Six Of Crows Inej - Tumblr Posts
"Besides, she was the Wraith – the only law that applied to her was gravity, and some days she defied that, too." Six of Crows
"“I’m a business man,” he’d told her. “No more, no less.” “You’re a thief, Kaz.” “Isn’t that what I just said?”" Six of Crows
“Please, my darling Inej, treasure of my heart, won’t you do me the honor of acquiring me a new hat?” Six of Crows
"What do you think my forgiveness looks like jordie?" Six of Crows Duology
“She was lovely and brave and better than anything he deserved. That he was twisted, crooked, wrong, but not so broke that he couldn’t pull himself together into some semblance of a man for her" Six of Crows
“You don’t understand. It was me, I caused this” - Wylan, chapter 14, Crooked KIngdom
“It was as if once Kaz had seen her, he’d understood how to keep seeing her.” Six Of Crows
Welcome to my first ever fic! I have another one in the works as well but currently neither of them have a title because title's are hard, so for simplicity's sake this one is Kanej themed and when I share the other one I'll refer to it as Helnik themed.
Concept: Around ten years after the events of Crooked Kingdom, 25-year-old Captain Inej Ghafa frees Maya Olsen from a pleasure house in Ketterdam. Maya is looking for revenge against the man who out her in her position, a man who she knows nothing about except his name: Kaz Brekker.
Tags: @wraith--2 @lunarthecorvus @just2bubbly @real-fragments7
I've only tagged people who specifically said they'd like to read more, not everyone who expressed general interest, but if you'd like to be added to the list let me know! <3
Content Warnings: in more general terms I want to remind people to be aware of the nature of Kaz and Inej's experiences and relationship since even if I'm not directly addressing these things they tend to be implicit in any writing about them, but specifically to this chapter there's descriptions of blood/wounds, and implied sa references (not graphic).
Chapter One - Kaz
"Now listen," Kaz leaned back and ran a gloved hand through his hair, vaguely aware of the traces of blood he was leaving on his forehead, "this has been fun and all, but I promised my wife I'd be home in time for supper,"
He consulted his pocket watch and frowned.
"And I'm already running late,"
It was clear that the man tied to Kaz's chair had no idea what to say. Or maybe he just couldn't. His cheek was a bloody crater; his jaw tight at a painful looking angle. Kaz paused for a moment to survey his half-closed eyes, wondering if he'd done the job too well. But the man was still breathing his pathetic, shaky breaths, and his eyelids were quivering slightly. Kaz hit the chair leg with his crow's head cane, and the man shook back to life.
"Are we done here?"
The man nodded shakily, quivering as he leaned as far from Kaz as his chains would allow.
"Good. Then I'll see you next week, with the money," Kaz pulled a key from thin air and placed it on the man's knee, "Have fun getting out,"
He walked away, listening to the man attempt to call him back through a mouthful of blood right up until the door slammed shut. Kaz stretched, smiled, rolled his shoulders. That had gone well. He was late though - she wouldn't be happy. Speaking of which, Annika was leaning against the wall opposite him, picking at her nails with a knife. She must have news.
"Go check on him if he's not out in an hour. Cleanly, for now, but keep an eye on him. If he tries to run this week, put a bullet in his skull,"
"Why me?"
"You're in my line of sight. And on that, what are you doing here? Aren't you meant to be at the Crow Club?"
"Just came off a shift. Brought you a message,"
Kaz nodded.
"She's back?"
"And pissed at you," Annika confirmed, "She's coming to find you,"
Kaz was meant to go to her. If she'd decided to come to him, it could only mean one thing: he was in deeper shit than running late.
"Fine," he said, and marched upstairs.
" - something else!" Annika called after him.
Kaz turned.
"Yennefer Baars is dead,"
"Then it's a happy day for everyone. Except for me, because unlike other people's spouses when my wife suggests murder, she actually means it. Go to the dock's and rustle us up some attention, the Silver Six is quiet,"
And with that, ignoring Annika's brief mumble of protest, Kaz began to head up the stairs. Yennefer Baars was dead. So that's what Inej had been up to. She'd been gone for the last month, and as a rule they didn't tell each other what a job was until it was over - no sense in worrying each other over nothing. But that didn't mean they didn't guess at what the other was up to, and usually figure it out. Kaz knew that Inej wrote a goodbye note before every job she did and left it with a particular member of the Merchant Council and his risk-loving fiancé, to be passed on in case something went wrong. He only knew that because he did the same thing, and Jesper was a terrible liar. Inej was better at figuring out what he was up to than he was her, that was true, but usually he had some idea. This time he'd heard nothing, until today. Yennefer Baars, owner and proprietor of the Tulip Mill, the most successful pleasure house in Ketterdam since the Menagerie close, was dead. Kaz had to smile.
Even if he was next on Inej's list. What the hell had he done this time?
It was raining, but what else was new? Kaz opened the window and listened to the droplets flowing over the pane and hitting the sill like a waterfall. He couldn't hear Inej, but he wouldn't be able to. Definitely not over the wind and rain. He left the window open for her, and headed to the basin. He shed his gloves and began to wash the blood off before it dried. Running hot water. Years ago he'd added this, with the bathroom of their suite at the Geldrenner on this mind. It was such a luxury, back then. So normal now.
He smiled to himself as he imagined the brief look of annoyance on her face at him greeting her just as she opened her mouth to do the same.
He turned to see her, and immediately Annika's message was unimportant. It was good to see her. She smiled.
"How are things, Kaz? I heard the Silver Six has been quiet,"
Of course she had.
"A little slower than usual, but the Crow Club's booming. I've got time to fix it before the profit's take a hit,"
Inej nodded. A moment passed in silence, before she said:
"Maya Olsen,"
"What of her?"
"You know her then?"
Kaz shrugged.
"One of Yen's girls, isn't she? The Tidemaker. Never met her, but she passes information to the Dregs. I have a few people watching her, making sure the information's good and trying to find out where she gets it. Why?"
"I met her tonight,"
"You mean when you killed Yennefer Baars?"
They looked at each other, dark eyes stone. And then both their hard expressions collapsed, and they smiled.
"It's good to be home, Kaz,"
He liked it when she said 'home'. Really, he knew, 'home' was Ravka. But the Suli travelled the country, never static, never anywhere long enough for that one solitary place to be the only singular point they'd always want to return to. That was too limiting for Inej; she existed to explore. To her, 'home' really meant 'family'. It had taken the last ten years to get here, but he'd come to like that word.
"But we do need to talk,"
Kaz sighed.
"Of course we do,"
Kaz cooked. Nothing special, just warm bread and soup, but Inej seemed to like it. They sat opposite each other at their little wooden table, eating and waiting for the other one to talk first. Kaz was stubborn, but Inej was infuriatingly patient when it came down to this sort of thing. Eventually, he broke the silence.
"Maya Olsen, then?"
"She's at the shelter - "
"I didn't ask where she was, I want to know - "
"Let me finish, Kaz,"
"You know I've killed people for less than interrupting me," he smirked
"And I've killed people for far more. Now be quiet, and listen to your wife,"
Kaz frowned and mumbled something about only agreeing to marriage for the tax break, but stopped interrupting her all the same.
"Maya's sixteen, I met her tonight at the Tulip Mill and took her to the shelter along with a couple of others, but they were the only ones I managed to get out," she paused and glanced away, just for a second, before picking up the thread of her story, "the other girls were both passed out - long story, I'll tell you later - I'm going to check on them in a couple of hours. But Maya was awake, so we talked and... Kaz there's no easy way to say this, but she wants to kill you,"
Kaz almost laughed. So this was why Inej had come to him, instead of waiting for him near the shelter. The had a second place there, unbeknownst to the gangs or anyone else, except the liberated kids - in case they needed Inej.
"Invite her to join the queue,"
"This is different, Kaz. This isn't some random act of aggression or some boy from a rival gang who wants to prove himself. She hasn't just picked you because you're Dirtyhands, she's picked you because you're... you,"
Kaz collected their empty bowls and began to head towards the sink, before Inej tutted and took them out of his hands, swapping them for his cane. He leant against it, and pretended the relief wasn't palpable. Somehow it was still a bad thing to rely on her.
"How does this kid even know about me? The information she was sharing wasn't specific to the gang, she didn't know who she was talking to. Just that he paid her to talk, and to not talk to anyone else. Did Yen find out about the extra income?"
"I don't think so, but Maya didn't say much about it,"
"So what information, in your extreme wisdom regarding matters of life and death, did you manage to gain?"
Inej looked at him and raised an eyebrow.
"Information isn't my specialty anymore, Kaz,"
"Yes it is,"
She laughed, and Kaz closed his eyes to listen to the sound, but it was only short.
"She blames you for her indenture,"
Shit. No wonder Inej was mad at him.
"What do I have to do with that?"
"Apparently there was no choice but to sell her indenture to a mercher, when her father was in debt. The mercher died and her contract changed hands, several times, before it ended up with Yen,"
The tap hummed as Inej washed the plates. Kaz shifted his weight against his cane.
"She blames the man her father was in debt to," she glanced at him over her shoulder, "No prizes for guessing who,"
This wasn't sounding too good.
"And just for that she wants to kill me? So do a thousand other unlucky sods, Inej, I'm not concerned,"
"You also killed her father,"
Damn it.
"So, she wants to kill me. That doesn't mean she gets to. Doesn't really mean she even tries. I've killed a lot of people's family members, but I'm still standing here. Did you...?"
"Tell her we're married? Yes, Kaz, I'm that much of an idiot,"
"Alright, alright. Still, you might as well. Talk her down, take her back home and find some relative or whatever to take her. That's what you do, right?"
Inej rolled her eyes. She was now perching on top of the half wall between the little kitchen and dining spaces.
"She can't go back. She's a Fjerdan grisha, she wouldn't be safe. And as for relatives - anyone she's got would either kick her out or not dare the risk of taking her. But that's not the problem, Kaz,"
"Right, and remind me why we're more worried about this murderous little problem than any of the others?"
"Because she's different to the others, Kaz. She... well, she reminded me of you,"
"Oh," said Kaz, freezing for a second before slowly returning his watch to his pocket, even though he hadn't checked the time yet, "Then I guess we have a problem,"
Problem was an understatement, and both of them knew it. There was every chance that he was completely and utterly fucked.
Inej Ghafa is wonderful pass It on
Guys Inej ghafa is wonderful pass it on
You know what makes Kaz a great boss? What makes him a better boss then both Pekka Rollins and Per Haskel?
He gets to know his crew and basically any people he’s working with. I know it’s basically an opposite of what he says about barrel gangs, but hear me out.
The main reason why Kaz was able to know that Big Bolliger was a traitor is because he knew that Bol was lazy. And knowing what he did in the "Crow club" it would be hard to know if he was lazy or just relaxed while on the job. Kaz knew that he was lazy - he took time to know the guy.
And also the thing that makes Kaz's plans good is that he keeps in mind all his crew's bad habits and vulnerabilities and plots around them. Its really easy to see that if you look at Jesper.
He keeps in mind that Jesper is late and that he can accidentally give up important info. We see that clearly in the beginning of the book. During the “set the wolf free” plan he made sure to tell Jesper the “wrong” time so that he would “be late” and free the animals at the right time. He knew Jesper would(or could) give up info by accident so he took precautions(saying this again: no one arranges an extra ship just to gather in front of it)
And we also have it in the end of CK.
I think both Inej and Jesper had been told the wrong time. Kaz knew that Dunyasha would be there, so he added some time for Inej to fight her. He talks with Jesper about kergud(I have no idea how to spell that, sorry) and also adds time for that fight. He might have actually putted the wyvil it Jespers pocket(as I do not remember Jes actually putting it there, or mb he just made sure it was there).
I mean, it would have been weird if there would be just the sound of one shot fired, but after the siren it would sound better.
When Kaz told Dregs that he won't be their father, he meant it, your father doesn't know you that well, but your sneaky annoying little sibling does.
Kanej || HOPE

masterlist // prologue // next chapter —>
There was a knock on the door.
' What business? '
' It's me, Anika. '
Ever since Inej had left, Kaz had been alternating between Anika and Roeder as his new spiders. Neither were half as good, but he's had to do. They tried their best, but their best was not what Kaz needed.
Especially tonight.
Unwillingly, he had, weighed his options and sent both Anika and Roeder, praying for their safety. If only Inej had been here.....
His thoughts wheeled back to Inej..
He could have given her a reason to stay. He could have told her how she always managed to surge his adrenaline, make his heart she always managed to bring a smile on his face. He could have done so many things...
Sankta Inej.
She was his Saint.
The saint he worshipped every damn single day, Praying, cussing, Shouting for her to return. But you don't worship a living saint. She would never know his pain. How lost he felt without her. How much he loved her. He could have told her—
damn it! He could still write her. But formal letters containing information about the slaves were all he sent. Pages after pages lay helter-skelter in his study. Letters he wrote in the middle of the night calling her back, begging her to stay... telling her how he loved her... But he would never send them. If only, he could let go of his ego, his pride...
'Open the door, boss. I have got some information.' The voice jolled him from his not-so-pleasant reverie, back to reality.
'Focus, Kaz' , he willed himself.
'If I didn't tell you come in, there must be a reason. I don't hire impatient spiders.'
The voice behind the door tensed.
'Come in.'
The door creaked open, revealing a harrowed silhouette bearing the weight of a blood-stained, inert form in her arms.
Blood was slowly dripping from her lips.
Kanej || HOPE

masterlist//prologue//previous chapter//next chapter —>
The job had not gone as planned. It was far from perfect. It was a complete blasphemy!
On top of that, she had managed to anger the boss.
Great! Just amazing!
She could hear a distant murmur, someone calling her name, asking for her.
She dropped the limp figure on the floor, as she took a step back. The World was swirling around her....
"Anika, what happened?" Kaz could only fathom the worst, "Anika?!"
"Water," she croaked.
The explanation would come. First, she needed to steady herself.
She was walking down the lane, hood up, crouched low. The Dime Lions were rumored to have gotten their territory expanded to their old warehouses. She was supposed to sneak in on their conversations and find out which ones were being used. They were careful enough not to leave any recorded documents behind. She would be back within an hour. In and out.
"How did they know about Inej returning from Ravka?" Kaz rasped coldly.
"The latest slave trader intercepted by Inej, Volkov, Dreke Volkov, was one of their valuable assets. Dreke had somehow managed to communicate with them before being a prisoner of the Wraith."
"And they are planning what?"
"To hold her as a captive at the warehouse near the Van Eck Mansion."
"Does Jesper or Wylan know about this?"
"I don't think so," her voice quivered, "No."
"Umm, Kaz?"
Kaz followed her gaze to find Roeder waking up.
Inej: OMG! What?!
Kaz: If you both don't shut up right now, I'll hire a new HeartRender and a new Spider
Nina: Nah
Nina: You wouldn't do that
Matthias: How are you so sure?
Kaz: .....
Kaz: She's just an investment
Nina: Shut up! You love her and just admit it
Inej: ....
Inej: 💀💀
Anika: Oh yes! Boss keeps his love letters locked up !!
Jesper: Did I miss something?
Wylan: Jes dear, Kaz is in love with our beloved Inej
Jesper: ....
Nina: See? He's out of his witty remarks
Kaz: ....
Inej: .....
hey, y'all!! gimme some Kanej or Zoyalai fanfics to write!!
PS: (totally not down with fever and writing a zoyalai fanfic where nikolai is down with flu-)
Edit: It's Out!! (Stay With Me)
ok i need to rant about this, rn-
Menagerie: A collection of wild animals kept in captivity for exhibition.
Like, when Inej was referred as the — Suli Lynx
And the Fjerdan Wolf, the Zemeni Fawn, the Kaelish girl is known as the mare for her red hair, the Ravkan Fox, the Shu Serpant in the Menagerie
During the Ice Court Heist, when Inej dressed up as the Suli Lynx, initially she was not held back, because no one other than Tante Heleen knew about the true identities of the girls!!
And the fact that no one even suspected a thing about the Kaelish switch that Nina did, really makes me question whether Heleen even bothered to keep a track of all the girls or not...
So, Heleen knew about Inej because Kaz invested in her?
"I can help you." Those were the first words she’d spoken to him, standing in the parlor of the Menagerie, draped in purple silk, eyes lined in kohl. She had helped him. And she’d nearly destroyed him.
Like???? Kaz???? Never???? Cried???? Once???? In???? The???? Books????
Can someone pls write me a fic where Kaz cries becuz-
*here comes the worse part*
When 5yrshave passed, and Inej hasn't docked to Ketterdam even once, he thinks Inej will never come back to him. They write letters but only about information on slavers and stuff (all formal and official letters). Kaz dreams about her every damn single night. So this one time after 5yrs, when the Wraith had docked and he got glimpse of Inej, he ran back to his *OLD* room in the Slat, locked the door but kept the window open and sat there trembling at one corner (he was getting an episode like he gets for Jordie when he comes in contact to skin). Then after Inej comes in through the window, he just completely breaks down into tears. She is just left dumbfounded becuz she has never seen him like this.
And then they kinda reconcile?
Well yeah, that's pretty much it...

The choke hold the "I hate everybody and everything but you." trope has me in is fucking disgusting.