Disaster - Tumblr Posts
“He was the fallen angel
with broken wings and wide eyes;
believing in the hero he was
never meant to be.
Scooping disaster
under his coat
and into his own hands
only to have it rip
him apart from within.”

A quick sketch I made of Disaster yesterday for fun. I need to come back here again >> Hopefully soon...
[background image]

LOOPHOLES ARE EVERYWHERE I TELL U!!! Despite being on a Clip Paint trial mode I was able to export the pic rather smoothly~
Here is lil Disaster, my tiny ray of sunshine! He’s been around since 2010 (just turned 6 last month <3) and despite his many design/personality changes, his eyepatch has returned as his staple. Only took 4 years to make a come back.
I’m much happier with this design! Can’t wait to find the time to color him =D

Tormentor loves Disaster very much!
He’s the baby MTO of the crew and needs lots of love in order to grow. If he doesn’t get enough kisses he doesn’t grow.
If y'all had to pick a natural disaster to live with, which would it be?
listen i just want the entire robotnik family to exist in the same room together for a little while. bring gerald maria and black doom back to life so i can watch them try to have a nice family dinner with shadow eggman and all of his robots that goes to shit immediately it would be hilarious

The Municipality of Gaza: Israel turned Gaza into a devastated city and destroyed facilities and services, reaching unprecedented levels of destruction in modern times.
Nearly one million square meters of roads were destroyed, 55,000 trees were uprooted, and 40 water wells were destroyed, accounting for 60% of the city's wells.
Source: Quds News Network. As of 28th February 2024.
in all the storms that I had endured, in all the droughts that I had survived, and in all the floods I had outlived, I always had you. don’t expect me to recover from this disaster, the one orchestrated by your hands, the same ones who once so gently caressed me and built me castles in the sky.
you were always an instrument of war.
it was me who mistook your silver daggers as tender white petals,
it was me who thought that your rough palms were caused by heavy building and not violent ravaging,
it was me who believed that you could also give and not always take,
you the destroyer of dreams and breaker of hearts.

In all honesty, I understand why people often decide to take their lives.... I mean life is just one shit storm after another shit storm, so why not? Maybe some people aren't meant to be happy..... maybe I fall into that category. Maybe some people lives are supposed to be used as examples, the tragic kind you know. Maybe that's the only reason or excuse I could use to justify what I'm about to do.... I really don't see the point of continuing. I've been struggling and fighting and doing everything in my power to not go down this road but if all that life has in store for me is heartache and heartbreak one after the next I don't want it. My entire world is falling apart and I can't keep it together . I'm really sorry I really tried it just hasn't been good enough. I'm done.

(Original Handmade Book Art Collage: 3 Elements)

The delight (and dismay) inherent in sandwich creation.
I baked a cake with iffy ingredients and tried my hardest to save it. I made disaster cake. It looks like a glute. Send help.
How to do people have plans and aspirations wtf I dontttttt understannndd
A mess amess amesss asfasfasfasf
If you're outside the Philippines but wish to offer monetary donations to the victims of Typhoon Ulysses and the current flooding of Cagayan Valley, you can donate via paypal here:

This is in partnership with the office of Philippine Vice President Leni Robredo and the donations actually reach people who need them so donate to them if you're wary of being scammed.
You can also donate to the:
Red Cross Philippines
Philippine Disaster Resilience Foundation
For Filipinos donating supplies, kindly donate as much water and easy-to-open canned food and bedding for people who'll be stuck in evacuation centers. Hot meals are best and they usually offer these during the first week but sometimes these aren't available in other evacuation centers. And as much as possible please spread out your donations. There are always evacuation centers who don't get supplies they need because people only donate to one area. Thanks ✌🏽

Just, never give the Mad reaper any sugar. That gut of his is not worth it. Thorn, you crazy, crazy, psychopath. Well, at least he's become a bit more somber in his later years. Somewhat anyway. More of Thorn on the way. Happy October everyone.