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Supernatural Masterlist

Supernatural Masterlist

Supernatural Masterlist

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Supernatural Masterlist

- Magic Always Comes With a Price

- Heart to Heart

- Time for a Wedding

- You Might Be Pregnant

- Find Me

Supernatural Masterlist

- Keep Me Closer

- We Could Stay

Supernatural Masterlist

- I Wish That I Was Good Enough

Supernatural Masterlist

- I Really Like Napping With You

- The One I Love, The One I Hate

- Last Chance for Romance

- The Truth

- I'll Stay

Supernatural Masterlist

- I Know My Value, Anyone Else's Opinion Doesn't Really Matter

- Missing You

- Run Through Walls

Supernatural Masterlist

- What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Supernatural Masterlist

- Airport Blues

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More Posts from Imaginesfordifferentfandoms

Gilmore Girls Masterlist

Gilmore Girls Masterlist

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Gilmore Girls Masterlist

- Why Can't This Be Real? (Part One)

- I'm So Glad This is Real (Part Two)

- No Kissing at the Counter

Gilmore Girls Masterlist

- Opposite's Attract

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The Last Time

The Last Time

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Click here for Red (Taylor’s Version) masterlist

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Prompt - ‘This is the last time I'm asking you why you break my heart in the blink of an eye.'

Peter stood on the steps of your front door, not fully remembering how he’d gotten there. The rain was falling hard around him, Peter himself soaked wet through, the sound of it bouncing on the street was the only thing that could be heard in the silence of the early morning hours, the sky still dark, clouds too thick to see any stars through it.

He had yet to knock, scared to not receive an answer, scared for you to answer only to slam the door in his face. He was just…scared. His eyes were watery but the rain hid it well. He stood there thinking back to your last conversation with him.

How many times had he been here after a fight with you, how many times had he stood here with his best apology. This time though something felt different, it felt like you had made your mind up and fully planned to make good on your promise to not see him again, to not have the same damn argument every few weeks.

It was getting harder and harder to lie to you, every excuse that came out of Peter’s mouth sounded like the lie it was, no matter how hard he tried to make his excuses seem true you always saw through them.

Peter hated lying to you, it felt like every time he spoke to you he was lying about something, lying about where he was, why he was late, why he failed to show up at all, why he was so tired, why his back hurt so much.

Everything was a lie.

One thing that wasn’t a lie though were his feelings for you. Peter loved you so much but at some point that wasn’t enough, love wasn’t enough when there wasn’t trust and as much as you hated it you didn’t, you couldn’t trust Peter.

The constant lies, the skipping out on dates, the guilty look he got in his eyes every time he spoke to you.

It always led back to the same argument of you begging him to tell you what he was hiding and Peter insisting there were no secrets.

You had rolled your eyes every time but let yourself accept his many, many apologies. You loved him too, you had for so long that you didn’t want this to fail, for so long you had refused to let this relationship end but now you just felt tired. You couldn’t continue on with this, not with the constant lies, the constant lingering fear that Peter had found somebody else, somebody better, smarter, prettier…you couldn’t do it anymore.

That had all led to Peter standing here now, angry words thrown in pent up frustration floating through his head.

“Peter, I swear to- I cannot do this anymore!” You yelled, tears in your eyes and voice slightly hoarse.

“I’m telling you you’ve got this wrong!” He shot back at you, watching as your nose flared and you let out a bitter laugh.

“This is the last time you tell me I’ve got it wrong!” You told him through gritted teeth. How many times had he told you that you were wrong? That you weren’t seeing things from his perspective despite him refusing to give you an honest answer.

“How can you think there’s anybody else?” He shouted, hating that you could ever think he was capable of cheating on you. You were the only girl in the world for him, nobody else could ever compare to you.

“How could I not think there was anybody else!? You ghost me, if I’m lucky you call to cancel a date but usually I’m left alone because you couldn’t be bothered to even shoot me a text! Do you have any idea how humiliating it is when people look at you when you’ve been stood up?” You ask, not giving him time to answer as you say, “No you don’t because I have never and would never do that to you! You sneak around constantly, every other word out of your mouth is a damn lie and it’s not fair!”

Peter was speechless for a few moments. How could he respond to that? Everything you had said was right and he hated it, he hated that doing the right thing was coming between the two of you but there was no way he was telling you about Spiderman. It wasn’t a matter of trust, he knew no matter what happened between the two of you that you’d never betray his trust in you, no it had everything to do with the enemies Spiderman made; enemies that would not hesitate to use you against him and he refused to put you in that position.

“It’s you Y/N,” He swore, eyes wide as he reached for, hating that you pulled away, “It’s been you all along.”

“Then why doesn’t it feel like that, Peter? Every time I let you in my door it feels like you make it your mission to see how long it’ll take to break me and I can’t do it anymore.” You said, tears finally making their way down your faces but you paid them no mind.

Peter hated that he made you feel this way, hated that he could see you breaking in front of him and there was nothing he could do.

He didn’t get the chance to reply as you spoke, the fight leaving you and your voice soft.

“This is the last time, Peter, it’s the last time I’m asking you why? Why do you keep lying to me? Why won’t you just tell me what you’re hiding? Why do you keep breaking my heart over and over?” You asked him, voice breaking as more tears fell down your face.

And Peter didn’t have an answer to that. The silence stretched before you shook your head, biting back a sob as you opened your bedroom door and gestured for him to leave.

You were done, he knew you were done.

You watched as he left, head low as he brushed past you and down the stairs. Moments later you heard the door close and finally allowed yourself to sob, loud, heartbreaking sobs, thankful that you were home alone for the night.

Peter couldn’t stop his own tears from falling as he recalled yours. He shook his head whilst cursing himself, why didn’t he say something, anything. Anything would have been better than just walking away from you.

Things weren’t always bad, Peter couldn’t help but laugh sadly as he recalled the good times between the two of you, the times when he actually showed up and didn’t let you down. The times were he took you to the movies and the two of you got thrown out because you kept making stupid remarks to the characters on screen, he remember the time the two of you went pumpkin picking and the two of you tended to your wounds after a incident in which he was pushing you around in a wheelbarrow and it hit a stone causing you to topple out of it and Peter to go flying over it. He remembered sneaking out with you to have breakfast at midnight in the 24/7 diner not too far from your house. He remembered all the good moments you had, remembered when he spluttered his way through a love confession and remembered all the nights he spent with you in his arms, laughing, smiling, sleeping.

He remembered it all and to think he would never get to hold you again, never get to kiss you again, never have you again…it cut deep in his heart. He knew he couldn’t give up Spiderman, it was too important, but he hated that it had cost him you.

You who had been there for him through so much more than you actually knew. You who held him when he failed to save somebody, Peter would come to you teary eyed and you didn’t force him to talk, you just held him in your arms, playing with his hair until he fell asleep in the comfort of your hold.

He sobbed as he realised he’d never have that again.

Peter looked at your front door, knowing right now you were probably in your room, all alone, feeling just as bad as he was. You probably felt worse, Peter thought after a moment, at least Peter knew why he was so secretive but you knew nothing, you thought there was another girl involved, you didn’t know Peter was protecting both you and the city.

Watching as you broke in front of him last night killed Peter, he never realised just how bad it was until last night and with one final look at your door he shook his head and turned on his heel making his way back home. You were right he was breaking your heart, he couldn’t keep dragging you along like this, letting you torture yourself over what Peter’s secret was.

Though it broke Peter’s heart, he walked away from you that night knowing that if he didn’t he would just keep hurting you until you grew to hate him and he couldn’t do that to you, not anymore.

By the time he arrived back home, soaked to the bone and alone in bed, he couldn’t stop the tears that fell, mourning all the time he had lost with you because of himself. Spiderman was supposed to be good but right now he hated everything about his other half.

Back in your own house you mirrored Peter, alone in bed with tears falling down your face as memories of the two of you together invaded your thoughts. You loved Peter Parker, you really did, but that really was the last time you would ask him why he broke your heart in the blink of an eye.


AG Peter Parker Taglist - @haroldpotterson, @imjustassaneasyou, @dindjarinsspouse, @rottenstyx, @asherhunterx, @powerpuffluuvv, @filmsbyblair, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams, @janesofia7, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @wierdstark, @runawaywithmyghost, @chaoticevilbakugo, @ppgrayson, @onyourgoddamnleft, @divanca2006, @90sbella, @siriuslyfearless, @mystic-writings, @levisbloodcut, @mrs-brekker15, @alexxavicry, @sweetdreamsjg, @alwaysclassyeagle, @peterpgrace, @asherhunterx, @vx-vexedvixen, @ordinarylokix, @carmellasworld, @ellabellabus07, @battinsonn, @labellapeaky, @lokismidnight, @maeve-7, @caediae, @benhardyslut, @smilesmayvary-rfa,@apolysius

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Everything Has Changed

Everything Has Changed

Click here for my masterlist.

Click here for Red (Taylor’s Version) masterlist

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Prompt - ‘All I know is we said 'hello' and your eyes look like coming home.’

Notes - We’re celebrating Red (Taylor’s Version) here and I’ll be doing imagines for each song on the album so if you have a request (any fandom I write for) send it in!

It was September 1st, the day you had been dreaming about since finding out you were a witch. As you crossed the barrier taking you to Platform 9 3/4 you couldn’t help but take a step closer to your parents. Yes, you had wanted this day to come for so long but now that it was here it was incredibly daunting.

“You’ll be fine, Y/N.” Your parents assured you, making sure your trunk was where it needed to be. You hugged them tightly before stepping onto the train, face going pale as you saw all the other students.

You walked further onto the train, trying to find an empty compartment but it seemed like an impossible task.

“Hello,” a voice said, startling you. Was he talking to you? “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Definitely talking to you then.

You turned around, coming face to face with a boy. He was taller than you and had messy jet black curls, perched on his nose was a pair of glasses and he looked at you with warm, brown eyes.

“Would you like to sit with us?” He asked, holding the compartment door open for you. The boy smiled as he watched relief fill your features, a friendly smile spreading across his face.

“If you and your friends don’t mind?” You said, gesturing to the two other boys sitting next to each other.

“Of course not, please come in.” The boy said.

“Thank you.” You replied, shuffling past them and taking a seat opposite the boy with short brown hair.

“I’m James by the way, James Potter and these are Sirius Black,” Here the boy turned his attention to you as he shot you a grin, his bright grey eyes capturing your attention. You smiled back at him, giving him a small wave which made his smile grow wider. “And this is Remus Lupin.” The other boy gave you a shy smile.

“It’s nice to meet you all, I’m Y/F/N Y/L/N. Thank you for letting me sit with you.” You said, smiling at each of them, before turning to James.

“You’re welcome. You’re not from a wizarding family, are you?” James asked, causing you to laugh softly.

“Is it that obvious?” You asked back, causing James and Sirius to chuckle.

“Kind of but it’s ok. Hogwarts is great…” James began before him and Sirius began filling you in on what you needed to know about Hogwarts and the wizarding world.

As the train got closer to Hogwarts you found yourself relaxing into your seat, laughing along with the boys. When the food trolley rolled around James and Sirius bought enough food and sweets to last at least a week or two causing you to giggle before you all tucked in.

You find yourself gravitating to James on the journey there, something about him made you feel at ease, he made you feel like you could be brave.

“You said something about the houses earlier,” you began, fiddling with a card from the chocolate frog, still amazed at the moving portrait that could leave the frame, “what house are you all hoping for?”

Sirius’ face darkened for a moment before it shifted into a smirk, “I’m hoping for Gryfindor, that’ll really please Mother.”

James laughed but you weren’t sure why but shrugged it off for now.

“Most of my family is from Gryffindor so I’m hoping for that too.” James told you as he turned to face you.

Conversation flowed easily between the four of you and you hoped that they would still talk to you when you were sorted.

As the train pulled up and first years were led away from the other students, you felt your nerves beginning to grow again. Your stomach felt sick as anxiety began to fester. James, who had made sure you didn’t get lost in the flow of students, saw you looking pale and gave you a small smile before squeezing your hand in his.

“You’ll be fine,” He assured you as the boats took you across the lake, the sight of the castle only adding to your fear. “I’ll be with you the whole time.” He promised and you forced a smile onto your face before squeezing his hand back.

“Thank you.” You managed to whisper, causing him to smile.

It wasn’t long before you were walking down the length of the Great Hall, the deafening silence did little to calm your nerves. James walked behind you, in between glances of the hall his gaze drifted back to you, him smiling sympathetically as he saw the tenseness in your shoulders.

Name after name was called, your peers each walked up to a stool. Some looked as nervous, if not more nervous than you felt, whereas some others strode up and sat confidently on the chair, waiting for the enchanted hat to be put upon their heads.

You watched as James was called up, he looked confident, not flinching as the ancient hat was put on top of his head. You stared up with wide eyes as the hat needed barely any time to decide. It shouted ‘Gryffindor’ causing James to grin. He made his way over to the table, sliding into a free space opposite Sirius.

After what felt like an eternity your name was finally called.

“Y/LN, Y/F/N.”

You didn’t move, nerves had you frozen in place and it wasn’t until you felt a hand brush against yours that you jolted. You turned to look at who touched you, seeing Remus there with a soft, encouraging smile. You forced yourself to smile back shakily before your feet began moving.

You perched yourself on the edge of the stool, eyes darting around the Great Hall before the view was obscured by the old hat.

“Hmm, interesting, very interesting,” The hat sat causing you to jump, “A good mind, resourceful, you have the ability to be fairly cunning Miss Y/L/N. But more than that is a great deal of bravery,” it said and you barely managed to suppress a snort, a great deal of bravery it had said, you weren’t feeling very brave right now. “No, no, not now but in time. You’ll be fiercely protective of those you consider family, you’ve got a good amount of courage, daring too, quite the risk taker. I know, I know,” the hat said for only you to hear before it bellowed out into the silence of the Great Hall, “better be…Gryffindor!”

Professor McGonagall lifted the hat from your head and your eyes immediately sought out the two boys you’d met on the train. You couldn’t help but smile as you saw they were clapping loudly, letting out happy cheers as you made your way over to them, taking a seat next to James.

“Told you you’d be fine.” He murmured as he grinned over at you. Despite the nerves you’d been feeling all day long, you couldn’t help but return the grin, feeling more relaxed now that you were sorted.

It wasn’t long before everyone else was sorted into their house, the boys and you all beaming at each other as Remus was placed in your house. The feast was unlike anything you’d ever seen before and now that your nerves had calmed down you were able to enjoy the magical happenings around you, from the magically appearing food to the floating candles to the ghosts that popped out of nowhere.

You ate more food than you could handle and giggled along with the boys. As the evening came to a close with the headmaster rising from his seat, you glanced at James who was already looking at you. You couldn’t help but smile softly at him and James didn’t hesitate to return it.

“First years, follow me.” The Gryffindor prefect said.

You all stood and made your way out of the Hall, your head turning in every direction. Portraits and paintings littered the walls, all of the people within them moved freely from one frame to the other. You were so captivated by them you hadn’t noticed the group turning a corner.

James glanced back and smiled over at you as he turned around and made his way over to you.

“Come along, Y/L/N.” He said, causing you to jump slightly before turning to face him. You glanced around seeing you had lost track of the prefect leading you to the common room and flushed slightly.

James just laughed and took your hand in his before leading you in the direction you were supposed to be heading.

That night as you lay in bed, feeling alone in the girls dorm, you couldn’t quite get the sight of James’ brown eyes, the messy curls and soft smile out of your head and you couldn’t wait to get to know him better.


“Seriously, Potter?” You yelled as you stomped down the stairs leading into the common room.

Nobody looked up at your shout, all too used to the antics from you and the boys. The four of you were closer than anything and despite being the only girl in the group that didn’t exclude you from their pranks and today was no exception.

“Hello Y/N, I must say, I love the pink hair.” James said as he looked up at you, a grin spreading across his face that he couldn’t fight back if he tried.

Watching as you glared at him only made him smile wider.

“You know I’m going to get you back for this, Potter.” You said, as you picked up a pillow on the couch and hit him with it before flopping down next to him.

“Yes, yes, I’ll be waiting anxiously for your comeback.” He laughed, causing you to hit him again before hugging the pillow to your chest and turning to face him.

“You’re such a jerk.” You told him. The smile on your face showing how much you didn’t mean the statement made him laugh again.

“Ah, good thing I’m your favourite then, isn’t it?” Here he turned his head, his cheek resting against the couch, as he looked at you with puppy dog eyes and an over exaggerated pout.

“Hmm, I suppose you are.” You replied with a roll of your eyes.

It had been four years since you’d first met James, you and him had grown closer and closer each day before you were inseparable. Since day one James had taken a shine to you, making sure you were ok, if people tried to pick on you, purebloods from Slytherin had taken a liking to you too, James was quick to put them in their place both at the age of eleven and fourteen.

“McGonagall is going to kill us when she sees this hair.” You told James.

“Us?” He shot back, raising an eyebrow at you. “You’re the only one with pink hair here, Y/N/N.” He smirked.

“Oh come on,” you groaned and when you raised the pillow again he held his hands up in surrender, “Who else is going to spike my shampoo with hair dye?”

“You made an excellent point, Y/L/N.” James laughed, reaching over to take a strand of dyed hair in between his fingers, twirling it around.

“I hate potions.” You groaned, leaning closer to James who smiled sympathetically at you. It was no secret you were hopeless with anything potions related, thankfully you were able to be paired with James who seemed to thrive in every single class. You didn’t feel bad about letting him take over the practical side of the class as you focused on note taking.

James had tried to teach you where he could but he had had one too many cauldrons blow up in his face.

“I know you do.” He said softly, moving his hand from your hair so he could wrap his arm around your shoulder. You happily shifted closer.

It wasn’t long before Sirius and Remus came down the stairs and after more laughing about your hair the four of you headed down to the dungeons for potions.

Slughorn’s voice began to grate on you. He had never been your favourite teacher but today you just were not in the mood for him. James watched you glare at him as he ran through the properties of Weedosoros and chuckled softly to himself.

“Who teaches teenagers how to brew poison?” He heard you mutter to yourself, “Great idea professor, maybe I’ll get really good at potions and have you try my Weedosoros.” Here James couldn’t help but snort, causing you to turn and face him.

“If you get good at potions, I run naked through the Great Hall.” He whispered, causing you to smirk.

“Well I wouldn’t strip out of that robe just yet.” You laughed quietly, nothing in the world could make you good at potions.

As Slughorn continued to speak James found himself growing bored too, even though he didn’t mind potions class, double potions first thing in the morning wasn’t ideal. You and him sat in the back row, closest to the door, and James looked to Slughorn, who was focused on the board, unaware of the blank stares and the one or two students who were sleeping, before looking back at you.

“C’mon.” James whispered, nudging your arm. You raised an eyebrow as he picked his bag up and gestured for you to do the same.

“Ready?” James mouthed, taking a final glance at Slughorn who had yet to turn around.

“Ready.” You replied despite not knowing what was happening. James gestured to the door and took your hand in his. Counting down from three, he pulled you from your chair and the two of you managed to escape the room, Slughorn none the wiser.

“Where are we going?” You giggled as James dragged you down the hallway, the two of you running past the shouting portraits.

“You’ll see.” James said and when the two of you finally stopped, you more so out of breath than James who played quidditch any chance he could get, you raised an eyebrow at him.

“What?” He said, “We missed breakfast.” You laughed as he tickled the pear, watching as it transformed into a green door handle.

The house elves were more than happy to have visitors, pushing more food than either of you could carry into your hands and as you bid them goodbye both your bags were considerably heavier than they had been only moments ago.

“What’s your plan now, Potter? We’ve still got an hour and a half before we’re supposed to be out of class.” James didn’t reply instead he slipped his arm around your shoulder and pulled you against him before leading the way to the entrance hall.

From there you were taken down to the Great Lake. James sat down on the grass before pulling at your hand and gesturing for you to sit too. The lake looked beautiful, it stretched as far as your eyes could see, hills and mountains on either side.

James and you sat together in a comfortable silence, food spread out between the two of you. The sound of waves crashing together in the distance could be heard, the air was slightly chilly but bearable.

It didn’t take either of you long to finish eating, plenty of food left over thanks to the generosity of the house elves. James shifted so his legs were spread out in front of him and he rummaged through his bag, pulling out a yellowing book, the spine was cracked and the cover was worn.

You moved to lay down, resting your head on his lap as he opened the book, you heard the sound of pages being flipped as you looked up at the sky, squinting up at the clouds drifting pass.

You let your eyes fall closed as the sound of James’ voice filled the silence, his tone soft and low and you couldn’t help but smile as you listened to him. As he got further into the book you let your eyes open slowly, lazily gazing up at the sky before turning to face James.

There was something about the peacefulness of the lake, the soft and quiet sounds of waves crashing, birds chirping, creatures rustling leaves in the woods and the soothing voice of James that made you feel inexplicably happy. Out here, just you and James, it was…easy. The two of you were yourselves out here.

You shook your head, wondering where on earth that thought had come from. You looked away from James before he could catch you staring and instead focused on the sound of his voice.


One day it was like something clicked into place for you. That morning you had woken up, it was Valentine’s Day so the entire castle had been decked in pink for the week and your little group had been surrounded by girls desperately trying to get the boys attention.

You’d lost track of how many times they had been asked out but each time a girl approached James you felt something twist inside you. You couldn’t explain why these girls asking James out had bothered you so much, you were in your sixth year of Hogwarts and James was an attractive man, it wasn’t like James had never been asked out before.

So why did it bother you now?

The question had plagued you for weeks and this morning when you woke up, the first thing on your mind was those warm brown eyes, those mess of curls and a soft smile that made you feel safe. That’s when it hit you.

You liked James Potter.

You liked James Potter a whole lot, despite already being attached at the hip you wanted to spend all your time with him, despite knowing so much about him you wanted to get to know him even better, despite the fact that he was your best friend you wanted him to be more.

As you lay in bed that morning, refusing to get out of bed, never being more thankful that it was a weekend, you thought back to when you had met James. Since that moment he said hello to you and held the door of the compartment open for you, you realise now, looking back that’s when everything started. James had smiled at you and you’d never left his side since.

You realised that as you looked into his eyes, nowhere else felt more like home. When you saw him smile, you couldn’t help but mirror it back no matter how bad you were feeling. When things got too much for either of you and you snuck down to the lake, staying there until everything was better.

You liked James Potter.

Just thinking about it made your stomach fill with butterflies. It was the beautiful kind of butterflies, the ones that had you blushing just thinking about him. The kind that made you want to find James and confess everything, the kind that made you feel how James made you feel…giddy.

You liked James Potter.

It was like that thought had changed everything.

When you finally pulled yourself out of bed and headed down the stairs you were greeted to James’ smirk.

“What time do you call this?” He laughed, gesturing to the seat next to him.

Everything felt different, you hardly knew how to act around James now.

You laughed, though it was slightly forced, and took the seat next to him on the couch. His eyebrows knitted together at the distance you’d put between the two of you but he quickly solved it by pulling you against him, his arm wrapping around your shoulder.

Conversation quickly turned back to whatever they’d been talking about before you showed up but you were more content to lay against James, his fingers tracing random patterns on your arm causing you to smile softly.

“You ok?” He whispered into your ear when Sirius and Remus were more focused on their conversation.

You hesitated for a moment, shifting so you could lean up and look at him. He was beautiful, the fire reflected in his brown eyes, giving them a red tinge and you thought that you could get lost in them given the chance.

You shook your head slightly in an attempt to clear your thoughts before you smiled up at James.

“I’m good.” You told him, the look he gave you showed he wasn’t convinced but he let it go.

“What are your plans, Y/N?” Sirius asked, causing you to look away from James.

“Plans?” You asked in confusion, watching as Sirius laughed whilst rolling his eyes.

“Keep up, Y/L/N.” He groaned, making you laugh. You missed the look James was giving you as he watched you laugh against him but Sirius and Remus caught it and shared a look between themselves. “Plans for Valentine’s Day.”

“You asking me out, Black?” You smirked.

“I’m afraid our love shall have to wait another day,” Sirius told you dramatically, “for I have a date with the beautiful Amelia.”

“Good luck with that,” You said, honestly surprised that Amelia had agreed to a date. “As for me, I shall be here, awaiting your return.” You said, causing them to laugh.

“Come on, you have to have a date!” Sirius exclaimed, frowning as you shook your head.

“I was asked but…” Here you trailed off, not knowing how to end the sentence. At first you hadn’t had a reason for rejecting the offers you had received, most of them were fairly decent looking guys but you hadn’t felt anything more than annoyance as they asked you.

Now though, after this morning's revelations you knew exactly why you had turned them down because despite how good looking they were…they weren’t James Potter.

“I’ll keep you company.” James said, causing you to look up at him again.

“You don’t have a date?” You asked, watching as he shook his head. “Well if the captain of the quidditch team can’t get a date, is there hope for the rest of us?” You groaned, watching as James laughed.

“I’d rather hang out with you than with anyone that asked me out.” And that was a statement, wasn’t it? You had seen some of the girls asking James out, they were stunningly beautiful and probably wouldn’t make a cauldron explode in his face and yet here he was saying he’d rather have your company.

What were you supposed to think about that?

“I’d rather hang out with you too.” You told him quietly, it was the closest you were going to get to confessing your feelings but for now it would have to be enough.

“Where are we going?” You asked later on that evening. Most students were in Hogsmeade on dates and you were ready to spend a night with James in the common room when he had entered, raising an eyebrow at your comfy attire before telling you to change.

“You’ll see.” He said and it wasn’t long before he was pulling you along down the old, familiar trail that led to your spot by the late.

As you rounded the corner to your spot you stopped in your tracks, letting out a gasp as you took in the scene. Small tea candles floated in the air, giving the darkness of the night a soft, orange glow. A blanket had been laid down on the grass, slightly larger candles rested upon it, adding to the atmosphere. There was a basket and two glasses placed on the blanket too.

You turned to look at James who looked nervously at you. You were left speechless and he couldn’t tell if it was a good sign or not but when your lips stretched into a grin, he let out the breath he had been holding and grinned back at you.

“What is all this?” You asked softly, the warm glow of candles made you want to maintain the peaceful atmosphere created.

James shifted before clearing his throat. He looked down at his feet before looking you in the eyes.

“I like you, Y/N.” He confessed and felt a huge weight fall from his shoulders, no matter how this went, at least you’d know how he felt. “I really like you and I hate that it took me this long to realise it. I should have realised it all those years ago, Merlin’s beard, Y/N/N, I should have realised it the moment we said hello. When I held that door open for you I should have known then that one day you could be mine and I would be yours, no matter how you felt. All I’ve been able to think about for weeks, months, is you. You’re beautiful Y/E/C eyes, that smile that has never once not made me smile back. Merlin, please tell me there’s something here and that this isn’t all just in my mind.” James said, rushing through his speech like he’d been rehearsing it for a while.

You were beaming at him by the time he had finished, cheeks flushed red and not because of the cold. God, how foolish you both were.

“I like you too, James. When I realised I liked you I was terrified because I thought everything would change for the worse and I didn’t even let myself consider the possibility that you would like me back, that everything had changed for good.” You told him, watching as he gave you the softest smile you’d ever seen on his face.

“I like you so much, Y/N, and I want to make up for all that time we lost being idiots who didn’t realise. I already know plenty about you but I want to know everything about you.” James said as he stepped forward, he reached up cupping your cheek in his hands and despite the cold air, your cheek were warm to touch, making him smile wider.

He gave you time to pull away but you didn’t move, not until his lips were against you. You kissed him back, the kiss started off soft and slow but all the time you’d spent not admitting your feelings had built up causing the kiss to turn. It was hot and messy and the two of you only pulled away when a sudden coldness washed over you.

The pair of you looked up, laughing at the rain that came from nowhere. It was the kind of rain that meant you were drenched through in a matter of seconds, hair and clothes sticking uncomfortably to you pretty quickly.

But that didn’t matter as you and James laughed before he pulled you in for another kiss, this time his arms snaked around your waist and you rested yours around his neck, fingers coming up to play with wet hair.

The two of you stayed outside for way longer than you should have but when you finally pulled away James rested his forehead against yours.

“Sorry we didn’t get to eat.” He said, watching as you glanced over at the soaking wet blanket and the basket.

“That’s ok,” you giggled before brushing your lips against him, “we’re going to be so sick tomorrow.”

“We should head back.” James smiled, entwining his fingers with yours.

You glanced down at your joined hands before looking up at James who, despite being drenched through, looked incredibly handsome and he was looking at you like you were the most beautiful girl in the world despite the fact that you had mascara running down your cheeks and you were equally as wet.

Everything has changed, you thought to yourself, and the next day as you and James cuddled together on the couch both suffering from a cold, you couldn’t help but smile because everything has changed but it was the best type of change.


James Potter Taglist - @haroldpotterson, @lovinnholland, @rottenstyx, @asherhunterx, @secondaryjob, @canadailluminate, @filmsbyblair, @mrs-scottmccall, @roseslovedreams , @j-cat

@janesofia7, @cinderellacauseshebroke, @black-rose-29, @wierdstark, @chickensrule, @rosaliedepp (sorry if you've been notified about this like seven times, tumblr has been broke for me)

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- It’s Going To Be You

- State of Grace

- Half of a Whole

- (20) 22

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- Losing You, It’s Not An Option

- I Have Found you

- Some Things Are Worth The Risk

- Treacherous

- Only You

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- Begin Again

- I Almost Do

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- Come Back…Be Here

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- Hold You To That

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- The Best Day

- Live Like Jack and Sally

- The Lucky One

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- See You Again

- The Story of Us

- Teardrops on my Guitar

- Last Kiss


- Golden Cage is still a Cage

- Best Lazy Day Ever

- Coldness & Cuddles

- Finding Your Way Back (Part One)

- Finding Your Way Back (Part Two)

- We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together

- Finding Our Way Back

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- My Devil, My Shadow

- Again and Again

- Stitches & Shivers

- I'll Always Find You

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-  Look How Far We’ve Come

- Safe in Your Arms

- Everyone Deserves A Second Chance

- Love Story

- I Can’t Lose You Again (Part One)

- I Can’t Lose You Again (Part Two)

- I Knew You Were Trouble

- Speak Now


- Nurse Parker Makes Everything Better 

- Medicated 

- Home at Last

- One Life for the Two of Us, Mr Stark

- New Year’s Day

- He Was A Hero

- No Way Home


- I Gotchu

- Not Getting Rid of Me

- The Only Thing I Care About

- No Promises

- What Are Neighbours For?

- I See You in My Dreams

- I’ve Been Waiting For You


- The Terrible Talk

- Moment in Time 


- You Look Like a Museum to Me

- August


- Wherever We Want


- Candy & Cuddles


- Give a Little Whistle 


- Exam Day Stress


- Enchanted To Meet You


- Girls Like You

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