Happysunday - Tumblr Posts
Sir, the fetal position is my friend

It had to be cut...beard too. #icandoitmyself #haircut #beardtrim #vacationmode #mexicocityhereicome #happysunday #timetodolaundry #sanfrancisco #alamosquare (at San Francisco, California)

#happysunday #photocollages #thisiswhatido #didit #thisiswhywecanthavenicethings #staycreative #seedifferently #thingstodowhenthecarbreaksdown (at Fat Apple's Restaurant & Bakery)
Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5 : 16 - 18 (NIV Bible)
This is life... Sometimes my life doesn't work out the way I think it should be... and I don't always get what I want in life... but I am grateful for GOD is good, and I know GOD always give what's best for me...
Happy Sunday! Have faith! Keep believing! GOD loves you... :)

#Danggit #HappySunday #foodporn #igpinoy #familyday #GoodMorning (at Hacienda Manzo)

It’s that kind of #sunday when I think how long it has been since I’ve walked into a church, but the blessings have never been trapped inside a building, the could be found everywhere; #lookaround, listen for the #positivevibreations, pay attention to the works, reach out for the #naturalmystic and bring more joyful experiences to your life… That’s my church! #happysunday #PhotoToaster