Demonkin - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

To all the people who actually wanted to join a pantheon with me, I have made a community on amino labeled as "Hecatoncheires" which is where all you people with certain kin types can hang out.

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1 year ago

Do any other demonkin feel the urge to eat raw meat? Idk if it’s the demon or not but I can’t resist sometimes,,

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3 years ago

oki this is a genuine question .. i have two fictiotypes who are demons .. would that make me demonkin? because recently i've been thinking a lot about being a demon rather than the life i had when i was said characters, when i'm in said characters kinshift


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3 years ago

• guess who put his own hand into the fire because he forgot about the fact that he’s not a flame demon with fire proof hands anymore

• also, guess who has a burnt hand now

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3 years ago

>> thing i remember about the flame world !! <<

• first thing, there was a lot of fire. wow who would've guessed that the flame world had fire? very smart behavior coming from me. sarcasm aside, there was fire, but not common fire. some specific areas had random flames that couldn't be extinguished, but different from normal flames, it didn't spread, the flames were contained in a small place. you could "put it down" building things on top of it, like roads or houses but since it didn't spread, most of the time there wasn't really a reason to do that, so everyone just left it there.

• because of the fire, it was always bright, we couldn't tell if it was day or night, but to be honest i don't think day and night were really a concept there for this same reason. the only place that could ever be dark was inside a building, because, well, fire can't get through thick stone walls.

• i'm unsure if there was a sky there of not, sometimes it looked like there was but it also looked like a gigantic ceiling. when we looked up it was a blurry deep red, and once i saw something that looked like mist up there, but it could've been just smoke.

• also, these flames were extremely loud, not a single place in that world was safe from the noise. not even ivlis castle, we could still hear the flames from .. what? third floor? yes, that place was always noisy. but it wasn't a disturbing noise, it was more like a background noise, like an AC or a fan. the flames were kind of relaxig in a way.

• every single building was made from this specific type of stone that looked like volcanic rocks. it was a red, almost black, material, and i think it was the only material that could block the flames, since i'm pretty sure the roads were made from the same thing. most buildings also didn't had windows, or had very small windows, i don't know why but probably for a good reason.

and uhm these are the only things i can remember for now.. i hope i remember more soon.

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9 months ago

Oh wow this is familiar. I still do this low-key. It comes from a place of wanting to fit in for me.

Like, I've always felt that the deepest parts of myself are so alien, out of place, and not the same as people I know, even among good friends, that I would observe what people around me do so I could make them more comfortable.

I studied psychology in college partly because it helped me fit in better (in a few ways), literally the science of "human watching" lol

I've learned a lot about humans tho, some things make me disgusted and angry, but at the end of the day I just want to help people and make the people I know feel comfortable. That's the kinda demon girl I am :)

Fun Fact: When I was little I used to do this thing that I called human watching. I would basically sit or stand there at recess and watch the children play. I watched every little thing they did, from their movments to their tones of speech. I would then copy them, and I quote "to try and apear more human."

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9 months ago

Sometimes I really wish my holy water would burn me during prayer because it would be so fucking affirming as a religious demonkin.

But nooooo instead it just feels wet and cold and makes me kinda sad, just like my own native catholic religion does sometimes lmao

Man, I gotta start my own church. Anybody wanna join my trans affirming queer process theology church? The pastor is me, a plural trans demonkin.

What's that? You're wondering if we praise Satan and drink blood? I guess we do yeah, if by Satan you mean the opposite of whatever the other Catholics are praying to. Goodness itself and whatnot? Yeah, that. We like that.

And sure, we drink wine like Catholics, metaphorical transubstantiation of blood and all. Huh? Sure you can get drunk on the church wine. Under capitalism we all gotta get by right? What's that you want it in a sippy cup? Oh uh, sure... (*pours wine into sippy cup and stares at you quizzically*)

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9 months ago

I wish I could wear my horns to church :(

Would be nice if I could actually participate in my community as the person I am, but already I feel super uncomfy being outwardly trans so not like that's gonna be possible.

I Wish I Could Wear My Horns To Church :(

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9 months ago

Humans make me angry and sad and upset but... My kid is a human (probably), my friends and family are mostly humans... I know lots of good humans. I love and care about lots of humans.

As a demon girl I feel like part of my job is to defend that human honor and goodness even if I don't necessarily feel entirely human myself. I try to expand my knowledge, including that of the divine and esoteric, because I feel not only does it benefit me, as an entity where those things are often used against me (church is not very demon friendly), but also because I feel that I can be something that the humans around me in pain can come to for help. I don't believe the universe is uncaring, because I feel like I'm very much part of the universe, and yet I care about people a whole lot. The universe isn't uncaring, because at the least you have me that cares about you...

When I write about how I, demon girl izalith still love all you weirdos, I mean it. I may be an Eldritch-pilled demon girl who has spontaneous urges to destroy and consume those I love but... I can still be a good person. I want to be a good person, and I want humans to be happy and to take all suffering seriously, full stop.

I'm happy there's a flag for this. It makes me feel like there are other eldritch-kin people out there who care about others, and it makes me feel like life on this planet stands a chance.

Philanthropic Nonhuman Flag

Philanthropic Nonhuman flag

For nonhumans that love humanity. One doesn't have to love being human, just humanity in general. The opposite of misanthropic.

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9 months ago

Oh hey, that last ones just actually me. Hi!

Reblog to give the creature power. Like to befriend them.

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9 months ago

Another demonkin hiding in plain sight in the tradition?? 👀

I feel this so hard. Demon kin here who has lots of complicated and nuanced feelings about religion, and man I feel some really strong feels. I wish I could be a demon and a saint. I think I'm gonna hold being divine and being demonic in dialectic... I think these may both be true. I don't feel like divinekin but like, man being a demon who preaches hope and humanity is kinda my deal soooo yeag

St. Catherine Of Siena Drinking From Christ's Side Wound
St. Catherine Of Siena Drinking From Christ's Side Wound

st. catherine of siena drinking from christ's side wound

in a hagiography of st. catherine of siena, alsace, early 15th c.

source: Paris, BnF, ms. allem. 34, fol. 43v

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9 months ago

I know this is old but your blog is so good and I just found it and aaaa I just gotta say I love your stuff.

I think I like mostly agree here? Humanity I think is beautiful. I look at my kid, my human friends and family... Yeah humanity makes me so angry and sad sometimes. Really just righteously enraged by the cruelty... but... It's also beautiful. I think I hope they do change, but for the better. I hope humanity can be better so that my kid can have a future, so that all life can have a better future. I may be a demon but I hold onto hope. It's all I got sometimes.

Question for all Otherkin!

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6 months ago

Count me in >:3

My fellow demons. If I were to make a funny little discord chat to put us in touch, how many of y'all would be down? Some way to get to know one another may be nice.

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6 months ago

Flying shifts be like...

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6 months ago

This really resonated with me. I'm demonkin and also deal with substantial mobility impairment. Can't get around my best of days without a cane. I've spent the last couple days unable to walk entirely from a flareup. Ideally, I would be out exploring at night, running around looking for people to seduce and stuff, heck, I used to be able to do more of that, but these days my disability has gotten more frequently worse and if I DO try to go wild then I'd break myself. I've already done it a few times and have the surgical scars to prove it.

It's often incredibly humiliating for me too as a demon, I have had to learn to swallow my pride, and still do need to learn that in many ways. I feel like I should be so powerful it makes people cower, but instead they rush to open doors for me and such...

Not only do I have to deal with the dysphoria of not having my wings or fangs or tail, but also not being able to walk easily or at all, not being able to exercise except by swimming when I wanna run and jump and explore. I feel so much freedom has been taken from me.

I am proud of how I've learned kindness and empathy like this though! Empathy does not come easily for people like me. I think relying on people close to me has helped me in some ways develop the skill of cognitive empathy, but I don't think that tradeoff is always worth it so to speak. That being said I'm proud of myself and what I can do. When I wear compression bandages I feel like a badass now. My cane that I have has sigils burned into it with my name and my partners names in runes. I'm looking to get some red contacts, and when I wear goth I think I may be one of the scariest disabled demons ever!

So yeah I'm a demon who IS ALSO disabled.

Life as a Disabled Alterhuman

Let's talk about being alterhuman without being able bodied.

If you've never met me before, i'm a werewolf. I use the label of psychological otherkin, but nowdays I mostly just say alterhuman.

A lot of individuals in the community can relate to wanting to spend time in their natural ecosystem or habitat. Some of them don't live in a country where that habitat even exists.

Conceptually, I'm lucky. I'm surrounded by nature reserves that are an hour away at most. Some are much closer.

Every part of me wants to be out there, in the trees and bushes and soil, every week. I'm sure some of us ARE out there every week based on some of the responses I've gotten on my posts.

I can't be.

I'm chronically ill. Partly from birth, partly acquired later in life. My mobility is limited by my threshold for suffering. The more I move, the more i'll have to pay for it later. And those debts don't have an upper limit.

I would love to prioritise letting my animal out more, being in nature more, travelling more. Hell- even running. But not only would doing that wreck me over and over again, it would make it impossible for me to meet the demands and responsibilities of my human life.

As a werewolf, there's an internal pull towards more feral behaviour and imagery. But my chronic illness requires constant upkeep, constant maintenance. My wellbeing depends on frequent visits to professionals.

I've always dreamed of running off to a cabin in the woods. I'm sure many of you have. But it's patently impossible for someone like me, who relies so heavily on human healthcare to survive.

The truth is I wouldn't be able to function without humans to look after me. And I have responsibilities that come before my desires for freedom.

None of this stuff makes me any less of an alterhuman. Makes me any less of a werewolf. All of these smaller restrictions do add up to a certain kind of distance from the "ideal alterhuman" perhaps. But my identity has always been, and will always be, an internal thing for me.

I'm not a werewolf IN SPITE of being disabled.

I'm a werewolf who IS ALSO disabled.

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2 years ago

An Introduction to Me

Hi! I go by many names, but you can call me Devion or Grimm.

I am a deitykin, demonkin, unseelie faekin, bunnykin and fennec foxkin. I'm still meditating and searching inside myself to confirm some other kintypes, though.

I adore the human world, but I still get homesick from time to time. I love all sorts of alternative fashions, and can't always stick to just one style!

I may give introductions to my kintypes later

Also, I have generalised anxiety disorder, depression, adhd and autism. Please be patient with me ♡

(Credit to @liltoastieboi for the DNI banner)

An Introduction To Me

PDI (Please Do Interact):

Otherkin, alterhuman, therian etc

I make moodboards and absolutely love getting requests for them! You don't have to be otherkin or nonhuman to request one either, though otherkin/therian/nonhuman/alterhuman moodboards are my priority~

Thank you!

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2 years ago



- Angel kin (Memories or no memories doesn’t matter, but if you would like to discuss, please DM!)

- Demon Kin (Same for Angel Kin)

-God Kin (Same for Angel Kin)

-Would Like To discuss memories with any of these kins, I am only Demon Kin, btw, with some memories!

Put who you are in the tags! I’ll be sure to follow!

Btw, this is only a side blog, you will be followed by hezekio-s

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2 years ago

Demonkin, deitykin, bunnykin and fennec foxkin ♡♡♡

Hey there! I’m looking for some Otherkin friends! I myself am goat/satyrkin and I’m looking for some cool pals.

• Angelkin • Demonkin • Godkin • Forestkin (all kinds) • Spacekin (all kinds) • Wolfkin • Dragonkin • Foxkin • Catkin • Fictionkin and Factkin are also welcome!

Really as long as you’re Otherkin or even Therian you’re welcome to join the party here!


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2 years ago

It's time for a lil demonkin moodboard! When I was a demon, I had 7 ravens that I would talk to often. I think fondly of them ♡

It's Time For A Lil Demonkin Moodboard! When I Was A Demon, I Had 7 Ravens That I Would Talk To Often.
It's Time For A Lil Demonkin Moodboard! When I Was A Demon, I Had 7 Ravens That I Would Talk To Often.

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