Psychodelic - Tumblr Posts

i pray for this song🙏🙏🙏
i tried to safe psychodelic atmoshere but not sure?...
❤️and i wanted to say thanks to everyone who follows, likes or reblogs me❤️maybe this is not quite the right picture for such message:D but i really appreciate it❤️
!i'll leave for a few days (abt week) soon, so I'll be gone for a while!
напишу в этот раз также небольшое сообщение на русском
❤️спасибо всем кто на меня подписан, кто лайкает или делает реблог моих картинок❤️хотя картинка не очень подходящая но всё равно мне захотелось сказать, потому что я правда ценю это❤️
!я скоро уеду на несколько дней (около недели), так что меня не будет некоторое время!
// ещё хочу сказать... я пыталась сделать картинку с типа психоделической атмосферой, но мне кажется теперь что это выглядит как будто я наблевала на холст...оО хд

Door painting "Psychodelic Cornflower" (2010)
This is a sixteen-year-old me next to the door I painted. It was my mother's friend order.

Clown in the mirror (2009)
This work was inspired by the song “Clown in the Mirror” by the band Royal Hunt.

Spirits of ancient battles. Memories of Alexander (2017)
Ahh, no digital art anymore i guess? Tbh I moved to other town and won't get my tablet anytime soon and I don't really care. Not like I need it to draw, I feel more comfortable on paper yeah, continue convincing yourself

Anyway, here some latest humanformers art I did.

Kinda was checking if I can get this toxic bright red colour on paper

Oh god he's such a maniac I love him so much

Love this one, it turned out really great.

Jim Morrison
Poems 1966-1971
Celebrating pride month the only way I know how

My favourite one, horsy

the birds are flying away. It'll rain again. ☽ ☽ ☽ choses à prévoir (il a déjà plu):

逃がした魚は大きい / the biggest fish is always the one that got away a wreath of goldfish is like a signal

look at it from the far

look at it from the far