near the coast costs extreme amounts of money, much more than certain people can afford. Secondly, it may not be medically feasible. If the spoonie witch’s caregivers or care circle cannot move or if moving is something that could upset their illness further, they should certainly not move just to please you “real sea witches”. Some countries are also simply landlocked, they’d have to move completely out of their homeland to reach the coast and for some that is not even an option. So before you go onto this post saying it is inaccurate because sea witches only live by the sea, please do not and think for a moment that not everyone has the same circumstances as you. We all have different lives, needs and situations going on and not everyone can live the same way. Let others practice their craft in a way that suits them.

Getting Started/Creating your Space

As in my previous Stuck In the City post, we are going to start with a space or altar set up that will allow you to help feel connected to the ocean. Depending on the space you have available there can be some fun ways for you to connect to it. First find a corner or a table or even a spare part of a room that you can use for your set up, the more room the better in my personal opinion but I understand that space can be very limited.

Clean and cleanse the space you wish to use, make sure this is done well enough for the space to be comfortable to work in. Next it is time to create space for yourself, create an area that you can either sit or even lay down in, whatever you find to be the most comfortable when meditating or rejuvenating yourself after a long day.

Once it has been clean and cleared find a nice flat space and surface to place your altar, preferable somewhere that is fire safe in case of wanting to use incense or candles. I usually in cases of meditation or long term practice try to make it somewhere comfortable with furniture or an area where I can sit or even recline during my practice. I personally enjoy some extra pillows or cushions in the corner though this is entirely up to you.

Some things to consider adding to your ocean altar: beach sand, shells of any kind (clam, oyster, cone, crushed, broken etc), crab shells, dried sand dollars, dried starfish, driftwood, ocean stones/pebbles, shell dust, sea glass, sea salt, dried kelp (powder), ropes, buckets/cups/bowls/containers, fish bones, fish oil, bottles, shark teeth, cork and sea water.

Keep reading

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3 years ago

Tarot Time - Wheel of Fortune

Not like your grandma's favorite tv show (no hate, I used to love that show) this card is the perfect example of a cycle and often represents the idea that everything comes full circle eventually.

Tarot Time - Wheel Of Fortune


Key Words: Cycles, Fate, Fortune, Change Release control, luck

The wheel indicates a cycle and tells you that things are in constant motion, ever-changing. It reminds you that what comes up must come down.

The wheel is always turning, things are always changing and often times this can make us feel out of control. However, change is not good or bad, your perception of it makes it so. Center yourself and remind yourself of that which you are in control of. What keeps you grounded in this ever-changing world?

The wheel may indicate the start of something, an initiation, or the beginning of a turn of events. On the other hand, this card could represent the ending of something cyclical. Is there an identifiable pattern in your life that you need to break? Take note of the themes in your life right now, recognizing and understanding these patterns can help you to move forward.


Key Words: Repetition, Breaking cycles, Bad luck, Disorder, Upheaval

Your luck may be taking a turn for the worst.

Alternatively, this card represents change and could mean that you may not like the change that is coming. Fear not, things are always changing, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's bad. Know that the wheel is always turning so even the worst situations will eventually fall away to new and possibly wonderful things.

The wheel reversed could also tell you to stop trying to avoid your destiny, even if the changes around you are not to your liking, swallow your fears and-just like the wheel-keep on keeping on.

Understand that you cannot control change. No matter how much we try, the wheel keeps turning, unbothered by those that try to change it's course.

On a more positive note, this card could be telling you that you are breaking a cycle; stepping away from a bad relationship or situation that you had hoped would pan out but never did; breaking out of a bad habit, etc.

TL;DR - This card reminds you that what goes around comes around and that everything is always changing.

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11 months ago

Rowan Méadhbh’s List of Tips and Advice for New Witches

Rowan MadhbhsList Of Tips And Advice For New Witches

Rowan Maédhbh’s List of Tips and Advice For New Witches!



Before you even think about practising magic, you need to study. It sounds tedious, I know, but witchcraft is not a trivial undertaking. You also need to learn to read critically, and with a pinch of salt! Why? Because, although almost all authors do have some valuable and useful content in their work, some perpetuate problematic ideals, such as racism, sexism, stealing from closed cultures, and the use of Wicca and witchcraft interchangeably.

Start a grimoire/Book of Shadows/Journal.

You’ll need a safe place to keep all of the information you’ve gathered safe, and a grimoire (as I call mine), is essentially a notebook for that exact purpose. It doesn’t have to be fancy (though you’re welcome to make it as ostentatious as you like), - it can be a bullet journal if that’s easy for you. Within your grimoire, you should keep all gathered information, spells, failures, successes, records of work you’ve done, etc,. Anything that pertains to your craft.

Don’t put pressure on yourself to pick a path.

You might see a lot of witches who class themselves as one thing or another, e.g., storm witches, kitchen witches, elemental witches, spirit/divination witches; green witches; cosmic witches, and so on. That is cool and their prerogative, but you will also see witches known as eclectic - like me! Eclectic Witches, are simply witches who choose to practise many different types of magic and forge their own path, instead of following only one, or following a pre-established path.

Basically, there is no need at all, whatsoever, to label yourself. With many of us, our paths found us in time.

Research paths, secular witchcraft and religious witchcraft.

Witchcraft alone, is a practise. However, some paths are indeed religious, such as Wicca. Make sure you know the difference before you begin actively practising and before you decide on your path, if you do choose to do so.

Carry a little notebook on your person.

You can’t always carry your grimoire with you, so I personally like to carry a tiny little notebook with me, for those moments when inspiration takes me, or if something captures my imagination or attention. You can add it to your grimoire/BoS later.

Oh, and one more thing: don’t ever stop learning and reading and recording. Witchcraft is a path of continuous learning.



Herb and crystal correspondences, e.g., such as colour and planetary.

Sabbats and esbats, if you want to observe them.

The basic tools of witchcraft.

Altars (if you’re so inclined).

Lunar phases.

Divination, e.g., tarot, runes, pendulums.

Witchcraft and deities (if you’re so inclined).

Traditional witchcraft practises.

SAFETY! What is safe to use/burn/touch/ingest. There are lots of poisonous and potentially fatal plants and ingredients out there.

Easy/budget magic/witchcraft.

The history of witchcraft, including lore, myths and tales.

The importance and use of the elements in magic.

Research cultures. Find out what is and is not available for you to adopt and practise. Make sure that your practise does not steal from closed cultures.


Grounding - grounding is the act of centering your energy and focusing it within yourself. You can ground yourself by being out in nature and using visualising techniques that tie your energies firmly into the ground (very traditional method), or by finding a quiet place that you are content in and meditating.



Sigil crafting/creation.

Charging jewellery/crystals/objects/sigils.

Using glamours in makeup/cosmetics/everyday wear.

Incorporating intent via ingredients into cooking.

Incantations and chants to bring about luck, good fortune, etc.

Cleansing your space with incense.

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11 months ago

Animals Master List

Here is a very brief list of symbol meanings of various animals and other shapes. Never feel the need to stick to one definition or meaning, the most powerful correspondences are those that you discover for yourself.

Animal Symbolism


Alligator - aggression, survival, adaptability Alpaca - minimalism, generosity, interdependence Ant - team player, worker Antelope - nimble, quick, sensitive Armadillo - active, nocturnal, protection

B Badger - aggression, assertiveness, powerful defense, determination Bat - guardian of the night, cleaner Bear - power, adaptability Beaver - builder, planner Bee - communication, abundance, productivity Bison - survival, fortitude, strength Black Panther - secrets, solitude, stealth Blackbird - mystery, sacred messenger, cosmic knowledge Blue Bird - joy, pleasures, messenger Boar - sacred, cunning, ferocious Bobcat - patience, listening, interpreting Buffalo - sacredness, life builder Bull - strength, warning Butterfly - metamorphosis, carefree, transformer

C Cat - protector, guardian Chameleon - adaptation, patience, perception Cheetah - accuracy, elegance, refinement Chinchilla - curiosity, innocence, warmth Chipmunk - creativity, intuition, exploration Cougar - leadership, courage Coyote - prankster, insight, playful Crab - emotion, security, vulnerability Crane - solitude, independence Cricket - meditation, vibration, spirit Crocodile - longevity, fierceness, power Crow - messenger, clairvoyance, change, ancient wisdom

D Deer - kindness, love, gentleness Dolphin - kindness, play, bridge man to ocean Dove - peace, understanding Dragon - wisdom, nobility Dragonfly - flighty, carefree Duck - intuition, awareness, communication

E Eagle - divine spirit, connection to creator Eel - adaptability, wisdom, inspiration, defense Elk - strength, agility, freedom Elephant - patience, strength, wisdom

F Firefly - illumination, possibility, belief Fox - cunning, provider, intelligence Frog - water element, prosperity, transformation, true love

G Giraffe - graceful, observer, foresight Goose - community, synchronicity, treasure Grasshopper - discipline, balance, freedom Grizzly Bear - hunter, nature’s pharmacist

H Hawk - messenger, observer of the sky Heron - moon magic, shamanic travel, secrets, the logical mind Horse - stamina, nobility, strength Hummingbird - messenger, stopper of time

J Jaguar - confidence, power, preparation

K Koala - slow down, mystery and power of self, soulmates

L Ladybug - luck, enchantments, dreams Leopard - secrets, mystery, sensuality Lion - wisdom, power, mastery Lizard - conservation, agility Lynx - instincts, observation, silence

M Magpie - omens, prophecies Marmot - truth, consciousness, curiosity Moose - headstrong, unstoppable, longevity Moth - wonder, delight, passion Mountain Lion - bravery, freedom, intention Mouse - survival instincts, cunning, observations, shyness

O Orca - healing, spirituality, journey Otter - laughter, curiosity, mischievous Owl - wisdom, truth, patience

P Panda - enjoyment, prosperity, carefree spirit, conservation Peacock - grace, pride, prosperity Pegasus - carrier of lightning Penguin - elegance, survival, imagination Polar Bear - power, fearlessness Porcupine - liesure, nonchalance, wisdom Praying Mantis - intention, hypnotism, perception

R Rabbit - alertness, nurturing Raccoon - fearless, exploration, secrets Ram - determination, new beginning Raven - trickster, teacher, hoarder Reindeer - determination, visionary, magic Robin - new beginnings, good luck, serendipity

S Scarab - eternity, creativity, imagination Scorpion - precision, defense, passion Seahorse - confidence, grace Shark - hunter, survival Skunk - power, respect, protection Snake - shrewdness, transformation Snow Leopard - intuition, solitary, secrets Spider - creative, pattern of life Squirrel - trusting, innocence Starfish - flow, movement, sensitivity Swan - grace, balance, festive

T Thunderbird - caller of rain Tiger - sanctuary, mysticism, passion Tortoise - treasure, guidance, peace, meditation Turtle - self-contained, creative source

U Unicorn - singular, unique

W Wren - divination, strengthening, cleansing Whale - wisdom, provider, cleaner White Peacock - illumination, renewal, attraction Wolf - loyalty, success, perseverance

Z Zebra - clarity, individuality, balance

Other Symbols

All Birds - freedom, messengers from the divinities Angel - guardian of hope and wonder Bear Paw - strength, mobility Cross - redemption, salvation Eye of Horus - protection, nobility, good health Heart - love, fondness Hopi Hand - life, creative, healing Kokopelli - fertility, joy, music Om - the sound of the universe Star of David - union, heart, love Trinity Celtic Knot - long life, eternity Wolf Paw - freedom, success, guidance Yin & Yang - balance, harmony Zuni Bear - good health

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10 months ago

How to Become a Witch

Witches could already be practicing for decades, and still, every day, they keep learning new things. That is how wide-ranging and wonderful this path is. But when taking your first step, there is no need to be overwhelmed. For now, start with these and forget everything else.

STEP 1: Look within.

Just because Aphrodite is trending on Twitter does not mean you should worship her. And just because crystals look good on Instagram does not mean you should start your own collection. Your practice should be tailored to your soul, not to the posts on your dashboard.

So go to Café Astrology and enter your birthdate. It will calculate your natal chart, which is basically the manual to your life. It lets you know your strengths and weaknesses so you can let the former make up for the latter. This website not only shows you the details, it also explains what they mean.

STEP 2: Look up.

Now that you have a better knowing of yourself, look beyond your existence. Who do you think made you?

Investigate your lineage as much as you can. Was your family always Christian? Jewish? Atheist? Or did your ancestors have a more traditional belief? Having an inherent connection to the old gods means inviting them into your life will be much easier. If you feel a strong affinity with the Greco-Roman gods particularly, use your natal chart to confirm your theory.

But if after much meditation, you find yourself believing that the source is not a divinity, but the cosmos as a whole, then feel free to embrace that energy.

STEP 3: Look closely.

Our eyes can only see what is right in front of us. Divination allows us to see beyond that, and look into the forgotten past… the hidden present… and the future in all its glory.

Tarot is one of the richest divination systems in existence. Here is how you can learn it in one day. But if you feel that it is not for you, there are many alternatives too. Do you enjoy meditating? You might fall in love with scrying.

STEP 4: Look out.

One of the best things about witchcraft and paganism is that they empower you to improve your life with magic.

Is there a danger you need to protect yourself from? A wound that you need to close? A wrong that you need to right? Whatever it is, there is a spell for it.

Start with the simplest ones. All you need are a few ingredients and ton of faith to make them work.

STEP 5: Look around.

Now that you know who you really are… where your faith truly lies… how to see beyond the obvious… and how to tweak reality to make life easier… you are officially a practitioner.

It is time to expand your knowledge even further. Read as many books as you like. Try as many methods of divination as possible. Perform as many spells as you can.

You can start with these lists:

All About Divination

All About Astrology

All About Spells

Take as long as you need with each step. No need to hurry. Good luck in your journey.

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10 months ago

Advice for First-Generation Witches

I have a friend who decided she wants to be a witch. She asks me for a spell every time she overhears that some date is important to witches.

No ritual has ever worked for her. Not a single one.

Magic sees her coming from miles away then shuts the door to her face. Occult beings want nothing to do with her. Incantations do not wish to be pronounced by her mouth. Witchcraft tasted her and spat her out.

Because to treat the craft randomly is to treat it disrespectfully. Magic pulls away from those who see it as a hobby.

This path is not merely an interest. It is a way of life. Only those who understand this can truly harvest its benefits.

Becoming that person takes a while. But if you start here, you’ll get there fine.

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10 months ago

How to REALLY Learn Tarot in One Day

Reading tarot like a master requires a natural talent for divination. Barring that, years of constant practice will suffice.

But anyone can learn the basics. And it should not take longer than a day to cover. Start in the morning, and by evening, you will be a tarot reader.

This post is Day 1 of the Divination class that I teach. By 8:30 PM, my teenage initiates were already correctly predicting each other’s crushes and the winners of tennis matches.


Get a deck and a resource.

Acquire a Rider-Waite deck or a clone of it. You may opt for something else, but be forewarned that you could lose out on a multitude of symbolism. The Rider-Waite may not be the prettiest, but there is nothing more complete.

Find a reliable resource. The Ultimate Guide to Tarot by Liz Dean is a perfect book for beginners. So is Labyrinthos’ website, if you prefer something free of charge.


9–10 AM

Pick one keyword for each card.

With a belly full of breakfast, quickly skim through your resource and pick just one keyword per card. For example, “destruction” for The Tower, “happiness” for The Sun, and “wealth” for the Ten of Pentacles. Note it all down on paper or on your phone.

10–11 AM

Associate the word with the image.

Look at your keyword side by side the card. Make an undeniable connection. 

Why is The Tower “destruction”? Because the tower on the card has been “destroyed”.

Why is The Sun “happiness”? Because the child on the card looks “happy”.

Why is the Ten of Pentacles “wealth”? Because the family on the card looks “wealthy”.

Memorization becomes much easier when based on visual correlation.

11 AM–12 PM

Quiz yourself.

Hide your notes from view. Keeping in mind the word-image associations you made, go through each card, reciting its keyword. Put in one pile all the cards you remembered the keyword for, and in another, the ones that escaped your memory.

Then look at your notes side-by-side the second pile to remind yourself of what you missed. Go through the whole pile again, repeating the process until you can recite the keywords for all 78 cards without making a mistake. One card, one word. Should be as simple as pre-school.

12–1 PM

Take a break.

Have a meal. Nap a little. Stretch a bit. Give your mind space to absorb everything you just memorized.

1–2 PM

Quiz yourself again.

You are guaranteed to forget some of your keywords. That is fine. It is why you are doing this again, to strengthen your memory. Be patient with yourself, and keep going through the whole deck until you are no longer making any mistakes.

2–3:30 PM

Pick a key phrase for each reversed card.

Quickly skim through your resource again. Now that you know the upright meanings, reversals should be fairly easy, because they can only be one of three: the opposite of the upright card; the upright card watered down; the upright card made worse.

To illustrate:

If The Devil upright is “addiction”, reversed it is “overcoming addiction” — the opposite.

If the Nine of Cups is “fulfillment”, reversed, it is “fulfillment delayed” — watered down.

If the Seven of Swords upright is “manipulation”, reversed it is “betrayal” — made worse.

Note it all down next to your upright keywords.

3:30–5 PM

Quiz yourself on both upright and reversed meanings.

Hide your notes from view. Keeping in mind the upright-reversed meaning associations you made, go through each card one by one, reciting its upright meaning followed by its reversed meaning.

Like before, put in one pile the cards you had no problem with, and in another, the cards that escaped your memory. Look at your notes for those you missed. Go through the whole pile again, repeating the process until you can recite the upright keywords and the reversed key phrases for all 78 cards, without making a mistake.

5–6 PM

Take another break.

Have another meal. Nap some more. Stretch again. Let your mind and body breathe.

6–7:15 PM

Quiz yourself again on both upright and reversed meanings.

Go through each card one by one, reciting its upright meaning followed by its reversed meaning.

Like before, put in one pile the cards you had no problem with, and in another, the cards that escaped your memory. Look at your notes side by side the cards you missed. And go through the full deck again until you are no longer missing a beat.

7:15–8 PM


For the last time today, bring out your resource, and from it, choose any spread you like. But if you really want to do it right, the Celtic Cross spread is recommended. Do not worry about being overwhelmed. You can leave the book or the website open on the page where the spread is.

Ask tarot your question. Without looking at your notes, interpret its answer to the best of your ability using the keywords and key phrases you just memorized.

Congratulations. You are now a tarot reader.

But if you wish to keep learning, then keep reading.


Day 1 – Day 4

For the next four days, quiz yourself again on both upright and reversed meanings, to really cement them in your mind. Then perform the same spread you did the first time, but ask a different question each time. Interpret the cards to the best of your knowledge. This should only take an hour at the most.

Day 5

By now, everything you learned has been drilled into memory. Feel free to expand your knowledge. Read your book cover to cover. Fully explore your chosen website.

Most of the new meanings you will learn will be related to the ones you committed to heart, so do not worry about being confused. For example, if your keyword for The Empress is “abundance”, you will find that its other meanings are “harvest”, “creativity” and “fertility”. “Harvest” is financial abundance; “creativity”, an abundance of skill; “fertility”, an abundance of growth. They vary slightly, but they are all the same, essentially.

All the best in your tarot journey.

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10 months ago

Plants & Their Correspondences

At the wonderful suggestion of @practicewhat here is a list of all of my plant posts all in one!

Letter A

Letter B

Letter C

Letter D

Letter E

Letter F

Letter G

Letter H

Letter I

Letter J

Letter K

Letter L

Letter M

Letter N

Letter O

Letter P

Letter Q

Letter R

Letter S

Letter T 

Letter U 

Letter V 

Letter W 

Letter X - No plants under letter X

Letter Y 

Letter Z

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10 months ago
Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Here’s an organized list of my planned and published content. If you’d like to see a list of exclusive content for my supporters on Patreon, click here. My patrons of Mystic tier ($10/mo) and higher have access to all articles at least a week before Tumblr.

I put a lot of time and spoons into research and writing these articles, any tips would be greatly appreciated!

71 out of 171 published.

Articles in Queue: 0 (Available on Patreon)

NEW ✨ Articles:

Under Introduction

Under Psychicism

Under Psychicism

Under Spirit Work

Under Spirit work

Under Spirit Work

Under Sigilcraft

All categories are in alphabetical order with the exception of info for beginners, my experiences, & miscellaneous.

Articles that I highly recommend will be separated at the top of each category.

Orange: Published

White/Black: Planned

(Only published articles have descriptions)

This list is optimized for the mobile app!

Find me on other platforms!

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Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: Introduction to Witchcraft

-What is Witchcraft?

An extremely large article that covers all the basics for getting into witchcraft. I am regularly updating it as more related articles are published and/or I have come across new information that is relevant.

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

-A.I. & Witchcraft: Using ChatGPT in Research

An interview with ChatGPT about how to properly utilize it to research responsibly. I also added notes that I find crucial to this end.

-Altars: Use & Design

A description of Altars and how they can be used in various witchcraft applications.

-Beginner Witch Tips

Tips for those just starting to get into witchcraft and the occult.

-Creating a Spell Log

A guide on how to create and utilize spell logs in order to hone your craft.

-Conceptualization Vs. Visualization

An explanation of why visualization is widely improperly utilized and how Conceptualization is a significantly more useful skill.

-Correspondences: Research, Creation, & Use

A guide on how to research correspondences, how to create them, and how to use them for effective spellwork. Goes over things to avoid when working with correspondences as well as the metaphysics and magical theory of their operation.

-Finding Balance: Spirituality & Critical Thought

An article exploring the complexities of having spiritual experiences and maintaining critical thought.

-Herbology: Correspondences & Medicinal Properties

An extensive guide on how to approach herbology, herbal correspondence, and herbal medicine. Be sure to read the disclaimer at the beginning!

-Intermediate Witch Tips

-List of Closed & Semi-Closed Cultures

An ongoing project to help give beginner witches a frame of reference in order to research and practice respectfully and responsibly.

-Nature Vs. Nature

An exposition on the metaphysical, and practical magic applications of the juxtaposition between two perspectives of nature.

-Personal Narratives

An article about the dangers of people who try to pull others into their UPG. Please read the disclaimer at the beginning.

-Personal Narratives Part II


-Personal Narratives Part III

-Researching Witchcraft

Defining some aspects of typical discussion points in witchcraft.

-Research Tips

Some helpful tips for those who want to delve deep into witchcraft research.

-The Spiritual Aspects of Witchcraft

-Tools for Witchcraft & Their Functions

-Visualization, Reiki, & Fascism

An article about how the trend of visualization is influenced by and can lead into fascist thinking and antisemitism.

-Visualization: Effective Implementation

An articles about how to use visualization to its fullest potential and how to avoid using it improperly. Also a list of some alternatives to Visualization for those who have aphantasia or struggle with visualization.

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: Community Commentary

-Author Blacklist

A list of authors to avoid until you’ve obtained a solid foundation and understanding of the applications, methods of magic, and sociopolitical movements and morals behind various traditions and schools of magical thought.

-Bias in Witchcraft

A guide on how to identify and manage biases that are common to witchcraft in order to have a more effective craft.

-Content Creation Vs. Personal Practice

An opinion piece about the differences between having a personal practice and how to responsibly discuss it online, as well as how to responsibly frame witchcraft guides.

-Community Interactions

Reblog replies to other content creators on Tumblr.

-Consumerism & Witchcraft

-Content Critiques

Various critiques on witchcraft posts I have found on this platform.

-Examples of Ineffective Witchcraft Guides

Critiques on problematic, inaccurate, misleading, and vague witchcraft guides.

-Gatekeeping: When it is Appropriate and When it is Not

-Inspiration Vs. Appropriation

-Learning to Adapt: New Information & Modifying Practices

-Theosophy: The Heart of New Age Fascism

-The One True Way

-Three Fold Law & Other Magical Conventions

-Wicca, Ceremonial Magic, & Trad Craft: Problematic Practices & History


-Witchcraft Vs. Superstition

An exploration of the differences between witchcraft and superstition.

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: Divination

-Introduction to Divination

An article about the basic types of divination and the different ways to do them.

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

-Aeromancy: Divination via Wind

-Cartomancy: Tarot & Oracle Divination

-Cleromancy: Bone & Dice Divination

-Divination Tips

-Inventing Divination Systems

-Oracle Divination & Spreads

-Pendulum Divination & Dowsing

-Scrying: Divination Through Gazing

-Tarot & Tarot Spreads

-Tasseomancy & Palm Reading

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: Energy Work

-Basics of Energy Work

The foundations needed to practice actual energy work, rather than pseudo energy work that is entirely dependent of imagination.

-Intermediate Energy Work

Covers a basic run down of the subtle body, energetic constructs, and energetic senses. Explains how to control the density and precision of energy.

-Advanced Energy Work Part I

Covers aspects of the subtle body, properties of energy, and how to control multiple energetic constructs simultaneously with acute control.

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

-Axioms of Energy Work

An explanation of the thought model behind energy work and how energy relates to itself and the world around it.

-Energetic Constructs

An overview of how to design, build, and maintain constructs as well as some possible methods of application in spellwork.

-Energetic Senses

The inherent, non-visual, senses that are the most effective way of energetic awareness

-Energy Work & Spoon Theory

An explanation of how, if done properly and after accurate practice, energy work requires no spoons to perform.

-Introduction to Grounding ✨NEW

An introduction to grounding exorcizes and their applications.

-The Energetic Model & Why it is Redundant

-The Subtle Body

A thorough description of the energetic body.

-The Wellsource

An article about the endless well of energy we all contain. Similar to the idea of The Seat of The Soul.

-Types of Projection

-Wands & Energetic Technique


Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: Magical Theory

- What is Magical Theory?


Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

-Alternative Models of Magic: Why the Classical Models are Obsolete

-Benefits of Modular Witchcraft

-Correspondences & Energetic Properties

-Classical Models of Magic

-Engram Theory

-Magical Experimentation

The current magical experiment. I’m always looking for volunteers!

-Magical Potency


-Magical Theory & My UPG

-Pop-Culture Magic

-Properties of Magical Design


A list of all the surveys and quizes I have made that I publish the statistics of at intervals of 100 responses.

-Threshold Theory

A unifying theory behind all spell work.

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: Metaphysics & Philosophy

- Witchcraft & Philosophy: Metaphysics


Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

-Art & Media Within Witchcraft

-Chaos Theory & Game Theory in Witchcraft

-Concepts in STEM That Apply to Witchcraft

-Conceptualizing Sacrifice in Witchcraft

-Gradation & Ethics

-How White Supremacy Has Influenced Contemporary Witchcraft

-Intersectionality & Witchcraft

-Mental Illness & Neurodivergency in Witchcraft


-On Dualities in Witchcraft

An examination of dualities within witchcraft and how their negative impacts on our community. Also goes over some solutions as well.

-Queerness & Witchcraft


-Spectrums of Mystic & Magical Practice

-Witchcraft & Gender

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: Psychicism

-Introduction to Psychic Abilities

An introductory guide to psychic abilities. This article focuses more on the abilities that are possible.

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

-Astral Projection, Dreamwalking, & Psychic Abilities

-Energetic Awareness in Psychic Applications

-Psychic Abilities & Their Applications to Spiritwork

-Psychic Abilities, Mental Illness, Personal Narratives, & Reality

A look at the intersections between mental illness and psychic abilities.

-Statistical Probability, Deja Vu, & Future Sight

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: Safety

-Introductory Safety Practices


Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

-Basics of Warding

An introduction to warding

-Blood Magic: Purpose & Safety

-Crystals & Their Chemical Properties

-Dispelling Myths About Witchcraft

-Riding The Hedge, Poisons, & Entheogenic Practices in Witchcraft

-Intermediate Warding

-Fire Safety

-List of Cleansing Methods in Order of Effectiveness

-Practicing Safe & Consensual Sex Magic

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: Sigilcraft

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

-Animated Sigils Project

Animated Sigils designed specifically for tech witches.

-Hypersigils & Sigilchains



-My Sigils

Sigils made using sigilcrafting methods of my own creation.

-Sigils: How-To

An introduction and overview of sigil magic.

-Spell Circles

An introduction to spell circles, how they can be constructed and used.

-The Mechanics of Sigils; Conceptualizations of Sigilwork and its applications ✨NEW

A comprehensive look at the mechanics of hypersigils and metasigils.

-My Spell Circles

Spell circles from my grimoires.

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: Spellcraft & Spellcasting

-Basics of Spellcasting

An introduction to effective spell casting.

-How to Cast a Spell

An infographic about the basic principles behind spellcraft.

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

-A.I. & Tech-Magic


Covering how to most effectively cast lasting spell and work with spiritual entities that have been bound.

-Basics of Binding

How to bind energies, spells, and entities. I recommended reading the article about Anchors after this article.

-Ceremony & Ritual


-Creating a Magical Conlang

-Curses & Consequences

-Designing Spells

Covers how to design a spell for any level of experience.

-Fate Magic

An introduction to the concept of fate magic and how it can be conceptualized and visualized.

-Fate Magic: Binding, Manipulation, & Safety


-Glamours & Enchantments

-Intermediate Binding

-Intermediate Gnosis

Covers phases and types of gnosis and their applications.

-Intermediate Spellcasting

-Introduction to Gesture Magic

-Introduction to Gnosis

Introduces important concepts for entering a state of Gnosis.

-Path of Least Resistance

An introduction on how to cast spells with a higher success rate.

-Sex Magic

-Snap Magic

A guide to a unique energetic casting method.

-Spell Dictation

Covers why spells you find online aren’t reproducible and how that can be changed.

-The Elements: Air

-The Elements: Earth

-The Elements: Fire

An article about a lot of the way fire is utilized and conceptualized writhing witchcraft.

-The Elements: Water

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: Spells

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

-A Look at My Grimoire

-A Raven’s Breath

A method of Spellcasting and cleansing.

-Aid in Gender Dysphoria

-Aid in Self-Love

-Curse of Self Doubt


-Invisibility Spell

-Lessen Internalized Homophobia

-Lessen Racist Indoctrination & Increase Self-Awareness

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: Spirit Work

-First Steps

A guide for just starting out in Spiritwork.

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

-Advanced Astral Projection

Covers how to create and maintain multiple projections, dreamwalking, and dimensional concepts.

-Basics of Astral Projection

Practice techniques and introduction to astral concepts.

-Basics of Banishing

An introduction on how to banish spellwork, entities, and energy.

-Benevolent Entities

-Communication & Godphoning

-Creating Thoughtforms

-Deities & Pantheons

-Dimensions & Planes: A Comprehensive Look ✨NEW

An in-depth look at the difference between spatial dimensions and spiritual planes and how each are useful in witchcraft.


-Exorcisms: With & Without Christian Influences

-Intermediate Banishing

-Intuitional Spirit Work

-Mediumship & Possession

-Mirrors: Portals & Other Uses ✨NEW

An article about how mirrors are used in witchcraft.

-Ofrendas & Offerings to ancestors & Deities

-Shadow Work Concepts

Prompts for in depth shadow work, inspired by a dark night of the soul.

-Shadow Work: First Steps ✨NEW

A thorough introduction to shadow work in both mundane and magical practices.

-The Fae

Discusses the Fae, the spiritual entities not the cryptids.

-Types of Spiritual Entities

-Spiritual Emanations of The Emotions & The Subconscious

Jungian archetypes and how they can be used for shadow work. Also covers how thoughtforms can accidentally be created through emotions.

-The Veil & The Spirit Plane

-UPG & Verification

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: My Craft & Experiences

-About Me

My pinned message.

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

-Exorcism Experiences Part I

My first experience.

-Exorcism Experiences Part II

-Exorcism Experiences Part III

-Experiences With Dreamwalking

-Interesting Spiritual Experiences

-Limpia Experiences Part I

-Limpia Experiences Part II

-Limpia Experiences Part III

-Limpia Experiences Part IV

-My First Experiences With Witchcraft

-My Introduction to Energy Work

-Why Grey? My Personal Philosophy

An explanation of why I consider myself to be a grey witch.

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Category: Miscellaneous

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive


-Glossary of Terms


-My Art & Graphic Designs

Digital art and graphics

-My Discord Server: The Reliquary of Unique Magics & Their Inventors

My tumblr post that explains our mission and requirements for membership.

-Oil, Corn, & Wine: A Witchcord Server

A discord server for witchcraft that is easier to gain entry to than The Reliquary

-My Services

Divination, sigilcraft, script design, and conlangs.

-My Tiktok

-Digital Templates & Inspiration

From spells logs to ideas.

Heres An Organized List Of My Planned And Published Content. If Youd Like To See A List Of Exclusive

Last Updated: Oct. 30th, ‘23

See Updated List

If the last update date is two weeks or more, I’d recommended checking out the updated list.

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10 months ago

Urban witch kit: What you need on the go

This is what I carry on a regular basis for my witchcraft. Whenever I have a purse, I have all these with me.

Paper, pen, pencil and eraser, for on-the-go sigils

A pocketknife, preferably one with a scissors attachment

At least one cigarette lighter, whether you smoke or not (I don’t) to burn things

Chalk if you’re into drawing sigils on concrete and things

A phone. This is basic urban survival more than urban witchery, but you need some kind of cell phone.

Hand sanitizer for on-the-go purification in case of touching undesirable things

Gloves to keep energies off you when you’re handling them

Sunglasses for glamours and protections

A compact or other hand mirror for various things including divination

Your preferred divination method, if portable, is also good to include

A pack of cards

A key–house, locker, car, skeleton key that doesn’t open anything, doesn’t matter–for personal wards

All cheap, easily accessible things. All things that will come in handy for any spontaneous spellcasting.

Tags :
10 months ago

An Introduction to Spacecraft and Worship

What is Spacecraft?

Spacecraft is a form of Witchcraft. Much like there are Sea Witches, Kitchen Witches, Secular Witches, I feel like there can also be Space Witches. I have a fascination with the Universes out there, and wanted to incorporate them in my craft much like those who feel a kinship with the Mountains do in their crafts. I named this practice Spacecraft because it sounds all sci-fi-y, and neater than Space Witchcraft. But call it whatever, it’s basically Space and Witchcraft together. Spacecraft.

What is Space Worship?

Space Worship is the practice of worshiping and honoring Planets, Universes, Stars, and the like in a Pagan Path. You do not have to be Pagan to be a Witch and you do not have to be a Witch to be Pagan, which is why I have the craft and the worship as separate things. In my own personal path I combine the two, but do what feels good for you and your path.

Keep reading

Tags :

Color Magick


Ways you can use Color Magick

When choosing your outfit for the day

When picking out a candle for your spell and ritual

Candle Magick

Painting or Drawing

To add intention to your writing










Magickal Uses:





Black Magick Repelling

Banishing negative energy







Wards off negativity

Spirit Contact

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:


Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:


Week Day correspondence: Tuesday + Saturday

Direction: North








Magickal Uses:

House Blessing

Animal Magick

Pet Magick

Earth Magick

To influence Friendships

Element: Earth 

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:



Direction: North 





Magickal Uses:

Business and financial success 

Money Drawing


Career Growth










Magickal Uses



Good Health

Healing Spells

Solar Magick

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Sun

Week Day correspondence: Sunday

Direction: South








Magickal Uses

Removes negative influences

Increases Knowledge

Inspires Transformation

Communication with the faerie realm

Vision Quests

Planet: Moon

Direction: West














Unbiased Opinion



Magickal Uses:

Eliminates negative energy

Creates inner peace



Moon Magick



Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Fool

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:



Associated Chakra: Crown 

Week Day correspondence: Monday

Direction: East







Magickal Uses:

Moon Magick

Astral Energy



Psychic Awareness


Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Moon

Week Day correspondence: Monday

Direction: East 















Magickal Uses:

Money Spells

Herbal Magick

Garden Magick

Luck drawing

Faerie magick

Plant magick

Money drawing

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Empress

The Lovers

The Hermit 



Element: Earth

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:





Associated Chakra: Heart

Week Day correspondence: Thursday

Direction: North 


















Magickal uses:

Removing Bad Vibrations

Astral projection

Water element

Emotional Work

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The High Priestess

The Emperor 

The Hanged Man



Element: Water 

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:







Associated Chakra: Throat 

Week Day correspondence: Thursday 

Direction: West 







Magickal Uses:

Contact with spirits

Good fortune

Prophetic visions



Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Heirophant 

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:







Associated Chakra: Brow

Week Day correspondence: Wednesday + Thursday

Direction: East









Self Love



New Beginnings


Magical Uses:

Brings forth new beginnings

Attracts romance

Attracts new friendship

Encourages self love

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Empress

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:

Venus influencing Mars

Week Day correspondence: Friday 

Direction: South








Fire element











Magickal Uses:

Helps find love

Fire Element Work


Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Emperor 

The Tower


Element: Fire 

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:



Mars influencing Saturn

Associated Chakra: Root

Week Day correspondence: Tuesday 

Direction: South


















Magickal Uses:

Business success

Spirit communication

Relieves Depression

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Lovers 

The Wheel of Fortune

The Sun

Element: Fire

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:




Associated Chakra: Sacral 

Week Day correspondence: Tuesday + Wednesday

Direction: South 












Air element






Improves balance







Magickal Uses: 

Sun Magick

Increases productivity

Heightens Self-Esteem

Psychic Endeavors

Correspondences to the Major Arcana:

The Fool

The Magician 


The Sun

Element: Air

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:




Associated Chakra: Solar-Plexus 

Week Day correspondence: Sunday

Direction: East


May the Moon Light your path!

Moonlight Academy  

Tags :

Color Magick


Ways you can use Color Magick

When choosing your outfit for the day

When picking out a candle for your spell and ritual

Candle Magick

Painting or Drawing

To add intention to your writing










Magickal Uses:





Black Magick Repelling

Banishing negative energy







Wards off negativity

Spirit Contact

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:


Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:


Week Day correspondence: Tuesday + Saturday

Direction: North








Magickal Uses:

House Blessing

Animal Magick

Pet Magick

Earth Magick

To influence Friendships

Element: Earth 

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:



Direction: North 





Magickal Uses:

Business and financial success 

Money Drawing


Career Growth










Magickal Uses



Good Health

Healing Spells

Solar Magick

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Sun

Week Day correspondence: Sunday

Direction: South








Magickal Uses

Removes negative influences

Increases Knowledge

Inspires Transformation

Communication with the faerie realm

Vision Quests

Planet: Moon

Direction: West














Unbiased Opinion



Magickal Uses:

Eliminates negative energy

Creates inner peace



Moon Magick



Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Fool

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:



Associated Chakra: Crown 

Week Day correspondence: Monday

Direction: East







Magickal Uses:

Moon Magick

Astral Energy



Psychic Awareness


Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Moon

Week Day correspondence: Monday

Direction: East 















Magickal Uses:

Money Spells

Herbal Magick

Garden Magick

Luck drawing

Faerie magick

Plant magick

Money drawing

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Empress

The Lovers

The Hermit 



Element: Earth

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:





Associated Chakra: Heart

Week Day correspondence: Thursday

Direction: North 


















Magickal uses:

Removing Bad Vibrations

Astral projection

Water element

Emotional Work

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The High Priestess

The Emperor 

The Hanged Man



Element: Water 

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:







Associated Chakra: Throat 

Week Day correspondence: Thursday 

Direction: West 







Magickal Uses:

Contact with spirits

Good fortune

Prophetic visions



Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Heirophant 

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:







Associated Chakra: Brow

Week Day correspondence: Wednesday + Thursday

Direction: East









Self Love



New Beginnings


Magical Uses:

Brings forth new beginnings

Attracts romance

Attracts new friendship

Encourages self love

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Empress

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:

Venus influencing Mars

Week Day correspondence: Friday 

Direction: South








Fire element











Magickal Uses:

Helps find love

Fire Element Work


Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Emperor 

The Tower


Element: Fire 

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:



Mars influencing Saturn

Associated Chakra: Root

Week Day correspondence: Tuesday 

Direction: South


















Magickal Uses:

Business success

Spirit communication

Relieves Depression

Correspondence to the Major Arcana:

The Lovers 

The Wheel of Fortune

The Sun

Element: Fire

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:




Associated Chakra: Sacral 

Week Day correspondence: Tuesday + Wednesday

Direction: South 












Air element






Improves balance







Magickal Uses: 

Sun Magick

Increases productivity

Heightens Self-Esteem

Psychic Endeavors

Correspondences to the Major Arcana:

The Fool

The Magician 


The Sun

Element: Air

Planetary and Astrological Correspondences:




Associated Chakra: Solar-Plexus 

Week Day correspondence: Sunday

Direction: East


May the Moon Light your path!

Moonlight Academy  

Tags :

Salt & Witchcraft


Salt is a go to ingredient that witches seem to use abundantly.

Salt and it’s historical uses

In Germany, Normandy, and Scotland salt was sprinkled around a butter churn to keep witches from souring the butter or hurting the cow whose milk was used to make the butter.

An Irish folk remedy called upon the use of salt as well as the reciting of the lords prayer to get cure ‘faerie-struck’ children. Similar to the way the Bavarian and Ukrainian people used to figure out if a child had been bewitched.

Egyptian Caravans that were preparing to cross the desert would perform a ritual that involved burning salt on hot coals in order to prevent evil spirits nothing the travelers as well as to ensure a safe passage.

Provided protection from witches, witchcraft, demons, and the evil eye.

Salt and it’s uses in Witchcraft

Salt in general is used in ritual purification, magickal protections, and blessings.

Some witches place salt in the four corners of the room before casting.

Used in purification spells.

Used to symbolize earth, one of the elements, on your altar or when you are casting. Sea salt may be used as the element water due to the fact that it came from the sea.  

Used in the Witches Bottle

Can be used as an offering to the Gods.

Some people associate it with wealth, prosperity, and good luck.

Is an ingredient used often and abundantly in Kitchen Magick.

Creates a magickal, protective barrier.


Throw salt to ward off malevolent spirits and energies.

Repels many types of evil.

Absorbs psychic energies.

Place in your bath to cleanse and rid negativity. (Epsom Salt)

Salt and it’s superstitions

If someone spills the salt at dinner, it means a violent family quarrel is on the way.

It’s considered bad luck to lend salt to someone, because that can lead to a feud between the borrower and the lender. A good way to avoid this problem is if you get a cup of salt from someone, pay it back with sugar or molasses instead. Interestingly, in parts of northern England and Scotland it is also seen as bad luck to lend salt, mostly because the person borrowing it can use it as a magical link to curse you.

Salt can also be used to detect the presence of witches: in the Ozarks, it is believed that witches don’t eat much salt, so if someone complains about food being too salty, she might be regarded with suspicion. There is also a tale that bewitched cattle will not touch salt.

If you spill salt you must through it over your shoulder to bring you good luck and to keep evil at bay.

Types of salt and there properties

Himalayan Salt: Is commonly used for protection, especially around the home and against malevolent spirits. Also used to purify and to get rid of any negative energies. Used in spells to release from attachment. It has gentle, but strong grounding and centering energies. Brings prosperity and abundance into a home. Promotes love, happiness, and friendship.

Black Salt: Is used mainly for protection. Absorbs and contains any negativity. Can be used for hexing too. It drives away evil and protects your home and belongings. Use it to create boundaries with your enemies. Wardings, undoings, uncrossings, binding work, journeying to the afterlife, honoring the crone, and many other workings use black salt. Black salt can also be used to return curses and negative energies back to it’s caster. Working with the dark moon.

Sea Salt: Sacred to water deities and used often in Sea Witchcraft.  Make herbal salt scrubs. Used to consecrate. Commonly used to make magick circles. Used for protection as well. Can be used in curses. It is associated with purity, protection, purification, and blessings.


What is the most common way you incorporate salt into your craft?

May the moon light your path!

==Moonlight Academy==

Tags :

Reading A Candle

Reading A Candle

Watch your candles closely and learn to read them to help you with your practice.

The Flame

A strong flame: It means that your energies are raised. There is a lot of power behind your spell and little to no resistance. Indicates that all your power and energy is focused on your manifestation. This is a good sign. If a candle shaped into a figure is used and has a strong flame it means that whoever it represents is either angry, winning, or using authority over another. When their are two figures the candle with the higher flame has authority over the other person.   

A weak flame: Indicates that the magick you cast is facing a heavy opposition and is a sign that you may need to recast your spell in order to overcome the opposing force. On a figure candle this may indicate that the representative may be loosing a battle or an argument. 

A jumping flame: This indicates strong emotions. There may also be some sort of resistance against you. Maybe close your circle and bring your mind back to focus before continuing. It may also mean an explosion of energy. When two figure candles are being used it often means that an energetic or a heated argument is taking place between them.  

A noisy candle: Indicates a conversation. It may may that a spirit is trying to send you a message or get in contact with you. The louder the noises get the more urgent communication must be. 

The flame catches something on fire: Someone one may be using malicious magick against you.  

A clean even burning candle: Means your spell and manifestations are likely to come true.

Fast Burn: The results of your spell will happen quickly.

Flickering Flame: If there is no breeze then it means a spirit is near by. If it is a devotional flame it means you were able to get in contact with your deity.

Cannot blow the flame out: A spirit may not be finished its conversation with you or you did not complete a spell. The spirit needs to complete its work, something may be may in the works that you do not want to interrupt. 

A flame goes out while burning: This means the spirits cannot help you and the answer you seek is already determined.  

The Smoke

Black smoke/soot: Your energy and magick is being blocked. Negative energy is being sent your way, whether as a curse or hex. You may soon be faced with tough challenges and a hard road ahead of you. 

Smoke wafts towards you: It means your call will likely be answered or your spell has been cast successfully. You will get results quickly.

Smoke wafts away from you: You must work harder in order for your calls to be answered.

Watch the direction the smoke wafts: East - Something powerful is assisting you, North - You are ready to begin your ritual and get results, South - The spell will be successful, West - A powerful interference from an outside force.

Smoking Candle: Negative energy is being burned away.

The Wax

When a candle leaves wax residue: Your spell may need to be repeated.

Look for symbols in the candle wax, like reading tea leaves.


May the Moon light you path!

☾ Moonlight Academy ☽ 

Tags :



What is a familiar? A familiar is an animal whom you have a spiritual connection with. A witches companion. You call upon them to help you with your practices. They can be physical or spiritual beings. They are healers and guardians but above all, a loyal companion. Provides the witch with psychic protection as well as negative energy. They do not have to be your ‘pet,’ any animal that you use symbols of can also be your familiar but on a more spiritual level. Animals are chosen as a familiar because of their connection with nature and innocence. They protect on many spiritual levels as well as the home and property of the witch. They become able to communicate together in dreams and during meditation.     

History of Familiars In Europe during the witch hunts familiars were thought of at demon like entities sent to do a witches bidding. It was believed that they were cats, dogs, and toads possessed by demons. Thus, during the witch hunt era many animals were hunted and slaughtered because of their connection with witches. Familiars were supposedly given to the Witches from by the Devil. It was believed that they were fed from the witches blood.

In some Scandinavian countries familiars were thought of as fearies, elves, pixies, dwarves, sprites, and elements of nature.

In shamanistic practices the familiar is in fact not a physical being rather it is a spiritual entity. It protects in the astral plane and from any psychic attacks.

In England and Scotland familiars took form of toads.

Familiar Misconceptions:

Not every witch has a familiar. In fact some are quite happy working alone. Some witches may even be allergic.

Cats are not the only animal used as a familiar.

No familiars are not possessed by demons or the devil.

Not all pets are familiars!

Types of animals to used as familiars: 

Any animal can be used as a familiar! The most common are cats (especially black) and dogs.

How you know it is your familiar and not just a pet:

It chose you.

You have a bond on a spiritual level.

You put more trust in it then anyone/anything else.

Takes an active role in your rituals.

Sits politely while you are casting being sure not to be a bother.

Loves to lounge in your magick work space.

You feel a boost of energy whenever they are near you.

Watches the window constantly watching for any unwelcome beings. 

Trails you like a shadow.

Hates to be separated from you

How to find your Familiar:

Cast a spell to bring clarity on your familiar.

Meditate on it.

Ask a form of divination about finding you familiar.

Ways to bond with your Familiar:

Provide it with a collar, halter, leash, etc that has protective crystals and herb sachets sewn into it. 

Carry a piece of a NATURALLY shed item from your familiar in a sachet or tied together with ribbon.

Provide them with the best food and housing you can afford.

Always place them before yourself.

Spend lots of time together.

Provide them with their own protection.

Speak to it.

Brush or stoke it. 

Treat them and reward them for their help.

Treat them with the kindness they deserve.

Honor them.

Provide them with an altar.

Give them offerings.

Familiar uses: 

Provide you with physical and spiritual protection.

Provide you the uttermost loyalty and respect

Benefits your emotional well being.

 Helps you connect with nature.

Enhances are physical and psychic abilities.

Protects home and property.

When to work with a Familiar:

When you want to attune with nature


Healing magick


Astral travelling 



Spirit communication

Welcome them to join you when power is being raised and spells are cast. 

Respect a Familiar deserves:

Let it accompany you on its own accord and make sure it is willing to participate, NEVER force them to join in on a ritual. They are very sensitive to psychic power and vibrations. Treat them with kindness and the same respect you would give to a human being. Be sure to treat them as an equal and not something you own. This is very important if you want to create and maintain a connection with your familiar. Familiars are living beings and should never be treated like an athame, candle or an object for spell casting. Make sure to be cautious with the type of tools you are using during your casting with a familiar. Be cautious of candles or any toxic herbs!   

Names for familiars:

Instead of you choosing a name for them, ask them what their true name is.


What type of Familiar do you have?

I have a horse and a cat as my familiar! 

May the moon light your path!

☾ Moonlight Academy☽  


Tags :

“I’m a baby witch! What do I start learning?”

Here’s a quick-and-dirty list of things that I think sets up a good foundation for someone moving forward with magic work and why. They’re also in order of what I think is best approached first. (For a time reference, I recommend the whole thing taking at LEAST a year, but individual steps and overall length will vary in each person.)

Learn basic magical theory. What is happening when you cast a spell? What is grounding? How do correspondences work? Why is X step or tool important? Learn about what it is you’re doing before diving into actual casting. Have a basic grip on how it works. 

Some form of divination, even if it’s something as simple as a pendulum. Other people won’t always be there to help you answer questions, validate your interpretation of something, or offer direction. Having some form of divination under your belt helps you avoid dependency on other people. You can more easily answer your own questions, check your own intuition, and take matters into your own hands.

Protection and Cleansing. No matter what path you go down or what type of magic you end up doing, these are two things that every magic worker needs to know how to do, and know how to do it well. They also tend to be fairly straightforward to learn. Cleanse your space, cleanse yourself, cleanse that object, cleanse your grandma. Then protect them. Learn how to set up wards and shields, which brings us to….

Basic energy work. You’ve probably already run into it a lot by this point and it’s fine if you’ve already picked up some things. But now is the time to really focus on it and get comfortable with it. Learn how to confidently sense what’s around you and interact with it, fix gaps in your wards and shields, project your intent into things, you get the idea. Energy work will always be there in a pinch and requires no materials besides your body, and is extremely versatile. Plus, most paths really require at least a base-level understanding of it these days. Can’t hurt.

Start honing your specific path. Here’s where the cookbooks, the old graveyards, the skulls on the shelf, the fairy figurines start really coming into play. If you have an idea of what sort of path you’d like to follow, start really getting into the meat of it! What does it look like? What are the first steps to that type of magic? If for now you’re still eclectic or aren’t sure, then just read what interests you or try more advanced general spells than you have so far.

Go back and do it all again. That’s right. You can also put time into your path or your regular research, but go back and pick up those old books from step one. Read the old articles. Return to the basics and see how your views have become more nuanced, or how you disagree. What details flew over your head the first time? Can you pick up a new form of divination or try something new with your main form? Could those wards and shields be stronger? You get the idea. Once you’ve revisited it, you should have a really solid foundation that will help you no matter what direction you take next!

Other stuff to study on the side: Local folklore, mythology, and types of spirits. You may not want to work with spirits, but sometimes spirits want to work with you! So it’s good to have an idea of what to do if they pop up.  What plants grow in your area? What‘s edible? What is used in healing?  What plants are NOT edible in your area? What’s poisonous?

If you think there’s another important step that you recommend that I didn’t include, feel free to add it! :)

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