Bells - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Lat friday me and my friends watched the Polar Express. Here are few things that happened:

My one friend called that ticketman guy “mr Stalin”

(Btw, this guy is way too stressed about this whole punctuality, he lost all his hair.)

All of us started to talk about laws of physics when Santa took off with the gifts.

Btw, I love Santa’s design (and his voice in Polish dubbing)

I had one problem- in polish version did they really had to change the names of locations other than north pole? Seriously? I mean, suddenly Malbork was in New York.

Oh, and that elf that took back the gift was hella creepy, all my friends agreed.

When Santa disappeared with the gifts another friend : “Santa’s dead”

Oh, and he also said that that big square with Christmas tree looked like Red Square.

My favorite character in this movie will always be the “train-ghost-guy”

It’s funny for me how the only name we get to know in the movie is that of Billy’s and Sarah’s.

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4 years ago

One of the instences that Game of Thrones had really good dialog:

"I've always hated the bells. They ring for horror, a dead king, a city under siege."

But GRRM not only keeps it up with bells meaning nothing good, he constantly reminds us that they are a form of warning to something to come. And it’s rarely something good.

Arya Before Neds Death // Danaerys Before Drogos Death // Patchface // Cersei During Her Walk Of Shame
Arya Before Neds Death // Danaerys Before Drogos Death // Patchface // Cersei During Her Walk Of Shame
Arya Before Neds Death // Danaerys Before Drogos Death // Patchface // Cersei During Her Walk Of Shame
Arya Before Neds Death // Danaerys Before Drogos Death // Patchface // Cersei During Her Walk Of Shame
Arya Before Neds Death // Danaerys Before Drogos Death // Patchface // Cersei During Her Walk Of Shame
Arya Before Neds Death // Danaerys Before Drogos Death // Patchface // Cersei During Her Walk Of Shame
Arya Before Neds Death // Danaerys Before Drogos Death // Patchface // Cersei During Her Walk Of Shame
Arya Before Neds Death // Danaerys Before Drogos Death // Patchface // Cersei During Her Walk Of Shame
Arya Before Neds Death // Danaerys Before Drogos Death // Patchface // Cersei During Her Walk Of Shame
Arya Before Neds Death // Danaerys Before Drogos Death // Patchface // Cersei During Her Walk Of Shame

arya before ned’s death // danaerys before drogo’s death // patchface // cersei during her walk of shame // catelyn at the red wedding // patchface again // the ghost of high heart giving a prophecy // jon connington

what does it mean

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Bells might just be the earliest form of superstitious practise that I remember. My baba attached three sakura-patterned suzu bells on my schoolbag as a kid, purportedly for good luck and protection from evil spirits – and Japan is far from the only place to have associated bells and bellringing with mystic practise. They’ve been used worldwide to ward off evil and carry messages – and in a more metaphysical sense, sound is the movement of energy through substance. Sounds have the potential to work powerful magic.

Here are some of the ways I’ve found utilising bells to be helpful to my craft. While I’m more likely to use traditional suzu type bells, your own background, path and culture will likely have its own types of bells – and as ever, bells can be ornate antiques or they can be a bottle cap in a tin can, as long as they’re used with intent.


🔔 As with so much of the craft, if you’re new to the witching bell, it’s a matter of exploration and experimentation. Get a “feel” for what works for you and the specific bell you’re using.

🔔 It’s good practise to ensure that the bell itself is cleansed, warded and protected – you don’t want anything nasty tapping into that power. All witching tools can do as much harm as good, intentional or accidental.

🔔 A good way to begin incorporating bells into your craft is infuse them into any typical ritual that you’re comfortable with, or even just a prayer or moment of contemplation at your altar if you have one.

🔔 Give the bell a soft ring while focusing on the energy it’ll ripple and move, try to track the movements it creates and what it touches. The tone it’s sending out.  The most primal and versatile use of the bell – and what many of the below come down to – is simply another manner of physically channelling energy, giving it shape and direction.


🔔 “Passive” bells such as windchimes or small bells attached to belongings you don’t want disturbed are a starting point. They will scare off some forms of spirit all by themselves, especially if appropriately blessed, charmed or enchanted. Or cursed.

🔔 Gently tolling can draw energy into a ward or circle you are forming and enforce its protective properties, or for a simple cleanse, letting the sound travel to every corner of the area you are protecting. It’s a little more “cutting” than a smoke or incense cleansing, which I view as more “gentle” forms of cleansing. Both have their uses.

🔔 Harder tolling is, in my opinion, one of the most powerful ways in which to enforce a banishing – however, it’s best to you know what you’re doing with the bell before you go bashing it about.


🔔 Bells can have quite the effect on your perception and awareness. Ringing and then stopping, listening to the silence left in its wake, can bring you new perceptions or make things you’d previously missed obvious. Let it attune your mind and senses to something new, whether that’s in your thoughts or something with a little more presence. Visualise travelling with the sound, taking heed of the energies it touches and disturbs. Take note of the echoes – you’ll learn what they mean with experience.

🔔 A set of windchimes can let you know if something is passing through or if there’s some unusual energy afoot – and, yes, it may also just be letting you know that it’s a particularly breezy day, but that’s witchcraft for you.


🔔 This can be as simple as calling good energies to witching tools, spell jars, tarot decks, crystals, altars and shrines, your favourite teddy bar, anything at all.

🔔 With spirit work, it can truly help to magnify your “calling”. This can range from gently bringing your latest offering to the attention of your friendly neighbourhood house spirit – all the way to trying to catch the attention of something more. Be mindful, however. As I said, I consider bells pretty powerful tools and a call that’s too loud is not good spirit work practise for the spirit worker’s own sake. It can really help coax something out of hiding if you’re gentle with it, though.


🔔 Some use bells to mark the beginning and end of a ritual, and I’ve read that in Wiccan practise an altar bell can be used to invoke the Goddess, although as a non-Wiccan, I’ll welcome corrections on that if I’m wrong.

🔔 In my experience, very simple forms of communication via bell work a lot better than anything too complex – “come here” and “stay away” have already been covered, and other than that they can serve as greetings or signals of a start or end of some practise or ritual, the opening or closing of a door, etc.

🔔 They can also serve as a warning or a litmus test regarding spirits, a signalling of your presence and awareness, lack of fear, or willingness to defend – but be prepared to deal with whatever responses these garner.


🔔 Bindings are where you most often see that famous (clockwise) circular motion of the bell, embodying the meaning of the spell. This can be a simple binding to seal a spell or charm or enchantment, or a spirit-binding.

🔔 Personally, spirit-binding is something I do as little as possible simply due to my beliefs holding the autonomy of spirits in very high regard. However, sometimes situations arise that call for it, and I’m aware that not all bindings are unwilling. Far from it – and some spirits are dangerous when unbound.

🔔 As an animist (believing that all things, including inanimate objects, contain a spirit of their own), I consider gently nudging a spirit back into its physical form a sort of semi-binding, and that can be useful.

I’ll leave you all with a note that I am an urban apartment-dwelling witch through and through, so I understand that we can’t all be jangling away at all hours. I myself have a glass windchime in my front window that makes a distinct but muted sound when disturbed by passers-through, and highly recommend wooden ones also. I also only use my small and relatively quiet suzu bell for my crafting – one given to me by my baba herself.

Feel free to add any of your own findings, and happy tolling.

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11 years ago

I'm off shaking trees for fruit and Bells, digging up fossils, and fishing from my river... I got the new Animal Crossing. Just sayin'. Maybe it'll give me reasons to post more frequently.

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6 years ago
@mrskrazy's Jester Boy. Be Nice To Him, He's A Good Sad Shy Boy!
@mrskrazy's Jester Boy. Be Nice To Him, He's A Good Sad Shy Boy!

@mrskrazy's jester boy. Be nice to him, he's a good sad shy boy!

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We'll Uncover The Enchanting World Of Bells In Witchcraft In Today's Topic. Bells Are Utilized For Cleansing,

We'll uncover the enchanting world of bells in witchcraft in today's topic. Bells are utilized for cleansing, protection, summoning spirits, and enhancing rituals. Let's look into their rich history, deep symbolism, and practical applications in magic. Warning, this is a bit of a long post, be prepared to read :)

What are Witch(es) Bells?

Magical bells are small, often ornate instruments used in witchcraft to produce sound vibrations that carry specific intentions. These bells can be made of various materials such as brass, bronze, or silver, and they often feature intricate designs and symbols. The clear, resonant tones of bells are believed to carry powerful vibrations that can cleanse, protect, and communicate with the spiritual realm.

Historical and Symbolic Significance

Historical Roots:

The use of bells in spiritual and religious practices dates back thousands of years. They have been used in ceremonies across many cultures, including ancient Greece, Rome, China, and India, to invoke deities, ward off evil spirits, and mark sacred time.

By the Middle Ages, bells were commonly used in churches and monasteries throughout Asia and Europe. They were believed to scare away evil spirits with their loud sounds.

In modern witchcraft, bells are often used as tools for spiritual protection and purification. They may be rung at the start of a ritual to clear the space of negative energies or to signal the end of a ritual. Bells are also used to call forth the spirit of a deity or to invoke the elements.


Sound and Vibration: Bells symbolize the power of sound and vibration, which can influence energy fields, cleanse spaces, and elevate spiritual awareness. The word "bell" translates to mean "to roar" or "to make a loud noise" (think bellow)

Divine Masculine and Feminine Energy: The significance of male and female anatomy in the use of bells in witchcraft is rooted in symbolism. The bell’s body is often seen as representing the anatomy of a female, while the clapper represents the anatomy of a male. This symbolism extends to the idea of the bell’s body representing the womb and the clapper representing a child within. This union of male and female elements is believed to create a powerful protective amulet. The combination of these elements symbolizes the unity between yin and yang, male and female, and the Divine Masculine and Feminine. This balance and harmony are considered essential in many magical practices and rituals. This unity creates powerful and protective energies.


Bells are often seen as tools for communication with the divine, spirits, and otherworldly beings. Their sound is believed to transcend physical boundaries and reach the spiritual realm.


The ringing of bells is thought to drive away negative energies and entities, creating a protective barrier around the practitioner and their space.

Choosing and Consecrating Your Bell

Choosing Your Bell:

Select a bell that resonates with you both visually and audibly. The tone should be pleasing to your ear and evoke a sense of peace or power. Consider the material and craftsmanship, as these can influence the bell’s energy and effectiveness. Many bells are made with iron, brass, bronze, aluminum, or "bell metal", which is ~75% copper and ~25% tin to help make a sturdy, long-lasting bell that also produces a resonant sound.

We'll Uncover The Enchanting World Of Bells In Witchcraft In Today's Topic. Bells Are Utilized For Cleansing,
We'll Uncover The Enchanting World Of Bells In Witchcraft In Today's Topic. Bells Are Utilized For Cleansing,

Consecrating Your Bell:

Cleansing: Cleanse your bell to remove any unwanted energies. This can be done by passing it through incense smoke, sprinkling it with salt water, or placing it under moonlight. If you choose to use saltwater, be sure to dry it thoroughly as the type of metal of your bell could tarnish if the water remains on it over time. Be mindful! :) Charging: Hold your bell and focus on your intentions. Visualize it being filled with your energy and purpose. Blessing: Recite a blessing or incantation. For example, "I consecrate this bell to serve as a tool of cleansing, protection, and communication in my magical workings." This is just an example of a way to perform a blessing or consecration of this item for your practice. You are welcome to adjust this to your practice. It is best to make clear your intentions for the use of the objects in your magickal toolbox such as these bells.

Practical Uses of Bells in Witchcraft

Cleansing and Purification:

Ring your bell to cleanse and purify your space. The sound vibrations can dispel negative energies and create a harmonious environment. Walk through your space, ringing the bell, and visualize the sound waves sweeping away stagnant energy.


Use your bell to create a protective barrier around your home or sacred space. Ring it at the entrances and corners while setting the intention of protection and safety.

Ritual Enhancement:

Incorporate the bell into your rituals to mark the beginning and end, or to signify transitions between different stages. The sound can help to focus your mind and elevate the ritual atmosphere.

Summoning and Invocation:

Bells can be used to summon spirits, deities, or elemental energies. Ring your bell to call upon the entities you wish to work with, inviting them into your space with respect and reverence.

Meditation and Focus:

Ring your bell before meditation to clear your mind and set the tone for a focused, serene session. The sound can help to shift your consciousness and deepen your meditative state.

We'll Uncover The Enchanting World Of Bells In Witchcraft In Today's Topic. Bells Are Utilized For Cleansing,
We'll Uncover The Enchanting World Of Bells In Witchcraft In Today's Topic. Bells Are Utilized For Cleansing,

Cord and Knot Magic:

Use the bell in cord and knot magic to charge your cords or knots with sound vibrations. Ring the bell as you tie each knot, infusing it with your intention and the bell’s energy.

Caring for Your Bell

Regular Cleansing:

Regularly cleanse your bell to maintain its energy. Use the same methods as when you first consecrated it.


Store your bell in a safe, sacred place, such as on your altar or in a special box. Treat it with respect as a powerful tool in your practice.


Your bell is a sacred tool. Avoid using it for mundane purposes or allowing others to handle it without permission.

We'll Uncover The Enchanting World Of Bells In Witchcraft In Today's Topic. Bells Are Utilized For Cleansing,

Bells are magical tools that harness the power of sound and vibration to cleanse, protect, and communicate. By incorporating bells into your practice, you can elevate your rituals, create sacred spaces, and connect with the spiritual realm. Use them with intention and respect, and their enchanting tones will guide and support you on your magical journey.

[working on some info updates, will add sources/citations when finished! thank you for your patience.]

Share your experiences and tips with using bells in the comments. Let's continue to learn and grow together! 💜

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11 years ago
#bells (at Mississippi Agriculture & Forestry Museum)

#bells (at Mississippi Agriculture & Forestry Museum)

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11 years ago
Here Are The Six I Made For Family Members, Themed Along Different Christmas Motifs. Specifically Bells,
Here Are The Six I Made For Family Members, Themed Along Different Christmas Motifs. Specifically Bells,
Here Are The Six I Made For Family Members, Themed Along Different Christmas Motifs. Specifically Bells,
Here Are The Six I Made For Family Members, Themed Along Different Christmas Motifs. Specifically Bells,
Here Are The Six I Made For Family Members, Themed Along Different Christmas Motifs. Specifically Bells,
Here Are The Six I Made For Family Members, Themed Along Different Christmas Motifs. Specifically Bells,

Here are the six I made for family members, themed along different Christmas motifs. Specifically bells, ice, baubles, candles, nuts and oranges (traditional stocking contents) and the Star of Bethlehem.

Originally these were going to be A8, and basically just tags to go on presents, but I got a little carried away and ended up painting twelve A6 watercolours all together. It was a lot of work right before Christmas, but I finished them in time!

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8 months ago

Back when everyday objects were crafted artistically.

Animal-shaped Bells By Fatimahandicraft
Animal-shaped Bells By Fatimahandicraft
Animal-shaped Bells By Fatimahandicraft
Animal-shaped Bells By Fatimahandicraft

animal-shaped bells by Fatimahandicraft

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1 year ago

I'm playing in a Christmas D&D oneshot where all the players are people striking against Santa. My character is cleric who has scalemail, and we retextured it to be extra padded and furred clothes that has a bunch of bells tied to them because they're a flight risk

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11 years ago
Ringing Bells At Wat Traimit Wittayarama In Bangkok, Thailand

Ringing bells at Wat Traimit Wittayarama in Bangkok, Thailand

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1 year ago


I like animals very much, I respect and love them, many of them are great “people”. And this calf stole my heart, looked me in the eye and thought something I’ll never know. But what I would really like to know, or not…Location: Bescaran, Alt Urgell, Catalonia, Southern Europe. Fine Art Prints


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