It's Just So!!!! - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

what is your taylor swift song, the one that nobody else gets or appreciates the way you do?

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1 year ago


All q! Characters, I just can’t be bothered writing the q!. So no CC mention at ALL.

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Phil and Etoiles were brothers in the same way you’d call a long time friend. They met, and they clicked instantly like a missing piece to a puzzle. If Phil was upset, Etoiles was usually the first to notice and vice versa. They had even joked that they were twins because they could never pinpoint who would be the older brother out of the two of them. Phil’s relationship with Etoiles, while similar to his relationship with Fit, was nothing if not ‘Veterans who went through war together coping in their own ways together’. They were the epitome of found family in its purest form.

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I’m pushing my Twins! code breakers agenda. I know they look nothing alike but LET ME LIVE THEIR DYNAMIC IS TOTALLY ADULT SIBLINGS <- as someone who has a sibling I can tell you this is exactly what me and my sibling will be like.

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2 years ago
Hey Look Same Guy Different Hairstyles

Hey look same guy different hairstyles

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1 year ago

Imagine brightgoat coming back to cuphead after some years and realizing what they created-

Even funnier if they DIDNT know about it before. Like, imagine you make a silly little idea about a silly little game and after years it turns out hundreds, or maybe thousands of people got inspired by it and love it.


I'll be honest. There are so many Casino Cups inserts and blogs now and i am living for it.

All of you who make such blogs, thanks, like, i mean it. Thank you so much for just existing and making them, you're all (The blogs I've seen so far) so lovely!!! 🥺🥺🥺

And everyone who plans on making a blog, PLEASE DO! I COULD NEVER GET TIRED OF THE CONTENT!!

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10 months ago

ok no more coherent thoughts only crying and wailing.

Bad cares so much for the eggs wahhh

After being so stingy with his money all this time he just spent a collective 12000 on the eggies tonight WAHH

And hes so kind and you can just tell he cares so much I cant take it. My heart is going to explode 😢

He sounds so happy and thankful they are back and just Wahh o(-(

It hurtssss

It hurts so bad...

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1 year ago

How come Shinzo is getting married like you’re telling me that anxious child of a man is capable of getting bitches? Be fr w me rn

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3 years ago



-princesses and princes. dragons and mages. knights and mercenaries. foolish love and forbidden romance.



julian is the ever so chivalrous knight. too loyal for his own good. so loyal that he would die for the throne. he’s not the best with a sword but that doesn’t matter with just how true his loyalty is. the king adores loyalty above all, and that’s how julian ended up in his inner circle. and that’s when he discovers something better than loyalty to the throne.

his loyalty to you.

and he is so smitten with the eldest child of the king that he thinks of nothing else. stealing glances, making up excuses to be in your vicinity at all costs, and looking away when you catch him staring. it’s endearing, the way his cheeks flush when you smile at him. he never speaks to you but you start to find roses on your seat and you just know it’s him.

and so starts your illicit affair.



portia is the seemingly obedient castle servant who always does as she is asked. she never steps out of line or speaks out of term.

but when no one is looking she sneaks off to spar with julian whenever she can. she’s better than him. she’s better than most of the knights in the castle. she wants to be a knight so badly but can’t. doesn’t want to risk it.

you are her reason.

she’s you’re personal servant and she’s in love. you’re in love too. sneaking kisses and holding each other away from prying eyes. clandestine meetings and longing stairs. a forbidden love that could get the both of you in trouble. yet, the two of you don’t plan on stopping it anytime soon.



muriel is the hermit dragon trainer. he used to work for the king, training dragons for war. but he hated that the dragons were being used for selfish means, so he set them free and disappeared. most assumed he died.

you were the rebellious child of the king, sneaking off and exploring at night. too bad you ventured too far and got lost, finding yourself in the forbidden forest with untamed magic. you wouldn’t have made it back if you hadn’t found him first.

and he thought you were a dream because there was no way someone could have gotten past his dragon. he was shocked when you spoke to him, and even more shocked when he saw the royal family emblem on your cloak. he walked you back to the castle, sending you on your way. telling you not to come back.

he was frustrated when you returned the night after, bringing him fresh bread and fruit. his frustration lessened each time you returned until he found he longed for your presence, no longer the hermit he sought himself to be.



nadia is the prim and proper princess of a foreign country, betrothed to your eldest sibling. you’re just happy that it isn’t you being forced into an arranged marriage. that is, until you meet her.

strong, beautiful, and smart.

after that, you’re jealous. hopelessly devoted. you can’t help but wish it were you she was supposed to be marrying. it’s just terrible luck and you can’t stand it, won’t stand for it. you crash the wedding, declaring your undying love for her.

everyone laughs but her. she would never laugh at you for being so brave. and before you know it she’s running towards you, throwing her arms around you, and kissing you like she’s wanted to from the beginning. neither of you wait for a reaction because you’re both running already.

making your own happy little ending even if it means being traitors to the throne. runaways in love.



lucio is the vigilante assassin that’s hired to kill you, the eldest child of the king and next in line for the throne. he arrives under the identity of a foreign prince. it should have only taken him a few days to complete his mission. assassinate you and get out.

what he doesn’t expect is to fall in love with the way you laugh at him. or the way you look at him like he’s something special. what was supposed to be a few days turns into a week and then two and then he realizes he’s in too deep. he realizes he crossed a line he shouldn’t have when he kisses you and knows he fucked up when you kiss him back.

he tells you the truth when he realizes he can’t keep the charade up. sure, you’re mad at first. he doesn’t blame you. it’s his fault. he even expects you to tell your father, and get him locked up in the dungeon. but then you suggest running away with him and he is floored. but he’s in.



asra is the nonchalant palace mage whose never actually been in love. how could he when he’s too busy catering to the king and his wishes? creating spells and charms, enchanting objects and weapons, and concocting way too many potions.

you take him by surprise. like, he can’t even focus when you just show up one day to pick up a charm meant for your father, the king. he accidentally spills a bottle of herbs when you smile at him and he swears his heart stopped. there must be something wrong with him. he’s got to be sick cause he can’t get you out of his head.

he doesn’t see you again for weeks and he finally gets enough and actually leaves his hideaway for once in like forever. everyone must have heard the way his heart was beating out of his chest when he saw you out in the garden, and he knows he shouldn’t but he ‘bumps’ into you kinda accidentally on purpose.

oh, and it’s the best decision of his life cause the next thing he knows he’s meeting with you in the garden frequently and he’s falling hard. he lives for those stolen moments.


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3 years ago

So I'm reading First and Last Soulmate's previous chapters to see if I can unblock my writer's block and well...

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2 years ago

The full version of my interpretation of Myla's song ("Bury my mother, pale and slight..."), based on the tune she hums. Sung by me (at 2am) (with a cold). I'm… actually pretty proud of how this turned out!

Context: When the city was condemned, were the miners still in Crystal Peak left outside? Did they wonder what happened to their families left within? Did they sing for them? For the knight and dreamers whose memorial they may once have seen? For the desperate hope for a brighter future? Even just a chance to mourn?

Additional Context: The really fun thing about rounds is how one by one the voices inevitably die off until there is only one remaining. :)

(I really didn't expect so many people to want to hear the whole thing! Many thanks to The Embraced One and Camellia Flingert on Youtube, whose recordings of Crystal Peak ambience provided the perfect background noise/pickaxes/ominous rumbling.)

Full lyrics under the cut.

Ma-na-na, ni-ne-na, ye-mi-ye-ta Ma-na-na, ni-ne-na, yo-na-la (Ke-ti-ya) ma-na-na, ni-ne-na, ye-mi-ye-ta Ye-le-ki, ye-la-ka, no-na-na ye-le-ko

[Chorus:] None shall enter, none shall leave, the king has sealed our kin. But we yet breathe, unite and grieve and sing for those within. Gates will open; we take hope and mourn ‘till morning comes. Soon the knight will bring the day – it’s this the crystal hums!

Oh, bury my mother, pale and slight, Bury my father with his eyes shut tight, Bury my sisters two by two, And then when you're done, let's bury me too!

Oh, bury the knight with her broken nail, Bury the lady, lovely and pale, Bury the priest in his tattered gown, Then bury the beggar with his shining crown!


Oh, bury the traitor marred by pride, Bury his daughter at her lover’s side, Bury the sage and his sons all three, But save by their grave a space for me!

Oh, bury the smith and his blood-soaked art, Bury the writer with a broken heart, Bury the fool with their shield stained red, But ask them thrice to be sure that they are dead!


[As a round] Oh, bury the teacher in her hallowed hall, Bury the watcher in his tower tall, Bury the beast in her silken cave, Then bury the one who dug their graves.

Ma-na-na, ni-ne-na, ye-mi-ye-ta Ma-na-na, ni-ne-na, yo-na-la (Ke-ti-ya) ma-na-na, ni-ne-na, ye-mi-ye-ta Ye-le-ki, ye-la-ka, no-na-na ye-le-ko


This started as a ditty to sing while chopping wood and ended with three separate ambience loops, boss scream cameos from the Radiance and the Crystal Guardian, and the realization that the official soundtrack has a perfectly good cover of someone going na-na-na to the tune of the main theme already, why not throw that into the chorus somewhere quietly while we're at it…

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9 months ago

This is literally one of the most beautiful pieces of work I've ever seen.

Holy shit

Cross stitch artwork of crowleys eyes looking out over his glasses.
same artwork this time in a frame with cool plants next to it.

Hours of searching for the right yarn colours and planning the pattern, 4300 stitches that took me god knows how long because i took a 4 month break in the middle of them and 2 lost needles but finally it's done. Based on this artwork of the talented @tofupixel

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whenever someone calls USAmerican English the 'movie accent' I remember how somewhere last year I was on a train when suddenly the silence was broken by an american voice behind me somewhere and I immediately thought "Oh no, someones playing their tiktoks out loud again" and automatically turned around to put a face to my annoyance like you do when someones driving bad, and turns out a few rows down were just some actual in the flesh USAmericans having a nice conversation amongst themselves. I am sorry Americans I'm glad they let you out of the phone

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