Cybertruck - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

I have seen this truck pop up at work twice now and it gets uglier and uglier each time, impressive actually.

My Hatred For Elon Musk Overpowers All
My Hatred For Elon Musk Overpowers All
My Hatred For Elon Musk Overpowers All

My hatred for Elon musk overpowers all

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8 months ago
Saw A Cybertruck Parked Next To A Truck That Would Do The Exact Same Thing For A Fraction Of The Cost.

Saw a cybertruck parked next to a truck that would do the exact same thing for a fraction of the cost. There were so many people gawking at it

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9 months ago
Then They're Sure To Like It Too .
Then They're Sure To Like It Too .

Then they're sure to like it too .

3,000 dollar tent for Cybertruck causes little enthusiasm

The Basecamp attachment looks completely different to the originally advertised design, and the ‘tent mode’ in the instructions doesn't even exist yet.

Then They're Sure To Like It Too .

Our recommendation: sewing it yourself is cheaper.

Or...... old concept.

Then They're Sure To Like It Too .

Why is the Cybertruck not authorised in Germany?

According to a TÜV expert, Tesla's Cybertruck would not be authorised in Germany. Occupants are therefore not safe in the electric pick-up - ‘even airbags won't help’

Why does the Cybertruck rust?

Causes of rust formation on the Cybertruck

One theory is that so-called ‘rail dust’, metallic particles that get onto the vehicle during transport by train and later start to rust, could be responsible for the rust spots.

Yes, of course my Audi also came by train, but this rail-dust probably doesn't exist here as it's complete rubbish.

Please investigate scientifically why other car manufacturers have totally solved the problem.

Since mid-April, Greek ferries no longer take electric cars with a battery that is too full. That must be because of the weight, right?

Question: Belongs to Elon Musk - letter X can only be used for a fee?

The Financial Times has reported that @xAI is seeking investment of up to $6bn at a valuation of $20bn. Note: Elon has basically denied the numerous recent reports that xAI is raising money.

Tesla the inventor was a genius, the Tesla brand is just the toy of a hasardeur with a maker myth.

Everything he does is as sustainable as trying to put out a big fire with a bucket.

It's all about generating money, that's ok, but he's not the man for a new utopia. He's just the man who can make money from the future.


When a man's ego is so big that everyone gives him money because he makes even more money out of it. It's probably just greed.... At some point, he does charity work to improve his image. So this is a mafia boss taking care of the children of the lawyer he killed. A complete joke. I love it when they think they are benefactors of mankind, first driving up grain prices on the commodity exchange and making fat money. While the world food organisation can't help people because of the high costs. But then they open a poor kitchen in Chicago. The example can be applied to anything and is called exploitation.

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8 months ago

It can be tough to market what's already out there when you can get everything just as cheaply because it's not new.


Innovation looks different these days, and even toy cars run on batteries.

Other car manufacturers have, for example, the New Audi Space Frame with high proportions of aluminium and CFRP.

Who would have thought that style doesn't always work?

Well, we do because the comparison makes the difference, just because you sell wine in new bottles it is still wine.

If Elon touches something, it turns to gold, a popular business tale to generate capital.

Furthermore, he only uses water to boil.

It is not necessarily the case that a person who is behaviourally conspicuous is a genius.

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8 months ago

Listening to Cybertruck nonces wax lyrical about them makes me think this is what it must have been like in the early 1900's when you'd have maybe seen one car a year, and every new improvement and innovation was genuinely exciting

Only now they've been around for over a century and it's just a bunch of the most unbearable people you've ever met acting like their Apartheid Wagon isn't just a shittier people carrier that costs four times as much and might literally decide to kill you

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7 months ago

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10 months ago

Taking the Cybertruck for a spin

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5 years ago

Please, someone make a meme about Elon breaking the window on Cybertruck and his reaction afterward! 

#Cybertruck #ElonMusk #Tesla #Elon 

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6 months ago
luvninya - luvninya

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4 months ago

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4 months ago
Today I Saw Something That Was Thought To Be A MythThats Right, TWO Cybertrucks On The Same Damn Road!

Today i saw something that was thought to be a myth…That’s right, TWO cybertrucks on the same damn road!

Now thankfully, they didn’t fall apart or explode and no one was injured! Ok but jokes aside, i rarely see these things on the road and all i see online and from videos about the vehicle is about how easily breakable they are!(Hell, not even the Fortnite community enjoyed the Cybertruck coming to the game)

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5 months ago

Poseidon has spoken

autisticgremllin - Autistic Gremlin

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7 months ago

One comes through my carwash and the guy is just the most smug piece of shit, some scammy URL across the front and back bumper, and he likes to talk to other bros about it in our parking lot.

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8 months ago

me when life: everything sucks

me when other people make stupid decisions: OMG A CYBERTRUCK! IN REAL LIFE! *freaking out b/c it’s so cool to see a real one*

Me When Life: Everything Sucks

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10 months ago

Seeing a tesla cybertruck in the wild is interesting, because it is rare to see on the roads, but also very ridiculous looking. So basically, this can be summed up as 'Ha! Look at this unique weirdo!'

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Haha! Welcome to porly worded opinions time.

We all know cybertruck suck, it's clear. But jfc. It's a showroom car, not meant for roads with how shittily it is made. Spare parts taped inside, no crunch zone, bullet proof(why???), literally glued together in some areas, and it can't even do truck stuff.

You know. The car type in its name? Can't do it.

And that's not even talking about the coding on this bitch. Seriously, if you're inside and someone plugs it in. Congrats you're trapped. And it turns into a brick every time it updates so, if you're inside during it. Your probably trapped.

This thing is an idiotic sharp-corner death trap and they shouldn't be allowed on the road.

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