Optimism - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

i think it’s really cute how on some level we all kind of believe in magic. you can practically wish upon anything whether it’s a shooting star, a fallen eyelash, or even a dandelion. somehow kissing your true love is bound to save the day. cool rocks and flowers can be used for different kinds of magic. even just the concept of people who can conduct magic is adorable. the belief in magic is literally apart of everyday life whether you choose to see it or not and if that’s not the cutest shit idek what is

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9 years ago

New Blogs I have now!

Hey there all! Just wanted to quickly put up some new blogs I have going that will also feature some stuff on tumblr too, whenever I’m not being lazy about it.

https://themultimediaroom.wordpress.com/ - A blog for my thoughts on different things on media, and the occasional random article.

https://thewippage.wordpress.com/ - A blog where some WIPs I have will be put up for critique.

Please check them out if you can, would greatly appreciate the love! :) And look out for some posts from those blogs to show up on my tumblr as well!

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1 year ago

to myself -

i move forward with grace and compassion.

i trust in my intuition and integrity to guide me.

i treat others with the same respect and honesty i deserve.

i am humble enough to strive for peace, not perfection.

this is where i am and i honor myself in this season of my life.

i make space for my needs.

i validate my thoughts, emotions, and actions.

i nourish and protect my energy.

i forgive myself and gain insight from each new experience.

i let the past go, i embrace the present, i welcome all that is to come.

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1 year ago
Source: Morgan Harper Nichols @morganharpernichols

source: Morgan Harper Nichols @morganharpernichols

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1 year ago

The Power of Positivity: How to Attract and Embrace a Positive Mindset

Shaina Tranquilino

August 22, 2023

The Power Of Positivity: How To Attract And Embrace A Positive Mindset

Living in a world filled with constant challenges, negativity can easily creep into our lives. However, maintaining a positive mindset is not only possible but also crucial for our overall well-being. By consciously attracting positivity into our lives, we can change our perspective, enhance productivity, and cultivate happiness. In this blog post, we will explore some effective strategies that can help you attract and embrace positivity.

1. Practice Gratitude:

Gratitude is the cornerstone of a positive mindset. Take time each day to reflect on the things you are grateful for—whether it's your health, relationships, or even the simple joys of life. Maintaining an attitude of gratitude shifts your focus from what's wrong to what's right, enabling you to appreciate the beauty around you.

2. Surround Yourself with Positive Influences:

Your environment significantly influences your thoughts and emotions. Surround yourself with people who radiate positivity, as their energy will uplift and inspire you. Engage in conversations that encourage personal growth and seek out motivational books, podcasts, or videos that instill optimism and empower you to overcome hurdles.

3. Practice Self-Care:

Taking care of your physical and mental well-being is vital for attracting positivity into your life. Engage in activities that bring you joy—whether it's going for a walk in nature, practicing yoga or meditation, creating art, or spending quality time with loved ones. Prioritizing self-care allows you to recharge and approach life with renewed enthusiasm.

4. Reframe Negative Thoughts:

Negative thoughts are natural but learning how to reframe them can make all the difference. Instead of dwelling on setbacks or failures, view them as opportunities for growth and learning experiences. Challenge negative beliefs by replacing them with positive affirmations that reinforce your abilities and worthiness.

5. Set Clear Goals:

Setting clear goals helps direct your focus and provides a sense of purpose. Break down bigger goals into smaller, achievable tasks, and celebrate each accomplishment along the way. This not only boosts motivation but also reinforces a positive mindset by acknowledging progress.

6. Practice Mindfulness:

Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present in the moment, without judgment or attachment. Engage in activities that promote mindfulness, such as deep breathing exercises, mindful eating, or taking moments to appreciate the beauty around you. By being present and aware, you can let go of worries about the past or future, allowing positivity to flow into your life.

7. Spread Positivity:

The more positivity you radiate outwards, the more it will come back to you. Acts of kindness, offering support to others, or simply sharing a genuine smile can create a ripple effect of positivity in your surroundings. By uplifting others and spreading joy, you attract positive energy back into your own life.

Attracting positivity is an ongoing journey that requires conscious effort and dedication. By incorporating these strategies into your daily routine—practicing gratitude, surrounding yourself with positive influences, practicing self-care, reframing negative thoughts, setting clear goals, practicing mindfulness, and spreading positivity—you can gradually shift your perspective towards one filled with optimism and embrace a more fulfilling and joyful life. Remember: Your mindset has the power to shape your reality; choose positivity!

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10 months ago

Embracing the Unknown: Honouring Life Changes Shaina Tranquilino May 11, 2024

Embracing The Unknown: Honouring Life ChangesShaina TranquilinoMay 11, 2024

Change is the only constant in life. We've all heard this adage countless times, yet when faced with significant shifts, we often find ourselves hesitating, held back by fear of the unknown. Whether it's starting a new job, moving to a new city, ending a relationship, or embarking on a new adventure, transitions can be daunting. However, it's precisely these moments of change that offer us the opportunity for growth, discovery, and transformation.

Anything worth doing in our lives inevitably comes with a certain level of fear attached to it. Fear of failure, fear of rejection, fear of the unfamiliar – these emotions can paralyze us, preventing us from taking the necessary steps toward our goals and aspirations. Yet, if we allow ourselves to be consumed by fear, we risk stagnation and regret. Instead, we must learn to embrace change with open arms, recognizing it as an integral part of the human experience.

Honouring life changes means acknowledging the discomfort that comes with them and choosing to move forward despite it. It means accepting that growth often requires stepping outside of our comfort zones and into the realm of uncertainty. It's about trusting in ourselves and our ability to adapt, even when the path ahead seems unclear.

One of the most powerful ways to honour life changes is by cultivating a mindset of resilience and optimism. Rather than focusing on what could go wrong, focus on what could go right. Instead of dwelling on past failures, see them as valuable lessons that have brought you one step closer to where you are today. By shifting our perspective in this way, we can approach change with a sense of possibility rather than dread.

Another essential aspect of honouring life changes is practicing self-compassion. Change can be challenging, and it's okay to feel scared or overwhelmed at times. Be gentle with yourself as you navigate these transitions, and remember that it's okay to ask for help when you need it. Surround yourself with supportive friends, family, or mentors who can offer guidance and encouragement along the way.

Moreover, staying present in the moment can help alleviate anxiety about the future. Instead of getting caught up in "what ifs" and hypothetical scenarios, focus on the here and now. Take things one step at a time, celebrating each small victory along the way. By staying grounded in the present moment, you can cultivate a sense of gratitude for the journey, even amidst the uncertainty.

Ultimately, honouring life changes is about embracing the full spectrum of human experience – the highs and the lows, the triumphs and the challenges. It's about recognizing that growth often requires us to step into the unknown and trusting that we have the strength and resilience to navigate whatever comes our way.

So, the next time you find yourself facing a significant life change, remember this: Anything worth doing will likely stir up some fear within you. But instead of letting that fear hold you back, let it propel you forward. Embrace the uncertainty, lean into the discomfort, and trust that on the other side of change lies endless opportunity for growth, fulfillment, and joy.

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8 months ago

You Are What You Think: Harnessing the Power of Language Shaina Tranquilino July 15, 2024

You Are What You Think: Harnessing The Power Of LanguageShaina TranquilinoJuly 15, 2024

Language is not merely a tool for communication; it is a potent force that shapes our perceptions, beliefs, and ultimately, our reality. The way we use language can either support our growth and success or undermine our efforts and aspirations. This phenomenon underscores the profound truth that you are, indeed, what you think.

The Power of Positive Language

Using language positively can be transformative. When we frame our thoughts and conversations in constructive and optimistic ways, we invite positivity into our lives. This isn't just about superficial optimism; it's about cultivating a mindset that sees opportunities instead of obstacles, solutions rather than problems.

Self-Talk and Self-Image: The language we use internally, our self-talk, plays a crucial role in shaping our self-image. If we constantly criticize ourselves or doubt our abilities, we reinforce negative beliefs. Conversely, affirming ourselves and using encouraging language can build confidence and resilience.

Goal Setting and Achievement: How we articulate our goals can significantly impact our motivation and likelihood of success. Clear, specific, and positively framed goals help us stay focused and motivated. Instead of saying, "I can't do this," shifting to "I am working towards mastering this" changes our approach and outcome.

Influence on Others: Our language not only affects our own mindset but also influences those around us. Positive language fosters collaboration, inspires trust, and encourages others to strive for their best. Conversely, negative language can create doubt, conflict, and hinder collective progress.

The Perils of Negative Language

Conversely, negative language can be insidious, subtly shaping our reality in ways that limit us.

Limiting Beliefs: Negative language reinforces limiting beliefs about ourselves and our capabilities. Phrases like "I'm not good enough" or "I'll never succeed" create mental barriers that can prevent us from pursuing opportunities or taking risks.

Impact on Relationships: Negative language can strain relationships and erode trust. Criticism, blame, and harsh words can damage connections and make it harder to resolve conflicts constructively.

Self-Fulfilling Prophecies: The language we use can become self-fulfilling prophecies. If we constantly predict failure or dwell on worst-case scenarios, we may inadvertently contribute to outcomes that align with those expectations.

Harnessing Language for Growth

To harness the power of language effectively:

Be Mindful: Pay attention to your thoughts and the language you use both internally and externally.

Choose Empowering Words: Replace negative self-talk with affirmations and positive affirmations.

Reframe Challenges: Instead of seeing setbacks as failures, view them as opportunities for growth and learning.

Encourage Others: Use language that uplifts and motivates others, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment.

In essence, you are what you think because your thoughts shape your words, and your words shape your actions and experiences. By consciously using language to support positive beliefs, growth, and relationships, you can cultivate a mindset that propels you toward success and fulfillment. Remember, the power of language lies not just in what is spoken but in how it transforms your reality. Choose your words wisely, for they have the power to define who you become.

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6 years ago


This recipe makes (1) fire sign, Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius. 

Ten cans of Monster Energy Drink

2 gallons of the blood of your enemies

An unused box of fireworks

A dash of adventure

2 tbsp of irresponsibility

One cup of madness

A box of stubborn pride

To make an Aries, add: 2 cups passion

To make a Leo, add: 1 quart glitter

To make a Sagittarius, add: Spoonful of optimism

Mix all ingredients well. Let sit in the sun for 5 hours, then bake at 450 degrees for 2 hours. Do NOT cool before serving. Enjoy!

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5 years ago

Aw damn it, I got Venus and Jupiter in 10th house 😅

The Astrology of Humor

Humor is ruled by Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and, in some accounts, the Moon.

Mercury represents humor in or from communication and/or wit. This is the sort of humor that we find in wordplay and quick exchanges.

Venus represents humor in or from art. This is what we see in the movies and in those witty political cartoons.

Jupiter represents humor in or from a more hopeful or optimistic outlook, like the ability to make light of the bad or find hope in it. We could also see this as a more philosophical sort of humor.

And the Moon we could see as representing the emotional aspect of humor. Humor does draw an emotional response - happiness, hopefully - so this makes sense.

Comedy, specifically, is ruled by Venus. So the strictly artistic or “professional” side of humor and expressing humor.

You can really tell what people find funny through the placements of these heavenly bodies and their aspects.

I think there’s a tendency to only see certain signs as comedic or humorous but really every sign has a sense of humor, it just varies by type. Capricorn, for example, definitely has a dry sense of humor, and Aries a physical sense of humor - the type that inspires a person to act out something to make others laugh.

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9 months ago

I need motivation to heal. Let's imagine... if in a few weeks I am able to move my hands again... please give me a few ideas of what to paint then. 🙏 Before the illness, I was painting hyperrealistic portraits, nature, beautiful femme fatales, and super cute animals. Now, I barely type (extra slowly, extra frustrating). But maybe... if you challenge me, I will set it as an aim to overcome. I can't promise I will succeed in painting anything, but I want to take on the challenge of creating a few of the coolest artworks that might inspire me to push the boundaries of my illness. If you want to be a part of my challenge, and maybe even a part of my potential progress - please send me the most mesmerizing idea you have! 💡❤️

I hope this inspiration will re-spark my body to get better 🙏😊

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9 months ago

That is right, the flag of the AI messed up. In such sensitive topics, I should be super accurate and precise. My intention of solidarity can't be enough if my messages come across as hurtful or painful. I take responsibility for being unable to express my hope for peace and prosperity both for Jews and for Arabs. I love people of every kind. And I'm so sad that I can't protect the most innocent of all - the children. The mistake was the comparisons, and the focus on justice at any cost - but in fact, it is not a zero-sum game. It is a total sum, a total sum of the same land where so much human blood has been shed during a prolonged period. I don't want to blame, I just want to acknowledge the universal human pain. The grief, the insanity, the horror. I have seen and heard too much pain, various disastrous assaults… And all I feel is powerless, sad, and hopeful that we will choose another path. With the help and support of the world, that will help us find compassion in ourselves and each other. I pray for the day our world will know no more wars, assaults, and apathy to pain. Because trauma is never erased; if not healed, it always passes forward. I am extremely thankful for the insights of the peace activist Thích Nhất Hạnh (RIP) and his followers who have opened my eyes and opened my heart to seeking connection, love, and compassion. I have a long way to go to be a better person, but I firmly believe in the human right of Arabs and Jews to have a place where each can live a secure and respectful life in harmony and connection ♥️🙏

hey @staff how about you stop nuking palestinian and transfems’ blogs and stop advocating for israel?

Hey @staff How About You Stop Nuking Palestinian And Transfems Blogs And Stop Advocating For Israel?
Hey @staff How About You Stop Nuking Palestinian And Transfems Blogs And Stop Advocating For Israel?

i am disgusted that this was approved for blaze, meanwhile palestinian and transfem bloggers are getting taken down right and left. the palestine flag isn’t even correct on the child on the left

peace in palestine will only come when palestine is free.

also @queka-store shame on you for profiting off of genocide.

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5 months ago

over it october. no energy november. defeated december..

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