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TARGARYEN NOVEMBER 2021 ↳ Day 20: Couples (Targaryen + Non-Targaryen)
Fallen leaves lay thick upon the ground, like soldiers after some great slaughter. A man in patched, faded greens was sitting crosslegged atop a weathered stone sepulcher, fingering the strings of a woodharp. The music was soft and sad. Merrett knew the song. High in the halls of the kings who are gone, Jenny would dance with her ghosts…

The amount of Jonsas comparing their "love story" to Duncan and Jenny and even Naerys and Aemon is so fucking annoying. Like both those have the common themes of love vs duty and somehow they think their self-insert and bland Jon replacement will somehow fall into that? At this point in the books, Jon is only interested in breaking his oath for one person, Arya, not Sansa, even knowing she was married to Tyrion. Wow, such a great love story! And do they seriously think somehow in two books Jon and Sansa are going to somehow end up like those legendary stories? Bffr, I'm starting to get concerned about their mental health.
Targaryen's traditional look of light hair and purple eyes is nice and makes them stand out. However, it gets a little repetitive that all Targs who became Rulers had that look. We should spice things up with adding some Targaryen rulers with darker looks.
Here is my top 3 ( not in order of preference but in historical order)
1. Jace Velaryon:
Compare him to the other royal boys around his age ( Aegon II, Aemond, Daeron the Daring) and it's easy to see why he would make a fine King. Brave and a good politician. Plus, he's the first IT bastard boy. Jace being so much more capable leader than his "trueborn" uncles proves that bastardy is just a social construction
2. Duncan Targaryen
I'm a Dunk & Egg fan, so it me "King Duncan" sounds so good. Moving on Duncan himself, kudos to him for marrying his not noble sweetheart. Far better choice than his brother who ended up King who was in love and married his sister. We need more Kings marrying the common folk ( and caring about them) and less marrying their siblings.
3. Jon Snow
He continues the IT bastard boy trend Jace started. Started from the bottom so even if he made it to the top it would be unlikely he would forget the less fortunate. He's the most capable person in Westeros for that role. While the other candidates fight over who is gonna sit in the most uncomfortable chair ever, Jon prepares to fight Westeros biggest threat, the Others. The only thing against him is that he's currently dead but a mere thing as death is not enough from preventing Jon from returning.

everything asoiaf ♕ narrative themes
The Helen of Troy Complex || Tragic wars started and brutal battles fought all in the name “love” towards a notoriously beautiful woman, usually with unintended consequences and a horrible aftermath in its wake.

High in the halls of the kings who are gone Jenny would dance with her ghosts. The ones she had lost and the ones she had found and the ones who had loved her the most
#preasoiafweek: day 4 ➝couples
Jenny of oldstones
I found an old piece for Jenny that I never posted! She is one of my absolute fav characters her story is so sad but it’s still beautiful. In my notes for it the flowers in her hair are representative of madness, undying love, love, grief, consuming love, and sorrow.