Douchebag - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4

Lamborghini Aventador LP700-4

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6 years ago

Interview with a Douchebag

So driving down the street today, I come upon a traffic light. At this particular intersection my lane turns right, and the lane next to me going the same direction turns left. I stop as it is a red light, and begin to make my turn, only to have the Lexus in the lane next to me, come flying around me and cut me off in the middle of the intersection before driving off.

Irritated I continued driving, and upon coming up to the next light, am directly behind the Lexus again. The light turns green, and he continues to sit there unaware; I can only assume playing on his phone. I honk at him, and he speeds off, going 60 down a 40 MPH street.

As I’m continuing my way, watching this asshole of a driver cut and weave through traffic, a Chevy truck suddenly swerves in front of me, slams on his brakes, and speeds off down the road.

At this point I’m ready to fight.

I floor it, following both vehicles, when they slow down and both turn down the same dead end street. Curious I follow them.

I slowly pass the house they pulled into, a sizable two-story, and watch them slowly get out of their respective vehicles, eyeing me up and down. I can tell they are both college boys, living their white privileged lives, and giving zero fucks about anyone else in the universe.

I continue down the street, turn around and begin heading home, uninterested in wasting my time on these pricks, when the white truck comes backing out of the driveway, turning straight towards me. Right before he hits me, I honk on the horn to let him know that I am in fact there, because Lord knows he didn’t look. He glances in the rearview, sees me, and then continues to keep coming right at me, before shiting into drive and driving away again.

Two boys are in the yard staring. I’m irritated beyond hell, but not so much as my roommate who is in the front seat. He rolls down his window, and this beautiful conversation ensues:

Roommate: “Just how many fucking douchebags live here?!”

Douchebag: “What do you mean?!”

Roommate: “What I mean, is that YOU cut us off in traffic, HE cut us off in traffic, and now HE almost backed into us! So how many douchebags fucking live here?!!”

Douchebag: “Ah… A LOT!!!”


I drove away laughing my ass off.

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3 years ago

Taehyung is an asshole. Just going to say it. He is going to have to do a lot before I think it would even remotely come close to an acceptable apology or level of groveling. Also, I find it very interesting that for as much Taehyung does for his species and fight for their rights, he sure does seem to separate his human side alot, as if they are separate entities. I dont know if it some form of internal racism he has from generations of human treatment, wanting to have an excuse to not be accountable for his own actions, or maybe some resentment towards his Wolf forcing him to be with another with that they thought was their mate do to instinct. I dont know. Either way i love reading this series.

Change of heart (Chapter 7)

Chapter 1   Chapter 2    Chapter 3     Chapter 4     Chapter 5   Chapter 6

Summary : Times are changing. After years of being oppressed, werewolves are taking a stand against humans , demanding equal rights and fair treatment. Heading the movement is Kim Taehyung, the breathtaking heir to the Kim fortune and one of the few remaining Alpha werewolves in the country. His disdain for the human race is well known and well warranted. They killed his family after all….. He wants to change the world , to put humans in their place but when his five year old daughter takes a shine to their very human neighbor , maybe he has to start with a change of heart , first.

: Pairing : Taehyung x OC / Werewolf AU!!

Genre : Romance, Explicit Content.

Chapter 7

The incessant buzzing of his phone was what woke Taehyung up, his entire body aching something fierce. 

He groaned , spitting  what felt like damp hair out of his mouth, blinking against the shaft of sunlight pouring into the room through the slats of the large windows . His bedroom faced the river, and every morning the sun spilled right into his bed , lighting the room up . He loved waking up to warmth and sometimes it made up for the absence of a warm body next to him on the bed. 

Keep reading

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1 year ago

Some guys get used to talking to easy girls that when they meet a girl with standards, they think she’s too much.

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1 year ago

Stop checking up on him. Stop responding. Let him go in peace. What’s meant for you will find you. It’s time to shift the focus. Focus on your goals, glow and grind.

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8 months ago

One comes through my carwash and the guy is just the most smug piece of shit, some scammy URL across the front and back bumper, and he likes to talk to other bros about it in our parking lot.

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8 years ago

I love the JOCKBOYS that become total flex slut bros. Tight clothes, always tan, looking like total douchebag bros. This one is only beginning the journey, but he’s loving every second.

musclepuptyr - Muscle Pup Tyr

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8 years ago

I love it when the JOCKBOYS become total douchey bros. Nothin’ but lifting, fucking, flexing, and showing off. They’ve even gotten to the point of oiling up to take their selfies so they look as hot as possible. They know their flex sluts and they love it.

musclepuptyr - Muscle Pup Tyr

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8 years ago

These jockboys has no idea what would happen when they put the douchey looking sunglasses on, but man do they love it. They went from average guys to these cocky Alpha studs. Even the sleeve tat on the one showed up in the transformation. Now they’re stuck staring at their hot af new bods, until they notice their new bruh. Then they’ll be dropping those pants and pounding eachother for a while.

musclepuptyr - Muscle Pup Tyr

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1 year ago

derivative is like, motherfucker counts as fuck.

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