Validation - Tumblr Posts
when the original artist likes my horny post about their art i feel weirdly exposed. like god peered down through the clouds at me while i was reading smut or smth. pretty funny tho
If people like my posts it must mean I am the good human. Take that therapy man, I win this round
Everyone else when their posts get popular: oh no, this is terrible, please don't do this to me!
Me when my posts get popular: This is great. I’m going to get a good grade in Tumblr, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve
Ladies, I don't think you understand how little validation men get. Like, women will get compliments just for being a woman. You'll get validation for being a certain gender. That's an amazing thing, that's a crazy thing.
Like, men will get hated on just for being men. Understand that men will get their first flowers typically at their funeral. They get very few compliments over the course of the year, genuine compliments. And they get almost no validation in their relationships. It's usually about their women, their female.
Women are flooded with attention, compliments, positivity, you know, from a young age. And that's an amazing, beautiful thing. But you guys gotta understand, like, men don't really get that. And that's why when you compliment a guy, it lights him up. Men really, like, go through a lot of stuff. Men are expected to provide support, take care of themselves with no reassurance from the world whatsoever. It's very difficult sometimes for men.
A man will remember the time ten years ago when someone told him that his sunglasses were cool.
Your exhaustion is not shameful. It is not a moral failure to be physically, mentally or emotionally tired. It is okay to be overwhelmed. You're not inferior to anyone just because it's hard for you to keep up with a fast-paced life.
Tying your self worth as a creator to how many followers, notes, and reblogs you get is unhealthy
I really truly feel like we need to talk about this, especially as someone who has grown up as an artist online.
I’ve absorbed some unhealthy mindsets over the years and have since spent a long time unlearning them, this is definitely one of the most insidious ones.
It’s SO easy to get into a mindset that unless you get x number of notes on your work like all those other creators, what you make isn’t worth anything.
But the truly nasty part about this mindset is you never reach “x number”, because it always gets bigger!
100 notes, 500 notes, 1,000 notes, 10,000 notes… as soon as you get a single post that reaches one of your milestones - you want it to get bigger.
It’s not surprising i mean there’s entire video games where the only reward is the number getting bigger, there’s a sense of validation from seeing that number grow.
But the internet is fickle, you cannot predict what will be picked up and what won’t. This is important to remember, so much of it is based on chance and not on your personal skill.
Like, there’s a constant stream of new content being put up online every second. Having someone see your post at all is honestly amazing if you think about it.
Anyway, it’s so so easy and so unbelievably unhealthy to fall into a mindset of ‘nobody reblogs my work, I can’t create anything good’. But it’s just not true!
Your value as a creator is not determined by a number on your social media page.
It’s determined by you, and what you value in your work. For your own mental health, try not to focus on the numbers.
Focus on the people - your friends, that person who likes and reblogs everything you post, the people who wait excitedly for your next creation. They’re the ones who matter, not the number at the bottom.
It’s not easy, but the less you tie your self worth to a nebulous, unreachable number the better you’ll feel about your work.
“People who want the most approval get the least and people who need approval the least get the most.”
—Wayne Dyer

i got tagged by @bitchin-in-style to make a personal mood board! i’m calling it horny-peach core
i tag @gnrstuffs and anyone else who wants to do it!
hey there LGBTQ kids who are also Christian/Jewish! If you feel like you’re disobeying God, questioning your faith, or feel wrong and dirty for loving who you love, there’s this fantastic site I found today called hoperemains that accurately and thoroughly combs through scripture and its (many) mistranslations, validates your orientation, and basically let’s you know that you’re not pissing off God. It’s insanely thorough and after reading through every page on the entire site it’s super helpful. Go check it out!
I found this post through Pinterest forever ago, it really lifted a weight off my shoulders.
hey there LGBTQ kids who are also Christian/Jewish! If you feel like you’re disobeying God, questioning your faith, or feel wrong and dirty for loving who you love, there’s this fantastic site I found today called hoperemains that accurately and thoroughly combs through scripture and its (many) mistranslations, validates your orientation, and basically let’s you know that you’re not pissing off God. It’s insanely thorough and after reading through every page on the entire site it’s super helpful. Go check it out!
Friendly Reminder: Do All The "Childish" Things you want

The fear of being childish is, in itself a childish fear that we can and must learn to outgrow. If you like something targeted for kids, that is okay. Just because you're an adult doesn't mean you forget how to be a kid.
So buy gel pens and and glitter glue and construction paper. You don't have to be in elementary school to do little art projects with crayons or finger paint or wavy scissors, adults need self expression just as much as kids if not more.
Watch cartoons. Put stickers on your wall and your phone and your ceiling. Decorate your driveway with sidewalk chalk. Eat Gushers and Gogurt and drink chocolate milk. Sleep with stuffed animals and pillow pets if it's comforting. Want a little doll with tiny assets and bendable joints just to see how many poses you can put it in? Do it. Do it all.
(Image credit)
shout out to my he/theys and she/theys!!! all my homies love he/theys and she/theys

edit: it's from yakuza 3
🌸 shout out to trans kids who are just now discovering their identities 🌸
🌸 shout out to trans boys who are saving up for their first binder 🌸
🌸 shout out to trans girls still learning to apply makeup 🌸
🌸 shout out to closeted trans kids 🌸
🌸 shout out to trans kids who don’t want to transition 🌸
🌸 shout out to trans kids w/ disabilities 🌸
🌸 shout out to trans kids of color 🌸
🌸 shout out to trans kids who can’t afford to transition 🌸
🌸 shout out to mentally ill trans kids 🌸
Y'all are so beautiful and strong. Your identities are valid and no one can take that away from you! I love you!
Friendly reminder for lgbtq+ ppl
❤️ It’s okay if you thought you were bi and find out you’re actually straight or gay. That doesn’t validate the people who told you that bi isn’t real or to “pick a side”
🧡 It’s okay if you thought you were pan but find out you’re actually bi or straight or gay
💛 It’s okay if you thought you were gay but find out you’re actually bi
💚 It’s okay to switch to new pronouns
💙 It’s okay to switch back to your old pronouns. That doesn’t validate the people who told you your new pronouns aren’t valid/real or “it’s just a phase,” that doesn’t make them in the right.
💜 It’s okay if you thought you were aro or ace and find out you’re not. That doesn’t validate the people who told you that you’re not ace/aro or that ace/aro isn’t valid/real or “you just haven’t found the right person yet,” that doesn’t make them in the right.
💗 It’s okay to be unsure/questioning or to change the way you label yourself. It’s not right for someone to invalidate your feelings. Even if they accurately predict that you’ll change your mind, that doesn’t mean that what they did is right.