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1 year ago

Fantasy Wardrobe: Fabrics

We often call clothes silk when they are satin, velvet where they are velveteen or we have no clue what we’re on about. So today let’s look at fabrics.

Fantasy Wardrobe: Fabrics

Laying down the law

Fantasy Wardrobe: Fabrics

Many renaissance/mediaeval societies governed over who could wear what. By adding these laws you had a layer of depth to your world.

Women and men could only be dressed n clothes benefiting their position

Female servants or their daughters could not wear veils costing more than twelve pence

Knightly families could not wear cloth of gold or sable fur or velvets

The wife or daughter of a labourer were not to wear clothes beyond a certain price or a girdle garnished with silver

Cloth of gold and purple silk only worn by the royal family. This goes for ermine.

The importation of silk and lace foreigners was prohibited when the kingdom produced those textiles.

Peasant Clothing (Beggars to Merchant classes)

Fantasy Wardrobe: Fabrics

Wool: This was the staple of much of the clothes owned by peasants. It was in supply and it wasn’t as costly as most fabrics when undyed. It was also warm.

Linen: Forget about softness. Peasant linen was made of coarser weaves and flax. It was heavier than noble linen.

Cotton: A lightweight fabric used in hotter climates. It was softer than the linen and airier.

Fustian: heavy cloth woven from cotton, for menswear.

Leather: Leather was used for boots and shoes rather than killer jackets.

Nobility & Royalty

Fantasy Wardrobe: Fabrics

Cloth of Gold: Cloth made from woven threads of gold (very expensive)

Cloth of silver: cloth made from woven silver strands (very expensive)

Samite: a rich silk fabric woven with gold and silver threads

Tulle: A netting sort of material

Brocade: rich silk fabric with raised patterns sewn on it.

Cambresine: fine, lightweight linen

Cambric: thin white cotton or linen

Cypress: gauze made of cotton or silk

Damask: like brocade but the patterns are flat

Delaine : light wool/mixed wool and cotton

Lawn: sheer plain-woven cotton or linen

Sarsenet: fine and soft silk

Sateen: glossy cotton or wool

Satin: closely woven silk, shiny

Taffeta: Thickly woven silk

Velvet : piled fabric of silk, cotton or synthetic material

Velvetine: cotton with silk pile

Saxony: fine, delicate woollen fabric

Alençon Lace: intricate floral lace with three-dimensional corded detail sewn onto a fine tulle backing

Chantilly Lace: lightest of lace

Charmeuse: smooth, flowing, silk, cotton,

Chiffon: sheer and lightweight fabric

Crepe de Chine: thicker, lightly textured silk

Dupioni: crisp lusturous silk

Organza: sheer and lightweight fabric of very fine weave silk

Georgette: sheer fabric of silk

Guipure Lace: heavier lace


Fantasy Wardrobe: Fabrics

Embroidery: Patterns sewn on the fabric by thread

Appliqué: decorative fabric, often lace or floral motifs, sewn onto the main material

Embellishment: details such as beads, crystals, sequins, pearls

Trim: a line of material or fur that finishes off a hem or cuff.

Piping: a cord lining the fabric creating a ribbed look.


Fantasy Wardrobe: Fabrics

Here are the colours that you will catch your people wearing. Keep in mind that dyes had to be sourced and could be very expensive.

Peasant: brown, red or gray.

Nobility: Gold, silver, crimson or scarlet, deep indigo blue, violet colors and even deep black and pure white colors

Royalty: Purple


Fantasy Wardrobe: Fabrics

Mink: Soft and lightweight, silkly and glossy furs

Fox: Long, lustrous, colourful and easy to dye.

Ermine: White fur streaked with black (ONLY FOR ROYALTY)

Sable: long, luxurious, dense but light.

Wolf: thick, tough, warm but has a bad smell

Vair: fur from a red squirrel really only used for trimming.

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3 years ago

1956 High School Exchange Students in USA Debate on Prejudice (2)

(Caution: They showed their prejudice in this discussion. The program intended to overcome them by showing them each other. These are not my own prejudice. No offense.)

In 1956, one of the “bad habits” in the U.S. these exchange students came to have is rock and roll. They said so in the last episode. I don’t think Ed Sheeran’s new song wasn’t released at that time.

I update the information of “being proud of small and delicate” It is hardly found in the public discourse now in Japan. Successful Japanese international sports players are enough tall to play. In a TV commercial, businessmen drink energy drinks and work hard. However, the sense still can be found in traditional art. And “Kawaii” things are descendants of “small and delicate.”

Still, in the 21st century, authoritarian governments oppress free and open discussions. And freedom of speech is not always really free even in the former “free world”.

An emergent issue is sharing basic facts. They shared basic facts of colonialism, WW2, the segregation. And then they had an open, free and beautiful discussion. Misinformation and conspiracy theories have destroyed the common ground which should be a start point.

1956 youngsters still tell a lot.

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7 years ago
Heres A Life-hack For You.Apparently Concentrated Kool-Aid Can Be Used As A Pretty Effective Leather

Here’s a “life-hack” for you. Apparently concentrated Kool-Aid can be used as a pretty effective leather dye. I was making a drink while cutting the snaps off some new straps for my pauldrons and I got curious, so I tried it, thinking, “ok even if this works, it will just wash out.” Nope. It took the “dye” (undiluted) in about 3 seconds. After drying for about an hour and a half, it would not wash off in the hottest tap-water. It would not wash out after soaking for 30 minutes. It did not wash out until I BOILED it, and even then, only by a tiny bit and it gave it a weathered look that was kind of cool. Add some waterproofing and I’d wager it would survive even that. That rich red is only one application too. Plus it smells great, lol. So there you go, cheap, fruity smelling leather dye in all the colors Kool-Aid has to offer.

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2 years ago
Colouring My Own Hair #dye Https://www.instagram.com/p/CiLkX00PbGk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=

Colouring my own hair #dye https://www.instagram.com/p/CiLkX00PbGk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=

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7 months ago

More medieval dyes for y'all!

More Medieval Dyes For Y'all!

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4 years ago
Not By The Moon By Got7
Not By The Moon By Got7
Not By The Moon By Got7

not by the moon by got7

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4 years ago


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2 years ago
Poem Bangkok A/w 2019 Eternity In An Hour
Poem Bangkok A/w 2019 Eternity In An Hour
Poem Bangkok A/w 2019 Eternity In An Hour
Poem Bangkok A/w 2019 Eternity In An Hour
Poem Bangkok A/w 2019 Eternity In An Hour
Poem Bangkok A/w 2019 Eternity In An Hour
Poem Bangkok A/w 2019 Eternity In An Hour
Poem Bangkok A/w 2019 Eternity In An Hour
Poem Bangkok A/w 2019 Eternity In An Hour

Poem Bangkok  a/w 2019 “Eternity in an hour”

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9 years ago
Foulard La Teinture Vgtale
Foulard La Teinture Vgtale

Foulard à la teinture végétale

Alfonso Y.J. P. Luhvinchject

Cotton, de l’igname

48 X 48 CM




48 X 48 公分

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9 years ago
Les Chantillons La Teinture Vgtale
Les Chantillons La Teinture Vgtale

Les échantillons à la teinture végétale

Alfonso Y.J. P. Luhvinchject

Soie, de l’armoise




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9 years ago
La Teinture Au Pitaya
La Teinture Au Pitaya
La Teinture Au Pitaya

La teinture au pitaya

Peaux de pitaya, soie

Alfonso Y.J. P. Luhvinchject

Voici la réponse: le pitaya! Avez-vous gagné?


火龍果皮, 絲綢



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9 years ago
 (version Franaise En Bas)

天青 (version française en bas)




Un bleu de ciel très claire

Alfonso Y.J. P. Luhvinchject

Recemment, au Musée du palais à Taïpei, il y a une exposition des porcelaines de bleu de ciel. Les grandes oeuvres me fassent penser à cette teinture. Il s’agit de mon premier travail de la teinture naturelle. Sa couleur me donne tout à fait une impression d’une bleu discrète du ciel, et d’une trèsor cher comme les étoiles au lever du soleil.

Vous sauriez peut-être d’où elle vient, cette couleur?

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9 years ago
nj-phang-al - NJ PHÂNG A. L.
nj-phang-al - NJ PHÂNG A. L.
nj-phang-al - NJ PHÂNG A. L.


(Version française en bas)


絲巾,大青(山藍,Strobilanthes cusia)汁液


這樣沉謐的藍色,其實就是源自於臺灣的兩種植物:山藍(俗稱大青,學名:Strobilanthes cusia )與木藍(Indigofera tinctoria)。山藍與木藍透過一定方法處理後,可以染出如深海一樣的藍。而在未處理之前直接絞汁染色,便可染成這樣雅致的天青色。

Voile de la teinture à l’Indigo de l’Assam 

Alfonso Y.J. P. Luhvinchject

Voile de soie, jus de l’Indigo de l’Assam (l’Indigo montagnard, Strobilanthes cusia)

La teinture de l’Indigo taïwanaise a été exceptionnellement célèbre au XVIIIe et XIXe siècles à l’Est de l’Asie. Elle a été une activité commerciale très importante. Selon les documents, son hisoitre se peut remonter plus tôt que la colonisation néerlandaise, c’est-à-dire à XVIIe siècle.

L’Indigo taïwanais vient de deux plantes différente: l’Indigo de l’Assam ( Strobilanthes cusia ), nous l’appelons aussi l’Indigo montagnard, et l’Indigotier (Indigofera tinctoria). Apèrs les avoir traités, ils deviennent la teinture d’une couleur de bleu profond à la fin. Et si vous faites de la teinture directement avec leurs jus, sans traitement, vous aurez cette couleur élégante d’une petite matinée ensoleillée.

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