For Real Though - Tumblr Posts
what is the deal with the boys doing stuff with beer brands so I have to jump through endless red tape to see it
When you have to take a moment because of Namjoon’s voice
My dream as a writer isn’t to get published and make a lot of money, it’s to have a fanbase devoted enough that I can post a story about a background character that had four lines or drop a piece of obscure lore and they go crazy over it
My school let me in on a random Tuesday with blood on my face and didn't even question it
Okay some background info, I have very frequent nosebleeds and I rode a bus to school. This plus the fact that I don't like to talk to authority figures and get nervous around them led to a funny situation. So one day I was riding to my school when I got a nosebleed, not one of my worst but it bled quite a bit. When I got of my bus my bus driver looked at my bloody face and how heavily I was breathing, you wanna know what they did? Nothing. They just let a bloody teenager who looked like they just murdered someone into a school. And my school also had someone who greets the bus riders at the door. He just looked at me (again bloody face, heavy breathing, & I looked very nervous to see him) do you wanna know what he did? He even got a better look at me and then just... said "Hola!!!" Like... dude??? I look like I just killed someone with my fucking pencil and dude just let me in. What's hilarious is that not 1 but 2 people (three if you count a girl who saw me washing up in the restrooms) saw me looking like an teenage axe murderer and said "yeah, looks pretty safe for a school"
Anyway it took a third person (a really sweet lunchlady) to look at me and actually ask what was going on and sent me to the nurses lol
I am so brainrotted about red valley
"As a person who hasn't watched this piece of media, let me give you a 10 page essay on why this film sucks ass."
Scott should have been the one to sacrifice himself!
God... Reddit is the gift that keeps on giving.

I cropped it because this person rambled.
So, right from the word go, this person admits that they both never watched the movie AND that they dislike Scott. Why would anyone think they have ulterior motives for saying that Derek should have lived instead of Scott? They're totally not racist, just ask them.
In all honesty, this isn't even remotely surprising at this point. We all know that there is a significant portion of the fandom dedicated to hating Scott McCall for just existing, but in the same breath, it is a little tiresome. This person is upset that Derek died (fair) and that Eli went to Scott "like a prize" despite them barely knowing each other. But by that same logic, why would Scott give up his life for someone he barely knows instead of the boy's actual father?
The elephant in the room obviously being that Scott did try to sacrifice himself until Derek moved him out of the way. But, of course, that was in the movie, and this person admits from the very first sentence that they didn't watch the movie.
What I find the most amusing about this whole experience (the aftermath of the movie) is that Derek's death was probably Tyler Hoechlin's idea, so he wouldn't have to reprise the character anymore.
The original creator is kcwinnie
Check her out she is very funny.
Top ten reasons I hate Albus Dumbledore
Remus Lupin 🤝 Harry Potter
Pigs raised for slaughter by Dumbledore
breaking news: girl obsessed with fictional characters refuses to date in real life, sources say she’d rather be alone than disappointed
Someone should add this to Urban Dictionary

In 2024 hyper realistic graphics are no longer impressive. You know what impresses me? A fully complete and functional game at launch
do it again

that’s cheating but everything is fair in love and war and yada yada

I feel like as a fandom we don’t appreciate the darker side to Adrien’s character enough. Like, this little sunshine boy has blackmailed, threatened and almost killed someone. Plus, he’s killed himself so many times during akuma attacks. Just feel like we need to see more stuff exploring these things in the future.
For sale: Baby shoes, never worn. Wrong size.
The post I just reblogged made me think about "For sale: baby shoes, never worn" and how, now, in our time of dramatically reduced infant and child mortality and increased abundance, the more statistically likely interpretation of that six-word story is this:
"Extended family and friends have gifted us too much stuff for our kid. They didn't even get a chance to wear these shoes before they outgrew them." And if that's not an indication of amazing progress, I don't know what is.
This genuinely made my day. It is so sweet and sassy and just— I LOVE WOMEN.
chinese college girls slay (cr: 哭天喊地六仙女)