I'm Very Passionate About This - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
Note: Some Other Answer That Isn't [PLOT ARMOR DETECTED]

Note: Some other answer that isn't [PLOT ARMOR DETECTED]

I'm genuinely asking, characters in this show don't just... not die.

She was yeeted by the god virus, force choked by the god virus, and BLOWN THE FUCK UP.

Need I remind you what the god virus can do?

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1 year ago

When will we start acknowledging that Wylan suggesting to wake the unconscious guards up before killing them isn't actually ruthlessness but blunt logic because he's taken Jesper's "I'm not big on killing unconscious men" at face value and responds accordingly since he has a very literal thinking pattern? When will we start acknowledging that this is autism?

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3 months ago

This isn't on the ask list but I need to know- is water wet?


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6 years ago

‘The thing that keeps the heart beating’- Lance’s character


I'm a big fan of Voltron, and an even bigger fan of Lance. Such a big fan in fact that he's practically all I talk about with my friends that watch Voltron. Then one of my friends said something that really upset me.

"I don't really like lance. He's too annoying."

I asked why they thought that.

"He's too cocky and flirty. It's just stupid."

And it really struck a chord with me because... That's honestly how so many people view him, and have viewed him since the beginning haven't they?

Lance does indeed have many scenes where he's shown as this cocky, happy, confident and beautiful character- but that's always when he's with another character on team Voltron, isn't it?

When Lance is alone with the Yupper, he happily and excitedly rants about his teammates, even his 'rival' Keith. Yet when it comes to himself, he falters. His expression falls, and he seems to close in on himself as he goes 'and I thought I was the team sharpshooter, but I guess no one else thinks that. Maybe I'm just the fifth wheel, seventh if you count Coran and Allura. That's a terrible wheel to be.' He seems reassured when Shiro also refers to him as the sharpshooter later, even reacting to Pidge calling him the goofball by referring to himself as 'the cool ninja sharpshooter'.

Yet the doubts are clearly still there as he enters the black lion and mumbles to himself that this is his moment. He stays in there longer than anyone did, and when the lion chose Keith, who clearly didn't want it, Lance was upset. Yet, he still reassures his 'rival', the boy he's constantly been compared to even when said boy was no longer in the area, that the lion wouldn't chose anybody that wasn't unfit to lead. He even adds on that he respects the lion's choice, with an honest gaze and soft tone.  

Then Blue, the lion that Lance was closest to and clearly very happy flying with, suddenly shuts him out and will no longer connect with him when the team is in peril and as Lance crumples to his knees when blue still won't reach out to him- he asks if she hates him now. In the moment Allura confronts him to see what the problem is, as well, Lance states that 'not only am I not meant to be the leader... now I'm not even meant to be a paladin.'

It's shortly after this, if not immediately, that the red lion calls out for Lance. It's been confirmed that the hurdle Lance had to overcome was an emotional one instead of Keith's physical, and with how many emotions Lance goes through in the entire show, it's pretty fitting.  Allura stated that Lance accepting Keith as the leader 'showed that he valued a strong team over his own need for glory'. Lance as the right hand of Voltron helped balance and reign Keith in. He isn't afraid to call Keith out when he's doing something reckless or dangerous for the team, and it's most likely due to this that the team is still alive.  

Throughout his time as Keith's right-hand man, we were shown a glimpse of what Lance was capable of when it came to leading, strategy, and fighting in general. Sure, Lance is still his confident and silly self, but the amount of times he's seen being serious, strategic, confident, and an emotional pillar of support balance these out. They begin to round out his character as a whole.

And then they find 'Shiro'.

So, Lance goes to Keith, the current leader, and admits that he thinks it’s best if he (Lance) steps aside as a paladin. Allura's made such progress with blue that removing her from the lion to put Lance back into it- into his one of his only connections to home and something he felt so happy with- felt wrong to him. Keith tells him not to worry about it, as things will work out.

And then Keith leaves.

And Lance is left the right-hand man of 'Shiro' who doesn't seem right anymore. He refuses to listen to Lance, yells at him for trying to keep the peace, and essentially pushes Lance back into this corner of self-doubt. Ironically though, as much as the team seemed to doubt Lance and his capabilities before... the minute Shiro does something without consulting the team first, its Lance's orders they begin following. It's Lance they look to, and maybe it's because he's the right-hand man. However, Allura hints at everyone noticing this change in Lance, telling Lance that he has greatness within and his bayard changing shape was an attempt to show him what everyone else has already seen.  

Yes, Lance is flirty and absolutely ridiculous at some points- but these are kids fighting a war miles, GALAXIES, away from their home. Tensions run high with so much at stake and so much riding on them all, and Lance knows this. Lance is the guardian spirit of water, he has more depth to him than we see, and he takes on the role he needs to keep everyone functioning, and keep Voltron sailing smoothly.  

Allura may be the heart of Voltron, but Lance is the blood and the pulse. The thing that shows signs of failure, and a battle fought and won. The thing that reminds us 'I'm still alive' with its steady rhythm. He's not just arrogance or a deep longing sadness- He's a loyal character that doesn't hesitate to put someone else's emotions above his own, and a whirlwind of forces not yet seen.

This show isn't done yet. Lance is just getting started, and he doesn't even know it.

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3 years ago

emily browning should have been beatrice baudelaire in the a series of unfortunate events show!

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