Rhaelle Targaryen - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Finally, someone is talking about Rhaelle, many people are fond of Ducan, but no one is saying that BECAUSE OF HER, along with the other siblings, Rhaelle was separated from her home and compromised from a very young age, EVEN IF IT WAS NOT HER DUTY BECAUSE SHE IS THE MINOR. And none of her siblings cared about me.

Rhaelle sure was #teamRobert in the rebellion, she and Argelle danced salsa on the ashes

Okay, I say this as a JAIME LANNISTER stan, but can the Rhaegar Wives plsssssss find something else to do than rehash the same fucking discourse in the tumblr tags? I went into the tags a few days ago and it was essentially just bitching about how people don't like that man or that ship, and like? okay? Do they understand how many times I have to see takes about people saying Jaime is a unrepentant killer that deserves to die? I really don't care and just MOVE ON and go appreciate art and fic or other content. Like I'm sorry your ship or characters don't inspire talented or creative individuals to make content and Elia or other 'MinOR' characters do.....what would you like us to do about that lmaoooo?

Not the Rhaegar wives šŸ˜­

This is the first Iā€™ve heard that moniker lmao it took me a second to process šŸ¤£

Itā€™s so weird like fam, who cares if people donā€™t like Rhaegar, you can love him itā€™s okay.

With how crazy the fandom is I wouldnā€™t put it pass them to think the scary Elia stans are behind his dislike. Instead of thinking that rationally with time passing and more and more people reading the canonical text Rhaegar just doesnā€™t come across as this perfect godlike figure they imagine, and honestly thatā€™s okay it makes him more interesting?

Like why the insistence to try to force him into the perfect angel caricature instead of just appreciating him for what he is. Another one of GRRMā€™s fantastic grey characters.

Like I promise the what?ā€¦.9 Elia stans in total canā€™t hurt you lol. Iā€™m pretty sure Rhaegar still has a huge majority of fans too but alas the persecution complex continues. šŸ’”

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1 year ago

Rhaelle Targaryen daughter of Egg a better woman than me, because if my parents and all my siblings married for love and i had to be send to a place that i don't know, just to marry a man that i don't know and end a war that started thanks to my brother rejecting the sister of said man... uff, my name would surely be in history and not for any good reason

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5 years ago
Part 2 Of The Targaryen Ladies That Were Not Danys Direct Ancestors Serie! I Loved Doing This :>
Part 2 Of The Targaryen Ladies That Were Not Danys Direct Ancestors Serie! I Loved Doing This :>
Part 2 Of The Targaryen Ladies That Were Not Danys Direct Ancestors Serie! I Loved Doing This :>
Part 2 Of The Targaryen Ladies That Were Not Danys Direct Ancestors Serie! I Loved Doing This :>
Part 2 Of The Targaryen Ladies That Were Not Danys Direct Ancestors Serie! I Loved Doing This :>
Part 2 Of The Targaryen Ladies That Were Not Danys Direct Ancestors Serie! I Loved Doing This :>
Part 2 Of The Targaryen Ladies That Were Not Danys Direct Ancestors Serie! I Loved Doing This :>
Part 2 Of The Targaryen Ladies That Were Not Danys Direct Ancestors Serie! I Loved Doing This :>
Part 2 Of The Targaryen Ladies That Were Not Danys Direct Ancestors Serie! I Loved Doing This :>
Part 2 Of The Targaryen Ladies That Were Not Danys Direct Ancestors Serie! I Loved Doing This :>

Part 2 of the ā€œTargaryen ladies that were not Danyā€™s direct ancestorsā€ serie! I loved doing this :ā€™>

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4 years ago
A Short, Bloody Rebellion Ensued [when Duncan Targaryen Spurned Lord Lyonel Baratheons Daughter To Marry
A Short, Bloody Rebellion Ensued [when Duncan Targaryen Spurned Lord Lyonel Baratheons Daughter To Marry
A Short, Bloody Rebellion Ensued [when Duncan Targaryen Spurned Lord Lyonel Baratheons Daughter To Marry
A Short, Bloody Rebellion Ensued [when Duncan Targaryen Spurned Lord Lyonel Baratheons Daughter To Marry
A Short, Bloody Rebellion Ensued [when Duncan Targaryen Spurned Lord Lyonel Baratheons Daughter To Marry
A Short, Bloody Rebellion Ensued [when Duncan Targaryen Spurned Lord Lyonel Baratheons Daughter To Marry
A Short, Bloody Rebellion Ensued [when Duncan Targaryen Spurned Lord Lyonel Baratheons Daughter To Marry
A Short, Bloody Rebellion Ensued [when Duncan Targaryen Spurned Lord Lyonel Baratheons Daughter To Marry

A short, bloody rebellion ensued [when Duncan Targaryen spurned Lord Lyonel Baratheonā€™s daughter to marry Jenny of Oldstones], ending only when Ser Duncan of the Kingsguard defeated Lord Lyonel in single combat, and King Aegon gave his solemn word that his youngest daughter,Ā Rhaelle, would wed Lord Lyonelā€™s heir. To seal the bargain, PrincessĀ RhaelleĀ was sent to Stormā€™s End to serve as Lord Lyonelā€™s cupbearer and companion to his lady wife.

In 245 AC Princess Rhaelle fulfilled her fatherā€™s promise and wed Ormund Baratheon, young Lord of Stormā€™s End. The following year she gave him a son, Steffon [father to Robert, Stannis and Renly Baratheon].

ladies of ice and fire: princess rhaelle targaryen

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4 years ago
Lady Melisandre Has Misread The Signs. Stannis Stannis Has Some Of The Dragon Blood In Him, Yes. His
Lady Melisandre Has Misread The Signs. Stannis Stannis Has Some Of The Dragon Blood In Him, Yes. His
Lady Melisandre Has Misread The Signs. Stannis Stannis Has Some Of The Dragon Blood In Him, Yes. His
Lady Melisandre Has Misread The Signs. Stannis Stannis Has Some Of The Dragon Blood In Him, Yes. His
Lady Melisandre Has Misread The Signs. Stannis Stannis Has Some Of The Dragon Blood In Him, Yes. His
Lady Melisandre Has Misread The Signs. Stannis Stannis Has Some Of The Dragon Blood In Him, Yes. His
Lady Melisandre Has Misread The Signs. Stannis Stannis Has Some Of The Dragon Blood In Him, Yes. His
Lady Melisandre Has Misread The Signs. Stannis Stannis Has Some Of The Dragon Blood In Him, Yes. His

Lady Melisandre has misread the signs. Stannisā€¦ Stannis has some of the dragon blood in him, yes. His brothers did as well. Rhaelle, Eggā€™s little girl, she was how they came by itā€¦ their fatherā€™s motherā€¦ she used to call me Uncle Maester when she was a little girl.

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4 months ago
Great Houses Of Westeros: House Targaryen (2/2)
Great Houses Of Westeros: House Targaryen (2/2)
Great Houses Of Westeros: House Targaryen (2/2)
Great Houses Of Westeros: House Targaryen (2/2)
Great Houses Of Westeros: House Targaryen (2/2)
Great Houses Of Westeros: House Targaryen (2/2)
Great Houses Of Westeros: House Targaryen (2/2)
Great Houses Of Westeros: House Targaryen (2/2)
Great Houses Of Westeros: House Targaryen (2/2)
Great Houses Of Westeros: House Targaryen (2/2)

Great Houses of Westeros: House Targaryen (2/2)

ā€œBut in recent years, it has occured to me from time to time that it might have made for an interesting twist if instead I had made the dragonlords of Valyria, and therefore the Targaryens blackā€¦.if Iā€™d had dark-skinned dragonlords invade and conquer and dominate a largely white Westerosā€¦ though that choice would have brought its own perils. The Targaryens have not all been heroic, after allā€¦ some of them have been monsters, madmen, soā€¦Well, itā€™s all moot. The idea came to me about twenty years too late.ā€

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