Bsd Teruko - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I really hope that as the manga goes on more we get to learn more about the hunting dogs pasts and more about Hirotsu, Gin and Higuchiā€™s backgroundā€™s too.

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1 year ago

Sometimes I get scared that my interest in bsd is going away, but then I get a notification saying that one of my favorite content creators posted something and then I go crazy from pure excitement and joy.

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What if the story of Bungou Stray Dogs is just a frame narrative. So maybe Atsushi is telling this story to his children, but it's their bedtime, so he tells them that he will tell the rest of the story the next night. Atsushi then cuddles for the rest of the night with his husband, Akutagawa, who pretends to be a vampire, making both of them laugh.

In the morning, their children meet up with Chuuya and Dazai's children, who are joined by Higuchi and Gin's kid. Kenji and Kyouka reveal that they are engaged. Poe and Ranpo call in from America to say they can make the wedding date. Yosano and Kouyou shed tears at this beautiful turn of fate. Nikolai and Fyodor show up, and everyone is jokingly mad at them. Fyodor promised to bring his band over for the wedding. Nikolai says he can provide the entertainment. Kyouka and Kenji have invited Mori and Fukuzawa, who were currently on a honeymoon in Italy.

Fukuchi died because he set one order wrong and ended up killing himself and nobody else.

Aya and Teruko live with Bram and Sigma.

Kunikida started up his old relationship with Katai, and managed to clean him up a bit.

Jouno and Tetchou live happily but the Hunting Dogs group chat keeps getting spammed by Jouno and his text-to-speech.

Tachihara and Tanizaki get together after Naomi forced him to go on a double date with her and Haruno.

Lucy and Lousia get a thing going on, leaving Fitzgerald and Steinbeck alone. They get a thing going too.

Lovecraft stays asleep (he tired of this)

And they all lived gaily ever after (pun intended).

This was Asagiri can keep the mystique of what happened, leaving the fandom to wonder how everybody was still alive, and begging Asagiri on a daily basis to ask him how he did it.

There is no other way.

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11 months ago

Drawing been hard lately (āŽ»ā–µ āŽ») good day~

Drawing Been Hard Lately ( ) Good Day~
Drawing Been Hard Lately ( ) Good Day~

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9 months ago



So here's the thing, I didn't have any strong opinions on Teruko before this.

It's not like I didn't like her, she was a fun character, but as I've said before, I've struggled to become attached to any of the Hunting Dogs.

But after today's chapter???? I'm fucking devastated about her

What do you meeeaannn war was literally all she knew???

So Here's The Thing, I Didn't Have Any Strong Opinions On Teruko Before This.


She was a BABY! A literal BABY! They put a weapon in her hands before she knew anything else! She was taught to murder before anything else! She was a goddamn BABY!

And what did Fukuchi do?

So Here's The Thing, I Didn't Have Any Strong Opinions On Teruko Before This.

Save her??? No, he gave her more of the fucking same, he just managed to convince her that being a Hunting Dog was somehow better. She was still a child soldier, a child experimented on, a child weapon.

It's no wonder she idolized him and went along with his dumb fucking plan, she WAS TWELVE

So Here's The Thing, I Didn't Have Any Strong Opinions On Teruko Before This.

He was her hero, her savior, her father, her captain, the closet thing to family she probably ever had and he was using her for his plan, disregarding her feelings to spare Fukuzawa's (whose feelings he still managed to also fuck over).

And she still forgave him, she was willing to die to kill fyodor and was okay with it because she thought it would reunite her with Fukuchi.

And she STILL looked like this when she thought she saw him again.

So Here's The Thing, I Didn't Have Any Strong Opinions On Teruko Before This.


I'm sobbing, Teruko, you deserved better than this. You deserved better than to be a weapon your whole life. You deserved better than what the Hunting Dogs did to you. You deserved better than fucking Fukuchi.

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1 year ago

BSD S5 E11 theory with spoilers (obviously)

Kind of a 2 in 1.

So l've been thinking about the last episode a lot over the past couple of days. Mostly about how unsatisfying it felt. It's been about 6 years since everything with the DOA started in the manga. That's 6 years of wondering what's going to happen. How are the ADA going to get out of this one. Are my favourite characters going to be ok.

Only for it to end up being that they where never in any danger to begin with.

It was all staged. Tanizaki and Kunikida would have been fine no matter what, all you had to do was unplug the machine. Chuuya was never a vampire to begin with. Dazai escaped the prison and got the antidote. Fyodor is finally killed. Everyone's fine. It was all just a convoluted set up.

But then that got me thinking. It all ended a little too perfectly.

Enter the book/page.

What if someone wrote in the book to help the agency so that everything would end happily ever after. The machines where dangerous. Until someone wrote in the book that they weren't. Chuuya was actually a vampire. Until someone wrote in the book that he wasn't.

And so on.

So then who would have access to the book/page. Well we don't know where the book is, that's what everyone is looking for. People most likely to actually know where it is would be Taneda and of course Natsume. Of those two Natsume is the most likely. We haven't seen him since the Canabalism arc and we know that he's always working behind the scenes to help out. So what was he doing while the agency was being framed?

But let's leave that as a possibility for now and move onto my second theory.

The page. Last we saw Fukuchi had it. So that leave's Fukuzawa, Ranpo and Teruko with easy access.

But here's what l'm thinking.

The otherside of the page was supposed to be written on that night. But if Fukuchi was already planning on dying then how would he do that?

The answer is he wouldn't. But you know who could? Teruko.

We already know she talked with Fukuchi before everything went down and that she was on his side. So what if Fukuchi gave the page to Teruko and told her what to write. Or maybe just gave it to her for safe keeping.

Either way Teruko would have the page. And what would you do if you where just forced to kill someone you love and you have the ability to manipulate reality. You'd try bring them back.

Enter weird Fukuchi from the end of the episode.

We already know that the book/page can bring people from inside the book outside the book because of Sigma. So what if in Terukos grief she wrote on the page for Fukuchi to be a live.

But because our Fukuchi was already dead it wouldn't make narrative sense for him to suddenly come back to life. So what if instead the book brought a different Fukuchi from inside the book into the main world.

Or if we're going of how the book works in Beast then main world swapped with a world where Fukuchi was alive. Which would also explain Akutagawas weird outfit.

Anyway that's my weird theory about the last episode. Guess we'll find out in like 2 years if l'm right or not.

TLDR: The ending of the last episode was weird and I think that either Natsume wrote in the book to help the agency or Teruko wrote on the other side of the page to bring Fukuchi back and that's why everything went to shit.

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7 months ago
Just Realised Kunikidas Clothes Didnt Stay Behind Like They Did With Teruko
Just Realised Kunikidas Clothes Didnt Stay Behind Like They Did With Teruko

Just realised Kunikidaā€™s clothes didnā€™t stay behind like they did with Teruko

I shall now be head cannoning that Kunikida made all of his clothes using his notebook

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1 year ago

International Women's Day :D

International Women's Day :D

I'm two days late in posting this but happy International Women's day!!

(I wanted to draw so much more of the female cast but there was so many people to drawšŸ˜©šŸ˜©)

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5 months ago

I has doodle request

Draw Tecchou finding out about Kenjiā€™s death >:D

Also draw a reunion between the ADA and the dead trio because yes, Teruko can join too if ya want

The closest to a canon reunion we will ever get this year (I'm crying)

I couldn't at all resist the chance to make a snapcube reference

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3 years ago

Am I about to do something that has already been done 100 times? Yes.

Let's go!

Am I About To Do Something That Has Already Been Done 100 Times? Yes.

This. How many of us have gone crazy trying to analyze it? Yeah. I won't analyze the whole thing or else this post will be big as freak.

I want to focus on something particular.

Am I About To Do Something That Has Already Been Done 100 Times? Yes.
Am I About To Do Something That Has Already Been Done 100 Times? Yes.

These lovely cards. And the green light particles, or presumably light snow, Tanizaki's ability.

I have seen people say that Tanizaki and Atsushi will help Dazai somehow with the whole prison thing?? Which, doesn't make sense because both of them are in Yokohama.

Whatever Atsushi's and Tanizaki's job are, it's going to have to do with the Yokohama POV. Meaning, whatever card Fyodor is holding is most likely NOT Chuuya. Heck, Chuuya is already represented in the cover.

Am I About To Do Something That Has Already Been Done 100 Times? Yes.

Here. That's Chuuya's representation in the cover with the Sheep's skull emblem, the red camellias and even the little crack. So the card, is not Chuuya. I'll gladly be proven wrong, though.

Back to what I was saying, Atsushi, Tanizaki and the card person will probably have nothing to do with the prison but will play a big role with the events in Yokohama. So, who is in the card Fyodor is holding? I don't know. I can sit and look at it zoomed and still not know, I just think I see a suit? Don't quote me on it.

I have a weird thought, Teruko Ōkura in chapter 99 asked Atsushi to meet Ranpo, so maybe, Tanizaki will create an illusion, just in case. The card that Fyodor is holding can very well be her but I'm not sure. Look, with the page having the rule "police won't believe ADA" and just because Tachihara broke out of it, means nothing since Tachihara was also in the Mafia, the Mafia isn't police and so, he accepted that part of him and it helped him see the truth.

"What about Saigiku Jōno?"

He was literally shown the truth about it, not the full one but it doesn't take a lot to figure it out. "Fukuchi is the bad guy, not the ADA." or something along those lines. He would be considered, faithfully blind if he couldn't see the situation for what it was, even if the page influences them.

That's it. I babbled, nobody cares, I'll leave you all be. Bye.

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6 months ago
Well, This New Chapter Sure Has Been Eventful. Idk Where Exactly All Liquified Folks Go, But Ive Decided

Well, this new chapter sure has beenā€¦ eventful. Idk where exactly all liquified folks go, but Iā€™ve decided to let them just hang out in some other realm and be pals. When Ame no Gozen liquifies another one, Iā€™ll add them to this group. New drinking game unlocked~

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