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general crush pac

pile one

they see you as an intuitive person and a hard worker. your crush sees you as inspiring. im getting kind of like an art peace at a museum. they see you as someone to enjoy the presence of. you may or may not have some significant past with this person. this could be a crush you walked away from for a bit or someone who you isolated from or who isolated from you. this could even be an ex for some. possible ghosting involved. either way, there was a painful past for both of you. they want to let this go and learn more about the new you. they also want to prove they're not the same as they were/they'll behave differently than before. they feel as if they did you wrong or should have handled a situation better.
pile two

you could have cheated on/ been cheated on in a relationship with your person. there was a lot of lies, deception, sneaking around, and more. someone was more oblivious or love-clouded during this and couldn't realize it was an unhealthy situation. the relationship ended. all of that is in the past now. there's a chance to do better in a new relationship with them. you both have the chance to have a strong and loving relationship now. this relationship would be passionate and emotional. this relationship would consist of supporting each other in hard times, even though it previously did not. the change from the old relationship to the current one would be a noticeable difference. before jumping into this connection, understand your emotions and how you fully and truly feel about this person.
pile three

they see you as a generous, mature, hard worker. you might take care of them often or they imagine you doing that. they see you as a very caring an nurturing person. as opposed to being jealous of you spending time with others, they observe it and it makes them feel better just seeing you as your comfortable self. you could have mutual friends as well. nine of pentacles flew out next to two of swords and the king of pentacles (9 of pentacles, 2 of swords between, and king of pentacles) just now. it seems like you two are very compatible. you could be more independent (especially financially) but they still just wanna spoil you with gifts.