I Appreciate It - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

just a heads up

if you’re an active follower of mine, i do recognize your username and/or icon. i smile when i see it in my activity. i get excited when you add funny tags to things. i get really happy when you reblog my op posts. so thank you, i appreciate you massively.

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7 months ago

Woo! 800 followers yay!

Of all days to get here...

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6 years ago
Fast Sketches Of My Lovely Baes
Fast Sketches Of My Lovely Baes

Fast sketches of my lovely baes

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1 year ago

Call of Duty Ghosts headcanons bc im bored

things these hcs will not have: angst, nsfw, reader/ocs, death (i know ajax died but no he didn't. and logan didn't get kidnapped/taken by the federation wdym)

things that will appear: lots and lots of keegan, a lot of teen! keegan and ajax, logan and hesh, fluff, silliness, lgbtq+ themes, elias, merrick, some rorke, and a tiny bit of neptune and kick. Also riley is there!!! gotta love the dog. also theres swearing. oh and this is a somewhat long post

okay so first up teen keegan and ajax hcs (aka when they first joined the ghosts)

-they lied about their ages for the first few months and then randomly went 'yeah we're actually 16/17'. elias and rorke decided to keep them on the team bc they had potential. merrick was very against it at first but was like 'yeah okay'

-those two definitely confused everyone else with their slang just like hesh and logan do now

-they insisted they were best friends but nobody believed them bc they acted so fruitily with each other (it was all jokes they said)

-if we go with the keegan is trans hc i feel like ajax did a 'diy at home' top surgery

-speaking of the walker bros. keegan was their main babysitter, with ajax as second choice if keegan was unable to. elias paid him like 20-30/hour and gave him an extra thirty dollars if he gave keegan the kiddos before he had time to eat

-keegan was amazing at eyeliner (he still is but tries to convince the rest of the team he doesn't do it anymore. they know better than to believe him) and almost always incorporated it into his eye black for missions

-following this up ajax was the master of painting nails and no one was safe from painted nails until he turned twenty two, including logan and hesh as kids. the only one who was sort of safe was rorke bc ajax never had the patience to convince him

-keegan exclusively wore baggy, graphic t-shirts and sweatpants/jeans/shorts outside of missions. occasionally wore tank tops for training. ajax almost never wore baggy clothes, wearing form fitting clothes instead - tank tops, normal t-shirts, sweatpants, jeans, etc. The two always stole each other's clothes

-keegan had (and has) the absolutely strangest eating habits. cannot eat three full meals a day without complaining about being full, but two meals a day + a bunch of snacks before and after each meal is fine. refuses to eat something he had a bad experience with once in like second grade but will gladly eat something that could kill him. Cannot cook to save his life (can you tell im projecting)

-ajax on the other hand has fairly normal eating habits but could not cook at all back then. he's okay at cooking now, but he till refuses to eat anything raw (including sushi and raw vegetables) or anything too cooked (mushy vegetables and such)

-keegan definitely set curfews for everyone anytime they decided to go out. he wouldn't strictly enfore them but he'd be a bit upset if they weren't followed (he's anxious and cares abt his teammates just doesn't know how to show it)

-i feel like both listened/listen to ayesha erotica atleast a lil. obv they have other music they listen to (metal, rock, etc.) but they definitely have atleast five ayesha songs in their playlists

-keegan has no idea what the p in his name is for. his birth certificate says 'keegan p. russ' (or katherine p. russ if we go with the trans hc). he tried to ask his parents/siblings but they dont know either. ajax always joked its for 'pussy' and logan and hesh followed in ajax's footsteps

-you know those baby tees with like 'i <3 pathetic men' or 'i put the hot in psychotic' on them. yeah ajax and keegan have those but as like oversized shirts

-keegan rarely ever cried/cries bc hes always forcing himself not to. so to encourage him to cry when he feels like it the team gives keegan ten/twenty dollars after everytime he cries and they tell him to 'get himself something sweet to make up for the tears'

-on that note keegan used to have the biggest salty cravings but now he has a terrible sweet tooth. ajax used to like savoury but hes a sucker for spicy now

okay enough teen headcanons lets move on to the present

-we all know logan and hesh are gen z so i propose: the walker brothers confusing everyone with gen z slang/humour/behaviour. things like 'slay' or saying 'im gonna kms' at any minor inconvenience. logan saying 'nice girl dinner' whenever keegan makes his weird but lowkey bomb lazy food

-some of the ghosts (mainly keegan, logan and kick) listen to music on missions. they mainly have appropriate songs for the occasion like phonk or metal but sometimes when they're fighting or killing an enemy inappropriate music starts playing and they have to try so hard not to laugh. i mean keegan slicing someones neck with 'make u cum' by ayesha erotica playing in the background

-logan rarely swears but when he does they are the most brutally creative swears ever. i'm talking 'pussyy-eating son of a French whore' sort of shit, and worse. much worse. hesh swears regularly but gently, elias the same but a bit harsher, rorke swore like a sailor but gentler than logan, neptune only swears when other do, kick never swears (you gotta bribe him to do it), merrick only swears when hesh, logan and keegan can't hear, and keegan swears a lot but nobody ever catches him doing it

-sometimes the ghosts mix their masks up to keep the federation on their toes

-also lets pretend that at the end of the game elias didnt die and logan didnt get captured by rorke and ajax didnt die at the beginning bc that made everyone else sad which makes me sad and just no. no angst here (pls humour me sadness is a very uncomfortable feeling)

-they tried to have separate rooms at their base but eventually they all just moved into the same room minus elias bc they just feel safer that way

-riley is the community service dog no arguing. whenever someones having a panic attack riley helping them. nightmare? dont worry he sleeps in the same as everyone else he'll just cuddle you. trouble eating/doing something? he'll do it with you

-also keegan, kick and logan 100% spoil riley. everyone treats him amazing but these three treat him like a king

-also i think it'd be funny if atleast one of the ghosts kept getting riley's gender wrong and calling him 'she' 'good girl' etc. bc thats exactly what i accidentally keep doing

-riley's very smart but the one thing he doesnt get is why nobody will eat his dog food with him. his logic is that he can eat human food so that means they can eat dog food. the only person that has eaten dog food with riley so far is keegan bc he will eat basically anything as long as the texture/taste/memory with said food is fine

-speaking of which occasionally keegan will just crack an egg and eat it raw infront of the others bc he thinks their reactions are funny. nobody else but neptune and hesh find it funny

-one time kick switched out keegans eyeblack with sharpie ink and keegan couldnt get it off for a week and didnt speak to kick for a month, not even on missions. he had ajax talk for him.

-(over comms on a mission)

kick: hey keegan do you need help?

keegan, fighting for his life against about five enemies alone: ajax tell kick i am about to DIE

-i think it'd be really funny if the ghosts started a tiktok account where they pretended to be airsoft/military cosplayers. theyd get unexpectedly popular and people would be like 'yo wheres ur gear from' and theyd panic and respond with smth like 'we stole it from the government' so theyd just be known as THE anarchist airsoft tiktokers (theyd obviously use different names and masks than usual)

-keegan is the most innocent ghost regarding sexual matters. it was banned talking about/learning about in his house and he never bothered to learn later. he knows the basics (how sex/getting pregnant works) but otherwise no

-merrick, neptune and ajax never had siblings growing up so whenever they see logan and hesh fighting they always wait until either keegan or elias intervene to see if its serious (elias is their dad and keegan grew up with four other siblings). why not kick? kick can't be trusted to intervene if they were tearing each others limbs off bc he and his siblings chased each other with weapons for fun

-keegan loves sugar but doesnt like showing it so he just eats chocolate/ice cream/cake at like two in the morning

-also he moves around a lot in his sleep to the point he could go to sleep on his bed and wake up underneath the same bed like two hours later

-rorke and elias were definitely best friends i refuse to believe they werent. also rorke taught the walker bros how to swear

-the ghosts watch cartoons in their free time. anytime they have a free friday they have movie nights - not limited to cartoons but its mainly that. when they watched the barbie movie they wore pink (also yes they're all feminists no theyre not any -phobic/-ist)

-i know they would never meet him but if they ever met ghost (simon riley) theyd make fun of his accent and maybe mask (especially the 'foap' side profile). they wouldnt take it too far tho i feel like they actually kinda like ghost. he wouldnt like them much tho i feel

-they have game nights and they have rules as to who can play what

-keegan cant play any card games bc he automatically wins everytime or he cheats, no inbetween. hes also banned from twister bc hes the most flexible

-neptune and merrick aren't allowed to play jenga (neptune cheats and merrick always gets way too mad about it). oh and neptune cant play would you rather bc he somehow always is the loser

-logan isnt allowed to play poker or go fish bc he cheats. he also cant play truth or dare bc he always picks truth and never dare

-hesh isn't allowed to play chess because he flips the board. also cant play 'sorry' bc he doesnt like killing off the other players

-kick isnt allowed to play any board game bc he somehow always finds a way to cheat

-elias isnt allowed to play would you rather bc he takes too long to decide

-ajax isnt allowed to play jenga, 'sorry' truth or dare bc hes either cheating or leaving halfway

-merrick also cant play twister bc he cant even do a crab for more than a second. neither can elias but he doesnt want to play anyway

-they have two groupchats - a professional, strictly bussiness one and a free time, silly one. sometimes they'll be talking about a target they have to kill in one groupchat and a minute later theyll be sending memes in the other one. they have the professional chat instead of meeting bc nobody likes those. sometimes someone (usually logan, hesh or kick) will be texting in the casual gc while theyre supposed to be talking abt important stuff in the bussiness gc and merrick or elias will go 'pay attention to the meeting boys' even tho there is no meeting

thats it for now lmk if you want more :]]]

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6 months ago

i love it when kpop fans are like 'IM SO DELUSIONAL ABOUT HIM 🥲' in the tags of gifs like if you guys knew the kinds of delusions my friend donnie was having about these guys you'd scream... IN HORROR

I Love It When Kpop Fans Are Like 'IM SO DELUSIONAL ABOUT HIM ' In The Tags Of Gifs Like If You Guys

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1 year ago

Hi everyone! I hope you are having an amazing day. I just wanted to take a moment to spread light on one of my best friends, @blue-bird17. She is an amazing author and I would really encourage checking out her blog!! <3

Love you @blue-bird17 ♥️♥️

(Also thank you to all the incredible people who follow and support me and my crappy writing - I love you all <3)

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6 months ago

Hi hello how’s everything going?!? Haven’t seen you around in a while?

Hey! Yeah I have been off grid for a while. Currently dealing with alot of tension and drama at the moment that I had to halt my WIPs and teen wolf fanfic. Sorry for making you worry @rhyslahey

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4 years ago

ah! tysm for letting me know! ^^

Kitty Pride!!
Kitty Pride!!
Kitty Pride!!
Kitty Pride!!
Kitty Pride!!
Kitty Pride!!
Kitty Pride!!

Kitty pride!!

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3 years ago

You can totally gush about Haikyuu because I'll join you too! Also, I just found out a season 4 character is voiced by Mamoru Miyano. I hope you'll have fun guessing who it is when you watch it. :) (Unless you decide to look it up.) Btw, if you ever draw for Haikyuu, I'll definitely be supporting you.

actually, i did know from the start that Miyano voiced someone in haikyuu and so being the idiot i am, i spent 3 seasons waiting for him to appear while simultaneously trying not to learn what character it was beforehand.

and then i did anyway.

oh well.

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1 year ago

Thank you, Glitch.Bun!!! And you're alright. My timezone is EST. But still THANK YOU :]

So uhhh, it's my birthday today. . . Yay I'm not dead yet

So Uhhh, It's My Birthday Today. . . Yay I'm Not Dead Yet

Thanks to everyone who's supported me to this point.

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1 year ago

I love the way how you draw the engines they're so sparkly and kawaii.

Thank You! I’m Glad People Like My Art! I Always Try To Give My All When Drawing, So I’m Glad There’s People Who Like It! 💖💕💖💕

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3 years ago

hey!! so i have a question for the d20 fandom. i’ve read? some college au fics of the bad kids and a lot of people have? made gorgug go for teaching? (and riz for journalism, which i totally see!!) and i was just wondering? If that cast has said something and I just missed it? Or we all just saw Gorgug and collectively went “yeah this dude is a teacher. i mean look at him!”

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9 months ago

Just looked at a blog where the header description said 'sometimes I reblog posts I like so I don't forget them'.

And I feel like that, right there, explains so much about how the site has changed in the last few months.

People now think reblogging is an unusual behaviour, rather than a default.

Tumblr newbies, please, for the love of baby Jesus, reblog the posts you like. That is the whole reason the site exists - for you to collect all your shiny fandom objects in a single space. Which you can organize to your heart's content. Or not organize at all, if that's your jam.

Our blogs are intended to be collections of posts, not collections of likes.

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2 years ago

I LOVE your art style it’s so absolutely gorgeous and adorable!!!

Omg thank you so much ! It means the world to me when people say they like my art style 😭💕💕

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5 years ago
For When Ur Himbo/thembo/herbo Trans

for when ur himbo/thembo/herbo trans

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3 years ago

If you could only pick one favorite food, what would it be?

Have a great day ❤️

Wow, kind of a tough question considering I literally eat everything and anything in front of me lol, but I really like vegetables. Like, I haven’t found a vegetable I don’t like yet. But if I had to choose out of all vegetables, I love asparagus. Thanks for asking @madneyfiles and I hope you have a great day too! ❤️

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We try our best

hello spouses i am your husband now and i have split myself into 10 pieces and am in each of your bedroom walls deal with me

Husband why would you do this?!?!? Half of you is literally in the same row of houses now. This was a terrible decision

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9 months ago

nothing better than someone finally acknowledging your effort and help

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6 months ago

I love the stories and little ghosts I get to bring home from the antique store. I love to fantasize of who their ower once was. I love being able to cherish just as they did, beautiful tea cups, scarves, and knickknacks.

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