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The Archon family - Prologue

Note : This is going to be a very short chapter but don't worry more chapters will come very soon.

The Archon family was a very happy and very colorful family. With two parents and six very different and special children. Everything was good and happy, except for the moment when it wasn't… their parents died in a car accident and left the six siblings to fend for themselves and each other.
This story is in a modern AU which is mostly slice of life but also applies other genres like angst, romance and even some action and drama~

What do you think of the idea of the story? In the next chapter I will introduce you to the six siblings of the Archon family.
Next chapter (meet the characters)
Meet The Archon Family!

Note : It's not exactly an episode… it's simply a place where you can learn about the members of the Archon family plus some trivia.
I'm not from America and the school system will be documented in the story as it works in my country, to those who don't know, so it's like this: Kindergartens are usually for children aged 3 to 6. Elementary school is from 1th grade to 6th grade. Middle school is for 7th to 9th grade. And high school is for grades 10th and 12th. Of course college or university is later.

Zhongli Archon - Zhongli is the older brother of the family, he is 23/24 years old and just finished college.
He studied finance, business, economics, and accounting in college. And he thought of going to learn from sentences but gave up on it.
His nickname/username on most social media is Morax.
He has a lizard named Rex Lapis that no one in the family likes except maybe Venti and Nahida who have no problem with him but would still prefer another pet.
He is not so good with feelings or at least talking about them but still does his best to help and comfort his siblings but he feels he is not doing enough.
Likes to have tea with Raiden sometimes.
Likes to read and talk about stuff with Navida's before she goes to bed.
Love listening to podcasts no matter how boring everyone else thinks they are.
Loves wine.
His room is pretty neat but somehow he always has piles of paper there.
He has two jobs but it always feels like he doesn't have enough money.
Raiden Makoto Archon - Raiden is the second oldest sister of the family, she is 17/18 years old and is in her third and last year of high school (12th grade).
She didn't take the death of their parents (especially her mother) so well and now she keeps all her feelings inside.
Likes to spend time alone in her room, which is so tidy it's as if a military unit went through there and gave it a deep cleaning.
Her social media nickname/username is Raiden Shogun. But in in videogames her nickname/username is Ei.
Doesn't really like animals but if she had to choose a favorite it would be a cat.
Among her siblings, she gets along the least with Murata.
She has a sweet tooth. Plus sweets remind her of the time she used to watch her mother make sweets (even then she was a bad cook).
She is a gamer, Ya Miko loved most of the games (she has not met her yet but will meet her during the story).
She is the head of the student council.
She is on the kendo team at her school. She fights with both a sword and a naginata.
Murata Archon - Murata is the third oldest sister of the family, she is 15/16 years old and she just started high school (10th grade).
She is a combination of gangster, jock and a sukeban.
She likes to get into fights mainly because of the adrenaline but also because she is good at it and it gives her a sense of accomplishment. Something she doesn't feel much at school because her grades are the lowest in her family.
She hates being looked down upon. That's why she doesn't like Raiden and most of the teachers at school.
really like meat and spicy food.
She loved challenges to the point that she would do anything to win the challenge.
She doesn't have many friends so she is quite protective and loyal to the friends she has.
Zhongli reminds her of her father so she finds comfort in him.
Likes, playing pranks with Venti and Furina.
She and Furina love dogs but she likes dogs like a German shepherd while Furina prefers dogs like poodles.
Not much is known about her so I imagine she looks like Vennessa.
Furina Archon - Furina is the fourth oldest sister in the family and Venti's older twin, she is 13/14 years old and in the second year of middle school (8th grade).
Between her and Venti she is the "evil" twin. At first she might approach you and say something super passive aggressive like "Wow your test score is usually good" or "I'm sorry, am I bothering you?". It will slowly become more friendly until you are reduced from enemies to enemies to friends.
Her social media nickname/username is Focalors.
She do a good imitations of her siblings.
Want to be a lawyer/judge one day. Many believe it is because she likes the drama of the court. She won't say if it's true or not.
She and Venti are in the theater club together but she is also in the debate club.
Really good at making cakes (her mother taught her). And sometimes she and Raiden talk while they're eating or while she's making them.
Loves to read and listen to fairy tales and sometimes also history with Nahida.
She was supposed to share a room with Nahida, but after her parents died she moved into Zhongli's old room while he moved into their parents' room.
She has an indescribable amount of stuffed animals.
like to watch historical drama series.
Venti Archon - Venti is the fifth oldest brother in the family and as was said before Furina's younger twin, he is 13/14 years old and is in the second year of middle school (8th grade).
He gets along pretty well with everyone. Well maybe except the teachers but they can agree that he is a good boy he just needs to concentrate more.
His nickname/username on his social networks is Barbatos. Yes he and his twin sister are pretty dramatic…
He has the second worst scores in the family after Murata. His grades are either average or slightly above or slightly above average but not super good. Not that he cares.
He dreams of starting a band and he's going to make it happen no matter what!
Can play several stringed instruments, and he sings quite well.
He has a special bond with Zhongli because they are the only boys in the family.
He doesn't have a problem with them being Zhongli's lizard he just would have preferred it to be more interesting like an iguana or a chameleon. He also likes parrots. A lot!
Loves grape juice.
Unlike his twin sister he is a morning person while she is a night person.
Nahida Archon - She is the little sister of the family, she is 5 years old and just started going to kindergarten because before she stayed at home with their mother who is now dead.
She is super shy but also super curious.
She really likes books of all kinds but her siblings don't allow her to read graphic books.
I love mint tea with lots of sugar.
She's a vegetarian, kind of… I mean unofficially and she can eat meat if she has to. But she doesn't really enjoy it and her family knows who it is so they just don't give her meat.
Trying to behave the best she can because she doesn't want to burden her siblings.
Feels bad because she can't help her others much but she still does her best!
She would have preferred Zhongli's lizard (Rex Lapis) to be something cuter like a rabbit or a hamster or even a turtle.
Loves to braid her siblings' hair (she was the one who braided Venti's hair).
Loves trivia games and "educational" TV shows.

So you may have noticed that Tsaritsa is not there and how I mentioned only 6 siblings. So don't worry because here she is. I present to you Aunt Tsaritsa! Plus someone else…
??? Archon ( Tsaritsa) - She's their dad's sister and she's probably around 40… I don't know it's not polite to ask a woman her age! (Cheeky…)
"Tsaritsa" is not her name but almost everyone calls her that. (This is her username/nickname on social networks). But she is called by her nickname so much to the point that Nahida doesn't know what her real name is.
Pretty much rich.
She is this aunt who seems to be leading or a cult, or a pyramid scheme or multi level marketing. Or all together it's not clear…
doesn't get along so well with her family. She cut off contact with her mother and she and the Archon siblings get along only reasonably…
Not married but not intending to get married either.
Celestia Archon - She is our special editor and the mother of the Tsaritsa and the father of the Archon siblings. She's very old and can be a bit grumpy sometimes, but that comes with age I guess…

Hope you liked it :)
Previous chapter (prologue)
Next chapter (Chapter 1: A job! Yeah I think I need one of those…)
Happy New Year from the Archon Family!

Chapter 1: A job! Yeah I think I need one of those…

Note: I have a brief explanation of how the story is going to go. There are two types of chapters. The first type are the episodes of the main story while the second type of this story are your requests for situations you want to happen in the story so please get started and send me suggestions!
Warnings: a little angst, mentions of death, dead parents

A little over a week had passed since his parents' funeral, and Zhongli found himself standing once again outside the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. The large sign loomed before him, its bold red notices leaving little room for doubt. He clutched the flier in his hand, confirming the purpose of his return: they were looking for new hires.
Funeral planning wasn't in Zhongli's life plan. His aspirations revolved around finance and investments, yet the harsh reality of post-college life demanded adaptability. No one was keen on hiring a fresh graduate, and his financial situation didn't allow for unpaid internships. After all he now has to take care of five more siblings besides him. Desperation nudged him towards the open door, his breath hitching as he stepped inside.
The Wangsheng Funeral Parlor's interior wrapped Zhongli in a solemn quiet, a reverential hush that echoed the tranquility he held inside. Neat rows of adorned caskets stood in perfect order, each a poignant symbol of life's delicate nature. Pausing briefly, he grappled with the gravity of his choice to enter this uncharted place.
"Hi there, how can I help you?" a girl asked him with a smile that seemed big for someone who works in funeral services. But that's not what bothered him, she was young, fourteen, maybe fifteen, she was too young to work in a place like this, girls her age usually work as babysitters or something like that. But on the other hand, two people his age don't have to worry about supporting a family of 6 people either, so it's not like he could judge her.
"I'm here for the job interview." Zhongli told her in his usual serious voice and handed her the flier he held before.
"Oh you must be Zhongli right? Come on follow me, grandpa is waiting for you." she said with a smile. And before Zhongli had time to react she grabbed his hand and dragged her down the hallway next to the door that said management.
"Here we are" she told him letting go of his hand before turning and going back to reception. Zhongli was standing there still a bit in the market, this place was surprisingly lively considering it was well… a funeral parlor.
He took a breath and knocked on the door. A brief moment passed before the door creaked open, revealing a serene office adorned with elegant decor. Behind a large wooden desk sat an elderly man, his kind eyes peering over thin-rimmed spectacles as Zhongli entered.
"Zhongli, correct?" the man inquired with a gentle smile. "I'm Hu Lao,the 75th-generation director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. Why don't we begin the interview?" he suggested, inviting Zhongli ito sit down.
"Indeed, that's correct," Zhongli affirmed, stepping into the office as Hu Lao welcomed him with a warm smile. Zhongli settled into the chair opposite Hu Lao's desk.
"Thank you for considering this opportunity," Zhongli began, his tone earnest as he seated himself opposite Hu Lao. The ambiance in the office was surprisingly serene, contrasting the assumptions he'd held about such a place.
Hu Lao nodded, his gaze kind yet discerning. "Your qualifications are quite impressive for someone just starting their career," he commented, adjusting his spectacles.
"Thank you, sir. I understand it might seem unconventional for me to pursue a role here, Especially considering that I studied finance, business, economics, and accounting when I was in college. but circumstances have led me to this juncture," Zhongli responded, maintaining his composed demeanor despite the faint tremor of nerves.
Hu Lao regarded Zhongli thoughtfully, his expression a blend of understanding and curiosity. "I see… I appreciate your honesty, Zhongli. Here at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, we value dedication, empathy, and a strong sense of responsibility above all else. It's not merely about the technicalities of planning funerals; it's about guiding families through their most difficult moments." he said to him.
As the conversation unfolded, Zhongli found himself drawn to Hu Lao's perspective, happy to have someone begging to work for him with wisdom and good values. From there the discussion seamlessly transitioned to more technical aspects, touching upon the operational intricacies of managing a funeral parlor, client relations, and financial considerations.
Hu Lao shared stories of his own experiences, anecdotes that painted a vivid picture of the delicate balance between compassion and professionalism required in their line of work. Zhongli listened attentively, realizing that there was a profound depth to this profession beyond the surface of somber ceremonies and meticulous arrangements.
"I must say, Zhongli, we are looking not just for someone with qualifications but for someone who understands the human aspect of our work," Hu Lao remarked, his gaze reflecting a genuine interest in Zhongli's capacity for empathy.
"I believe," Zhongli responded, choosing his words thoughtfully, "that genuine empathy is the cornerstone of any service, especially one that involves such intimate moments in people's lives. It's about providing comfort and understanding during their most vulnerable times."
Hu Lao nodded appreciatively, acknowledging Zhongli's insight. "Indeed, our role goes far beyond the business side of things. It's about forming connections with the families we serve, offering them a guiding hand through the storm of grief. Now, let's talk about how you envision handling the emotional challenges this role may bring."
As the interview concluded, Hu Lao extended a reassuring hand. "Zhongli, it has been a pleasure talking with you. Your perspective aligns well with the values we uphold here at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. I believe you will be a wonderful addition to the staff here. And regarding your position, most of your work will be to inquire about the financial interests of the business, but there will also be times when you will have to help with other things as well because unfortunately we are still short in terms of staff."
Zhongli nodded as he shook Hu Lao's hand as a wave of relief washed over him. "Thank you, Mr. Hu Lao. I am honored for this opportunity," Zhongli expressed sincerely.
Hu Lao smiled warmly. "Welcome to the Wangsheng family, Zhongli. I believe you'll find this journey to be a rewarding one."

Hu Lao - In the game he is called "Old Hu" but I wanted to give him a name because he is a character in the story and not just someone who died in another character's backstory. For example, the word "old " in Chinese is Lao (老) and it rhymes with the name of his granddaughter Hu Tao.
Hu Tao - I don't have much to say. She is fourteen years old and works at Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. so yeah…

Sorry this is super long
Previous chapter (Meet The Archon Family!)
Hi everyone, due to the fact that Natlan is about to come out in the game, there may be some changes and edits here to the characters, especially Murata. Obviously. I still don't know what the total of these changes will be, but I still just want to remind you that there are indeed going to be changes.
Meet The Archon Family!

Note : It's not exactly an episode… it's simply a place where you can learn about the members of the Archon family plus some trivia.
I'm not from America and the school system will be documented in the story as it works in my country, to those who don't know, so it's like this: Kindergartens are usually for children aged 3 to 6. Elementary school is from 1th grade to 6th grade. Middle school is for 7th to 9th grade. And high school is for grades 10th and 12th. Of course college or university is later.

Zhongli Archon - Zhongli is the older brother of the family, he is 23/24 years old and just finished college.
He studied finance, business, economics, and accounting in college. And he thought of going to learn from sentences but gave up on it.
His nickname/username on most social media is Morax.
He has a lizard named Rex Lapis that no one in the family likes except maybe Venti and Nahida who have no problem with him but would still prefer another pet.
He is not so good with feelings or at least talking about them but still does his best to help and comfort his siblings but he feels he is not doing enough.
Likes to have tea with Raiden sometimes.
Likes to read and talk about stuff with Navida's before she goes to bed.
Love listening to podcasts no matter how boring everyone else thinks they are.
Loves wine.
His room is pretty neat but somehow he always has piles of paper there.
He has two jobs but it always feels like he doesn't have enough money.
Raiden Makoto Archon - Raiden is the second oldest sister of the family, she is 17/18 years old and is in her third and last year of high school (12th grade).
She didn't take the death of their parents (especially her mother) so well and now she keeps all her feelings inside.
Likes to spend time alone in her room, which is so tidy it's as if a military unit went through there and gave it a deep cleaning.
Her social media nickname/username is Raiden Shogun. But in in videogames her nickname/username is Ei.
Doesn't really like animals but if she had to choose a favorite it would be a cat.
Among her siblings, she gets along the least with Murata.
She has a sweet tooth. Plus sweets remind her of the time she used to watch her mother make sweets (even then she was a bad cook).
She is a gamer, Ya Miko loved most of the games (she has not met her yet but will meet her during the story).
She is the head of the student council.
She is on the kendo team at her school. She fights with both a sword and a naginata.
Murata Archon - Murata is the third oldest sister of the family, she is 15/16 years old and she just started high school (10th grade).
She is a combination of gangster, jock and a sukeban.
She likes to get into fights mainly because of the adrenaline but also because she is good at it and it gives her a sense of accomplishment. Something she doesn't feel much at school because her grades are the lowest in her family.
She hates being looked down upon. That's why she doesn't like Raiden and most of the teachers at school.
really like meat and spicy food.
She loved challenges to the point that she would do anything to win the challenge.
She doesn't have many friends so she is quite protective and loyal to the friends she has.
Zhongli reminds her of her father so she finds comfort in him.
Likes, playing pranks with Venti and Furina.
She and Furina love dogs but she likes dogs like a German shepherd while Furina prefers dogs like poodles.
Not much is known about her so I imagine she looks like Vennessa.
Furina Archon - Furina is the fourth oldest sister in the family and Venti's older twin, she is 13/14 years old and in the second year of middle school (8th grade).
Between her and Venti she is the "evil" twin. At first she might approach you and say something super passive aggressive like "Wow your test score is usually good" or "I'm sorry, am I bothering you?". It will slowly become more friendly until you are reduced from enemies to enemies to friends.
Her social media nickname/username is Focalors.
She do a good imitations of her siblings.
Want to be a lawyer/judge one day. Many believe it is because she likes the drama of the court. She won't say if it's true or not.
She and Venti are in the theater club together but she is also in the debate club.
Really good at making cakes (her mother taught her). And sometimes she and Raiden talk while they're eating or while she's making them.
Loves to read and listen to fairy tales and sometimes also history with Nahida.
She was supposed to share a room with Nahida, but after her parents died she moved into Zhongli's old room while he moved into their parents' room.
She has an indescribable amount of stuffed animals.
like to watch historical drama series.
Venti Archon - Venti is the fifth oldest brother in the family and as was said before Furina's younger twin, he is 13/14 years old and is in the second year of middle school (8th grade).
He gets along pretty well with everyone. Well maybe except the teachers but they can agree that he is a good boy he just needs to concentrate more.
His nickname/username on his social networks is Barbatos. Yes he and his twin sister are pretty dramatic…
He has the second worst scores in the family after Murata. His grades are either average or slightly above or slightly above average but not super good. Not that he cares.
He dreams of starting a band and he's going to make it happen no matter what!
Can play several stringed instruments, and he sings quite well.
He has a special bond with Zhongli because they are the only boys in the family.
He doesn't have a problem with them being Zhongli's lizard he just would have preferred it to be more interesting like an iguana or a chameleon. He also likes parrots. A lot!
Loves grape juice.
Unlike his twin sister he is a morning person while she is a night person.
Nahida Archon - She is the little sister of the family, she is 5 years old and just started going to kindergarten because before she stayed at home with their mother who is now dead.
She is super shy but also super curious.
She really likes books of all kinds but her siblings don't allow her to read graphic books.
I love mint tea with lots of sugar.
She's a vegetarian, kind of… I mean unofficially and she can eat meat if she has to. But she doesn't really enjoy it and her family knows who it is so they just don't give her meat.
Trying to behave the best she can because she doesn't want to burden her siblings.
Feels bad because she can't help her others much but she still does her best!
She would have preferred Zhongli's lizard (Rex Lapis) to be something cuter like a rabbit or a hamster or even a turtle.
Loves to braid her siblings' hair (she was the one who braided Venti's hair).
Loves trivia games and "educational" TV shows.

So you may have noticed that Tsaritsa is not there and how I mentioned only 6 siblings. So don't worry because here she is. I present to you Aunt Tsaritsa! Plus someone else…
??? Archon ( Tsaritsa) - She's their dad's sister and she's probably around 40… I don't know it's not polite to ask a woman her age! (Cheeky…)
"Tsaritsa" is not her name but almost everyone calls her that. (This is her username/nickname on social networks). But she is called by her nickname so much to the point that Nahida doesn't know what her real name is.
Pretty much rich.
She is this aunt who seems to be leading or a cult, or a pyramid scheme or multi level marketing. Or all together it's not clear…
doesn't get along so well with her family. She cut off contact with her mother and she and the Archon siblings get along only reasonably…
Not married but not intending to get married either.
Celestia Archon - She is our special editor and the mother of the Tsaritsa and the father of the Archon siblings. She's very old and can be a bit grumpy sometimes, but that comes with age I guess…

Hope you liked it :)
Previous chapter (prologue)
Next chapter (Chapter 1: A job! Yeah I think I need one of those…)
guys dont worry the more zhongli fanart i like the more likely he is to come home trust me it’ll happen
Did ever tell u guys I play genshin? No? good have some oc x canon art bc im a Zhongli simp. Also my HoYoLAB profile name is BlackSunMoon, u can go check me out if u want but I like never post on there lol-


Pairing(s) : Diluc x Reader - Itto x Reader - Childe x Reader - Kaeya x Reader - Zhongli x Reader
Gen. : Fluff — Jealousy? Pft, no..
TW. : Possessive tendencies, slight yandere implications, swearing
W.C. : ..
[ Mast. List. ] -> Please don’t flop I tried

DILUC, who’s been glaring daggers at not only you but to the person sitting next to you as well, watches both of you chatting innocently. He doesn’t notice how hard nor long he’s been observing his movements. Neither does he notice how hard he’d been gripping the glass he’s supposed to be cleaning. If anybody was close enough, they could hear the faint cracking of the glass under DILUC’s vice grip. He listens attentively to every single syllable you utter as you carefully choose your words, especially while attempting to shoo this unknown man away gently. In the current situation with DILUC’s gaze flickering to you then the guy over again, you could only manage to whisper a few words in the guy’s ears to make him stumble out of the tavern.
“ I don’t think the bartender here enjoys your presence, ” You hushed into the guy’s ear. He, upon noticing DILUC’s unrelenting glare, mutters a short apology before rushing out of the tavern with no hesitation. It was best of said guy to think that was his first and only warning.
With a sour smile, ITTO reluctantly introduces you to one of his old ‘friends’. Upon hearing his friends’ name, you pursed your lips into a small smile however, it looked unnatural. This must be the guy your boyfriend couldn’t stand, huh? Countless times had ITTO ranted to you about this guy. He was mischievous in every horrible way possible. You probably guessed that very few people like him, a no brainer really. How would anyone like this guy if even your boyfriend, the most friendliest and welcoming guy you’ve ever met, doesn’t? In an instant, this guy’s lips curved into a scheming little smirk as he wrapped an arm around your shoulders and talked to you casually. A very bad move to make on someone you’d just met. No manners?
It unfortunately and obviously made you uncomfortable however you just kept forcing a nervous grin. The longer this guy talked, the more ITTO felt annoyed and ignored. His bright, fake or not, expression turned into a tired deadpan as he trailed behind both of you. You could feel his intense gaze on your back, making the situation worse. Naturally, you decided to stop this guys’ nonsense. You leaned to his ear and whispered softly, “ I hope you know I’m taken ‘cause my boyfriend seems to dislike you. ” You shrug his arm off of your shoulder. The guy merely shrugs and walks away. ITTO’s serious expression and hard eyes following his every move as he snatches your hand away and drags you somewhere else.
You weren’t really sure how you got into this situation. The Balladeer, Scaramouche, flirting with you. You got suspicious of his intentions. Why would he, a high ranking harbringer, flirt with the 11th’s s/o? Unless, he’s doing this on purpose to anger the ginger. Indeed he was, but both you and CHILDE weren’t aware. And so here Scaramouche is, shamelessly hitting on you. He laughs to himself when he manages to get a reaction from you from one of his corny pick-up lines. CHILDE, pouting originally, watched with a grimace. If he could, he would definitely challenge the short man to a battle despite the fact that he was undeniably weaker.
“ Perhaps you should quit this. He doesn’t seem to like you, ” You mumble loud enough for only Scaramouche to hear. He spares a gaze at CHILDE’s slumped over figure before his eyes flickered to your nervous face. He smirks slightly but it fades into mock surprise. He apologises and backs away. When out of both persons line of sight, he smirks, celebrating internally at how his plan worked. Meanwhile, CHILDE cages you in his arms and chats avidly, pretending nothing had just happened.
KAEYA holds his wine glass in his hands and watches the dark liquid swirl in his hold. He mentally sighs at the feeling of boredom overtaking his mood. How he wished he could go over to your guy friend and tell him that you’re his and his alone. Though that impulsive decision would make your relationship public and he doesn’t want to risk your privacy and safety. Little did he know, you’d already told your guy friend and reminded him not to get too friendly. Yet here he is, hugging your arm close to his chest and his flushed face mere inches away from yours. KAEYA could only watch from afar reluctantly, yet curious to see what you’d do. He’d help if he could but in public, you two barely interacted with each other. And to see the Calvary Captain defending you from nowhere would certainly leave some curious and speculating.
Diluc watches his brother from behind the counter with an unamused expression. KAEYA think he’s telling him how pathetic he is with that sassy gaze. You clicked your tongue, annoyed by your friends’ obnoxious antics. “ Listen, its pretty obvious to anyone but you that my boyfriend doesn’t really enjoy me or him being around you, ” You spat. You could practically hear his heart cracking from your bluntness. Though you didn’t care, head pounding at his screechy voice. You could tell the brothers, a few feet away, were getting annoyed of his voice too. KAEYA watches Diluc, whose right eye twitches, throw that bitch out while snickering with your arms wrapped around his torso.
The usually patient ZHONGLI would handle situations with utmost maturity. Especially when someone would go up to either of you and flirt. However, today was different. There was this girl who had walked up to you and started shamelessly flirting and asking you out. You shook your head and shot her a nervous smile but she persisted. At this point ZHONGLI was getting impatient and annoyed. He had tried three times to confront her and kindly tell her that you were taken yet she’d brushed him off as if he was nothing but a mere dust particle riding on the breeze.
He heaves an exasperated yet quiet sigh and gives you a pitiful look, to which you returned. ZHONGLI’s icy glare was so hard you felt sorry for the girl who it was targeted at while she tried to ignore a gaze boring holes through her head. You gulped, catching his amber eyes glinting in annoyance. “ I don’t think my partner here likes you. Why don’t we talk about this some other time? ” You dryly chuckled. The girl nodded and side-eyed ZHONGLI, scoffing and finally walking away. Attitude much?

@mykuro’s original content. Reposting and/or copying is strictly forbidden.

Pairing(s) : Diluc x Reader - Childe x Reader - Kaeya x Reader - Zhongli x Reader
Gen. : Fluff — Down incredulously bad.. but so am I
W.C. : ..
[ Mast. List. ]

Sighing, DILUC makes his way into your shared bedroom and sees you wrapped up in a blanket. He’s confused yet chuckles at the scene before him. He makes his way over to your buried form, getting a proper glimpse of your sleepy face. He asks you what you’re doing. The only voice that pierces through the murmuring of the television programme makes you snap your eyes open and slightly jolt. You soon relaxed back into the confines of your own blanket and just mumble, ‘Blanket Burrito.’ DILUC was amused as he sits down beside you and scoots closer to your figure. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you impossibly closer to him, caging you in his warmth as he pecks your cheek. Your eyes fluttered shut as you curled up on his chest. The rhythm of your steady breathing brought him to inevitable exhaustion as he switches off the television and joins you in a comfortable slumber.
CHILDE fumbles with his keys as he huffs in annoyance. He sighs in relief as he finally unlocks the door with the correct key. He kicks off his shoes sloppily, unable to wait and join you for dinner at midnight. He hums in thought, making his way to the bathroom. Perhaps he should look more presentable compared to his normal tired and disheveled appearance from his physical duties. CHILDE takes a quick shower before slipping in a simple shirt and a pair of shorts before wandering out of the bathroom. Out of nowhere, you appeared and wrapped your arms around his waist, burying your face into his back. He jumps yet comes to realise it was his partner and his tense shoulders relax almost immediately. He turns around and returns the gesture, hugging you so tight you might just turn purple. As soon as he lets go, CHILDE brings you in a short yet sweet kiss as you drag him to the table, face flushed. He laughs and lets you. Its always the small things.
The Calvary Captain slumped further into his chair, scratching his head irritably as he stared daggers into the paperwork piled in front of him. Oh, how KAEYA could not wait for his day off tomorrow. He missed your lingering touch, the warmth of your skin, the admiring tone laced in your voice, your face that was oh so attractive until it seemed to glow, and the softness of your hair. He craved it all. Just the thought of you being able to run your delicate fingers through his tangles blue locks gave him the motivation to work hard for his deserved break. And so, KAEYA buried his head in his piles of paperwork, carefully scanning each letter of every word of every sentence of every paragraph. You suddenly burst through his office, the door hitting the chair near it and causing a huge clatter of items. He looked up to see you running to him and hugging him, kissing every corner of his face. He smiles as he hugs you back, taking in your scent that seemed to intoxicate him. You were truly a saviour in these dreaded times he faced.
The amber-eyed man sits down on a table, reserved only for him and you. ZHONGLI stares at the empty seat in front of him. He looks unbothered but lets his facade slip away for a quick second before it covers his disappointment again. His eyebrows furrowed and his fists clenched, unbeknownst to him. He wishes you would not have left for the academy in Sumeru. However, it was your decision and who was he to stop you from doing what you wanted? Though ZHONGLI had many people to keep him company, it was only you whose presence made him feel at ease, even being able to bring his guard down around you. He heaves a small and quiet sigh as he brings the teacup to his lips. The warm liquid almost made him remember the softness and the warmth of your lips on his. He brought the teacup down from his mouth and the warmth lingered. It was only then he realised that you were in front of him, enveloping him in a passionate kiss that only knew happiness and nostalgia. He could not resist kissing back, knowing that nobody else now could make him feel the urge to protect you from the violent and cruel world that awaited. It was the punishment for falling in love with an Archon.

Please dont enter my flop era

@mykuro’s original content. Reposting and/or copying is strictly forbidden.

LIP GLOSS — DCKZ ft. Liyue Girls
Pairing(s) : Diluc x Reader - Childe x Reader - Kaeya x Reader - Zhongli x Reader - Keqing x Reader - Ganyu x Reader - Yanfei x Reader - Hu Tao x Reader
Gen. : Fluff — aw how cute *vomits*
W.C. : im not counting that today.
Personal favs : Zhongli, Diluc
[ Mast. List. ] -> [Part 2: Liyue Girls]

DILUC didn’t expect to find himself in this situation. Sitting together at a secluded area in a library, he caught a glimpse of your shiny lips, glossy and pushed into a subtle pout. Ever since that moment, he found himself staring at your lips every chance he gets. Unable to resist himself, he hastily leans in and places a quick kiss on your lips before returning to his homework. You freeze, a blush coating your cheeks. He licks his lips and hums, “Hm, cherry.” He nods approvingly as you try your best to cool down the entire zoo in your stomach.
A groan is heard from beside DILUC. Right, Kaeya was with you both. “Can you guys like get a room? Gross,” he gags. DILUC deadpans and stares his brother down. Kaeya rolls his eyes at his brother and the shushing that accompanied the glare he received.
Now, how was CHILDE supposed to know that his darling partner would decide to apply lip gloss in the middle of a meeting? Most importantly, its the expensive cherry flavoured one he’d purchased for you. He stared at Pierro, trying his best to stay focused. However, he couldn’t stop his eyes from darting to your glossy, kissable lips. The way you puckered them had him mesmerised. CHILDE reluctantly tears his eyes away from your smirking figure upon hearing his name being called.
He makes up a witty excuse of not paying attention before smiling smugly. Amusement flashes in his eyes when he sees you snickering quietly through his peripheral vision. ‘You’re laughing now, but just you wait until after this meeting’s over.’ He smirks, imagining just how cute you’d look with your lip gloss smudged.
“Stay still,” KAEYA grunts, hands flying to your hips to stabilise you. You squirm under his grip, whining. His eyebrows knit together in frustration. Knowing that his grip wouldn’t get you to stop, he sighs and dips the applicator in the container. He applies the lip gloss to his lips as you watch, confused. He leans in and presses a sweet kiss on your lips, leaving traces of the shiny liquid. You tense on his lap, processing what your teasing boyfriend had just done. KAEYA shrugs and smiles, taking this opportunity to lather some lip gloss on your slightly shiny lips.
He chuckles as he watches a scarlet blush dust your cheeks and the tips of your ears. “Come to me when you need help getting ready. That way, we’d both get a benefit,” he winks.
ZHONGLI carefully dips the tip of the brush in the red pigment. He leans against the desk, looking at his reflection in the mirror intensely as he gently brings the coated brush to the edge of his eye. The brush comes into contact with his skin. He smoothly moves the brush from one point to the other, leaving a trail of the red pigment. Things were turning out well until a loud notification on his phone rings loudly. Surprised, the handsome man accidentally messes up, a small streak of red covers his eyelid. He grunts as your giggles ring through the air.
“Need some help, mister ZHONGLI?” You snicker. He sighs, looking at you hopefully. He nods and you head over to his slightly hunched form. He faces you after wiping the streak and his attempt at getting his eyeliner perfect. As you apply the red pigment with care, he can’t help but stare at your slightly parted, glistening lips. “Cherry?” He inquires, a small smile adorning his attractive features. You grin and nod before continuing. “Perfect,” he licks his lips slightly.

oh god this is really late 😭 part 2 will be posted as soon as my overdue projects are settled. imsorrypleasedontflopivelearned.

@mykuro’s original content. Reposting and/or copying is strictly forbidden.

If only I could hold you through a screen
Characters: Venti, Zhongli, Xiao, Ei, Yae Miko, Nahida, Wanderer, Furina, Neuvillette
Summary: Self Aware Archons and their companions react to you crying as you stare at them in the character screen, they try to comfort you but all they hear you say is "I wish you were here with me."
Warnings: Reader is crying, possessive behavior, immense anger, violent thoughts
A/U: Self aware genshin AU
A/n: IM BACK FROM THE DEAD GUYS!!! This is platonic on Nahida's end

He was devastated as you gently sobbed, staring at his character in the character menu. He only wished to play you a song to ease the pain you were feeling. Who or what could make a God, no, the creator cry? He was more upset the more he thought of the possibilities of what made you break down.
“I-I…wish you…were with me.”
As those words spilled out of your mouth, all choked out with sobs following each word, Venti could feel a tear roll down his face. Venti pulled out his lyre, doing one of his idle animations in hopes of cheering you up. On his side, he was playing you the most relaxing tune in all of Tevat!
But it was blocked by the code. You could distantly hear it, however, if you listened close enough. You drift off as you focus on the secret melody, leaving Venti with a solemn smile. Seeing your peaceful sleeping face brought the Anemo Archon a sense of calm.
As your screen dimmed due to inactivity, the more he wished to hug and comfort you. He couldn’t wish for anything more than to wipe your tears away and comfort you. He gently slowed the tune as your screen turned off. There was only one thought he had, and whispered out to comfort himself.
“One day, no tears will be shed when I’m with you, my dear god.”

He didn’t understand when you just started sobbing when you stared at him in the character menu. He started to panic the more you cried staring at him. Something in him broke the longer he heard you cry. He thought he had did something wrong to hurt you, but that suspicion was broken when you spoke through broken sobs.
“I wish you were with me…”
That’s when his heart shattered. He started to mumble to himself, a mix of comforting words directed at you and words comforting himself. The more you focused on him, the more you could hear him speak outside his code. Out of anger, he did his idle with his little rock spinning around him.
He wished it hit whoever, or whatever, had hurt you. Seeing you cry brought this strong protectiveness over you. Seeing you this fragile was new to him, and the fact that the creator could be sad slightly scared him. He wished for nothing more than to be there to comfort you.
Due to the exhaustion of crying, you started to fall asleep. The more your screened dimmed more and more as you dozed off to sleep, Zhongli could only imagine one thing in his mind. He mumbled it out loud, and you smiled as you could faintly hear it.
“I will protect you soon, there will be no need for you to feel any more tears roll down your pretty cheeks.”

The fact that such a higher being such as yourself could cry surprised him. And him not being able to handle human like emotions didn’t help either. He only stared in disbelief and guilt as he couldn’t be there for you. He’s asked those around him what he should do when someone close to him cries, but never thought he needed to try the advice he was given with you.
Your broken sobs did so much to his already aching heart. And hearing you scream into a nearby cushion made him even more angry. He wanted to purge whatever or whoever did this to you. You stared at his character, he was doing his mask idle due to his increasing anger and sadness watching you, which had only increased as you mumbled to him in broken sobs.
“I w-wish y-you were h-here with me.”
His anger only increased, he tried so hard to keep his adeptal energy under control. Nothing could stop his racing mind and what could have happened to you out of playing the game. He wanted nothing more than to keep you safe. Seeing you in this much pain, straining to talk as you sobbed into a cushion, didn’t help his urges.
He calmed down as he saw your sleeping face. You dozed off, and his eyes were stuck on your resting eyes. A wave of peace had cleared his angry head, his fists now relaxing. As your screen dimmed, his voice was faint and soft.
“Nothing will make you cry ever again when I’m around, I swear it.”

Your tears fell as you stared at the Raiden Shogun, the puppet, in the character screen. Sensing your saddened presence, Ei had switched her consciousness to see what that matter was. Her eyes widened as you stared at her with a heavy breath and shaky eyes. She didn’t understand what had gotte you so upset.
Seeing you cry hurt her so much as she stared at you through the puppet’s eyes. Ei wanted nothing more than your happiness to last for eternity. Her electro energy was becoming too much, while her consciousness possessed the puppet you had stared at. Her electro ball animation seemed a lot more aggressive than normal as she heard your screaming voice.
“I wish you were here with me!”
She felt touched at first that you wanted her with you. She wanted you with her too for so long. But your scream made her anger even more prominent. She couldn’t bring herself to look away as you choked back sobs, your breath uneven. The more you calmed down, the more she started to relax.
She saw your exhausted, tear stained face and felt her heart, outside the puppet, long for your embrace. She wanted nothing more than for you to be in her Plane of Euthymia, where no one would ever hurt you. Your soft breaths made her smile as your tears stopped. As the screen dimmed, her soothing voice spoke.
“You will be safe with me soon enough, my dearest creator.”

She seemed confused at first as you were stuck on the character menu. But seeing your tears made her quickly understand what was going on. Someone had hurt you, and they needed to be dealt with. Your crying got louder and she couldn’t help her growing anger.
Just as you stuttered out words, a bird had flown to her finger before her very angry fox spirit friend tried to bite it. She may have been smiling, but her anger was bubbling over. Hearing your weak and stuttering voice speak pulled her attention away from her angry fox spirit. She felt so honored to hear those words from you.
“I-I w-wish y-you w-were w-with m-me.”
She had to hold herself back from electrifying everything right there in the menu. She was so focused on who had done this to you, she had started to plot. She wanted to humiliate and hurt those that had disgraced you. No one should be treating a deity of your caliber with such disrespect.
Yae Miko smirked as she saw you shrink and fall asleep on the place you were sitting. The more the screen dimmed, the more her eyes glowed with mischievous intent. She hummed to herself as she plotted the demise of those that made you cry. Her voice was smooth as she hummed her words through her teeth.
“My my, your protection will soon come from the familiar of the Electro Archon my dear god, so please have patience with me~.”

Nahida wanted to understand why you felt so sad. She was only a baby Archon after all, she looked to you for guidance on human emotions seeing as you had similar ones. But your crying to her had worried her, as she was ill-equipped to help. Nothing in her mind mattered, only you smiling down on her and giving her your happy aura.
She thought of so many ways to try to cheer you up. She did her string to people idle, trying her best to remind you that she is your friend and is there for you. She did what she could, trying to show you how much you were cared for. Her heart broke as she realized her efforts weren’t working.
“I wish you were here with me.”
She smiled up at you, noticing how the tears stained your face. She was so grateful that a deity like you wanted her, even if she was an inexperienced Archon. She had worshiped you greatly, and only wished to see you smile. Her mind wasn’t on those that had hurt you, but on you feeling better at the moment.
Seeing you fall asleep brought a smile to her face. You being asleep brought her hope that she could finally meet you in your dreams and bring you comfort. She looked at your now relaxed face, your screen dimming. Once you had fallen into a calm slumber, her voice spoke in hopes to bring you reassurance in your sleep.
“I promise to protect you in your dreams, so no more tears, oh wise one!”

You were staring at him in the character menu, as tears rolled down your face. It scared him, thoughts of worry and panic, thinking he had done something to displease you. But the more you just stared at him, the more he could tell that it was something else that bothered you. Anger replaced the panic as you started to sob.
He never understood how human emotions worked, and a deity like you having those emotions were new to him. The more your soft sobs caught his ears, the more uncomfortable he felt. He started summoning his anemo ball, doing the start of his idle, but the anemo ball kept getting bigger the longer he held it. The anemo energy then dissipated as he was surprised by your mumbling.
“I wish you…were…here with me…””
He was caught so off guard when you said that. He felt like it wasn’t fair for you to say that out of nowhere, especially when you were this sad. He thought you were joking, you wanting a puppet like him to be with you to help bring you comfort. He looked into your eyes and saw the exhaustion in them.
Seeing you fall asleep in front of him was like a gift. He knew it would help you feel better, but something in him wanted to cuddle you while you drifted off. Anger gripped him once more, how could anyone make you cry was the only thought in his head. Subconsciously, he spoke, hoping you heard him.
“Those lousy vermin don’t deserve you. They will know their place once I’m with you.”

Furina never understood how to handle someone crying, especially since she was one to bottle up her emotions and hide them away from others. But seeing you like this made her softly smile, it meant you trusted her to be emotional and raw. The next emotion that came barreling in was anger. Anger at those that had made you so sad.
Her mind raced as she tried to think of a way to cheer you up from the other side. She started holding her water seahorse as she was doing her idle, trying to cheer you up. Her face was left with a shocked expression as she held her water seahorse closer, not ready for you to mumble out to her.
“I wish you were here…with me.”
Those words made her eyes flutter to yours. You wanted her, no one else, her to be with you as you cried. Her ego and stature wad boosted as she straightened her posture. She wanted to reach a hand out to your cheek to stroke your tears away.
Her sense of justice was strong, and she’d bring anyone to justice in your name. Especially if they had made you cry like this. The screen dimmed as she was so focused on your crying state. She was so caught up in her theatric mind, she didn’t notice either you falling asleep and her loud proclamation that you swore you heard.
“I will make laws just to make it so if anything makes you cry, they will have to stand justice in front of the Hydro Archon herself!”

Neuvillette wasn’t ready for you to stare at him in the character menu with teary eyes. He wasn’t new to tears and sadness, but your sadness was something fresh to him. He wanted to do something about it, wanting to bring those to justice if they had hurt you. Little droplets of rain started to fall around him.
He did his rain idle as his sadness increased, seeing you stuttering through your cries. He was saddened that the one being he looked up to felt so much sadness. There was a guilt as he felt happy that someone as important as you could have vulnerable moments. The surrounding rain in his idle poured harder as you stuttered out something softly in your tears.
“I w-wish you w-were h-here with m-me.”
He couldn’t stop his rain animation after hearing you speak. Your vulnerable voice and stutters made his eyes widen, he couldn’t bring himself to think that you could be this hurt. It worried him as he only wanted to be with you. He wanted to comfort you properly and not from the confines of code and screen that held him.
The rain started to stop as he saw you falling asleep. He understood that you had a raw emotional moment and only thought that sleep was much needed. He thought of ways to bring those that made you cry to trial, not sure how they would get there in the first place, however. The screen dimmed more as he only stared at you.
“Those who made you cry will be judged by the Oratrice itself. So save your tears, my lovely god, for when we can cry together.”

Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
Archons and the meaning of their names!
Venti - Winds, gentle breeze
Nahida - Innocence, wisdom, beauty
Zhongli - Leaving bell, neutral, high profit
Furina - unfavorable, anger
Ei - Prospering, enrichment, eternity
Makoto - good, sincerity