Elongated Muskrat - Tumblr Posts - Page 2
Elon wants to replace himself as soon as he can find someone.
“We broke the wealthiest man in the world in 3 weeks.” — @BlackKnight10k
Lettuce outlasting Lonnie muskrat

Callou callais
Incroyable, and holy shit
Twitter’s copyright strike system is no longer working. People are tweeting entire movies.

I think it's important for non-brazilians to reblog and share *WHY* Twitter has left Brazil because Elon will definitely try to spin it into a "Brazil's actually a dictatorship and we need to take freedom to them" specially since our country currently has a left-leaning leader and in recent past USA HAS interfered in our politics. Don't let Elon get away with blaming Brazil's legal system. Share the truth with friends and acquaintances so everyone knows Elon is a crybaby who thinks he's above the law of entire countries.


If twt users actually does this we're gonna laugh our asses off
It would be really funny if instead of flocking to tumblr, the twitter refuges revived myspace. Or, better yet, WE revived myspace. I mean, theres a section of tumblr dedicate to old web stuff already, so why not claim myspace as tumblr property?
Custom cursors on your page? Hell yeah. Fancy pixelated graphics? GIve me those. Brands? Nowhere to be found as far as I know. Bonus: MySpace is probably not blocked through whatever site blocker or whatever your school/work/country is useing to limit your internet access.
Abandon Twitter. BUrn it the ground. Revive Myspace and raise it to the heavens.
at this point it would be less of a liability for elon’s lawyers to just kill him and take their chances on a murder trial
One comes through my carwash and the guy is just the most smug piece of shit, some scammy URL across the front and back bumper, and he likes to talk to other bros about it in our parking lot.
I don't know why people are insulting all kpop stans since Elon decided to buy Twitter. Look at the kpop community here. All you will find are translators for tweets, People who repost the idol's tweets or posts on their blog for Tumblr people to see, people who hold civil conversations about cultural appropriation, fanfic writers, artists, people who share gifs or videos of concerts or funny moments and other stans who simply appreciate kpop idols.
Not all stans are delusional. It's just that there are some people on Twitter who have gone completely overboard in support of these idols. If you are worried about them then clarify that it's the kpop twiterrati that you don't want. Don't insult everyone in the kpop community just because you have the wrong notion about them.
Take @bang-tan, @blackpinkofficial, @bangtanmemesarchive, @blackpink @jenniekimblackpink , @bangtancorrect as an example. They are perfectly civil and have fun with their blog (except for @blackpinkofficial which is a now dead blog but was nice to have)
Lol, is this real? Even if it isn't, it's funny af.

I can't believe Elon Musk got suspended for enjoying his own piss!!! What is happening to free speech in America ???
This person has the some of the best insults I've heard.
I haven't had a lot but I've had a few Elon Musk stans on my post calling me a loser for ragging on him.
You know that licking the feet of a billionaire is not a substitute for a personality, nor is it an accomplishment of your own?
I would think shoving his nasty pasty toes down your throat would be cause for concern too, I doubt that man washes his feet.

This tweet is so much funnier now. The whole backstory of Bioshock is that Andrew Ryan, the guy Musk is quoting here, started a city entirely to be a libertarian paradise, but the moment someone else was successful enough to compete with him he made himself a dictator, seized all their assets, and began killing anyone who challenged him. He’s a character defined by his hypocrisy, constantly giving speeches like this about freedom and people pursuing their ambitions without limitation, but throwing all of those beliefs away as soon as they start to inconvenience him.
You know, kind of like a billionaire who buys a social media site, calls himself a “free speech absolutist”, announces that “comedy is legal now”, then blocks or bans all of his critics and changes the rules to limit satire.

I made a small edit that better fits the vibe of El*n's Twitter.
reblog to let people know you were here before the great twitter migration
me when I see Adam Parrish get relentlessly twinkified by the fandom

(just kidding, I hate Elon Musk, I hope he gets twinkified to oblivion)

I’m an artist, and I post art (I think that’s obvious but ya never know). I make lots of demon and Transformer art….
I swear I’m cool guys…. Totally not a nerd

I heard that the only reason why Elon Musk bought twitter is so he can allow transphobia in order to attack his daughter.
He so pathetic it's not even funny.