Carla Yeager - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago
" ' ... ...? , ' ?"

"๐™๐™š ๐™™๐™ค๐™š๐™จ๐™ฃ'๐™ฉ ๐™ฃ๐™š๐™š๐™™ ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™—๐™š๐™˜๐™ค๐™ข๐™š ๐™œ๐™ง๐™š๐™–๐™ฉ... ๐™ฌ๐™๐™ฎ ๐™™๐™ค๐™š๐™จ ๐™๐™š ๐™๐™–๐™ซ๐™š ๐™ฉ๐™ค ๐™—๐™š ๐™—๐™š๐™ฉ๐™ฉ๐™š๐™ง ๐™ฉ๐™๐™š๐™ฃ ๐™š๐™ซ๐™š๐™ง๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ฃ๐™š ๐™š๐™ก๐™จ๐™š...? ๐™Ÿ๐™ช๐™จ๐™ฉ ๐™ก๐™ค๐™ค๐™  ๐™–๐™ฉ ๐™๐™ž๐™ข, ๐™™๐™ค๐™ฃ'๐™ฉ ๐™ฎ๐™ค๐™ช ๐™จ๐™š๐™š ๐™๐™ค๐™ฌ ๐™˜๐™ช๐™ฉ๐™š ๐™๐™š ๐™ž๐™จ?"

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2 years ago

Attack On Titan Scouts on the dancefloor


Attack On Titan Scouts On The Dancefloor

You really think this man would get on the dancefloor? He wouldn't even want to go to the event in the first place. As soon as you ask him to dance, this man is running! There wasn't even any tea there!


Attack On Titan Scouts On The Dancefloor

Cue the Dad dancing. He didn't want to get on the dancefloor at first, but when you began begging him to he did. I'm not sure what you would expect but this man would have the ultimate Dad dance moves.


Attack On Titan Scouts On The Dancefloor

You wouldn't even have to ask her to go on the dancefloor, she's already there. And surprisingly sober, even dancing like that you would think she's a little drunk but she's not. She just goes for it and doesn't care what she looks like, she would ask you to join and would not stop for at least 3 hours.


Attack On Titan Scouts On The Dancefloor

He's not very smooth with the moves. A bit shy to dance with you at first, but gets a little bit tipsy and is up for it. He does not know how to dance. You just tell him to move his body to the music in any way he wants.


Attack On Titan Scouts On The Dancefloor

He's not afraid to do whatever his body tells him to do. In private when he's just with you, he love to dance slowly and savour the moment. However, give this man alcohol, be prepared.


Attack On Titan Scouts On The Dancefloor

Don't let his age deceive you! With the extra alcohol at the party, he's going mental. Break dancing everywhere and throwing crazy moves all over the place.


Attack On Titan Scouts On The Dancefloor

Who let this man in!? Everyone avoids him for pretty much the whole event apart from Carla. After only a few glasses of alcohol and this man is off doing god knows what. A huge embarrassment to Eren, Carla, you and everyone else there.


Attack On Titan Scouts On The Dancefloor

Tries to be sexy but just ends up embarrassing Eren. She gets bored after a while and drags you along to help her cater and hand out drinks to everyone.


Attack On Titan Scouts On The Dancefloor

She's so elegant! She dances with only you and Levi, maybe Kenny. Offers to help you with your dancing skills and always makes sure you have food or your drinks are topped up.


Attack On Titan Scouts On The Dancefloor

He said he could hold his alcohol well, 3 glasses later and here he is. He this is he looks really good and constantly flirts with you but he looks like an idiot that was not even invited to the party in the first place.


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3 years ago



in light of the last chapter of attack on titan coming on april 9th, i wanted to talk about the constant reoccurring theme of the story.

due to the vast amount of people, perspectives and interpretations vary. freedom is something everyone wants but have differing definitions of. when you first think of that word you may think of erenโ€™s true love, the opportunity to express yourself, to become whatever you want to be, and etc. attack on titan displays the various ideas of freedom.

admittedly, i could be wrong because my interpretation of these characters may be different from others.

eren yeager. FREEDOM !!! YEAAA !! but to him, what is freedom? at the start of the story, freedom is living with nothing holding you back, not living in fear of titans. but the existence of titans means never going beyond the walls, lions constantly peering over mice. but his idea of freedom changes after the kiss of true love.


a new understanding is gained. he is blinded by revenge. but is it his revenge or is it someone elseโ€™s? ymir, the slave to the king and now a slave to her own misfortune. driven by anger and vengeance of the world. why did she have to be ostracized? why did it have to be her? revenge is freedom in her mind.

carla yeager, a woman who believes that people are born special and not made special. she finds that freedom is being who you are. she doesnโ€™t seek something to make her special. when grisha and sadis talk about the โ€œspecialโ€ people in the scout regiment, carla scoffs. she portrays a mundane view of freedom.

erwin smith, a man who seeks the truth. what is freedom to him? avenging his father? atoning to the deaths he lead many to? no. itโ€™s to find out the realities of the world that was stripped from the people of the island. although he never fulfills his idea of freedom, he was able to rest. even if he had all of this need to understand, he accepts what he knows. is that freedom? is acceptance freedom? i donโ€™t know myself.

throughout the time when eren had the founding titan, ymir sees eren. ymir understands eren. i believe this story is to depict empathy, not mere sympathy. whether you agree with how eren or ymir or carla or any other characterโ€™s viewpoint on freedom, isayama wants you to understand. omg count how many times iโ€™ve used that word.

each character experiences different things, each character responds to things differently, and each character can be seen as human. the variations of people are depicted throughout characters of attack on titan.

the supposedly โ€œlast panelโ€ in the first picture above, is a man holding a child saying โ€œyou are freeโ€. there are lots of theories on who these people are, but the most interesting aspect, to me, is how that child is free.

in the end, what is freedom? what is it to you?

v <3

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2 years ago

ALT- AOT AU featuring a Titan Shifter Carla

So while searching for anything Titan Shifter Carla related early this morning, I found a Reddit Post called

"Carla Jaeger and the Basement"

It was from years ago before anything we know now of the planet and so on, and I love the time when everything was a question or theorised.

In this, there is a theory that Carla would know what was in the basement since it's HER HOUSE.

Another is that it's due to something about it that Carla also does not want Eren to join the Survey Corps.

It was theorised that she either knew what was down there, or did not, and it influenced her on the Survey Corps Decision.

Futher down the List into the comments, there's one theory from way back thinking that Carla could be herself a Titan Shifter. The one thing here is, she is supposidly a Pure Titan, and Grisha was researching into Titans, curious on something, possibly the Human Appearence of them.

If this theory were right, that would mean for this AU, Grisha finds some kind of compound Serum, that returns any Pure Titan into a Human, with maybe a second Dose that's a mix of one he's found to turn them into, making them gain the shifting ability, giving transformation at will.

This AUs' Carla would be aware then about her existence and what she was. Maybe Titans all together for it can be a Science experiment gone horribly wrong that someone spread enmasse.


This section is extra bits that I'm making myself since I'm loving this concept already, and can see a bit more.

In which case, maybe she remembers things from a different time.

Also in which case, if we look at Episode one, and if this was all intended and how the story went, Possibly Grisha would be a Scientist working for the King, but was Ordered to end experiments at regular threshholds due to maybe chaotic situations possibly getting out of hand.

Maybe one night when alone, he does manage to find some interesting Patterns within either Titan Blood, or he also gets a sample of the spinal fluid.

In which case...He develops the Formula, and manages to do it, be the one to discover after almost 2,000 years, and the rest of Humanity after having perishing, forgotten, or transforming, the cure for the Titans.

Carla would be a random stranger appearing in the walls, and is currently under supervison of Grisha who would probably be either panicking or flabbergasted at what happened, having turned a Titan Human.

If we go with the idea of something going wrong long ago, Carla could be aware of what it was, and relays information to Grisha.

With this knowledge, it terrifies Grisha, and makes him afraid to continue experiments any further, ย now knowing that a theory he hoped was maybe hogwash, was proven true after all.

They were all Humans. He had been killing Humans.

They were one of them.

And now he has to kill Carla.

But of course with the soul being visible in her eyes he just can't stomach the idea. this saving her.

Though this does create a Problem...How does he get her out? Does he risk just taking her outside and declaring her human now, that the TItan they dragged inside was now a Human woman? - Or had been from the start?

What could this cause exactly? ย He'd have to find some answers, so as not to risk this Carla becoming a casuality.

Now that the seemingly crackpot theroy was proven...what would happen?

This is the part I'm not sure of, though perhaps he sneaks her out somehow, giving her clothes of a worker in the dead of night, and escaping to somewhere within the inner walls.

Giving her at least a slight Origin, in reverse, similar to how Keith had found Grisha.

Keith ends up finding her the next Morning, as Grisha set's up a trail for her to follow back while he plans to meet her, playing her off as "An old friend from back when he was Younger."

The years go by as they slowly become more and more similar to their Canon counterparts in appearence, Carla becoming more aquainted with Humanity within the Walls' society, blending in with ease.

As for the probing of questions from the Central Government, possibly ends up with an unfavorable answer to a hypothetical.

Possibly to destroy any "Titan-Human" as they put it.

With the hope of possibly pleading Carlas' case gone, Grisha sulks back to his study in Shiganshina, depressed.

What does he do? This is a fantastic discovery, they can end this all, and he doesn't find it right to kill Titans anymore, now knowing they're Humans.

How many does he save? how often can he actually pull off what he did with Carla? It's bound to arrose sucpicion eventually...

He continues studying as much as he can with Titans coming in, being brought in by members of the Survey Corps, disturbing Carla, who would avoid them due to the look they gave the Titans, looking at them, and despising them, giving the obvious order to kill them after Grisha is done "Playing around."

Hange can be a friend of Grishas', hyper on wanting to share research and learn, though I don't know if Grisha shares this easily, or if at all.

As years go by, Grisha comes to learn things from Carla of the old world, how things once were, and that the area they're on is actually something she calls an "Island." A landmass, surrounded by a body of water, and that "Paradis" is quite small.

All this seemingly forbidden Knowledge amazes Grisha as the two essentially work together, and somehow over the years fall for one another.

Grisha keeps all his research within a seprate lab in the Basement of the house he buys for Carla and him, chockfull of much information on how to produce the serum, and how to administer, going over all failed attempts until one day, a breakthrough occured. A breakthrough that called herself "Carla."

He keeps it under lock and key, in order to avoid it getting shared out.among the others, keeping it from everyone.

Carla has assimilated into this version of Modern Human Society, which appears to lack anything of her time, even knowledge.

She's described as weird a bit, muttering on weird things sometimes, but others just find it a sympton of being around that weirdo from Trost.

One thing Grisha was unware of, however, was what would happen one day after he goes off to try and turn in some more notes, and requests. Maybe bring up the old issue jokingly, or expalin in an way that wouldn't risk giving him away.

Once he does return though...he sees the Chaos.


This part is even more playing around but is unfixed, as I am about to leave for the Flea Market.

Everywhere is destroyed, only a small amount of Humans are left, A handful, really. Speaking of a Giant Titan that had appeared outside the wall, breaking down the wall, leaving a massive hole in it.

Soon after that, Titans poured in, eating everyone left and right.

Then, a Titan that appears in Armor appears, busting down the door, while many others escaped. luckily on Boat.

But...why are these people here? where are the TItans? and how has that wall been plugged? That rock is massive!

He hoped Carla was able to escape all of this.

It is then, that someone grabs him finally by the throat, and demands an answer.

dragging Grisha over, while others plead to not hurt him, they don't want to risk pissing her off.


Sitting there, is a badly injured Carla Yeager, whose injuries are oddly starting to slowly heal it seems while Smoke billows off of her.

She's tied up, a mess, and has peculiar markings down her face.


As you can see, I somehow wrote out alot of this out of the top of my head, and have gone back to clean up as much as I can.

I just do not know what The Collosol and Armored Titan are in this case, perhaps Reiner and Bertholdt are just part of the old Experiments from 2,000 years ago, and after wandering around they managed to cross over mindlessly into Paradise, causing all this destruction.

Perhaps Carla after seeming to canonically die, slips into Dinas' stomach, and has a similar transformation as Eren, waking up, and Snapping inside, screaming out, and changing there.

We have Trost, but mostly lost, and most of the populace fleeing into the inner two walls, instead of the last.

As Carla fights Reiner, maybe she manages to do so, maybe she actually manages to hold him off, activating a "Retreat" protocol, him running away, back outside the wall to heal.

With a yell, Bertholdt slowly follows, as they will be back.

Looking around, Carla begins killing as much as she can to save people, and once it all appears to be done, she then Grabs the biggest Boulder she can, and blocks off the hole, falling to her knees as her energy leaves her.

The remaining humans are still a bit frightened, but cheer for this Stranger Female Titan, who appears to be ย on Humanitys' side! An Angel sent to Save them from disaster!

She then, cries out in despair of some kind, before collapsing.

As everyone slowly comes around the Titan, They slowly see the Nape begin to move, and Split.

Slowly, they stare in shock and awe, as Carla Yeager pulls herself out of it, trying to move, asking her was Eren and Mikasa, before collapsing, unconcious, the eye things still connected.

Maybe the Scene with Zeke sitting on the wall instead here is Grishas' Titan form, by the way.


There is so much more I want to write for this concept, but now I hunger and must consume shredded wheat flakes before going off to see what I can salvage.

Please tell me what tags to add.

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2 years ago

It has been 4 hours, and I am satisfied. I went on a 3 hour binge watching Drawlikeasir tutorials and tried to apply them. Loving it so far.

Gonna try the Titan Form next.

Wonder how pure Titan should look.

Wish there was more movement.

Gonna be a surprise for her once she sees her legs are back.

The Charged phone I had to take the pic from refused to Flash, so they look a little green.

My try at trees looks terrible. But this would have taken forever.

It Has Been 4 Hours, And I Am Satisfied. I Went On A 3 Hour Binge Watching Drawlikeasir Tutorials And
It Has Been 4 Hours, And I Am Satisfied. I Went On A 3 Hour Binge Watching Drawlikeasir Tutorials And
It Has Been 4 Hours, And I Am Satisfied. I Went On A 3 Hour Binge Watching Drawlikeasir Tutorials And

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2 years ago

Attack Titan Carla Yeager try. Not a fan of the eyes. Could add more angle and seriousness to them.

I drew vaugely a Base of Erens Attack Titan, and began to work around everything but by bit, changing things until this moment.

It's been years since I've used Printer Paper.

Though I'm almost done with my sketch book, and have five stacks of hell to pull from that I got for a penny.

Time to stich some floppy ๐Ÿ’พ sketchbooks!

Attack Titan Carla Yeager Try. Not A Fan Of The Eyes. Could Add More Angle And Seriousness To Them.

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