High Support Needs - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

If you're not offering support, just shut up šŸ™ƒ

Can we stop using "still lives with their parents" or "unemployed" or "doesn't have a drivers license" or "didn't graduate high school" as an insult or evidence that someone is a bad person? Struggling with independence or meeting milestones is not a moral failing.

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5 months ago

Bill Shorten made the NDIS so inaccessible to participants because he knew that if I had weekly occupational therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and a support worker for eight(8) hours a week, that I would become unstoppable.

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5 months ago
agnaasks - I write and stuff.

agnaasks - I write and stuff.
agnaasks - I write and stuff.

02:40 AM

I have my physical education theory paper this morning (fml) never thought I would have to memorize yoga poses (fml again)

pulling an all nighter rn

3/6 chapters done , 3 more to go

I guess I'll stay up for an hour or two more take one hour nap and go for it (I'm not proud of myself ik)

mid-term week ; let's see if I finish mid-term or mid-term finishes me

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5 months ago


I was up till 5:30 am or something and after that too i couldn't sleep.

exam started at 7:15 and

it went wayy better than I thought it would , tho there were some tricky mcq ques , I did pretty good on the theory ques (I just yapped)

so what I'm saying is : pull that all nighter to complete your syllabus it's soo worth it (just take a nap later bbg)


Physics exam is fucking tomorrow (killmenowpls)

agnaasks - I write and stuff.

agnaasks - I write and stuff.
agnaasks - I write and stuff.

02:40 AM

I have my physical education theory paper this morning (fml) never thought I would have to memorize yoga poses (fml again)

pulling an all nighter rn

3/6 chapters done , 3 more to go

I guess I'll stay up for an hour or two more take one hour nap and go for it (I'm not proud of myself ik)

mid-term week ; let's see if I finish mid-term or mid-term finishes me

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1 year ago

Level 2 autistic here. I feel the same way about being unheard. Autistics with lower support needs take up the majority of my school and oftentimes they talk down to me like a child or claim that I'm overplaying my traits. I'm treated like a freak for having narrow interests, struggling to finish my work, struggling to understand social expectations, and finding it difficult to understand what's going on in general. Some level 1 autistics don't realize how privileged they are to be able to mask, converse without constant anxiety, and work in an environment with so much sensory input that I feel like my head is exploding.

Autism isn't a cute little label or a quirk. It affects me in every aspect of my life. It's a disability and it's painful to live with. I don't understand why I have to keep explaining this to people with the same disorder as me when it's literally written down on paper and there are sources everywhere that will tell you that autism is a SPECTRUM. We aren't a trend. We can't go home and flip a switch to turn it off like it's an act. It follows you forever.

This might be a controversial post to make butā€¦

Does any other mid/high supports needs, or low functioning, individual ever feel unsupported by disabled/mentally ill communities? Like, I feel like I get spoken over and looked down on a ton by people who are low supports needs/high functioning.

I mean, itā€™s really noticeable to me in the autism community. It feels sometimes like the only people who are visible are high functioning individuals. They definitely have a place in this community, Iā€™m not saying they donā€™t or arenā€™t valid or whatever. But Iā€™ve had conversations in which Iā€™ve been dogpilled for calling myself low functioning, or where Iā€™ve had to really defend autism being considered a medical disorder (instead of being demedicalized) from high-functioning people, who wonā€™t even listen to the issues it causes me half of the time. And if you donā€™t experience much in the way of issues, or need much in the way of support - thatā€™s fine! Iā€™m glad for you, but goodness am I tired about talking about how difficult it can be to get proper accommodations, or how difficult some of the symptoms can make just functioning in every day life, just for Susie Functions Fine to come around and look down on me for it.

Iā€™ve noticed this in physically disabled communities. Iā€™ve gotten, like, ā€œoh, you canā€™t drive? My cousin has seizures and she can drive fine.ā€. Which is great for them, but I canā€™t. Like, Iā€™ve literally been called less Valuable as a personā€¦not (just) by abled people, but by other disabled people who just happened to be able to function better than I can with that specific disability. Chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, and the like. It just feels very tiring not only being disabled, but being lower functioning when it feels like a large chunk of your own communities are against you forā€¦being impacted by your own disabilities.

Idk. Iā€™ve heard a lot over lower functioning/high support needs individuals talk about this anymore, but sometimes it feels like Iā€™m alone here. This week in particular itā€™s been rather tiring.

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