Environmentalism - Tumblr Posts - Page 3

I regret to inform you that this is also available to buy on my redbubble. Look... I know it's a slutty bug, but please don't make it weird lol. It was a very elaborate joke from the fuckers over at Ento-meme-ology and I took it as a challenge. She is as anatomically accurate as possible, while being humanoid. I put an unfortunate amount of research into spotted lanternflies for this. I hope that this raises awareness about the invasive species currently ravaging the US North East and working its way south and west. I am normally a "spare all bugs" kind of person, but eliminate these bastards with extreme prejudice.
Guess who just got kicked out of a gardening group on Facebook for saying that killing wildlife indiscriminately is wrong and counterproductive to having a garden


Here's how my grandma and I try to live a low waste lifestyle in the city
First thing is we reuse everything. We have a portion of our shelves dedicated to holding plastic food containers we have washed and are waiting to be used to hold leftovers, dried foods, as seed starting pots, etc. We also save any and all jars to hold dried herbs and food products.
Actually reuse is a big thing for us. We shop at places that use paper bags, which I then cut up to use as scrap paper for grocery lists, etc and then compost after that. We also have a small container with rubber bands from products, bread ties, etc.
If you can afford the start up costs and have the space, preserving your own food is excellent. We have a really small garden that produces a lot of food every year. My favorites are dehydrating (using a dehydrator that is at least 30 years old from back when my grandpa was into making jerky), freezing, and canning.
Also, use every bit of food. Right now in the freezer I have bags of apple cores and peeling, pear cores and peeling, and peach peels along with bags of bones and veggie scraps for broths. The fruit scraps will go towards making big batches of jelly when canning season is over. I'll probably use the pulp leftover to dehydrate and powder to add to baked goods following a success with crabapple jelly pulp. I've also made spaghetti sauce out of tomato peels. Anything rotting or absolutely unusable gets tossed in the compost.
Reusables!! Obviously in today's world you can't avoid plastic but you can reduce how much you use. We use reusable produce bags that I made out of scrap Tulle, reusable grocery bags, water bottles, ziploc bags, etc.
If you have a yard or space, composting is a big one! My grandma says she never realized how much food we tossed until we started one. You don't even have to spend money on it! I know people who use totes they drilled holes into, just toss it In a hole in their garden, etc. The one I use is an old hose winder (one of those cube ones( that broke and my work was going to toss. All I did was cut out the hose winding part and paint it pretty and it's held up for 2 years and counting so far.
Hang dry clothes. In summertime we almost exclusively dry our clothes on a line or on a clothes drying rack I found at a yard sale.
Keep your heat or ac a few degrees higher or lower depending on the season. This helps save energy being used to heat or cool your house.
Wash clothes in cool or cold water. I've been doing this for years and haven't noticed a difference.
Repair. You don't have to be a sewing genius to quickly repair a small tear, especially if it's just for household wear. A great winter time hobby to pick up when gardening season is over.
Trade! This can be as simple as hosting a clothing swap all the way up until trading items u grew/made for items they did! I barter with my coworkers all the time, just talk to them! I never would have known my coworker kept bees if she didn't really like my jellies and proposed a trade. I also trade any of my soft produce I don't have time to do anything with to my coworker with rabbits in exchange for poop for the garden.
Try to be in season from local sources such as garden stands, or just a local grocery store. One of our local farms grew bell peppers and was selling then 2 for a dollar! So we stocked up and dehydratedand froze lots of peppers for winter stews
Blended pumpkin guts makes an excellent pumpkin puree, even if you're just adding little bits of it to your dog's food :)
You can freeze a lot of stuff! Leftover spaghetti sauce, pumpkin puree, etc can all be frozen in a muffin pan and then put in bags for future use!
Forage! I personally mostly forage for greens and a few mushrooms I am confident in my ability in but that still bulks up your food supply as well as medicine supply! I made a salve using bartered beeswax and spring purple dead nettle and summer plantain (and some tea tree EO) for cuts and scrapes and it works miracles! My coworkers love it as well as friends and family
We really try to live by the waste not, want not and use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without phrases. Just figure out what works best for the life you live! Be creative!
plugging my illustration on this topic here bc it’s relevant and hopefully inspiring to some of you

My latest cartoon for New Scientist
It’s solar and wind and tidal and geothermal and hydropower.
It’s plant-based diets and regenerative livestock farming and insect protein and lab-grown meat.
It’s electric cars and reliable public transit and decreasing how far and how often we travel.
It’s growing your own vegetables and community gardens and vertical farms and supporting local producers.
It’s rewilding the countryside and greening cities.
It’s getting people active and improving disabled access.
It’s making your own clothes and buying or swapping sustainable stuff with your neighbours.
It’s the right to repair and reducing consumption in the first place.
It’s greater land rights for the commons and indigenous peoples and creating protected areas.
It’s radical, drastic change and community consensus.
It’s labour rights and less work.
It’s science and arts.
It’s theoretical academic thought and concrete practical action.
It’s signing petitions and campaigning and protesting and civil disobedience.
It’s sailboats and zeppelins.
It’s the speculative and the possible.
It’s raising living standards and curbing consumerism.
It’s global and local.
It’s me and you.
Climate solutions look different for everyone, and we all have something to offer.

by henrikj on Flickr.From Digerkollen, towards Oyhellsun and Ulvagsunder, Lofoten Islands, Norway.
We are Water Protectors picture book

I stumbled upon this book in the best way possible. I was strolling through the park basking in the nature when I saw that my library was doing a story walk. It was my first exposure to a story walk and its such a brilliant idea. Each page of this book was displayed around the park walking trail.
This picture book is less of a story and more of a call to action. It informs readers we are all born from water and we must protect it from the black snake known as oil. It's important to note that this was written in response to the Dakoto access pipeline protests. The native American population of Dakoto rebelled against the construction of this pipeline due to the damage it would cause to the water supply and cultural sites.
Author Carole Lindstrom urges readers to cherish water while educating us on its cultural significance to the Ojibwe people. Water is characterized as a nurturing force that gives us all life. It is our duty to keep water safe and protect the defenseless inhabitants of this world. Michaela Goade does a phenomenal job captivating the eyes with her breathtaking drawings.

This is an important lesson for everyone to learn because environmentalism isn't taken seriously enough. There's so much harm being done to the planet every day and we need to take a stand. We are water protectors feels like a folktale that should be passed down for generations upon generations. Do your part and save this planet.

May 10, 2024 - Hundreds of radical environmentalists and anticapitalists have broken through police lines and fences and stormed the terrain of the Tesla Gigafactory Berlin-Brandenburg. They are attempting to stop the planned expansion of the factory, which would mean the destruction of surrounding forest and farmland. The factory also uses immense amounts of water, and all to sell shitty electric cars to give people the idea that personal consumption choices can save the environment from destruction, and make fascist Elon Musk even richer than he already is. The actions in the past days have forced Tesla to temporarily shut down production at the factory. [video]

Slippery pumps? original collage
I ain’t even from America, but people absolutely deserve to see this. I’m sick of people in higher power trying to kill off the environment and lower classes just for their cockamamie schemes and bottom line.
The Laguna Madre is a beautiful ecosystem that houses so many species of wild life and many migratory species of shore birds go there to eat and rest. Its all thanks to the sea grass that grows there, and after the big freeze of Texas in 2021, it is slowly making its recovery and now it's in danger again!

(Black Skimmer with chicks shown here)
If Elon continues with this disguising act, nitrogen and hydrogen rich waste will be dumped and plankton and algae will begin to overpopulate and create a cloud of themselves over the sea grass causing it to not get the sunlight it needs to photosynthesize. It will basically be suffocated by the overpopulation of microorganisms and die out and so many species of animals will lose that shelter they need to feed, breed and even escape dangers like predators. This grass also feeds the endangered green sea turtle and was even given the name "Turtle Grass" for its huge importance to these creatures.

(Green Sea Turtle grazing) Not only that, but the South Padre Island is one of the largest ports in America and has many shrimping and fishing companies that rely on the environment to make a minimum wage. And once the water gets polluted, so many people can get sick or worse if they eat the fish and shrimp that have been exposed to it!

(South Texas Shrimping Boats) This is serious! And if you or someone you know lives in Texas there is a way you can make a comment and state how you DON'T WANT LITERAL SLUDGE IN THE OCEAN! IT WILL HURT THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE AND ANIMALS AND THE VAST AND DIVERSE ECOSYTEM THEY LIVE IN!
You can find the link here:
Bro, you ok? Bro, humans aren’t separate from the ecosystems around us. We’re a part of them, bro. Bro, we’re never going to have absolutely zero effect on ecosystems, because we live here, bro. Bro, I never said it had to be a bad effect. We don’t have to immediately be perfect either, bro, sometimes doing what you can is what you can, and its way better than nothing. Bro what do you mean humans are a plague. You’re starting to sound a bit like an ecofascist, bro… Bro?
March for Climate Justice

(c) Jena T.
March for Climate Justice Philippines - November 28, 2015
In the Philippines, to see people marching on the streets with colorful costumes, streamers, and banners, followed by a band playing loud and upbeat music, signify that there’s a fiesta going on. On the other hand, to see people gathered by the roads, chanting protests, would mean totally different - there is a rally. This time, however, it was a little bit of both.
Last November 28, 2015, many people flocked Quezon City Memorial Circle to march for climate justice. This was held in line with the Global Climate March happening in 150 other countries prior the COP21 in Paris. COP21 refers to 21st Conference of Parties, wherein global leaders discussed and agreed on actions to take in the future that will prevent climate change from reaching catastrophic levels.
Spearheaded by the Philippine Movement for Climate Justice, the march in Quezon City is just one of the many staged marches across the country; other sites (in Luzon only) were in Semirara Island, Batangas, Occidental Mindoro, Laguna, Bataan, and Zambales. Given that the Philippines is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change, it is paramount for people here to stage a nationwide mass action. It is time everyone in the world considers more seriously and carefully the negative impacts of carbon emissions and our reliance on fossil fuels.
Many people from different sectors of society came together, may it be religious groups, labor unions, youth organizations, even groups of foreigners, just to name a few. Hearts all beating as one, we lobbied for Climate Justice around the 25-hectare QC circle.
Among the themes that echoed during the protest are energy transformation, right to food, land, and water, justice and reparations for affected people, protection of our common home, jobs and just transition, and youth. I was part of the Cut it Deep, Cut Now group demanding the increase in global temperature be limited to 1.5°C. Whether it’s reducing exposure to severe drought, flooding, spread of disease, intensity of typhoons or sea level rise, scientific studies conclusively say the damage will be profoundly reduced by staying within 1.5° of warming --- which was actually SUCCESSFULLY agreed upon in COP21 a few days after the global march! YES, you read that right!
For the first time in COP history, representatives to the COP21 finally reached a universal and legally-binding agreement on climate change last December 12. One of the agreed upon terms is that developed and developing countries will ensure and are required to limit their emissions to relatively safe levels - 1.5°C. Finally! If you want to see list of other agreed terms, check this link: http://www.c2es.org/international/negotiations/cop21-paris/summary.
COP21, as well as the March for Climate Justice Philippines, were momentous. I’m really proud to have been part of this grand, festive, and historic march. However, this is just the first step in the battle against climate change. There’s still a lot to be done, one of which is standing by the agreement. I hope the Philippines, the government and its people, act and contribute to this fight as it is our homes and lives that hang in the balance.