Narcissism - Tumblr Posts

Honestly it baffles me that anyone can sincerely write out a step by step guide on how to give someone with severe mental illness a purposefully triggered breakdown and still think that they’re the ones in the right.

“Ah yes let me go through a list of their symptoms and cultivate situations in which I can trigger their worst nightmares but don’t worry it’s fine because I’m an empath”

What the actual fuck. If you replaced narcissist with “depressed person” or “person with anxiety” people would be screaming at you. Being abused does not justify you abusing others.

Hurting a Narcissist (from Quora)

There are 3 main things that will hurt the narcissist:

1. Being abandoned.

A major fear of the narcissist is abandonment. They hate being alone as they rely on others to validate them and provide them with attention, affection, admiration, and just general engagement.

Narcissists need people, but the increasing dilemma is that it is becoming near impossible for narcissists to be abandoned completely, as many have turned to online chats, social media, and they’ve created a virtual reality for themselves that feeds them with an unlimited supply.

So even though they lack physical interaction, which for most of us would be difficult, the narcissists on the other hand can happily settle for the narcissistic supply that they receive online. It provides them with enough fuel to feed their deluded fantasies and sick obsessions.

2. Being exposed

The second thing that hurts the narcissist real bad is being exposed. We all know how important the fake image is to them, and the many lies that they’ve told to maintain it.

Basically, the narcissist’s whole goal in life is to deceive people with their fake image. So if they are exposed for the liars, manipulators, and downright imposters that they are, that is their world shattered before their eyes, and it cuts them deeper than any words can express.

3. Being insulted

The third and final thing that will hurt the narcissist is being insulted. Narcissists know the power of words. After all, they use words to manipulate, deceive, and hurt people. The tricky thing is that to a narcissist, a critique is an insult, telling them the truth is an insult. So this is something that happens a lot, but anything that more or less attacks their false image will be seen as an insult.

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6 years ago

Warning Signs of Narcissistic Abuse:

They have a sense of superiority, for example being highly critical, often judgmental about others.

They have a sense of entitlement, sometimes this comes off as confidence, but can manifest in subtle ways, like cutting through a service station rather than wait at the traffic lights, or deliberately leaving rubbish for someone else to pick up.

They give out back-handed compliments, such as “she has a figure like yours, you know, slim but no muscle tone.”

In a romantic relationship, the relationship moves quickly, for example they will shower you with attention, compliments or gifts, and say “I love   you” very early on in the relationship.

They will start to subtly ignore you. They may appear to lose interest/get distracted or check their phone while you’re talking.

Their seemingly innocent words are often contradicted by their body language and tone of voice.

Their stories don’t quite add up, and you start to see the little white lies. You may even tell yourself, “I just heard them lie to their friend, it was   just  a little white lie. But s/he wouldn’t lie to me.”

They have two sets of rules. Rules that apply to them, and rules that apply to everyone else. They may have unrealistic expectations of love and nurturing from others, but don’t hold themselves to the same high standards.

They have a lack of empathy, and are unable to put themselves in the shoes of others.

They have poor boundaries, and may regularly invade your privacy, go through your belongings, or expect that you mind read their wishes and needs.

They may be highly sensitive to criticism, or any suggestion that they are not in the right.

They have a “my way or the highway” attitude. They believe that they know best, and that their way of doing things is the correct way.

Initially they can come off quite charming and charismatic, always knowing the right thing to say.

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8 months ago

O pior de tudo é sofrer com antecedência!

#sentimentos #cancer

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9 months ago
Tanking Tf Up And Now My Back Looks Like An Aircraft Carrier. That's What An Alpha Back Look Like, Now

Tanking tf up and now my back looks like an aircraft carrier. That's what an alpha back look like, now worship it.

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1 year ago

This is a genuine question, so please don't just jump to being hateful and assuming anything about my beliefs.

When an abuser is particularly self-centered or narcissistic (not necessarily NPD, there just isn't a better English term for that level of self-obsession that I know of), it always seems they abuse in the same way. "It's like they're using the same handbook," I've heard before. As a victim of an abuser who followed all those same steps, here's my question:

What's a better term than narcissistic abuse? Because ableists will obviously use the term to demonize all people with NPD, but without a good term for it, it's harder for victims of this subsection of abuse to find one another and stand together.

(PS, tags are mostly for getting this to more people who may have an answer)

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1 year ago

Encountering some narcissistic individuals may be part of “the process…”

…showing us how not to be

…becoming aware of karma

…more appreciation when we are not with people who are like that

…being mindful of our own behaviour (our words, actions & intentions)

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1 year ago

Being aware of narcissism is important.

There’s tons of videos and articles about it online, but watching too much of it can lower our vibration.

Dwelling on it can lead to negative thought forms and as a result negative emotions.

Change the story to how you learned something from the negative experience.

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1 year ago

Use your energy wisely. Create art. Volunteer. Bring your mind to the present moment. Don’t focus too much on those who wronged you. A little adversity leads to more appreciation and gratitude in future circumstances.

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1 year ago

“From the backstabbing co-worker to the meddling sister-in-law, you are in charge of how you react to the people and events in your life. You can either give negativity power over your life or you can choose happiness instead. Take control and choose to focus on what is important in your life. Those who cannot live fully often become destroyers of life.”

—Anais Nin

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1 year ago

My dad was at a bar/restaurant while my mom was giving birth to my sister. He didn't go back to the hospital until a waitress yelled at him.

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6 months ago


i might have NPD.. is there any way i can get diagnosed or at least some support for this?? a lot of the symptoms are relatable but im not a self diagnoser so im tryna get actual help.

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