Kanej Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts
Wraith Wrath - Table of Contents

After two years at sea, Inej Ghafa returns to Ketterdam. She and Kaz will have to face an adversary they know all too well as they navigate their evolving relationship.
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Wraith Wrath - Chapter I

Inej could see the outlines of the city on the horizon. Ketterdam. She was almost home.
After two years at sea, she missed this place deeply. Soon, the smell of salted air, rotten wood, and rust will be replaced by the one of coal smoke, malt liquor, and sweat. But she will welcome it back into her lungs, relieved to have finally made it here.
As she approached Fifth Harbor, the clear sky started to disappear into a fog. The light from the watchtowers gave away to the streetlights around the harbor to lead them safely.
She was eager to get her feet on solid ground, eat a warm dinner, and rest in a somewhat comfortable bed. During these two years hunting slavers, she has been able to make only a few stopovers here and there. But every second passed on that ship has been worth it. Purpose was her compass. Duty was her guide. Faith was her companion.
As soon as the boat was docked and her crew was instructed to follow Specht’s orders until further notice, her feet were in motion. By the Saints, her entire body was. Roaming the roofs of Ketterdam. A few strands of her hair danced in the harbor breeze.
From the looks of it, the city didn’t seem changed at all. The harbors and canals were still full of commercial ships of all sizes. The streets were still packed with tourists, migrants, and workers. Yet, she hoped, some things haven’t gotten back to the way they were. One blink and you’ll miss it, she thought. Ketterdam will always be Ketterdam.
She reached all of her favorite corners of the city, admiring the view each time. Listened, sparsely yet attentively, to snatches of conversations on the street, the taverns, the shops, and the clubs.
Certain things indeed had changed. The Dregs had taken over most of the Dime Lion's territory. Some were still reluctant to let it slip away but without Pekka Rollins to command the ship and everything that went down after the auction of Kuwei Yul-Bo, those Lions were easy to tame. A few even switched their allegiance toward the Dregs even though they didn’t wear their tattoo and probably never will. But Inej assumed that, for now, those renegades were a means to an end for Kaz Brekker. Of course, they were. How could they not be? He was the King of the Barrel now. And we’re talking about Kaz. Keeping potential assets in his sleeves was perfectly on brand for him.
She lunged herself on another rooftop. Her body was agile, her eyes focused. She was climbing, jumping, and running at every edge of the town with a metallic taste in her mouth. All this time passed at sea somewhat impacted her stamina. Her legs started to feel stiff and heavy like they were weighed down and her arms tight and tense as if under pressure. She knew that she needed to let her body adjust back to the stability of the land. Beads of sweat began to trickle down her neck. She leaped and leaped again.
Then, there she was. Right in front of the window. Kaz’s window. At the top floor of the Slat. A powerful attraction led her here. She didn’t even realize it. She wasn’t even sure how she got there. It was almost like all the streets, and alleys were leading to this place. As if it was the heart of the city.
She hissed herself on the edges of it and waited, sharing the crumbs of the loaf of dark bread that was still in her pocket with a crow. She had been missing for too long, most of them had stopped waiting for her to feed them by now.
She knew it was only a matter of time. Kaz had surely been warned the moment The Wraith entered the harbor. Yet, at the thought, a part of her suddenly wanted to leave. To jump from roof to roof, and get the furthest away from here. The anguish of seeing him again was overwhelming. She didn’t know if she was ready for it. She closed her eyes, and took a deep breath, trying to temper her heart that decided to beat at its own hectic pace. She paused and wondered. How many times has she stopped herself from imagining how their reunion would be? But she remembered the excitement that rose inside of her the moment she knew that a halt at Ketterdam was in order.
Her body was gracefully balancing itself on the windowsill, her head resting on the wall behind her. Only the crease between her eyebrows was a revelation of the battle that was going on inside of her, between her head and her heart. How she struggled between staying and running away. How torn and uncertain she was.
Time moved slowly, too slowly perhaps. Every minute was tougher than the other. But she stayed. Persuaded that she still belonged there. She had to.
It was when she heard the footsteps backed with the distinctive sound of a cane from the staircase that her eyes opened wide. You can still leave. A jump and it’s like you were never there.
She closed her eyes again, fighting that urge inside of her.
The door creaked open, and the steps on the wooden floor became heavier.
Her heart began to beat furiously again and her breath was short but she didn’t move. She heard the steps getting closer, a pause, and then they suddenly changed direction, away from her. She allowed herself a look. He was right there. In front of the tiny sink. Removing his gloves while the water runs.
“Hello, Inej.”
His raspy voice seemed to echo in the room or maybe it was just in her head, like a giant bell that kept ringing. At that moment, she couldn’t hear anything else. She opened the window wider and slipped herself into the room. His acknowledgment of her presence was enough of an invitation. Not that she ever needed one.
Everything was the same. She could easily walk blindfolded without bumping into anything. Only the office seemed out of place, empty. She knew Kaz had chosen to do business in Per Haskell’s old office on the ground floor. However, the sight of his desk reminded her of so many times spent scheming or just watching him work that she couldn’t stop a little wave of nostalgia from emerging.
He looked at her through the mirror before him, his eyes almost black. She entered the room skillfully as always. When she walked, her feet were like feathers and didn’t make a single plank of the hardwood floor creak.
Their gaze met and they could easily understand each other’s trouble and torment. They both anticipated this moment. And here they were. Together again. Like so many times before. Their shoulders started to relax and a smirk painted their faces slightly as if they were mirroring each other perfectly.
“Hello, Kaz”, she said with a faint voice filled with warmth. She was back.
Wraith Wrath - Chapter II

It took Kaz’s every bit of strength to conceal the rush of emotions that surged within him when Anika told him about the return of The Wraith. His heart was pounding. Too fast for his liking. Way too fast. He hadn’t planned this. Or maybe he did. He couldn’t tell between the moments he dreamed of her coming back and those where he wished for her to stay away from this city and him so he wouldn’t have to deal with the feelings that came along with her company.
I can help you. Those were the very first words she ever addressed to him. And she did help him. In more ways than one. But he was certain he couldn’t live up to the expectations she had for him. He couldn’t be the boy he was before Jordie. That boy wouldn’t survive in a city like this. And he didn’t want to be that boy again. He had let him sink at the bottom of the sea along his brother’s body for a reason. Kaz Brekker was the only way to survive and thrive. Even if all the broken pieces couldn’t be put back together anymore. Even if he was only half a man. Kaz Brekker had been who he needed to be.
All those years, working together, side by side, he had done everything to make sure Inej wouldn’t believe he would become something he was not. But she was headstrong. Way more than he was. She made him yield quite a few times. He never quite understood the hold she had on him. But the only thing he was certain of was that they had saved each other. Again and again.
The sharp pain in his leg warned him of his fastened pace. Patience was not on his side today so he shifted his weight to rely more on his cane. He needed to slow down if he wanted to arrive at the Slat standing.
Those two last years have been pretty time-consuming. Pekka Rollins vanished into thin air. The Dime Lions left behind became stray cats. Roaming the city to find a place. All the gangs wanted to put their head in Pekka Rollins’s old crown and their feet on his desk, claiming the title of King of the Barrel high and loud. After all the trouble Kaz brought in the Barrel, he wasn’t going to leave any crumbs behind to pick after. He was going to make sure that nobody would become the next Pekka Rollins, the next Jakob Hertzoon. And it took a lot of work. A lot of bruised shoulders, a lot of persuasions, and a lot of transactions. Diplomacy wasn’t his forte. He preferred to leave that to what was left of the Merchant Council. By the end of last year, a lot of the members had been replaced by new ones. Roeder was still helping him keep tabs on all of them. Even if they were barely adult enough to take some serious missions, their youth, their desire to please, and their recklessness could become serious threats.
But right now, all of this could wait. He turned right in an alley and took the main one leading to the Slat. Kaz flexed his gloved fingers. Saying that he was nervous would be an understatement. He was completely frightened. Like a boy. Suddenly, fighting a Grisha drugged with Jurda parem didn’t seem so terrifying after all.
He crossed the hall and started climbing the stairs. He knew where she was. He composed himself before opening the door but when he did, the tiny bit of confidence he built after each step suddenly left him. He was right. She was there. He had forgotten how enchanting she could be, sitting on that window ledge, her legs dangling in the air, with strands of her soft hair around her face. Her beautiful dark eyes were closed and her long lashes were caressing her cheeks.
For how long had he stood there looking at her? Turn around. He turned his back to her and went towards the sink. He set aside his cane, took good care at removing his gloves, and put his hands under cold water. This simple routine helped him recover a sense of control.
“Hello, Inej”. His voice had been deeper than anticipated.
He could sense her presence getting closer. He finally dared himself to look in the mirror and his eyes met hers. Her gaze on him was so timid yet tender that, once again, he completely lost the ability to command his own body. How absurd it was of him to think that observing her through the mirror would be more reassuring than meeting her eyes directly.
His hands were freezing, still in the faucet. Neither of them were sure what to expect from the other. He could tell. But she will always have her place in Ketterdam. And she will always have her place near him.
“Hello, Kaz”. Her voice was like honey and he was ready to feed on every drop of it.
“You and your crew have a place to stay?”, Kaz said in a tone that he sincerely hoped seemed detached.
“I was hoping you could help with that.”
“I cleared the two top floors of the tavern that replace the Kaelish Prince across the street from the club. One for your crew, and one for you.”
“Are you hoping that after two years at sea, my men will fill the coffers of the Crow Club?” Her eyes were playful and so intense that he had to look away for a minute. Coward.
“I don’t need your men to fill the coffers. Plenty of pigeons have already taken that task very seriously. But who am I to refuse honest workers a seat in my establishment? What they do after is up to them. And you, Captain Ghafa.”
An honest smile captured her face while she looked down at her feet. He missed this. But mostly he missed her. Her presence. They could be talking or staying silent, it was her company that he cherished the most.
“I don’t need an entire floor, Kaz.”
“You can sleep in the broom closet if you like, but the top floor is yours”, Kaz said firmly.
No need to argue this one out. The two top floors have always been vacant. Many of the Dregs were curious about that. Kaz Brekker doesn’t do something for nothing. Especially when it can mean financial gain. The thing is, he didn’t owe any of them an explanation.
The truth, however, is that Kaz had always hoped Inej would come back to Ketterdam, to him, and he wanted her to have something more than what he was able to offer her before. That something was Sanktum.
Wraith Wrath - Chapter III

Inej wasn’t surprised that he was able to find her and her crew a place to stay so quickly. What she didn’t expect, however, was the name of the building he bought. Sanktum. Kaz Brekker, the one who loved to annoy her so much with his snarky remarks about her faith had called an entire establishment, which happened to be across the street from the Crow Club, Sanktum. Was this a joke? A small jab in the ribs for good fun? Or a key piece in one of his giant schemes? All he said, while vaguely pointing at all Inej’s knives, was that, at least, her Saints would have an appropriate place to rest.
The tavern was humble. The decoration was minimalist and modest. A few nods to crows were to be found in the tapestries and some ornaments, undoubtedly to make sure people were aware of who was the owner of this place. But a proper and respectable accommodation nonetheless which is a bit ironic in the Barrel and surely must have raised a few eyebrows. Even she was skeptical until a couple of rats ran into the lobby up to the stairs. Well, that’s more like it. The ground floor was packed. It was loud and people were rushing in and out. Most of them ended up stumbling toward the Crow Club, with the help of skilled steerers. Drunk, jolly, well-fed, and ready to spend the rest of their day gambling with what they have left in their pockets. One will be fool enough to doubt Kaz’s pragmatism. On the first floor, the rooms were small but more than enough for people who had spent the last two years sleeping in hammocks stacked on top of each other. As for the top floor, most of the walls had been destroyed, enough to give a sense of space but not too much for privacy. On her right, as she opened the door, she found a tiny desk, and on her left an armchair in the corner next to the window. She advanced a little bit further and discovered a tiny bathroom.
At the very end of the room, Inej found a four-poster bed with velvet curtains. This kind of luxury was extremely hard to find around here. It felt too much. Almost out of place.
She sat on it and remembered the last time she felt this way. Too much. Out of place.
Inej had said goodbye to her parents after only two weeks with them. She was more than overjoyed with their reunion. But the dreadful shadow of her past since her capture kept her from thoroughly enjoying it. Her parents had an idea of what had happened. Even though they were loving, caring, and comprehensive, there were still a lot of things they didn’t know about. Things that Inej couldn’t allow herself to say out loud. They didn’t need to hear this. To be haunted by the same ghosts as she was.
Certain words, smells, or pieces of clothing were enough to trigger her. She had dreamed so many times to be back with her family. Like nothing had happened to her. But she knew since the heist at the Ice Court that it wasn’t possible anymore. That she was different now. She couldn’t deny it or hide it from herself. She could either run from things or face them. Yet, every time they looked at her, she felt her skin shrink almost like she squeezed herself into an old leotard that no longer fit her frame. And she refused to let her parents see what was truly under.
So the first stop she made with The Wraith was in Ravka to let her parents go back to their lives while she continued her journey on her own. She swiftly encountered Nina there and they promised to write to each other as much as they could before their next reunion. She remembered Nina looking devastated and lost but still able to fake a smile. Between Matthias’ loss, her new powers, the pressure, and the startled look from her comrades, it must have been incredibly tough for her. Still, her eyes had a spark in them. They were glistening with hope. Hope she could change things. Truth is, she wasn’t going to change things. She was going to shake the world upside down and he will be better for it.
Everything they endured made Inej who she was today; all she could do now was move forward. Find a new purpose and a new meaning to her life. And she found it at sea. She belonged where the sky and sea met and melted into each other until the horizon vanished and they became one. It made her feel like she was floating and flying at the same time.
With a sigh, she finally lay down on the duvet covers. Her eyes caught the delicate golden threads forming little stars on the midnight blue curtains of the bed. It was beautiful.
She let her mind wander again. She didn’t know if she should talk to Kaz about the real reason that led her here. On one hand, informing Kaz of a threat in his city would be the right thing to do. But, she knew that Kaz wouldn’t let her do what she had to do on her own. She might be Captain Ghafa at sea but, here, in Ketterdam, he was King.
The sudden change in the atmosphere of the foyer alerted Inej of Kaz’s presence before a blow on the door with the carved crow head of a cane could.
It appeared to her that she must be the only one not to see Kaz Brekker at her door as a bad omen.
She jumped off the bed and made her way to the door. When she opened it, his amber eyes met hers directly this time. They glimmered in the sunlight that came from behind her, catching the rays like precious gemstones. He surely stole those as well. From either his mother or his father, she didn’t know. Thief.
She turned around and settled into the armchair while Kaz stepped into the room and closed the door behind him. His eyes darted from one point to another without ever settling on anything for more than a fleeting moment.
She knew that despite his ability to blend seamlessly into any environment while wearing his confidence like a cloak, he was never truly at ease unless he was in control. And yet, in that moment, she couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps, just perhaps, she held a small piece of that control herself.
As they stood together in the quiet solitude of the room, Inej allowed herself to savor the rare moment of intimacy between them, knowing that it was a fleeting luxury in their world. A world that was about to become a lot more dangerous.
Kanej || HOPE

masterlist // chapter 1 —>
He gently put his gloved hand on her shoulders. A sense of warmth flew through her entire body. She felt loved, protected. He made her feel worthy. He was everything to her. Being around him gave her a sense of comfort, she could never express into words.
The boy with the blazing pistols seemed to be drawn to the fragile heart. He had gifted her freedom, serenity......
Yet, he knew. He knew that she was only a mere figment of imagination and would slowly fade away. He knew that she was nothing but a sphere of illusion.
Kanej || HOPE

masterlist // prologue // next chapter —>
There was a knock on the door.
' What business? '
' It's me, Anika. '
Ever since Inej had left, Kaz had been alternating between Anika and Roeder as his new spiders. Neither were half as good, but he's had to do. They tried their best, but their best was not what Kaz needed.
Especially tonight.
Unwillingly, he had, weighed his options and sent both Anika and Roeder, praying for their safety. If only Inej had been here.....
His thoughts wheeled back to Inej..
He could have given her a reason to stay. He could have told her how she always managed to surge his adrenaline, make his heart thump...how she always managed to bring a smile on his face. He could have done so many things...
Sankta Inej.
She was his Saint.
The saint he worshipped every damn single day, Praying, cussing, Shouting for her to return. But you don't worship a living saint. She would never know his pain. How lost he felt without her. How much he loved her. He could have told her—
damn it! He could still write her. But formal letters containing information about the slaves were all he sent. Pages after pages lay helter-skelter in his study. Letters he wrote in the middle of the night calling her back, begging her to stay... telling her how he loved her... But he would never send them. If only, he could let go of his ego, his pride...
'Open the door, boss. I have got some information.' The voice jolled him from his not-so-pleasant reverie, back to reality.
'Focus, Kaz' , he willed himself.
'If I didn't tell you come in, there must be a reason. I don't hire impatient spiders.'
The voice behind the door tensed.
'Come in.'
The door creaked open, revealing a harrowed silhouette bearing the weight of a blood-stained, inert form in her arms.
Blood was slowly dripping from her lips.
Kanej || HOPE

masterlist//prologue//previous chapter//next chapter —>
The job had not gone as planned. It was far from perfect. It was a complete blasphemy!
On top of that, she had managed to anger the boss.
Great! Just amazing!
She could hear a distant murmur, someone calling her name, asking for her.
She dropped the limp figure on the floor, as she took a step back. The World was swirling around her....
"Anika, what happened?" Kaz could only fathom the worst, "Anika?!"
"Water," she croaked.
The explanation would come. First, she needed to steady herself.
She was walking down the lane, hood up, crouched low. The Dime Lions were rumored to have gotten their territory expanded to their old warehouses. She was supposed to sneak in on their conversations and find out which ones were being used. They were careful enough not to leave any recorded documents behind. She would be back within an hour. In and out.
"How did they know about Inej returning from Ravka?" Kaz rasped coldly.
"The latest slave trader intercepted by Inej, Volkov, Dreke Volkov, was one of their valuable assets. Dreke had somehow managed to communicate with them before being a prisoner of the Wraith."
"And they are planning what?"
"To hold her as a captive at the warehouse near the Van Eck Mansion."
"Does Jesper or Wylan know about this?"
"I don't think so," her voice quivered, "No."
"Umm, Kaz?"
Kaz followed her gaze to find Roeder waking up.
Game Night With The Crows

so @padfoot-lupin77 i am still a bit confused about the whole re-blogging thing (since i joined Tumblr, quite recently-) but the idea caught me and grew in me like the most resilient disease *starts blabbering about Inception* *please ignore* ... well, anyways .... here i am!
Hope you like it!!
Summary: The Crows take a break from their usual schemes to play a game of Monopoly, in which without a doubt, Kaz dominates.
The Slat was unusually quiet. The kind of quiet that always put Jesper on edge. Kaz was in his office, working through a stack of papers, while Inej sharpened her knives at the corner table. Wylan and Nina were huddled over some new schematics for a job, and Matthias stood guard by the door, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of trouble.
Jesper, unable to sit still any longer, wandered over to Kaz's office and knocked on the open door. "Kaz, we need a break."
Kaz didn't look up from his work. "A break?" he repeated, his tone flat.
"Yes, a break. You know, something to take our minds off the constant scheming and plotting." Jesper leaned against the doorframe, his usual grin in place, "how about a game night?"
"Yes! Monopoly, to be precise. Let's see who really knows how to make a fortune," Jesper suggested with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
Kaz glanced at the papers on his desk, then back at Jesper. After a long moment, he sighed. "Fine. But only for a couple of hours."
Jesper's grin widened. "Perfect. I'll get the others."
Jesper practically bounced back into the main room, where the others looked up curiously. "Guess what? Kaz agreed to a game night!"
Nina laughed. "You actually convinced him? This I have to see."
Matthias looked skeptical. "The demjin playing a game? I’ll believe it when I see it."
Wylan lan's eyes lit up at the mention of Monopoly. "I’m in. It’ll be nice to do something normal for once."
Inej smiled softly, her curiosity piqued. "I’ll play."
With everyone in agreement, they gathered around the largest table in the Slat, clearing off maps and blueprints to make room for the game. Jesper spread out the Monopoly board while Nina and Matthias brought waffles from the kitchen.
Kaz emerged from his office, looking slightly bemused but not entirely displeased. He took a seat at the head of the table, watching as the others chose their pieces.
"I'll be the thimble," Inej said, picking up the small metal piece.
Jesper grabbed the race car, of course. "Vroom vroom, here comes the winner!"
Nina picked the dog, Matthias took the hat, and Wylan chose the boot. Kaz, with a resigned air, took the battleship.
"Let's get this over with," Kaz muttered, though there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.
The game began with its usual mix of excitement and strategy. Jesper was the first to land on Boardwalk, a broad grin spreading across his face. "Looks like I'm building an empire!"
"Not if I can help it," Wylan said, eyeing the other properties strategically.
Nina and Matthias engaged in playful banter as they moved their pieces around the board. "You always pick the dog," Matthias observed.
"It brings me luck," Nina replied with a wink.
Kaz played with the same ruthless efficiency he brought to everything else, quickly accumulating properties and planning his moves several turns in advance. "Luck is for amateurs," he said as he landed on Park Place, solidifying his hold on the board.
At one point, Kaz bought up a whole block of properties, and Jesper couldn’t resist a comment. "Looks like Brekker’s Investments are expanding."
Kaz glanced up, "It's all about knowing where to invest your resources," he said, his gaze briefly flickering to Inej, who rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless.
His eyes lingered on to Inej...
Her quiet strength, the way she held herself with such grace and confidence, always struck him. Her dark hair fell in soft waves, framing her face perfectly. When she smiled, even the most hardened part of him seemed to soften.
She was more than just an investment.
Her eyes caught his, and for a fleeting second, the world outside of their little circle ceased to exist.
Her smile was like a rare glimpse of sunlight in the dreary streets of Ketterdam, and Kaz found himself caught in its warmth. He wondered —
Nina’s voice cut through his thoughts like a knife. "Kaz, are you daydreaming about Inej’s strategy or just imagining your next romantic move? It's your turn," she teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Kaz blinked, realizing he had almost missed a crucial move. He quickly rolled the dice and made his play, landing on a property he had been eyeing for several turns. With swift precision, he bought it up, adding another piece to his growing empire.
As the night wore on, the board became a battlefield of hotels and houses. Kaz, unsurprisingly, was in the lead, but the others put up a valiant fight. Jesper, true to form, made a few reckless moves, much to Wylan’s dismay.
"You’re supposed to be good at this!" Wylan exclaimed as Jesper handed over another stack of cash to Kaz.
"I’m good at making things exciting, merchling" Jesper replied with his usual grin.
As Kaz placed his final hotel on Boardwalk, sealing his victory, Jesper groaned.
"Next time, we’re playing something that doesn’t involve you bankrupting us all."
"We’ll see about that."
Even in victory, Kaz allowed himself a rare moment of relaxation, knowing that sometimes, even the sharpest minds needed a break.
Like???? Kaz???? Never???? Cried???? Once???? In???? The???? Books????
Can someone pls write me a fic where Kaz cries becuz-
*here comes the worse part*
When 5yrshave passed, and Inej hasn't docked to Ketterdam even once, he thinks Inej will never come back to him. They write letters but only about information on slavers and stuff (all formal and official letters). Kaz dreams about her every damn single night. So this one time after 5yrs, when the Wraith had docked and he got glimpse of Inej, he ran back to his *OLD* room in the Slat, locked the door but kept the window open and sat there trembling at one corner (he was getting an episode like he gets for Jordie when he comes in contact to skin). Then after Inej comes in through the window, he just completely breaks down into tears. She is just left dumbfounded becuz she has never seen him like this.
And then they kinda reconcile?
Well yeah, that's pretty much it...