Crush Tarot - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

general crush pac

General Crush Pac
General Crush Pac
General Crush Pac

pile one

General Crush Pac

they see you as an intuitive person and a hard worker. your crush sees you as inspiring. im getting kind of like an art peace at a museum. they see you as someone to enjoy the presence of. you may or may not have some significant past with this person. this could be a crush you walked away from for a bit or someone who you isolated from or who isolated from you. this could even be an ex for some. possible ghosting involved. either way, there was a painful past for both of you. they want to let this go and learn more about the new you. they also want to prove they're not the same as they were/they'll behave differently than before. they feel as if they did you wrong or should have handled a situation better.

pile two

General Crush Pac

you could have cheated on/ been cheated on in a relationship with your person. there was a lot of lies, deception, sneaking around, and more. someone was more oblivious or love-clouded during this and couldn't realize it was an unhealthy situation. the relationship ended. all of that is in the past now. there's a chance to do better in a new relationship with them. you both have the chance to have a strong and loving relationship now. this relationship would be passionate and emotional. this relationship would consist of supporting each other in hard times, even though it previously did not. the change from the old relationship to the current one would be a noticeable difference. before jumping into this connection, understand your emotions and how you fully and truly feel about this person.

pile three

General Crush Pac

they see you as a generous, mature, hard worker. you might take care of them often or they imagine you doing that. they see you as a very caring an nurturing person. as opposed to being jealous of you spending time with others, they observe it and it makes them feel better just seeing you as your comfortable self. you could have mutual friends as well. nine of pentacles flew out next to two of swords and the king of pentacles (9 of pentacles, 2 of swords between, and king of pentacles) just now. it seems like you two are very compatible. you could be more independent (especially financially) but they still just wanna spoil you with gifts.

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1 year ago

Why do people crush on you ?

A reading on what attract others to you ?

General reading ,take what resonates leave what doesn't

Psychic reading

LGBTQIA+ friendly

Pics not mine credits to their rightful owners

Take a deep breath and select your pile !!

Posted on : Sep 26,2023

Paid readings x


Why Do People Crush On You ?
Why Do People Crush On You ?
Why Do People Crush On You ?


Pile l . Cake

Let me know which pile you selected!! your likes ,comments,reblogs & feedbacks are appreciated (:

People find you exciting to be around,i'm getting saggitarius vibe its a giddy feeling like others know its gonna be a fun and stimulating night in your presence ,others can feel you have a great sense of fashion and that you hold a lot of knowledge and wisdom within you , you have androgenous vibe to you, you attract different kinds of people, people find you really endearing pile 1 they see you as someone courageous someone who'll stand up for them , someone who's a great companion to be around.others could talk about you A LOT ,you remind them of various things ,People find you relatable you could post things that can relate to many or you say certain things which in this age is obvious but oblivious to recognise at the same time and it could put others into a reflective mode . people feel like you've got it all like you never back down from challenges you show an enormous amount of resilience , i'm getting cloudy rainy day vibes that's how comforting it is .

You could show compassion to " yourself" and others could know abt it or they pick up from your vibe there's a really comforting vibe to you ,you could heal depths of others subconscious just by sharing your energy and experiences with them , very interesting i'm picking up that people want to fight you because they wanna prove to you , gain your approval anyhow, they're really persistent on the idea of wanting your validation now there's a catch either you are really intelligent & articulate on many levels or either its people feeling they need to match upto certain standards of reality. Others could see you as someone who's peaceful like you will find a solution you have an impact on others idealistic view i feel like you have a real take on things you could have felt like growing up you're alienated , different from others where they see 6 you see 9 and now you're proud of the fact that you dont go about things one-way. Your kindness is deeply appreciated.

Others see that you remember little things about them you are the person who they can sit in silence without feeling uncomfortable . Others think you have a really unique face like those who look like birds *SOME PEOPLE DO LOOK LIKE BIRDS *lol overall appealing to look at ,others feel like you have manners like you just dont talk the talk you have gone through it yourself , others could feel sad if they loose you because you're a great person and it'd be upsetting to losea great part of yourself y'know something that makes you happy ...i feel like you can shift energy of the room you're giving me really sweet lover vibes like that friend who's leaning in to hug , tugging your hairs , lookin' into your eyes 👁️ . Thats really sweet honestly.

You could suffer from imposter syndrome feel like you're not valued enough or you're invisible to others but no others defend you in your absence😤you're really important to them, believe that you're a good person pile one you heal many hearts. Yeah i could go on & on there's just a lot to say ,lets stop here(:

Things that could resonate w/you :

Mars in 6th house ,chappy lios ,butch , classy ,cindy ,ground nuts , foil , childlike spirit , ballon ,dior , pet parrot , orange car, authentic, relient ,new jersey , authoritive, sweet lemon , sharp confused eye look , malfunction , delivery, 5 months , loca shakira, night owl , city lights movie , late night drive ,writer , publisher , braids ? , europe , Amsterdam ,south africa , onethek? One take? Switzerland, Syria , Manchester , India ,russia , messi, serpamt tatto or ring , sportsmanship,pretty woman ~mino , sappho ,lauren ,R - 5- 9 -2 , 6:00 clock ,rap jazz , attended a show fest .

Song that matches your vibe: new moon

Thanks for reading!!


Pile ll -Zero

Let me know which pile you selected!! your likes ,comments,reblogs & feedbacks are appreciated (:

Ah don't underestimate the power of zero , everything begins with zero

You remind people of nostalgic memories mostly joyful one's ...when others was experiencing life and not surviving it , people could really find your presence to be enticing you could be sassy and upfront , you guys could be my witches i see you hate wasting your time on surface level relationships, you are remembered by others for a really long time for instance ..oh this person was so mischevious and playful when they were little yeah i really feel like others miss being in your presence a lot

Others really love to tease you a lot they think behind that tough macho exterior there's a really gentle spirit wanting to unleash its potential, i heard smoking mirrors others could not meet you or see you around a lot there's a need to get to know you or want to spend time with you like others cant get enough you could find yourself feeling quite overwhelmed at times because of this , i found myself stutering others could really feel the energy of do not mess with me ,do not project your shit on me lol

I feel like there were some people in your life who didn't treated you right and you found yourself securing little aspects that others really love ..that could surprise you pile 2 but even if you're quirky , weird , mysterious you're still worth it and others do tend to lookout for you a lot. Others feel like nothing can escape from you ,you are keen on little things ,others feel like they can build a lot with you like people think longterm with you , congrats 👏 pile 2 not many of us trigger that within people to settle down or appreciate things as they are not constantly worrying about realigning things , being okay with enough. Others see that you work on yourself and you're unafraid of judgements ,thats so powerful pile2. Keep going.

I feel like you have seen a lot in your life you know how to go about things now but it wasn't always like this and i respect your patience and your ability to have faith in yourself, you value little to little things and others tend to be drawn by these little yet impactful habits of yours its cute. Others really see you as moving forward than backwards you are not stuck in your way ,you are sure competitive and a builder of your own world but there's always space for everyone who's seeking home, people remember you for a long time pile2 you're not a forgetten memory . You remind me very much of "libra energy and octopus" because they have these sensitive touch and they are so intelligent with sense of boundaries its amazing.

I honestly cant describe you in words i'm being reminded of water panther (mishipeshu) and i honestly dont know how to describe that energy . I feel like i said too much but didn't said enough.

Random things i heard:

Eros , literature, mathodical, coffee , strangers from hell , darren , sensitivity,sweet , melancholic, Mariposa Ave, suite , deligent , bambii , casanova , tone , sprite , notorious, horror ,trivia ,story , m , 7 ,5 ,8 ,2 , master manipulator , kinky , nest think of it more as a message and monkey Chinese.

Song that matches your vibe: tempted

Thanks for reading !!


Pile lll-Hypnotise

Let me know which pile you selected!! your likes ,comments,reblogs & feedbacks are appreciated (:

There's a lot of emphasize on energy ,you are reminding me of an introverted actress who looks like she's anxious but oh the way she talks and presents herself she's so charming,she always give me the energy of looking for more not underestimating herself she's someone who's searching to play vital role in others life , she's soulsearching .

People could just feel a lot around you you could notice others kind of reorganising their stuff or trying to get things in order as if they are creating space in their energy for you yeah fuck this is so beautiful , others find you interesting usually in the first meeting Others can see how hardworking and interesting you are to the core , people recognise you deeply you can open anyones vulnerable heart ,you are comfortable to be around but not easy you could look a certain way but you're not all that there's a depth in you that's unreachable , your spirit reminds me of cobra and starfish its really sweet ,looks untouchable something interesting but like hurting you this much was worth it ? Its like people feel like you're a good person and that you are right for defending yourself against all odds .

You could be outcasted at a young age ,criticised for behaving like how a child is suppose to behave, others could have really pressursed you into taking responsibility or felt ircked by not having you lured into their shadow yeah i feel as though you despise this part of you in the early stages of development but now you understand its not you its ' them ' ,you have this i'm here to start a revolution not afraid to get things messed up and just be myself and that's really attractive you are the typa person who i'd tell my friend to bring again for the meet-up there's just so much to unfold,your energy speaks for itself and you dont need to be ashamed of that ,you know how to discipline others there's authority to you .

Others feel overprotective and sometimes underwhelmed as well because its frustrating to just feel things and not discover anything any soon it raises a lot of questions i'd even go as far to say others could find your vulnerable self beautiful cause how dare i be in your presence i feel less uff

That was intense its like i was walking on eggshells i didn't wanted to hurt you

People like you cause you're " heartless " lol in a sarcastic way ,you are not what they hear ,you are just like others though more intense ,more honest with yourself , with others ....thence sparking curiousity . honestly i feel like others really dont fuck with your inner child experience . There's a different side to you that seems decieving i mean ofc everyone is but no ones honest abt it .you remind me those moms who didn't wanted pet but hey look who's children it is now... lol cute .

Extra messages i heard:

Pretty little liar , cant get enough of you ,need morr time , lacking patience ,seeks reliability, advanced technology, do your own research ,like you better ,mars in 5th house , recent solar return, pluto 3rd4th house , stigma , give him first, courtesy, merry , jeremy , lisa , kristoffer , present, love , invention ,555,909, 812 lesson , extraordinary*saas* universal experience, heritage ,albania , not Usually seen or known , athletic, overpowering, educated , seek for deeper understanding, not cold but cool , defense mechanism, s ,y ,aquarius , light :the healer ,maron , wareen warning? Tag, archive. Your piles messages was so random .

Song that matches your vibe: fuck my life

Thanks for reading!!

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9 months ago

So , Who is your crush ?

A reading to look into who is your crush really ? & things you may or may not know about

Take what resonates , leave what doesn't

Credits of pics and dividers to their rightful owners , i don't own them [ @/animatedglittergraphics-n-more]

I use they/them because we all have masculine & feminine energy

Paid readings x

Pile l . Pile ll. Pile lll.

So , Who Is Your Crush ?
So , Who Is Your Crush ?
So , Who Is Your Crush ?

Pile l .

2ofcups , seven of wands , hanged man rx , 10ofpentacles rx, 9 of pentacles - overall energy

Hyena , athlete , fiesty [11:11]

This person has high expectations, they want to be respected , they want to achieve the top position in life , this person has soft power over others , they believe in equal & take , they are very hardworking this person is visionary they want visibility , they want people to appreciate them on a deeper level , this person can mimick or be inspired by other people a lot its like they taught themselves how to be in a crowd , how to stand out , how to make your voice heard , they can be quiet talented , they kind of tie their friend group together like everyone has once confided in them ,they may be the mom friend of the group , they are cool & dramatic , they are outstanding and brilliant idk it came like a message , i feel thats how the older people see them , this person seeks guidance in life they like to learn from people this is the type of person who'll keep quite , " if you are speaking about your interests even though they may know more than you " , this person may have taurus , gemini & piceas placements , people may disturb them a lot , a lot of their family members wants to talk to them but this person values their peace more than anything else , they like calm & independent people, they are very fun to be around they might have the best comebacks this person is a risk taker , you can impress them with humour, they are shy in love matters tho ,this is not a very forthcoming energy , they will wait , ask around , get to know people better , flirt a little and then they may reach to a conclusion, this person is compatible with a lot of people but they feel like there should be a natural comparability and attraction , they are that friend who's spontaneous , this person likes to keep the connection moving they dont like stagnancy, if their best friend has not called them they'll make sure they meet up and have a good time , i'm getting they are the initiator , i'm seeing someone else a feminine energy , very graced and fun who likes them romantically as well , the way they look and the way their personality are two different things , this person may surprise people a lot , they are a good debator , they like kids or they get along with kids well , they may love to wear glasses they take care of their appearance very conscious of their image, this person may get sick a lot but they dont let it show as to not make others worried about them , they're a minimalistic they have good survival instincts , this person may feel troubled often they may have a tendency to put up a happy mask , they love to keep up with trends although they may not gollow it ,this person is sarcastic, they love to watch movies .They are a tough nut to crack , they are stubborn and will not change for anyone, they dont focus on others very much , i'm getting something about friends yeah this person is clingy and likes their best friends a lot lol . This person hates obnoxious people , they are quick to cut off people, they dont like to be online that much , they hate when someone is getting too personal in first meeting , there's something about society? Like secret society conspiracy this person may have interest in various theories , maybe they are very interested in writing and kind of analysing and predicting future events yeah . This is kind of a secret ,they dont like new people very much like they may pretend they are fine with the addition in their inner circle but they stick to their closed friends only .

They dont stop at one thing they want to keep doing something, they are never satisfied with what they have got going on , they are quiet a dreamer and set longterm goals , they'll make a good leader a good parent , overall this person seeks stability in all areas of their life , they dont like selfish people , they think long term , they feel depressed or worn out often , they give me strong Aquarian energy , you just cant trick them they'll always have upper hand , they shape their partners to their best version, this person is overprotective of their loved ones and they go into this protective mode that can annoy people because they dont trust people easily .

So , Who Is Your Crush ?

Astrological placements : Scorpio moon ,libra rising , 5h Capricorn, aries moon , Taurus mercury, pisces2h , saggitarius & gemini mars , Lilith trine ascendant, 5h prominence ,virgo rising ,leo sun

Their personality reflected in a song :

Thanks for reading!! Have a great day ♥︎

So , Who Is Your Crush ?

Pile ll.

The hermit ,the tower ,queen of cups ,ace of sword ,6ofwands, overall- 3 of pentacles

Wolf , dreamer , attraction [222]

They have regel energy, they are one man / woman army typa person , they only depend on themselves, their energy is very strong they may be a jupitarian , this person gives me the energy of someone who everyone knows will make it big like they can get your work done faster than those professionals , they have this unique outlook on life they prefer to do things differently, they dont like invisible string that is present in most connections for example they like a teacher then they would want to feel comfortable with the teacher and not scared , they don't like traditional mindset a lot , they don't give a shit about what other people think its least of their concern , this person is constantly improving in life , this person will not hide things , the things they want to say they will say it instead of ghosting the other person , lets say they dont tolerate a certain behaviour they'll be honest about it and thats kinda hot lol . They dont fuck around with their energy , they are veryyy protective of themselves, they are like a crocodile they wouldn't do anything to you if you don't provoke them but the moment they feel someone is trying to mess up with them something just switches in them i feel like this person is a fierce protector its like they had to deal with so much in their life that nothing really effects them anymore, this is one resilient person my gosh , they could look very sweet or nochanalant tho there's this silent confidence about them they will not fight with you directly, its very subtle yet Powerful idk its like they know which point to touch that can easily annoy others , i feel like this person is A smartass they know they are attractive and they own it , i'm getting they can easily read people or what others might be going through like they are very good w/ human emotions and in a good way this person is like an Black egg you never know how abundant of a person they are , you have to take your time with them , they dont show a lot of themselves although they might feel like they do .

This person has overcome shame like they remind me of those movie characters who come into your life at the right time and they are the most useful person you have ever met throughout the journey , there's something very raw and open about them , i feel focused all of a sudden even though there's a lot of distractions in my environment. They could be a virgo like they are THE SH*T you cant top them , never , they dont let people have control over their emotions which is very good , its interesting how i got hermit but their energy is not very hard to channel , they are kind of skillful its like they can do stuff more smoothly than others which others might find hard to do it in a short period, i see why you like them they have gansta energy i love how they are represented by the queen of cups here , she is very loved , lovable and she is effortless she inspires people by just loving herself , she is a mirror of comfort , people are seen & heard in her presence, she's creative and her cup is never empty , think of someone who's accepting of you , who doesn't taunt you for your habits , think of someone who you can be silly with , this is them . There's this energy of more , others want to know more about them , they may have a sweet tooth , either way this person is inspiring , disciplined and believes in themselves, they value themselves and wouldn't wait for anyone, they are here to live their live , they make things happen .

So , Who Is Your Crush ?

Astrological placements: 8h moon , 6h rising, gemini sun , Pisces venus , Venus square chiron/mars , aquarius sun , Capricorn mars , libra placements, gemini moon , cancer moon , 9h prominence, virgo chiron , leo mercury/mars , sun square moon , jupiter /Neptune dom .

Their personality reflected in a song :

Thanks for reading!! Have a great day ♥︎

So , Who Is Your Crush ?

Pile lll .

King of swords rx , seven of cups rx , nine of cups , six of wands, the world

Bat , red aura , change [555]

Your crush is low on energy right now , they have demons they can't fight with , this person is very sexual in nature , their love language could be physical touch ,they are extremely careful in love matters cause they have been hurt before , they have this vengeance within them that can't be tamed , they go through a lot of challenges to keep their energy stable, they could be going through a dark night of the soul typa awakening so they are realising a lot of thing's which are important to them , they might be re-evaluating their decisions , this person is in an energy to start something new , they want to receive and give love , this person is dedicated towards their goals , they don't give up easily , they feel a sense of loneliness and it doesn't matter if they are most popular person in their community they have always felt this ridiculed from society , they tried their best to fit in but it didn't work and now they dont try , this person is leaving many hurtful memorise behind , they are very exciting to be around , they are very passionate they get a lot of attention but this person is not a surface level typa person they prefer long talk over short one's, they are hurt and wants to protect themselves from hurtful energy , they could come from a well off family and it could be in terms of anything, there's something about their morals , i feel like they are attached to their grandparents, they are artistic and feel better when they are chanelling this messy energy onto something .

Suitors get obsessed with them easily they dont want people who are high or running for some idk euphoria shit , they dont desire it , i see its more like they were wrongfully used to fulfill others demand and be a version of themselves that wasn't them ahh i hope i'm making sense , this person see's intimacy as their primary core , they feel connected & true to themselves through intimacy, so intimacy is important to them ,sorry i don't want this reading to be 18+ , they dont want their connection to fall apart , this person's spirit guide is telling me that they are an ancient soul who from lifetime has been providing others with so many things and now finally they're exhausted, i feel like they could be a half demon spiritually ,they could be excellent at whatever they put their hands onto , they give me this straightforward hardcore energy , their energy is "mystic " i feel like if you date this person you'll feel their intensity even when they are not with you , they are a catch 100% . I don't feel like this person just likes anybody or gets obsessed with people easily you know they are picky & wants someone who see them for who they are rather an object of desire oh they could be suffering from beauty privileges ptsd or smth for sure , ride and die kinda person . I'm picking up melancholy vibe they are loved but they dont feel loved ://

They could be a psychic themselves, strong connections with spirits , this person is sad and angry This was the only pile where i wanted to pull cards for their feelings, are you guys together? your energy and their energy is kinda mutual here i feel like i could be talking about you as well , mirroring ??AHH IDKKKKKK

So , Who Is Your Crush ?

Astrological placements: Pluto 7h, moon- pluto aspects , saturn3d , lots of restrictions , 2h moon intense emotions , 10h attention and recognition plays a huge role , uranus /sun 1h a lot of changes & fast energies , 11h chiron a feeling of tiredness, venus square Neptune people not matching up to their expectations , marsian dom , 22° , 19 ° .

Their personality reflected in a song :

Thanks for reading!! Have a great day ♡︎

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