Bushes - Tumblr Posts

Rugosa rose, beach rose, Japanese rose, Ramanas rose, or letchberry (lat. Rósa rugósa).
A sprawling shrub, whose petals, unlike the common rosehip, have not a smooth, but a grooved surface.
The flowers have a strong fragrance, similar to the smell of a rose, and bees can often be seen on them.🐝
The petals of this plant are harvested to make jam, jelly, and syrup, as a flavoring agent for marmalade, jellies and other desserts. They also contain a large amount of essential oil, which has astringent, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects.🌺
Шиповник морщинистый (лат. Rósa rugósa). Раскидистый кустарник, чьи лепестки в отличие от шиповника обыкновенного, имеют не гладкую, а рифлёную поверхность. У цветов сильный аромат, схожий с запахом розы, часто на них можно увидеть пчёл.🐝 Лепестки данного растения собирают для изготовления варенья, киселя, сиропа, в качестве ароматизатора для мармелада, желе и других десертов. В них также содержится большое количество эфирного масла, которое оказывает вяжущее, бактерицидное и противовоспалительное действие.🌺

July 2024
The fruits of the garland thorn, Christ's thorn (лат. Paliurus spina-christi) ripen, the shrub that I mentioned earlier💫 can be read at the link👇
Созревают костянки держидерева или держидерево тернии Христа (лат. Paliurus spina-christi), кустарника, о котором ранее упоминала💫 можно почитать по ссылке👇

made a lil' tutorial for how I approach drawing bushes. I use this same general process for drawing grass too!
used a basic round brush btw! for those who want to know what brush I use
also to elaborate a bit for what happens between step 5 and 6, it's really just repeating the process of colorpicking and making marks, I don't know how to explain it I'm sorry asdhfljh
also also would like to mention that it's important to check your values and make sure you have enough contrast! make sure your light/mid/darks are clear
Boston Natural Stone Pavers Landscape

Photo of a mid-sized rustic backyard stone landscaping.

San Francisco Landscape Retaining Walls Inspiration for a huge traditional full sun hillside mulch retaining wall landscape in spring.

San Francisco Landscape Retaining Walls Inspiration for a huge traditional full sun hillside mulch retaining wall landscape in spring.

San Francisco Landscape Retaining Walls Inspiration for a huge traditional full sun hillside mulch retaining wall landscape in spring.

San Francisco Landscape Retaining Walls Inspiration for a huge traditional full sun hillside mulch retaining wall landscape in spring.
Rustic Patio New York

Large mountain style backyard stone patio photo with a fire pit and a pergola

People who know about plants, what is this? It’s not in full leaf yet and is a bush outside my apartment. I thiiiink it has white flowers but I’m not sure at the moment. I am hideously allergic to something around here and this may be one of the culprits. Certainly I get really sick in the corner of my room that’s facing these (the pollen comes through the wall or something o_o). And by “sick” I mean “hospitalized after 14 days of migraine”. 8)

Traditional Landscape - Front Yard Inspiration for a huge traditional full sun front yard gravel formal garden in spring.
THE ORDER OF NATURE 20230816110689
The natural order of nature is naturally disordered. Trees, plants and bushes are never lined up or grouped by species, colors, heights or any other concept like in a supermarket. Nothing alters its “naturalness”, unless the human species lays its hand on it. Let’s not do it.Location: Alt Urgell, Catalonia, Southern Europe. Fine Art Prints

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This is Dolç, he is twelve years old and we adopted him when he was eight months old, just twenty days after he had been abandoned after being abused.He developed small epileptic attacks that have become less and less frequent over the years. Now he hardly has any.When we took him in he was very scared, you can tell he was hit and if you make a sudden movement that he doesn’t plan for he still…

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A small change in color can enhance an image exponentially. The branches were originally yellow and green, the place suffered with a frightening summer sun. I took the photograph because even though the light conditions were not the best, the scene still caught my attention. Today when I saw it again I thought that as it was it was not at all interesting, but I was still determined not to discard…

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In the mountains, especially above a certain height, weather changes can be sudden and strong. In this one, even though we weren’t very high up there, the fog suddenly fell on top of us.Location: Alt Penedès, Catalonia, Southern Europe. Fine Art Prints

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A peak in the High Pyrenees, surrounded by trees of different species and colors.Location: High Pyrenees, Andorra, Southern Europe. Fine Art Prints

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Los Angeles Gravel A picture of a sizable, drought-tolerant, full-sun, mid-century modern front yard gravel landscaping taken in the spring.
i only just now found out you had another blog,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

:) Compliment is appreciated, have a nice lunch in the next ask🌺