Cornflower - Tumblr Posts

A lone cornflower, a splash of vibrant blue against the vast expanse of the countryside, captured as I journeyed along the road.
Funguary 4 -Cornflower Bolete
he lost a chunk :( Cornflower Bolete!

Василёк шероховатый (Centaurea scabiosa) и Василёк луговой (Centaurea jacea). Октябрь 24. Cornflowers in autumn fields. October 24.. October 24.

Door painting "Psychodelic Cornflower" (2010)
This is a sixteen-year-old me next to the door I painted. It was my mother's friend order.

My minecraft world with a funky texture pack called cottagecraft.
Found a cool forest with some nice flowers to take home.

Run Rabbit, Run

Hello #hoverfly - I hope you enjoy the #cornflower as much as I do :-) Canon Powershot A620 #Dortmund #Nordstadt (en Bornstraße)
I will never stop preaching this. It's perfect.
(Comfort, Constance, Conviction)

the fact that I had to stop myself from making it 3 ladies for each word should tell you just how many good characters there are in this show
Matthias: I accidentally ate Warbeak’s candied chestnuts. How long do you think I’ll live?
Cornflower: Ten.
Matthias: Ten what?
Warbeak, entering the room: Nine.
First of all, that video destroyed me. It's so emotional to see them fighting for each other and enjoying time together, crying for each other and living their rich lives. Bless them, and once again I must say how much I love the community in Redwall.
Personally, I don't believe that Matthias and Cornflower are literal reincarnations as if they were the same person. Their personalities are similar, but they are unique beasts. Instead, I believe they are connected through time, like symbolic descendants. Matthias is Martin's successor, but not his reincarnation, I think.
Nevertheless, your video fits perfectly. The connection between the two generations is very important. Very well done, everyone should go watch it.
Rose/Martin Cornflower/Matthias - Have We Met Before (reincarnation)
This video is based on Laura Schiller’s beautiful reincarnation theory, given that Cornflower and Mathias are a second chance for Rose and Martin. Matthias already is the reincarnation of Martin in canon.
Cornflower and Rose share similar characteristics, being peaceful but fighting when necessary and the foil of the ending scene: Rose rebels and is killed and Cornflower jumps out of the way when they are hold hostage.
And last but not least, the insistance of Abbot Mortimor on the blooming Laterose on his deathbed when he blesses Matthias and Cornflower’s union.
Though I do not thing the similarities were intentional in the books because Cornflower was written long before Rose, I still love this very possible interpretation of canon! It adds an additional layeer to the heavy symbolism in this world.
Happy International Women's Day! I love to see her being amazing as always.

Was gonna post this on March 8 but got tired of waiting.
I love Cornflower, she has such untapped power as a character
Honestly good for Matthias
Cornflower: If we're in a relationship, your clothes are my clothes too. Don't ask me why I have your shirt on, this is OUR shirt.
Matthias: When I come strutting in with your leggings on I don't wanna hear shit.
This is so real
Cornflower: How long have you been standing there?
Matthias: Don't try that. You know the concept of time confuses me.
Matthias: Tell your mother everything is fine.
Mattimeo: Hey, Mom! We haven't eaten for days, your plants are dead, and I'm dropping out of school. Love ya, bye!
Matthias: Hey, I was wondering if you could help me out? Cornflower: Say no more. Here's a bunch of explosives Matthias: Nope, different thing. But great for future plans