Gimli Son Of Gloin - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

1 year ago

What if when Frodo and Sam destroy the ring and return to Gondor everyone forgets to tell them that finally Gimli and Legolas are together and then they just kiss randomly and Frodo and Sam are like:



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1 year ago

Gimli, before a battle: I'll kill more orcs than you

Legolas: I don't think so

Aragorn: Guys, it's not a competition

Gimli and Legolas: ...NOT YET

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6 months ago

I wrote my first lotr fanfic! And it's decent, too! If you would like to give a look at it, I would so happy!

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Legolas Greenleaf & Thranduil, Gimli/Legolas Greenleaf Characters: Legolas Greenleaf, Thranduil (Tolkien) Additional Tags: Epistolary, Epistolary story, Father-Son Relationship, Letters Summary:

The excharge of letters between Legolas, who is now in Minas Tirith, and Thranduil, after the War of the Ring. Then, Legolas tells his father about his relationship with Gimli, and Thranduil is not happy about it.

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4 years ago

I have just made a hilarious discovery....

Merida (yes the Disney princess) is the child of Gimli and Legolas from Lord of The Rings.

Think about it, Gimli has red hair and stubbornness.

Legolas has the skill with the bow and the incredible hair length and shiny-ness.


Don’t ask me how this is possible but yeah. I believe that Merida is the child of Gimli and Legolas. Try to make me change my mind, I dare you!


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3 years ago

Should I post all of my LOTR and Hobbit fanart in one post or separately??? What would y’all prefer??

(Sorry for all of you who followed me for Ben 10 stuff, I have a new hyperfixation and y’all are along for the ride)

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Nobody asked but here are some of my Dwarf head cannons to go along with my hobbit ones:

-they are also middle earth cryptids but its in the way that they so rarely leave their home people just…forget they exsist sometimes

-the women folk are extremely rare (this is cannon) and are used to doing hard physical labor to make ends meet and therefore have much smaller chests than other races (which helps them disguise themselves as men easier!!(unless they grew up rich and didn’t have to, but they still probably did work in their craft/weapon of choice that made their chest look more like pecs))


-they have big ears (as seen by the prosthetics the dwarf cast of TH wore) so that they can hear each other over roaring forges or big mine shafts that would normally be hard to hear in (this is the same reason for their canonically good eyesight especially in the dark)

-they have really good lungs too!! Bc some mines are bound to be dangerous and full of (normally) harmful particles in the air but it doesn’t affect them

-their features are hard and jagged and look like they are made from stone (which adds to myths that they are made from stone on account of them being so sturdy and strong) but they aren’t (they don’t deny this though—it helps keep their super secret dwarrow culture™️ hidden away from outsiders)

-their skin is just like..a little gray(grey?). Not in like a sickly or bad way. They just are..a little grey. And pre-Erebor fall they were pretty pale but post- Erebor fall they got a tan due to working out in the sun

-there are probably a lot of half-dwarrow mixed in with the race of men bc women are rare and they need to further the population somehow (or just genuinely fell for a non-dwarf)

-Mahal and Yavana are married and therefore Hobbits and Dwarrow are brother-species who are yin and yang to each other but live too far apart from each other to realize (both races are also very suspicious in general too)

My own personal hobbit head cannons include:

-they are the middle earth equivalent of cryptids (the people of Bree play along for the bit)

-hobbits have tails because they are from the earth and connected to animals and nature in a much deeper way than anyone realizes and so they have tails as a result

-they also have animal like features/habbits (like wiggling their noses, their ears can droop and raise (like how people can raise an eyebrow), or sharp almost feral looking eyes at times)

-their feet are large and leathery but look more similar to paws and are designed so they can scurry around faster or run on all fours/crawl easier

-THEY HAVE DARK SKIN!!!!!!(they are a people of farmers!! THEYD HAVE A TAN!! VERY FEW HOBBITS ARE ACTUALLY PALE!!!!!)


-Yavana planted them from the ground and so they can plant their own faunts from the ground too, but most just do it the other way

-they literally HAVE to eat green foods, because if they don’t they get really sick and could die since they are from the earth and it helps keep their connection (and by extension themselves) strong boned and as ablebodied as possible

Thank you for coming to me TedTalk.

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