Green Lanter Corps - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Doesn't RING a bell....

Ok, guys, I just can't look over some of the DC animated series' ........thing


Take away the ring

Doesn't RING A Bell....

I just saw this......Let me explain what is the problem. Dexter or Dexstar is an Earth cat, also a Red Lantern...... The Red Lanterns' ring is using it's owner Rage to work..... Also, it's Blood, to creates constructs.... A Red Lantern can't survive without their ring unleas they can survive without blood..... Ok, I admit, sometimes they can. As far as I know, they can be cured by Blue rings, useing it for a short time....


Emotion powers

Doesn't RING A Bell....

So, in Justice League Action, Hal looses his ring, and a small..... Hair ball usees it to overcome it's fear and be big and strong....... at first; I thought rings can be used only by sentient beings, but let's say it is one. The problem: Green Lanters's rings can't be used by fear, they powered by will power...... The fear is for the Yellow Lanterns'.

(Also, this caused me some problems: How could Sinestro defeat Hal Jordan by useing his ring? He operates with Fear power, but you can't fear from somebody, who is obliviously weaker than you......)

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Can we talk about the fact that every other planet in the DC universe only has and needs one green lantern but earth is so problematic it needs like 7. Not to mention it is such a trouble magnet that one of the people choosen was Guy Gardner.

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So in Smallville the kryptonite is creating all the villains and mutations but in the comics it causes cancer because it is radioactive. Does that mean kryptonite can be used to activate powers in metahumans the same way nuclear radiation can speed up the x gene in the x men? What if kryptonite dust was scattered throughout the galaxy causing rapid mutations in forms of powers and that is why everyone in the 31st century or the legion of superheroes time every alien race has powers!? Could Krypton's explosion be the reason why ten centuries later everyone has powers but humans (because humans rounded up all the kryptonite on their planet because they knew about it because of superman) and that is why no one could prevent it from happening? I mean the green lantern core is a good indication that aliens didn't have such a large power difference compared to humans, so.

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1 year ago
My Designs For Dc Heros (mostly Golden Age)
My Designs For Dc Heros (mostly Golden Age)
My Designs For Dc Heros (mostly Golden Age)
My Designs For Dc Heros (mostly Golden Age)

My designs for Dc Heros (mostly golden age)

Sandman - Wesley Dodds

Green Lantern - Alan Scott

Flash - Jay Garrick

The Atom - Al Pratt

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olive-gardens-breadstick - beekle babey!!

By some twist of fate, Wally overhears Shazam admit that he has 6 siblings and Hal overhears Batman saying to Superman—in a very broken, tired, fatherly mansplaining tone—that he has 7 children.

Dots are connected. This does not end well for anyone.

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1 year ago
Drew Myself As A Green Lantern And A Star Sapphire !!! Silly Times

drew myself as a green lantern and a star sapphire !!! silly times

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1 year ago
Silly Guy Doodles (i Have Not Yet Decided How I Shall Draw Him)
Silly Guy Doodles (i Have Not Yet Decided How I Shall Draw Him)

silly guy doodles (i have not yet decided how i shall draw him)

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6 years ago

I think Luigi would be a great a green lantern since that boy exorcised a whole house and constantly fight along with his big bro despite suffering from huge anxiety.

I Think Luigi Would Be A Great A Green Lantern Since That Boy Exorcised A Whole House And Constantly
Luigi Lantern
This is part of a series I'm doing called Justice League of Nintendo. When he was an infant, Luigi was sent to the real world with his broth

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1 year ago

Bash supes mood go!


*Insert view of the watchtower* *cartoon zoom in to inside*

Hal Jordon just arrested a yellow lantern hanging around earth. Passing by the meeting room on the way to the holding area, Hal barely has time to notice the yellow core member depower when the ring flies away, both parties looking shocked.

Pan to the meeting room. Batman is, as always, sulking in a corner, Superman is scolding Connor. Phantom is chatting with Wonder Woman at the end of the table.

Out of nowhere, Superman is stopped mid sentence by a yellow light hovering in front of his face.

[Kal-El, you have the power to cause great fear]

Suddenly, it gets cut off by a great *snap*. Everyone turns to look at the sound, only to see Phantom, still seated but his head is now turned 180° starring straight at the ring. His eyes drift to Connor, the to supes, and finally back to the ring.

In an instant, Danny replaces the ring, floating between superman and Connor. With a mighty 'thunk' it (the ring) turns to dust against the reinforced far wall of the room.

Holding superman by the throat, Danny's face turns to a grimace, his mouth becomes what can only be described as a pit of living sawblades.

Whit a voice like pressure washing a chalkboard with glass dust in slow-motion, he shouts:

"LiStEn hERe YOU LitTLE shiIT! I wiILL sHOVEe the REmaINS of KrYPTon so FAr up yOUr asS, you'll NEver seE YOur POWers agAIN!!"

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