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seeing the line "anything for our moony" gets me everytime. like he wants a sandwich? anything for our moony. he wants to them to not kill someone? anything for our moony. he wants a hug?anything for our moony. he wants Sirius to keep a secret? anything for our moony. he wants Sirius to tell a nice secret? anything for our moony
he wants Sirius Black to be mental about him?ANYTHING FOR OUR MOONY.
Not really in the Harry Potter Fandom anymore cause of JK being a TERF, but I’ve been hearing about All the Young Dudes for years, but kept putting it off. Well I finally figured WTH as a last hurrah to my childhood obsession I’ll read it. At least it has queer characters and it must be good if it’s so popular. It was that or Manacled. (And I’d never ship-shame anyone, but Dramione’s really not my thing, but you do you) Anyway I had heard about the notorious highs and lows of this book. But I’m only half-way through year 2 and I already feel an emotional gut-punch. (I didn’t think I’d have to worry about this until, at least the 1st Marauder death, but no) Walpurga let Sirius stay at the Potters you bastard. Really enjoying the story so far, it’s really worth the hype. I will be forwarding my therapy bill to MsKingBean89. Thank you, that is all.

Update: now on chapter 117 and boy was past me naïve if I thought that was the worst it was gonna get. Maybe if I stop reading here I can pretend they never graduate and there is no war and no one ever dies and they just all go off and start a puppy farm together (without Peter obviously he can still die.)
2nd Update: Just got to the end of the war chapters. I’m not crying, you’re crying.
3rd Update: “She put on a Queen album. Remus sighed to himself. He wasn’t a fan, really, but Grant couldn’t get enough.” I can deal with a lot of things but Queen slander, Remus how could you, you should be ashamed of yourself.
Sirius sitting at a cafe, drawing the man sitting at a table across from him, trying to make it obvious he isn't drawing him.
Remus, sitting at a cafe late for a class but not moving so the man drawing him can finish.
Magnus Bane is Dorian Pavus
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i made a new fic 😛😛, harry potter though
little thingy from it:
Snape scoffed, “I feel you see far too highly into the boy.”
“And you see too little, both unfortunate things, no?”
do me a solid and just reblog this saying what time it is where you are and what you’re thinking about in the tags.

>>Regulus reading a book in bed shirtless with the top surgery scars -white bed sheets and the morning sun kind of vibe<<
Prompt Nr. 249 for the @marauderswithpalestineproject 🍉
Sadly the person who prompted this was sending it in anonymously:(
@anonymous person: I hope you’re happy with my art and even if Reggi is not actively reading it hope I catched the vibe you were asking for 💕