Wesper - Tumblr Posts
Ya'll, do you ever feel like Kaz is severely underestimated? Like, yes his Crows rely on him and his wits, but the rest of the Barrel either sees him just as Dirtyhands or a child/youngling trying to steal their bussiness.
Kaz Brekker is ruthless, cold, cunning. Yes, we can't forget about Kanej, Inej made him softer, (Not saying that's bad, Kanej and Wesper are my OTP Ships) but like, he will not hesitate to do anything. Kill Oomen? No remorse. Have Rollins begging? No problem. Just saying.
Inej: "Kaz is so cold, like-"
Nina, out of nowhere, sipping her tea: "He likes you."
Nina: "Oops? Spoiler alert?"
Wesper Kid: Theres a small get together at school on Friday we need to go to
Wylan: How small?
Wesper Kid: Just you, Da, me and the principal…
Jesper: Great news!!! Ive replaced all my emotions with jokes
Wylan: Jes, We’ve talked about this
Jesper: *Huffs* Feelings are friends not foes 🙄
Day 2: Favorite Grishaverse Ship
"My runner, my runner, my man" - Runner, Alex G Tiktok
Visit @savethegrishaverse to see the full schedule for the week!
Wesper Headcanons, Because I Just Think They're Neat
Tw mild mentions of violence, allusions to trauma, brief allusion to sex but it's blink-and-you-miss-it
Jesper- local university dropout- is constantly surprising Wylan with obscure facts and a surprising amount of knowledge on topics Wylan himself had no idea about
Wylan constantly complains about the Merchant Council’s latest lunacies and Jesper listens in eagerly and gleefully joins him in making fun of his fellow merchers
Jesper left to Novyi Zem a little while after Rule of Wolves to learn to really harness his powers. He learns from the other Zowa and the trip helps strengthen his relationship with his Da. He and Wylan send letters back and forth (Marya read them to Wylan). Sometimes Wylan would take a boat out to Novyi Zem and Jesper would run across the harbor and kiss him like they were the main leads at the end of a movie or something. They spend a few days together at a time, with Jesper taking him sightseeing or showing him around his family farm. Jesper moves back to Ketterdam after about half a year and it takes them both a little bit to get used to living together again, but after that they’ve never been better
Speaking of Marya, her recovery takes a long time, and it looked pretty bleak at first. It was really hard on Wylan, who was still struggling not to blame himself, but Jesper helped them both through the whole thing. Marya also slowly learned to recognise Jesper and when I tell you that she adores this kid. She sees him as a second son and pretty soon there are almost as many paintings of Jesper hanging up as there are of Wylan. Marya is always looking up from her easel and chiding Jesper to stop fidgeting long enough for her to finish the portrait. Jesper grins sheepishly while failing miserably
They still bicker and banter a lot, but now it’s just used as means to pass the time and as foreplay
A demo man with a ridiculous amount of wealth and a little bit of battle prowess, and a now-experienced materialnik with a lot of battle prowess? Dregs weaponry has never been deadlier
Jesper occasionally finds that he cannot run from his trauma- from his mother’s death and his years of fear of his Grisha heritage and years living in the Barrel that manifest in terrible nightmares and the occasional reckless decision-making. Wylan instinctively wants to comfort people even if he doesn’t know how to, and tends to look at problems through the lens of the scientific method to figure out a logical solution. He patches Jesper up after he does something stupid and try to get him to open up, piecing together if he needs to get rid of anything that somehow triggered the trauma, and what coping mechanisms would be a lot healthier. He can’t always help, as dealing with trauma is never easy, but it means a lot to Jesper that Wylan’s willing to go out of his way to try. Sometimes something will suddenly remind Jesper of his mom and it’ll hurt, but reminiscing aloud on how she taught him to shoot or how and him used to steal his Da’s slippers while he was asleep will dull the ache, just a little bit. Sometimes he’s feeling stormy and off-kilter for some inexplicable reason, but Wylan just sitting next to him and handing him a mug of coffee will help him feel calmer
They attend a lot of plays and discuss them at length on the way home
Jesper waxes poetic about Wylan’s looks but Wylan is the exact same. He’ll zone off thinking about Jesper’s ridiculously kissable lips and gorgeous dark curls and stormy grey eyes. He is absolutely in love with his cocky grin and easy smile and wonderful laugh. Jesper compares Wylan to a fairytale prince in his mind, but Wylan compares Jesper to a dashing adventurer, a charming rogue
The two of them criticize the other’s poor decisions but never the other as a whole. One of them will get frustrated and call themselves stupid and the other will go “You’re not stupid, your decision-making was stupid. There’s a difference.” or “You made a mistake. The important thing now is that you fix it.”
Wylan flinches sometimes when the door slams too loudly or when someone yells out just a little too sharply. Jesper notices this and does his best to accommodate it. It gets better with time
They hold onto each other instinctively sometimes when they’re in danger, whether that be a quick hand hold or putting themselves between a potential threat and their boyfriend
Wylan gets jealous easily. Jesper finds this cute, and teases him endlessly
Wylan rises early because of his job on the Merchant Council while Jesper is more of a late sleeper. Jesper sometimes wakes to the sound of his boyfriend cursing as he puts on his clothes because he’s late for a Council meeting and laughs hysterically
They’re both excellent at schmoozing people- Wylan with his polite mercher manners and Jesper with his easy charm and years of experience smoothing over tensions and maintaining Kaz’s reputation
A lot of Wylan’s music compositions are inspired by Jesper. Jesper loves their prominent beats and chaotic, high-energy melodies
Colm visits them often “to make sure Jesper’s staying out of trouble.” That, and he misses his son. Jesper and spends his visits just shooting the breeze while they laze around drinking tea or spending time in the garden. Colm sometimes tells stories of Jesper when he was younger, and Jesper is embarrassed but Wylan finds the mental image of young Jesper toddling around with a fistful of sunflowers or trying and failing to ride a horse infinitely charming
They spend many evenings with Marya playing piano and Jesper laughing loudly before roping Wylan into a dance
Jesper worries sometimes that mercher life might start to get too monotonous for him but then Kaz digs a tunnel to his and Wylan’s house and invites him on heists sometimes, and Inej drops by with tales of her adventures, and Nina shows up out of nowhere to tell him she’s the Queen of Fjerda now and they’re both invited to her wedding, and he visits Novyi Zem more now that he’s not hiding anything from his dad, and the garden has plenty of set-up targets to shoot at. And he and Wylan are always testing his inventions or going abroad for business or calculating odds in their business ventures or just spending time together so he’s like Oh. Oh, I’m never going to get tired of this.
Kaz is sick and tired of dealing with Jesper and Wylan’s lovestruck antics, especially while Inej is off at sea
Wylan makes an effort to learn Zemeni customs. It goes without saying that Jesper loves this
“Merchling” never fades from Jesper’s vocabulary, but it’ now accompanied by “love” and “sunshine” and “angel” and “Wy” and “sweet boy” and “darling,” as well as a million Zemeni terms of endearment. Wylan uses “Jes” and “sweetheart” and “darling,”as well as a couple of Zemeni terms of endearment here and there
Wylan and Jesper are equal business partners but a lot of merchers see them as a mercher and his trophy husband. Wylan is rightfully enraged but Jesper uses that misconception to mess with them and also to his advantage, so he and Wylan have the upper hand in the dealings without the mercher noticing. It doesn’t bother him the way it once would have because why would it, when Wylan is constantly reminding him how amazing he is, and he’s got plenty of friends to back up the case? He’s still delighted when Wylan exacts a little petty revenge though. Eventually the merchers catch on. Jesper is hated just as much as Wylan is
They both get the idea to propose around the same time. Jesper painstakingly crafts a ring with his Grisha abilities, engraving the notes to a refrain of the Kerch wedding march into the gold. Wylan orders an expensive, custom-made ring with pearls embedded into the gold, vaguely resembling Jesper’s revolvers. One of them attempts to propose to the other first with a shaky rendition of the speech they’ve been practicing for weeks now, but the other interrupts them and pulls out their own ring. The two squabble over who gets to propose to the other first before Wylan gets the genius idea that they just propose at the same time. After they’re married, Wylan spends a lot of time brushing his thumb over the notes engraved on the ring and smiling to himself, while Jesper wears the ring on a necklace because he wants to keep it close to his heart. Also, Kaz is Jesper’s best man
my ranking of the grishaverse ships:
(top being my favorite, bottom being my least favorite)
genya and david
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ kanej fans, please don’t come after me. i feel really bad putting it that low, but it just wasn’t as interesting for me as the other ones. i’m not saying i don’t like the ship, because i really do love kaz and inej together. i just like the others ones better
i could have explained why i put all of them where i put them, but… words :/
tell me if i missed any important ones
Ehm wesper!?
Todays hot take…
The 3 most babygirl coded grishaverse men are:
1. Nikolai
2. Matthias
3. Kaz
edit: I forgot Mal, he’s #4 in babygirlness
I see you, and I raise you neurodivergent wesper conversations confusing the crows:
Jesper: Wy, can you give me the- the thing?
Wylan: Which one?
Jes: The one that does like- stuff
Wy: Oh, yeah, sure
Wy: Just gimme the thing so i can get it
Jes: absolutely
Kaz & Inej: *flabbergasted confusion*
Jesper: “You know…”
Wylan: “…yes?”
Jesper: “No, like… you know… like…”
Wylan: “Do I know… what?”
Jesper: “Huh?”
Wylan: “Are you having a stroke right now??”
Do you think Kaz would pull the “I didn’t know Wylan was the boss of you” on Jesper when he tells Kaz he can’t go and commit felonies with him today cause the husband said no?
Jesper : yknow, sometimes i feel like a child predator when im dating u
Wylan : ????
The infantilization of book!Wylan and show!Wylan really needs to be looked at.
This isnt a call out, or trying to hate on anyone, just an overall thing I've seen throughout being in this fandom
In the books while Wylan is a child he is also 16. People underestimate him into innocent and even younger. And while he is naive, this does not make him innocent. He has his own morals, own judgment that havent been ripped away from him yet. He is just trying to survive.
People use the "we could wake them up line" a lot snd I agree! But to also look at the full lines as well
Wylan gestured to the guards. "Is it safe to leave them, you know-"
"Alive? I'm not big on killing unconscious men."
"We could wake them up."
"Pretty ruthless, merchling. Have you ever killed anyone?"
"I'd never even seen a dead body before I came to the Barrel." Wylan admitted.
"It's not something to be embarrassed about," Jesper said, surprising himself a little. But he meant it. Wylan needed to learn to take care of himself, but it would be nice if he could do it without getting on friendly terms with death."Make sure the gags are tight."
This isnt him being ruthless. Its him being logical. He is taking what Jesper says to heart. Wake them instead of killing them unconscious. Which they do end up tying the soldiers to the pole and leaving. Him having morals shouldn't contribute to claims of him being innocent.
Wylan is worried about hurting people but will do so if nessecasry to save his friends. We can see this in the show and books. In the show he does not want to make bombs for Kaz, but does so in the end because he acknowledges he has to survive. He is worried about Alby, but goes along with the plan still.
All these are what makes Wylan, wylan. It is his fundamentals, his morals and idels. They are not however claims to see how sweet and innocent he is and how he was corrupted.
Ontop of this, while it is never y it is hevaily implied that Wylan is also autistic. (Also, correct me if im wrong please, but im pretty sure Jack did talk about this.) Autistic people get infantilizated already, and I've had my own fair share of this as well. ( I am autistic and have a learning disabilitiy, as well a speech impedament that I still struggle with.) I have to work harder to make sure people treat me as a twenty year old. Because that is my age, and there is a significant difference in attitude in how people treat me when they know im autistic, and when they don't.
And for Wylan, I feel like its the same issue. While it may not be intentional, ive been people coo over the fact Wylan has done simple tasks or teen experiences. Him having Jesper read to him, getting flustered when talking to him, Wylan not understanding social cues as well as others and taking things to face value.
You can be excited for him and think it's sweet, but to also acknowledge that there is a line between "Thats adorable" and "He's adorable." Wylan is someone who is neurodivergent. He was extrmetly sheltred as a child and was never given the proper tools to help his dyslexia, due to this he has struggles that shouldn't be overlooked or seen as "cute" when he experiences outcomes due to the situation he was in. Whenever he doesn't understand social cues, i.e., "Whos mark." People giggling and saying it's silly or cute when he doesn't understand the cues. That's infantilizating! You are viewing things he struggles with in the lens of watching a child understanding the world. Which Wylan isn't. He is a teenager, no matter the circumstances. His age should be understood.
This infantilization also effects wesper in how people view the two of them. Many people view black people as "older, the man in the relationship, rugged" while the white person is seen as the "women, younger, more innocent."
Infact, I think the show only worsned it for Wylan. As now there are faces to names.
Jack does have a youthful face, but still looks his age. I have a babyface and even now at 20 I look much older then I did at 16. The same goes for Jack. He cant control how he looks but because of his youthful features people only push for this racially hetaronormative mindset more between Wylan and Jesper (Even if its untitional).
Even Kit looks his age as well and has a baby face. He's 29 right now but was in his mid twenties during filming. Season 1 was filmed back in 2019 but due to covid post production got set back, and season 2 was filmed in the beginning of 2022. But why is it only Wylan who is infantilizated? Jesper struggles just as much with his ADHD and trauma as Wylan does.
Jack and Kit are only one year apart, the same in the books but still ive been Wylan be portrayed as the "poor innocent child who was abused." and Jesper as the "he needs to get over his addiction hes a grown man/ he's too mean to Wylan."
In society now so many black teens are seen as adults and treated as such, while white teens are seen as younger and not pushed so hard. The same can be seen for wesper.
Ive even seen people on Tiktok claim that Jesper was rude to Wylan and abusive. (WHERE???). Both Wylan and Jesper have said things that hurt the other, and they both apologized for it, and get grilled as well. In the show and books they learn and grow. The infantilization of Wylan doesnt hurt just him but plays into racial stereotypes and also microagressions. Why is it that when the white character is calling someone out its "deserved" but when the black character (who might I add had no idea) makes a side comment he is labled as cruel and abusive?
In so many shows and books the black character is usually portrayed as the joker character. Six Of Crows does this as well, which is something important to not ingore. Jesper is seen as the flirty joke character. However the only difference is soc also show more sides to his character by letting him be vulnerable. Letting Jesper show his struggles to the audience as well, how his neurodivergece effects him, letting him dress in skirts and bold colors that step away from the gender norm. So many times in media the black character is just there for shits and giggles, or is used as the villan/antagonist.
It believe its really important to understand this, and to acknowledge if your infantilizating him, or even using microagressions on Jesper unintentionally, then to learn to understand why and to grow from them.

(ac ; josketches)
Update this is how my bag looks like now yipeee 🥳

Closer look onto the badgeeees \>∆</ !! (android camera quality is total ass so sorry if uc snt see much 3:)

(Uhh credits to the awesome tfota and soc artists for this amazing fansrts 🤯 idk theres like too many fansrts form diffrent artidt on this back so yh 🗣️ )
please excuse that-
Hi ya'll!!
This is my MasterList ig-
*idk what to write here* but happy reading guys! Stay Safe and Have Fun!!
Kaz x Inej // Kanej
.•°HOPE °•. Prologue // Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // (discontinued for now)
Game Night With The Crows (The Dregs)
Zoya x Nikolai // Zoyalai
In Another Life (answered zoyalai au)
Headcanon divergence (answered zoyalai au)
Stay With Me
Helnik // Matthias Helvar x Nina Zenik
.•°Ghosts of our Past°•.
Prologue // Chapter 1 // Chapter 2 // Chapter 3 (coming soon)
Remus x Sirius // WolfStar
Beneath The Howling Moon
• Draco x Hermione // Dramione
Echoes of Silence
Hunger Games ~
• Katniss x Gale // Everthorne
Remnants of Ashes
Game Night With The Crows

so @padfoot-lupin77 i am still a bit confused about the whole re-blogging thing (since i joined Tumblr, quite recently-) but the idea caught me and grew in me like the most resilient disease *starts blabbering about Inception* *please ignore* ... well, anyways .... here i am!
Hope you like it!!
Summary: The Crows take a break from their usual schemes to play a game of Monopoly, in which without a doubt, Kaz dominates.
The Slat was unusually quiet. The kind of quiet that always put Jesper on edge. Kaz was in his office, working through a stack of papers, while Inej sharpened her knives at the corner table. Wylan and Nina were huddled over some new schematics for a job, and Matthias stood guard by the door, his eyes scanning the room for any sign of trouble.
Jesper, unable to sit still any longer, wandered over to Kaz's office and knocked on the open door. "Kaz, we need a break."
Kaz didn't look up from his work. "A break?" he repeated, his tone flat.
"Yes, a break. You know, something to take our minds off the constant scheming and plotting." Jesper leaned against the doorframe, his usual grin in place, "how about a game night?"
"Yes! Monopoly, to be precise. Let's see who really knows how to make a fortune," Jesper suggested with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
Kaz glanced at the papers on his desk, then back at Jesper. After a long moment, he sighed. "Fine. But only for a couple of hours."
Jesper's grin widened. "Perfect. I'll get the others."
Jesper practically bounced back into the main room, where the others looked up curiously. "Guess what? Kaz agreed to a game night!"
Nina laughed. "You actually convinced him? This I have to see."
Matthias looked skeptical. "The demjin playing a game? I’ll believe it when I see it."
Wylan lan's eyes lit up at the mention of Monopoly. "I’m in. It’ll be nice to do something normal for once."
Inej smiled softly, her curiosity piqued. "I’ll play."
With everyone in agreement, they gathered around the largest table in the Slat, clearing off maps and blueprints to make room for the game. Jesper spread out the Monopoly board while Nina and Matthias brought waffles from the kitchen.
Kaz emerged from his office, looking slightly bemused but not entirely displeased. He took a seat at the head of the table, watching as the others chose their pieces.
"I'll be the thimble," Inej said, picking up the small metal piece.
Jesper grabbed the race car, of course. "Vroom vroom, here comes the winner!"
Nina picked the dog, Matthias took the hat, and Wylan chose the boot. Kaz, with a resigned air, took the battleship.
"Let's get this over with," Kaz muttered, though there was a hint of amusement in his eyes.
The game began with its usual mix of excitement and strategy. Jesper was the first to land on Boardwalk, a broad grin spreading across his face. "Looks like I'm building an empire!"
"Not if I can help it," Wylan said, eyeing the other properties strategically.
Nina and Matthias engaged in playful banter as they moved their pieces around the board. "You always pick the dog," Matthias observed.
"It brings me luck," Nina replied with a wink.
Kaz played with the same ruthless efficiency he brought to everything else, quickly accumulating properties and planning his moves several turns in advance. "Luck is for amateurs," he said as he landed on Park Place, solidifying his hold on the board.
At one point, Kaz bought up a whole block of properties, and Jesper couldn’t resist a comment. "Looks like Brekker’s Investments are expanding."
Kaz glanced up, "It's all about knowing where to invest your resources," he said, his gaze briefly flickering to Inej, who rolled her eyes but smiled nonetheless.
His eyes lingered on to Inej...
Her quiet strength, the way she held herself with such grace and confidence, always struck him. Her dark hair fell in soft waves, framing her face perfectly. When she smiled, even the most hardened part of him seemed to soften.
She was more than just an investment.
Her eyes caught his, and for a fleeting second, the world outside of their little circle ceased to exist.
Her smile was like a rare glimpse of sunlight in the dreary streets of Ketterdam, and Kaz found himself caught in its warmth. He wondered —
Nina’s voice cut through his thoughts like a knife. "Kaz, are you daydreaming about Inej’s strategy or just imagining your next romantic move? It's your turn," she teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Kaz blinked, realizing he had almost missed a crucial move. He quickly rolled the dice and made his play, landing on a property he had been eyeing for several turns. With swift precision, he bought it up, adding another piece to his growing empire.
As the night wore on, the board became a battlefield of hotels and houses. Kaz, unsurprisingly, was in the lead, but the others put up a valiant fight. Jesper, true to form, made a few reckless moves, much to Wylan’s dismay.
"You’re supposed to be good at this!" Wylan exclaimed as Jesper handed over another stack of cash to Kaz.
"I’m good at making things exciting, merchling" Jesper replied with his usual grin.
As Kaz placed his final hotel on Boardwalk, sealing his victory, Jesper groaned.
"Next time, we’re playing something that doesn’t involve you bankrupting us all."
"We’ll see about that."
Even in victory, Kaz allowed himself a rare moment of relaxation, knowing that sometimes, even the sharpest minds needed a break.
Hear me out guys!!
Is it just me who relates every damn thing , however little might be it be, with the Grishaverse but mainly the Crows?
Like start from History, move on to Economics, Pol Science, English, and holy moly, even Chemistry!! I remember stuff with SoC and CK reference and always find a way to compare them!!
Inej: Isn’t it weird how we pay to see other people?
Jesper: you mean prostitution, concerts or movies?
Inej: glasses...
wylan: *hands Jesper bottle of
jesper: *drinking it* thanks but
what's this for?
wylan: Nina says you get thirsty
around me
jesper: *chokes on water*
Jesper: Wylan asked me what I’m into and I didn’t know how to respond
Jesper: Like, do I say Star Wars or being choked?
Inej: Jesper what the fuck