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When have I ever been first?
A question for the ages.
As a tot in my mothers arms,
I was still only second
To the plants she kept on the sill,
And as I grew I became second
To various things more;
To the state of the house,
To income and money,
To my older, healthier sister,
To my father and his "quirks".
No room to call my own,
No privacy to speak of,
No emotions allowed past curfew.
I thought that maybe,
When I'm out,
It'll be over,
But it only gets worse.
My health is secondary
To various whims,
My sleep is secondary
To deafening hymns,
My suffering is secondary
To what's displayed on the screen,
And no emotions allowed past curfew.
Sure, I am primary for myself.
This would be nice, if not for
How Ill I am,
And the fact that i cannot
Prioritize myself, since i cannot
Do everything myself,
And so I'm dependent
On being the top priority
Of external persons
Who never prioritized me once.
Of those who walk past me,
Often looking through.

Dark times all around but there are still people out there who love you
Do not hurt yourself, do not hurt others, get help, talk to someone, anyone. Humanity has survived before and we can do it now if we all just support each other. My country and my people let me down and endangered my life but there’s nothing I or anyone else can do about that so let’s try to spread the love that is so clearly lacking.
revolution for inclusion
All well and good, now you have to put it into practice in the real world and really start a revolution of inclusion.... so that it spreads.... Disabled people must become uncomfortable so that they are recognised politically, culturally and economically.
This is only possible by pointing out grievances and fighting...... Revolution means fighting to achieve goals and eliminate grievances.
Fight back and be outraged!
IPC President Andrew Parsons has ignited a 'revolution for inclusion' with an impassioned speech at the opening ceremony for the Paralympic Games in Paris. In a rousing speech, the head of the International Paralympic Committee called for the games to be played in the spirit of liberty, equality and fraternity, shouting 'liberte, egalite, fraternite' to the assembled heads of state and spectators on the Place de la Concorde.
'Liberte! "The right to live freely and without oppression," Parsons exclaimed, his voice ringing with energy as he spoke of the importance of equality. Every person with a disability has the right to a life without barriers, without discrimination and without marginalisation – and we are going to make it happen! Fraternité! We are one, and we are so much more than the same! "We all belong to the same family: humanity!" He is determined to overcome the 'enormous obstacles' that people with disabilities still face, especially outside of sport.
'Through their incredible performances, Paralympic athletes will challenge stigmas, change attitudes and redefine the boundaries of what is considered possible,' Parsons continued. '225 years ago, the Place de la Concorde was the centre of the French Revolution. I hope that the spark of the inclusion revolution will now also ignite here. Vive la revolution de l'inclusion!' This call should resound beyond France to the whole world.

Please find down the speech given by Tony Estanguet, President of the Paris 2024 Organising Committee on August 28, 2024, on the occasion of the Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony. Find attached the french translations (pronounced and full).
"Dear athletes,
Dear lovers of the Games in France and around the world,
Welcome to the country of love… and the country of revolution.
Since tonight is the start of the most beautiful of all revolutions: the Paralympic revolution.
Tonight, the revolutionaries are you, the athletes.
Like our ancestors with their phrygien caps, you have panache and audacity.
Like all the revolutionaries around the world, you have courage and determination.
Like them, you are fighting for a cause that is bigger than you.
But, in your case, your weapons are your performances.
In your case, your weapons are your records.
In your case, your weapons are the emotions of sport.
Even if all your life stories are unique, you have often lived with people listing all the things you are unable to do.
Until the day you first entered a sports club.
On that day, you understood that sport would not impose any limits.
On that day, you understood that sport would never put you in a box.
Like all athletes, you trained, you sweated, you failed and you got back up again…
And you became the great champions that we are honoured to have with us tonight.
What makes you revolutionaries is that, when they told you “no,” you continued.
When they said “disability,” you replied “performance.”
When they said it was impossible, you did it.
And tonight you are inviting us to join you in this Paralympic revolution.
Tonight, you are inviting us to change our perspectives, change our attitudes, change our society to finally give every person their full place.
Because when the sport starts, we will no longer see men and women with a disability, we will see you: we will see champions.
With you, we are going to re-live all the most beautiful things that sport has to offer.
We will be like kids when you are on the start line.
We will be like coaches when it gets to match point.
We will be wild supporters when you cross the finish line!
As with the Olympians, each of your victories will make an entire country proud.
But your power is such that each of your victories will also make a whole country change.
Each of your victories will help to move the world forward.
Because every emotion that you make us feel will carry a message that will never be forgotten:
You have no limits, so let us stop imposing limits on you.
That is the Paralympic revolution.
A gentle revolution, but one that is going to profoundly change every one of us, forever.
An individual revolution, but one with a universal reach.
A sudden revolution: on 9 September, we are going to wake up different.
There are few events that can truly make the world a better place.
The Paralympic Games have this unrivalled power, not only to thrill us but also to transform us.
So tonight, I want to thank the International Paralympic Committee and its President Andrew Parsons: thank you for giving us this unique opportunity to revolutionise the way we see the world.
I would also like the thank all those public and private partners who have allowed this revolution to start:
Thank you, Mister President of the Republic,
Madam Mayor of Paris,
Madam President of the French National Paralympic Committee,
Madam Minister of Sports and the Olympic and Paralympic Games,
Madam President of the Ile-de-France region,
Mister Presidents of the Greater Paris Metropolitan Area and the Seine-Saint-Denis department,
Ladies and gentlemen representatives of French and international sport,
Dear partners,
Thank you for your commitment. Thank you for putting all your passion and ambition into this project.
Thank you to this frenzied public that we discovered this summer, and that is back with us this evening!
Dear lovers of the Games, dear fans of ‘Les Bleus’
It’s not over, we’re going to experience more incredible moments!
It’s not over, our French athletes still need you!
Tonight, Team France is back in business, ready to break all the records!
Dear French athletes,
You’ve been waiting for this moment forever, and you are going to have the most wonderful crowds to carry you all the way to the podium.
They’ve practiced their songs,
They’ve painted their faces,
They’ve got their flags ready
They are going to make you feel the force of a whole country behind you.
There are 1.3 billion people with disabilities worldwide. That is 16 per cent of the entire world population. The majority of them (80 per cent) live in low-income countries and have poorer healthcare, less education and are poorer than people without disabilities. Yet disabilities could often be avoided through prevention.
In 77 per cent of all people with mild visual impairment or even blindness, the cause can be prevented or treated
In children, almost 60% of hearing loss is due to preventable causes.
80% of all people with moderate to severe hearing loss live in low- and middle-income countries.
What a potential that is simply lying idle and can certainly make the world an even better place.
Show yourselves, become visible..... time on the sidelines is over!
the revolution for inclusion

What makes us revolutionaries is that, when they told us “no,” we continued.
Freely inspired by Tony Estanguet
It's time to start the revolution for inclusion! There's no time to lose, so let's get started.
Not only in Sport.
Jewels of Truth Statement: "Heaven Always Belongs To The Meek, Before The Bold"
Hello All, Today's spiritual wisdom statement is rather in line with the Christian New Testament verse in (Luke 13:30) As stated: "You see, some who are last will be first, and some who are first will be last." (International Standard Version) Those who are hurting and innocent in spirit are the first ones to be scooped up by the "Holy Spirit" as a native divine response. A knee jerk reaction metaphysically for such is the "Will of God" in its fullest grandeur of compassion. For the strong can hold out a while longer for a blessed extraction from the world when the hour and the day are just right. My statement today is #1960 in the series written just a couple of days ago via clairvoyant automatic writing as a technique. I channel the Angels as my own native soulful gift in a benevolent spirit. I have developed this relationship with the divine for the last 3 decades in fits and starts through these many years. The topic is for the Meek and the Lowly Ones of this world of which I am counted in such a rank and file. By oath I have emptied as much of my own ego as possible to be a clear and willing vessel for our spiritual relatives in heaven as the angels. The "Jewels of Truth" spiritual wisdom series is my conversation with them and the world. This is what came forth in our shared divinity via clairvoyant automatic writing. So far its 3 books published and counting of this dialogue with another 2 books awaiting to be developed, and as I write the 6th volume currently. I often feel as the scribe although the angels call me their herald of the eternal good news of the "Kingdom of God" in each of us. Enjoy, and may you find insight and truth wherever your faith in the divine is found. Truly worshipped by whatever name you choose finds you loved and complete. Amen. ------------------------------------------ Lowly Ones: 1960) To all the vulnerable children of God who have been mistreated in the world. Prick your ears intently and listen deeply with your open hearts in dear silence. The God of the Heavens, this Earth, and the Infinite Stars above loves you in a considerate manner. Knowing your full names in spirit and as people of this world here and now. Your celestial parent loves you as his own living essence come alive as the Infinite faces of the Creator. You are not alone as your earthly human bound infirmity would have you believe as an impaired physical or mental handicap. Your soul is a thing of living beauty a multi-faceted prism illuminated far more than any diamond could be in truth. For your combined spirits are the living essence of Heaven itself come alive in the earth and further out into Creation as a whole. When "Jesus the Christ" uttered that; "The Meek shall inherit the Earth." (Matthew 5:5) This truly means all the humble people filled with a robust authentic convictions of good conduct. Are the reborn masters of every paradise in God's Ultimate creativity made real. Although a fine dichotomy exists here on Earth as reincarnated souls especially as the infirmed with bodily limitations. It is because your soul sought out the most if not hardest expressions as mortal beings as flawed individuals. The grandeur of your living souls is apparent when in your innocence you smile deepest in your travesty out of ignorance. To be the children of God isn't for the faint of heart and of mind as people. For all the most blessed forms of God seek mortal expression in the most unlikely of places. Meaning in the vulnerable dire need of the handicap and poverty stricken materially speaking. God shines brightest in the ghetto's of the world than in the luxurious palaces with tower high cathedrals. The skin deep material beauty of the world is ok, but God isn't stuck on stupid for our divinity and eternal truest beauty is in the living pristine soul. This wonderful Earth is sometimes filled with horrible monsters pretending to be people. They may have once been innocent, but have forsaken their divinity due to betrayal and brutality committed against their love. So they set out to ruin all who come near just because they do not care and feel empowered falsely to do so. So it is to all who are valued as the Angels of the Lord God to appear as reincarnated souls and in pure metaphysical spirit. These living examples attempt to heal a maligned world and preserve the noble beauty that may already exist in every flavor of life imaginable. For the love of God(dess) arrives instantly for God sits outside time itself as a dimension. Please remember you are never alone in the "Holy Divine Spirit" within your being. Relief from the suffering of this world is only a shift in perception away, especially as you practice it as a conscious discipline. What you portray to the world is you and it isn't, you are the decider and God is the truest enabler. Choose the best always, lest you fall prey to your own misdeeds only to feel misery instead. As a human person you may end up isolated, but God rests in the silence in the nothing as a vacuum of clear space. In that frightening isolation at times and sobering in others God operates in paradoxes. What is nothing in the materialism of the world is also metaphysically the Absolute in totality. The "Holy Spirit" as the purest "Spirit of God" is the embodiment of all the Angels, the ancestors, and of the realm of every version of Heaven there is in infinity. This Force surrounds us, lives in us, and comes through us as power to be good or evil in the world. This force is neutral, we can choose the best in benevolence or we can choose to surrender to evil. God is always the witness to both and the final arbitrator in all expressions. When you seek of the Love of God(dess) do so in moderation for this comes sweetest to the good of heart. There is nothing to reach for, you as the Infinite face of God are the embodiment of the divine just the native way you are right now and for eternity. And for all who are meek in their worldly suffering be it physical or mental handicap, the addicted wallowing in pain, the forgotten as the living dead, and every other form of hardship in existence. You are not the appearance of what you have evolved into through the flesh. This is just the stage to evolve our eternal souls through learning, growing, creating (like God), and most of all loving in a beautiful righteousness. You are not to abandon your responsibilities for the yoke of this world must be carried, but you carry it with the giants of the heavens always in a miraculous grace. Amen. ---Ivan Pozo-Illas / Atrayo.

Dark times all around but there are still people out there who love you
Do not hurt yourself, do not hurt others, get help, talk to someone, anyone. Humanity has survived before and we can do it now if we all just support each other. My country and my people let me down and endangered my life but there’s nothing I or anyone else can do about that so let’s try to spread the love that is so clearly lacking.

Dark times all around but there are still people out there who love you
Do not hurt yourself, do not hurt others, get help, talk to someone, anyone. Humanity has survived before and we can do it now if we all just support each other. My country and my people let me down and endangered my life but there’s nothing I or anyone else can do about that so let’s try to spread the love that is so clearly lacking.

Dark times all around but there are still people out there who love you
Do not hurt yourself, do not hurt others, get help, talk to someone, anyone. Humanity has survived before and we can do it now if we all just support each other. My country and my people let me down and endangered my life but there’s nothing I or anyone else can do about that so let’s try to spread the love that is so clearly lacking.

Lucario in a Wheelchair (23/02/2023). Pencil drawing on paper.

Bathroom - Modern Bathroom Double shower idea: a mid-sized, contemporary 3/4-tile shower with green walls, a wall-mount sink, and one-piece ceramic tile.
Wood in Seattle

Inspiration for a small scandinavian brown one-story wood house exterior remodel with a shed roof and a metal roof