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And I realized with the latest round of stupidity that nonblack ppl and perhaps even some black ppl unfamiliar w the US just don’t seem to understand what a race riot is. It’s bad enough that Louis is blamed for it, but the discussion around Claudia’s turning is so totally removed from context once again bc Blackness is not taken seriously as a category of analysis. But race riots are part of genocide like it’s not a typical or even mildly heightened form of violence, it is the epitome of white supremacist violence that murdered so many Black ppl, often entirely randomly, just if white ppl got mad and took out that anger through state sanctioned massacres of Black Americans, but sometimes they’d try to pin it on a perceived or fabricated slight by a Black person, as if a disdainful look at a white woman or talking back to a white man was grounds for a murder spree and mass rape (which was already always happening anyway, because white men raped Black women much more often than they lynched Black men, as rape is always used under genocidal state policy, which this was). The race riot in the show was historical fact, it wasn’t made up just for the show, and why do we think it matters that we’re told that whites used to hang enslaved Black people on the pike where Louis stabs fenwick? But Black ppl couldn’t and didn’t just rush in and massacre entire white neighborhoods.
What the show is trying to tell us here is not that Louis is irrational or purposefully put his community in that position, but that even if you did take a Black man and make him a vampire, make it possible for him to pay back in blood just a small fraction of the racism he and his ppl have faced, that’s still not enough, because these aren’t individual issues, Fenwick’s racism was not a unique flaw, it was the law of the land, it was the system, and the system would never tolerate any Black person’s minor liberating moment. Imagine if Louis caught on fire while walking through storyville to try to see if there was anything he could do in the midst of this worst nightmare. It’s one thing for him to blame himself the way so many colonized people have blamed themselves for any colonial violence that came about bc they “stepped out of line” in asserting their humanity against the colonizer whose life goal is to deny that humanity, but it’s another thing entirely for the viewer to minimize what was quite frankly genocide (and I don’t use this lightly or flippantly, Jim Crow was literally genocide and the race riots were heightened massacres within that continuous genocide—the nazis copied Jim Crow law and social conditioning to build the holocaust, and you must be willing to acknowledge this when viewing historical fiction) and another thing entirely for Louis’ white partner to minimize this by suggesting they commemorate this by making it their wedding anniversary. The closest disgusting white liberal minimization of Black suffering I can think of in our contemporary moment is like if a white man told his Black fiancée that they should throw the wedding ceremony at a former plantation . Surely we can understand why calling it emotional abuse if the Black man broke up with his white partner would be racist.
But you’re not going to make this connection if you don’t take race riots seriously, and you won’t take the race riots seriously if you don’t acknowledge the centrality of race in this story. It also completely changes how you understand Louis begging his materially powerful white husband to help save the only Black person he could save. It changes how you interpret the depiction of Louis during the trial in 207. And it definitely changes how you interpret Louis saying I was just glad nobody wanted to lynch me while sitting to the materially powerful nonblack man who did try to lynch him and successfully lynched the Black girl that Louis saved from genocide a century ago. There’s certainly a tragedy in a disabled Black girl coming into this world that so completely denies her space, but do we villainize Black parents for having children nonetheless? Having children is an essentially selfish act—was every other Black children born the night of a race riot doomed to early death, though statistics might suggest they should be? Armand says she’s too young too disempowered too traumatized too marginalized; she had to die. Was it emotional abuse for Louis to demand of Lestat that this one lives?
being called a good boy is just so unparalleled in terms of praise and gender euphoria
not to mention the fact that young people fighting for their lives is typically taken a lot more seriously by the narrative AND the characters. nearly every chapter theyre in, the Kids Table act like real kids and they don’t have the whole world to balance on their tiny soldiers
that one arc where Gilyoung and Yoosung breezed through the scenario because it refused to accept minors as proper players
One of the reasons i love orv so much is that kim dokja and yoo joonghyuk (and a good deal of the cast) are in their late 20s, a small thing that’s really lacking in popular media tbh. Kim dokja is nearly 30 but he’s not the side character/mentor figure. He’s not someone at the end of his story because he’s “old.” Life is starting for him and he’s on this journey filled with ups and down. He finds love in so many forms at such intense levels. As someone approaching 30 as well, someone the world expects to be stable and done and boring, it’s just comforting to know that i can still go on adventures and fall in love and just live.
it will be now and forever funny that cumplane ended up marrying fantasy versions of each other. like fuck can you imagine marrying the self insert of your arch-rival but it actually has to be chill because the guy he married is literally also just the xianxia ice demon version of you WHO YOUR SEMI-DIEFIC RIVAL MADE EXPLICITLY AS HIS DREAM MAN and both of you will be in denial of this fact forever
i do the old person hands behind back contemplative walk all the time its addicting

i found some wonderful gifs
Can I just say that I love the gender fuckery that modern slang has taken on? I absolutely LOVE that we all can collectively point to a man (of any age, or aesthetic at this point) and say “Babygirl”. Like that’s just something you can do. And it actually tells you what vibe the dude is rocking. Or like malewife! Reasonably there’s already a word for that, but husband does NOT have the same energy as malewife. Or pointing to a female character and calling her a himbo??? That’s fucking exceptional, I now have a deadlock on her vibes and a pretty good start on her characteristics. Bimbo is a thing but that’s ALSO wildly different and not gender exclusive either!
It’s fuckin’ great!
Writing character bio ain't as easy as one thinks. IT'S HARD.
Las Nevada’s group is just people who are traumatized and generally don’t like each other and also Charlie Slimecicle
Makoto: Truth or dare?
Byakuya: Truth.
Makoto: How many hours have you slept this week?
Byakuya: Dare.
Makoto: Go to sleep.
Byakuya: I don't like this game.

My girlfriend, everyone
hey guys can you help me find that old portrait of a girl holding a little painting of a naked dude and cracking up about it?? I want to say it’s by Rembrandt but that’s probably not right
it's a shame I'm not bouncing on my favorite's dick right now 😔
Thinking about Beiras Place and the TRA response to it, I thought it would be interesting to explore how we would react to the situation as transwomen think it is. So if there was a new rape and crisis shelter started up specifically for hetero women who have been victimized by homosexual and gnc women because these het women were traumatized and didn't feel safe around gay women at this time of crisis, and all other shelters were non-descriminatory, how would we feel about that? (please ignore the practicalities and realities of homophobic violence, also I'm using lesbians because I am one but it could equally apply to another group of marginalized women) 1 It's morally wrong and it should be illegal. 2 Its morally wrong but it should be legal. 3 It's morally neutral and it should be legal. 4 Its morally good and it should be legal. 5 Nuanced/other.
Thank you Nonnette!
Edit: this was sent by a lesbian woman

Do you mind if I frisk you?
cleaning your room and reading books and buying yourself a little snack or a beverage is the equivalent of getting your life in order
The great ace attorney is the best one